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What Seeds To Sow This Time Of Year


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Not sure if this should be posted here or in the gardening section.

I'm not a farmer, but tend a small piece of land for personal consumption.

I had a problem, dogs managed to get in and dug out many of my young plants, followed by ducks which managed to destroy a lot of the rest.

Now we are half way through January, I feel that it may be too late for many plants as the heat will soon be back.

I'm 25Km North of Khon Kaen.

Any suggestions from the experts here for what seeds are good to sow at this time of year?

Aside from that, has anyone had any luck with growing Flowering Chives? I've bought 2 packets of seeds and had no luck with them germinating.

Many Thanks


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I did have a problem with dogs and chickens but ground chilli garlic and pepper soon got rid of them, the next was ants, i planted a raised salad bed with cucumber seeds, next day they were gone, just little holes where the ants had taken the seeds, so i bought some trays and done it at home, planted out and all ok now, growing well,

Its still a bit cool so plant anything really, make sure you ground is lightened up with a bit of manure dug in, and water is avalable,

And perhaps buy some cheap garlic onion and ginger, crush it, boil it and use it to keep insects from eating your produce, and the dogs away of course.

Cheers, Lickey..

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