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Police Arrest Major Heroin Dealers With Evidence Worth 6.5 Million Baht

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did I say it is not harmful... where...please show me where I said this without quliafication?( hope you get my mean)

You mean like your post here:

stop this utter crap that all drugs are bad

some, like herion have nothing bad in them

they prmote like ( check it out if you do not belief

people- know your subject please!

you cannot can you?

Guess I can.

point to you- my bad English- but I think you know what I mean, although my fault for not being specific enough- again, my fault

I still say that so long as not abuse it will not the negitive, know many who do not, have great live's

seems many hate this fact, call me liar, and say I will say anything to support my argument, until one or two posters say same as me and iccur same wrath

although none will come and meet anyone... funny no,

"prove yourself"- they say " show us some evidence"

"okay, come and meet"- I reply

"no, you are mad, a stalker... a man, a tranny," etc

" you lie" "okay, put as tand, meet me, lets look at these lie's.."

any reply,,,, of course not, then I am a jasper....

I cannot win with you guy's

and I am not concerned to win....winning for me is same goal as you, no?

or I am not allowed to post as it seems I am looked upon as promoting ( or maybe because sometimes I cannot figue out how to!)

and excuse for that, but I did add without qualification, did nit I.... no??? that's my clause...guess I can use that..


if one read's what one well versed person in the English language says we have a clue to success

heroin use lead's to addiction ( I disagree)

then he concedes that this is not the case for all ( can be more own goal than that?and he is native English speaker,albeit a colony)

now, this is the key, the clue.....

WHY NOT FOR ALL? why some success, why some not

this is what we should look at

and within this I think may lead to an answer

listen, law's no law's... long sentences, etc, it will not stop, has not stopped

I do not the know what will work, I know what is not working- this! a policy of middle ground may be the answer

maybe not...

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just stop what...?

Stop defending a dangerous activity.

so, in one of my friend center's someone comes in and say " I take smack"

do we the advice that they are a lost cause? kick them out, book the coffin

that they are now a "junkie"

a really demaning term

that is really not something I agree, should I tell them

that there is no hope that they, if not already will automatically become f-ed

No. How on earth did you interpret what I wrote to mean that? Now you are just trying to twist my argument into something that it is not. At this point I am convinced that you will say anything (true or not) to try to support your argument. I therefore can not take much of what you say seriously.

surely Sir, for all "practical purpose's" we should look a very closely at this person's

for example, what cause's them to take

how much? what are the best way's to prevent damage

Yes, it may be useful to take a look at a person's specific case, if it is different in some significant way from all other people in the world. A decision that should be made by doctors, not you and me. I don't know how you take this and conclude that heroin should be allowed for recreational use.

Recreational heroin use is clearly dangerous, but if somehow all of your friends represent some tiny fraction of the human race for whom recreational heroin use is harmless (highly unlikely), how on Earth can you conclude that it is safe for the population in general?

Here is an analogy: There are a small number of people who have been shown to be immune to AIDS (not immune to HIV infection, but their HIV infections don't progress to AIDS). Would you take this information and suggest that we stop educating the population on safe sex practices, just because this small percentage of the population are not at risk of developing AIDS? Of course not. That would be ridiculous.

You might say that this analogy doesn't hold up, because those people are still capable of spreading HIV infection to others who are not resistant to the virus, and are therefore still a risk to other people. Well, I would say that your friends who use heroin are a risk to other people if they are encouraging others to use it also. They seem to have convinced you that it is harmless, and it must be pretty good stuff, if one of them has been doing it since his time in the Vietnam war. So if your friends have their addictions under control (they are addicted, make no mistake about it), can you be assured that everyone else who they spread their ideas to and share their heroin with won't end up ruining their lives after becoming addicted to heroin? After all, if society says its harmless, why not do it?

Ok, I'll humor you for a moment and suppose that recreational heroin use is harmless to a small number of people. Even if it is harmless to those few, it is unnecessary. Why would anyone needlessly addict themselves to a drug, burdening themselves with a lifelong need to supply themselves with it, and building up a tolerance to it, making it less effective if there were a medical need to use opiates? (There is cross-tolerance between all opiates, FYI.) And how would a person know if they are one of the lucky few for whom it is "harmless," until they have tried it a few times? Perhaps enough times to get a "normal" person addicted, and then it's too late for the majority of the people who try it.

automatically prescribing methadone is not always the right road, in fact I think sometimes it truly is the bad road

you guy's seem to mix my wanting to tell people that one does not automatically ruin their lives and there are way's out and hope, and damage limitation equates to- come on, lets all try the needle , it is not that bad.." FXXX that, my English is not that the bad is it

I strongly object to the lost cause theory and to close the door on someone wanting a middle road

but if you think I somehow promote because I have seen people who have not messed up then either not my english, or something else

I also did not suggest prescribing methadone (nor did Mr. Toad; reread his post again if you need a reminder). I don't know why you think that. I mentioned methadone once in reference to patients who are recovering from heroin addiction, but I stated that I did not count that as being recovered. Here is my exact quote:

(by success I mean cessation of all recreational opiate use, so not counting lifelong methadone maintenance)

Your English is not all that great, but I am not criticizing you for your English. For all I know, it may be your second language, and it is a difficult language to learn. However, if English is your first language, then you could use some work on your punctuation, and you could try splitting up your text into paragraphs. Those two improvements would make your writing a whole lot easier to read.

sorry for bad English I AM NOT DEFENDING IT! I understand that to win we must adopt new ways at the heart of which we must look at all the fact's

I say it will never stop, and so...oh I have said before many time's

sorry if I misread you....

no lie's from me- maybe wrong opinions, I will stand by anything I say- if anyone wishes to take me up on this

so far, no taker's

but thanks some nice info's

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