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Re-entry Permits No Longer Obtainable At Suvarnabhumi Airport

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Mods, please put this as a sticky if you aren't already aware of this.

Sunbelt, could you pl. confirm this?

Starting 15 January, Multiple / Single Re-Entry Permits shall no longer be obtainable at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Prior to your departure date, all applications have to be given in at Suan Phlu Immigration Office in person or via e-mail.

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Mods, please put this as a sticky if you aren't already aware of this.

Sunbelt, could you pl. confirm this?

Starting 15 January, Multiple / Single Re-Entry Permits shall no longer be obtainable at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Prior to your departure date, all applications have to be given in at Suan Phlu Immigration Office in person or via e-mail.

There is already another tread about this:


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