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Termites Eating Rubber Trees


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Growing 100 rai of rubber tree in the south, (Rawi - Ranong) since a bit more than four years, I'm presently confronted to a problem I can not get rid off, termites start to eat some of my trees. Any body knows what to do? Thanks.

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You might want to look at the other thread on termites. Also when my my wife has our Burma feeding the trees, a small amount of salt is added. This they tell me keeps the termites away. I'm just up the road from you in Ban Pra Nua, Ban Nai Rai. :o

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Hi Mosha, thanks a lot for the info; I will tell my wife's brother in law (he is looking after our plantation) to give it a try. Mosha, I'm working and living in Phuket and come to Rawi every two month, with your permission, I'd like to meet you, maybe on my next visit around mid March? can I ask your e-mail adress?

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I just spoke with the managing director of a large pest control company and his answer was that all the chemicals named in JerryPara's link: "Pests of Crops in warmer climates and their control" such as chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, malathion and others are all very harmful chemicals which are not or almost not used anymore. He recommended me to try one of his product, a milky liquid completely odorless which has to be diluted to 1/400 and poured over the area to be treated; with apparently 100% efficacity. The only problem is, when I ask him the name and the price of a gallon, he told me that he can not sell it, his company is only authorized to use it?? umbelievable!

the guy told me to try it and if not enough, he will kindly give me another liter or two!!!


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