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It may be that some of those that died in the Tsunami will be from International Schools across Asia who were on their Christmas holidays ... I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

This may not even be known until the new term starts next week and there are unexplained absences.

The challenge is how to explain this to other students and also how to help them deal with any resulting trauma.

I've put some links to educational materials and resources that may help with the 'education aspect' on the front page of www.shambles.net

There are also links to advice and resources related to dealing with stress and trauma at www.shambles.net/pages/staff/Trauma/

This is not, of course, just an issue with International School communities but also those in the public sector schools ....

Details of any other resources or advice to help families or communities cope with losses would be most welcome here ...


Edited by csmith
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