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Anyone Else Got Stopped ?

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This afternoon in Bangrak. Big police check point (from the BIB BKK).....'Traffic jams' both ways.....

Just when the car in front of me was waived by, my mobile rang and I picked it up.

Pulled window down and when the nice guy asked for my license I gave it to him. He then said please park over there and join the crowd. When I asked him why, he said it is not allowed using the mobile phone while driving..... :o

Took about 45 minutes until it was my turn to pay the fine (Baht 500) and I guess I was one of 200 or so others who got caught.

Must say all was handled professional and I only hope they do it more often......probably saves lives in the long run......( I did not wear a seat belt either, but got off the hook with that one).

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My wife called me when i was in the bar in banrak tonight. She said "i just got home and there is a police-checkpoint right outside our soi". (we live on the chaweng side of the ghostroad). She told me to not come home since i´ve been drinking!!! Like they would ever have a way to check that in samui, hahaha. Anyway, i went home just for the heck of it, got stopped and showed my thai driverlicence, i was drunk and without helmet (i know im stupid, dont comment further) and they said "go home". I think they were more after guns and drugs than missing helmets and alcohol intake. As far as i´m concerned ( i dont do drugs or carry guns) it was all for the good. Don´t bother me at all. Keep it up!

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it is very common to get fined in Phuket for using a mobile ( usally 1000 THB ) and not wearing a seatbelt ( 500 THB )

when i am in Samui i always buckle up and never use my phone when driving as i am worried for the fine

good to see they are implementing here

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My wife called me when i was in the bar in banrak tonight. She said "i just got home and there is a police-checkpoint right outside our soi". (we live on the chaweng side of the ghostroad). She told me to not come home since i´ve been drinking!!! Like they would ever have a way to check that in samui, hahaha. Anyway, i went home just for the heck of it, got stopped and showed my thai driverlicence, i was drunk and without helmet (i know im stupid, dont comment further) and they said "go home". I think they were more after guns and drugs than missing helmets and alcohol intake. As far as i´m concerned ( i dont do drugs or carry guns) it was all for the good. Don´t bother me at all. Keep it up!

I didn't say anything... :o

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it is very common to get fined in Phuket for using a mobile ( usally 1000 THB ) and not wearing a seatbelt ( 500 THB )

when i am in Samui i always buckle up and never use my phone when driving as i am worried for the fine

good to see they are implementing here

Only happens when BiB BKK is here. :o

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