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Jehovahs Witnesses In Thailand


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It is quite hard to be respectful when 2 to 4 times a month I had to stop what I was doing, get dressed, run down a couple flights of stairs and opened the door to JWs but my "no thanks" was still reluctantly respectful. This was back in NY.

Cancelling the "get dressed" part before you opened the door would also be usefull for keeping them away. :wai:


Its funny you mention that vagabond, Years ago a friend of mine got a warning phonecall from a neighbour down the street that the Jehovahs were heading up the street doing their thing. My mate instantly stripped off & when the knock on the door came, he opened it, standing there in all his glory.."He announced, "Thank god you've finally arrived, come in take your gear off the orgies already started". Whilst he did that he gave himself a little bit of a rub.

Anyway, needless to say they left in a hurry and it was a long time before I saw them in the street again & when they did finally return they hurried past his place as if the antichrist himself resided there.

replies like this just show me how dumb people can be,but like every one on this forum you are entitled to your opinion,but in my opinion it just shows ignorance.

I think Ive just wet myself :D:D:D:D

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I was visiting my son in the US. Bright and early one morning someone was knocking on the front door. My son told me not to answer it because it was a group of bible thumpers. I answered it anyways and invited them in. Just to clarify something. I'm not a big drinker and NEVER drink in the morning. We all sat around the kitchen table and before they could get started, I opened the fridge and offered them all a beer. They were quick to tell me that they don't drink alcohol. I acted offended and told them that we really had nothing to talk about because I don't trust people who didn't drink. I opened the door and they all left without saying another word. My son's wife was VERY embarrassed and my son had a good laugh.

not all people like to drink alcohol early in the morning and seeing as they were out going door to door it would not be appropriate would it,to partake.did you offer them tea or coffee.JW'S do not ban alcohol as part of their beliefs,many do drink,but the bible says to do so in moderation,individual jw's may not drink alcohol,but that would be a personal decision.

such a silly story you posted.

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Has anyone ever knocked on a Jws door and asked if they can chat?? I actually do like talking to them but only for about an hour just as they have me convinced i change my mind and go back to the Devil worshipping baaaaaaaaaa ok just kidding but I do talk to them, some of their women are very dishy............... Im sure its why they send them out though!

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As the OP I'd just like to point out that this thread isn't about Buddhism, it's about a vile religious group who spew & preach their obscene beliefs where they aren't appreciated. Either keep on topic, or shut up! :o

you are what..an OP???

I had to ask my bf what that was

how did you ever manage to swing that one?

a vile religious group...is that fact, or your opinion, I happen to think that misinterpretation of all religions, or most is vile ..

as an OP you should know better to say such rudeness, does that not allow me to say anything I like to?

you should know better than to say what you have just said

and would you like to tell me to shut up to my face? if so, lets meet, or it is you who had better shut up!

"OP" is short for "original poster meaning he started this thread. What in the world did your boyfriend say it was? :D

Edit: Don't know what happened with the quote thing.

Edited by twschw
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It is quite hard to be respectful when 2 to 4 times a month I had to stop what I was doing, get dressed, run down a couple flights of stairs and opened the door to JWs but my "no thanks" was still reluctantly respectful. This was back in NY.

Cancelling the "get dressed" part before you opened the door would also be usefull for keeping them away. :P

:jerk: :o

Its funny you mention that vagabond, Years ago a friend of mine got a warning phonecall from a neighbour down the street that the Jehovahs were heading up the street doing their thing. My mate instantly stripped off & when the knock on the door came, he opened it, standing there in all his glory.."He announced, "Thank god you've finally arrived, come in take your gear off the orgies already started". Whilst he did that he gave himself a little bit of a rub.

Anyway, needless to say they left in a hurry and it was a long time before I saw them in the street again & when they did finally return they hurried past his place as if the antichrist himself resided there.

replies like this just show me how dumb people can be,but like every one on this forum you are entitled to your opinion,but in my opinion it just shows ignorance.

I think Ive just wet myself :D:D:D:wai:


Finally, a man with a sense of humour! :burp:

BANGERS. :D .....I'm going to have to admit now, I am prepared to do an armed hold up to get the cash I have to pay you to RACK OFF and leave the threads alone. Whats your price?

Please get real BANGERS....So what if some scum bag in jail got a towling off a group of guards....he probably had it coming, what was he in there for, raping old ladies or killing school girls? As for the GOD BOTHERER's in jail disguising himself as a prison guard...his mates were probably sick to death of him forcing crap down their ears so they squared up with him & put some in his locker.

This world has so many DO GOODERS!!

Also bangers in previous threads you threatened everyone about having blood tests stating that you were not a drug user NOW YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEING STONED.....Get real BANGERS...You are the worst kind of troll....the kind that can't remember their lies from the previous thread.

This is about JW's attempting to force their views onto poor unsuspecting thai people....it has nothing to do with other religions or jails....PLEASE replace all your rants with logical & constructive comment. Thankyou!

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my God, I am not even English, is what I type that bad..please you English speakers study your language

what do I know? you seem to know me, share common ground? how... do you think I believe the stuff they put out

I ove those who do what is right, practice what they preach, have the testicles to stand up and be counted, and JW's do

and once again, my rant is against PEOPLE, not religions

people have f-ed up something misguided, but sometimes very beautiful

for example Islam is a lovely belief system, there is no sexual discrimination, one is strictly banned from acts of terror man added that to suit himself, but who gets the blame, old Mohamed...

man, his greed, his laziness, his ego is to blame for everything, not things like religion, and until we accept responsibilty and look at the truth we will stay where we are

Religious groups, do-gooders, criminal sympathisers - you've a lot in common, so obviously you're going to show understanding irrespective of whether you follow their particular doctrine or not. Do-gooders on my doorstep are just as unwelcome as Jehovahs Witnesses. :o


YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, SPOT ON. Well said, pass GO, collect $200 & move forward!

Thankyou for your injection of sanity & not being to affraid to call it how it is.

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I was visiting my son in the US. Bright and early one morning someone was knocking on the front door. My son told me not to answer it because it was a group of bible thumpers. I answered it anyways and invited them in. Just to clarify something. I'm not a big drinker and NEVER drink in the morning. We all sat around the kitchen table and before they could get started, I opened the fridge and offered them all a beer. They were quick to tell me that they don't drink alcohol. I acted offended and told them that we really had nothing to talk about because I don't trust people who didn't drink. I opened the door and they all left without saying another word. My son's wife was VERY embarrassed and my son had a good laugh.

not all people like to drink alcohol early in the morning and seeing as they were out going door to door it would not be appropriate would it,to partake.did you offer them tea or coffee.JW'S do not ban alcohol as part of their beliefs,many do drink,but the bible says to do so in moderation,individual jw's may not drink alcohol,but that would be a personal decision.

such a silly story you posted.


You really need to develop a sense of humour. Have another read of Gary A's post....it was a deliberate act not to offer tea and coffee....he could of offered tea and coffee & then they would of accepted & then he wouldnt of been able to say that he can't trust someone that doesnt drink tea and coffee.

GaryA is well aware that most people would probably decline the beer in the morning.

You walk such a moral highground.....and theres probably a high chance your a DO GOODER in disguise. Its okay, you can come outa ya closet.

Edited by neverdie
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I was visiting my son in the US. Bright and early one morning someone was knocking on the front door. My son told me not to answer it because it was a group of bible thumpers. I answered it anyways and invited them in. Just to clarify something. I'm not a big drinker and NEVER drink in the morning. We all sat around the kitchen table and before they could get started, I opened the fridge and offered them all a beer. They were quick to tell me that they don't drink alcohol. I acted offended and told them that we really had nothing to talk about because I don't trust people who didn't drink. I opened the door and they all left without saying another word. My son's wife was VERY embarrassed and my son had a good laugh.

not all people like to drink alcohol early in the morning and seeing as they were out going door to door it would not be appropriate would it,to partake.did you offer them tea or coffee.JW'S do not ban alcohol as part of their beliefs,many do drink,but the bible says to do so in moderation,individual jw's may not drink alcohol,but that would be a personal decision.

such a silly story you posted.


You really need to develop a sense of humour. Have another read of Gary A's post....it was a deliberate act not to offer tea and coffee....he could of offered tea and coffee & then they would of accepted & then he wouldnt of been able to say that he can't trust someone that doesnt drink tea and coffee.

GaryA is well aware that most people would probably decline the beer in the morning.

You walk such a moral highground.....and theres probably a high chance your a DO GOODER in disguise. Its okay, you can come outa ya closet.

neverdie i think i do have a sense of humour,but i did n't see Gary A's story as funny because really he was taking the piss by asking them in full well knowing they would decline his offer,and i thought it was a childish thing to do.I dont think i walk the moral high ground either,just one of common sense,and if you have read any of my replies to other threads you would know i like a joke as much as the next person.As for being a do gooder(what does that mean)does it mean someone who likes to do good,if so,then yes i am guilty of this.I will admit it is sometimes hard to decipher someone's intent by what they have written,and yes i can be found guilty of being too serious sometimes,but there is a lot of ridiculing on this thread towards people who follow their beliefs and live it to the full and who by going door to door hope to share it with others..........................i rest my case.

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It is quite hard to be respectful when 2 to 4 times a month I had to stop what I was doing, get dressed, run down a couple flights of stairs and opened the door to JWs but my "no thanks" was still reluctantly respectful. This was back in NY.

Cancelling the "get dressed" part before you opened the door would also be usefull for keeping them away. :P

:jerk: :o

Its funny you mention that vagabond, Years ago a friend of mine got a warning phonecall from a neighbour down the street that the Jehovahs were heading up the street doing their thing. My mate instantly stripped off & when the knock on the door came, he opened it, standing there in all his glory.."He announced, "Thank god you've finally arrived, come in take your gear off the orgies already started". Whilst he did that he gave himself a little bit of a rub.

Anyway, needless to say they left in a hurry and it was a long time before I saw them in the street again & when they did finally return they hurried past his place as if the antichrist himself resided there.

replies like this just show me how dumb people can be,but like every one on this forum you are entitled to your opinion,but in my opinion it just shows ignorance.

I think Ive just wet myself :D:D:D:wai:


Finally, a man with a sense of humour! :burp:

BANGERS. :D .....I'm going to have to admit now, I am prepared to do an armed hold up to get the cash I have to pay you to RACK OFF and leave the threads alone. Whats your price?

Please get real BANGERS....So what if some scum bag in jail got a towling off a group of guards....he probably had it coming, what was he in there for, raping old ladies or killing school girls? As for the GOD BOTHERER's in jail disguising himself as a prison guard...his mates were probably sick to death of him forcing crap down their ears so they squared up with him & put some in his locker.

This world has so many DO GOODERS!!

Also bangers in previous threads you threatened everyone about having blood tests stating that you were not a drug user NOW YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEING STONED.....Get real BANGERS...You are the worst kind of troll....the kind that can't remember their lies from the previous thread.

This is about JW's attempting to force their views onto poor unsuspecting thai people....it has nothing to do with other religions or jails....PLEASE replace all your rants with logical & constructive comment. Thankyou!

I do not lie...period, please prove/show me one single lie- just one- you can never ever do that, can you?I will not bother trying to place abet because you can and never will and use it against me

just one

come on, you have made a statement, prove it!

I meant for a test of hard drugs, which I have taken in the past,

not anymore was that request for a test not on the subject of smack-

and I was actually joking about getting stoned...now where is your sense of humour

and by the way,,, even if I had a blood test I could pass because I know how to mask it

please do not insult me unless you can back it up

and what is not constructive about asking people to be polite?

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An Aussie friend of mine invited the 2 ladies from the JWs into his house. Sat them down on his sofa, and sat between them. "Now then ladies what shall we talk about?" He said while at the same time putting an arm around each of their shoulders. He was never pestered again.

Strange that, because JW rules are NEVER to go into a house on the first call. They only go in once they start doing bible studies with the householder or their family. Trust me, my mother and whole family are JW's - I got out when I was 13 (47 years ago) and have never been tempted with their brand of utter nonsense. How can intelligent people believe this stuff? Not only that, their messages or teachings have been far from consistent and as the expectations of their audience changes so does their message. I wouldn't call them nasty or anything like that - just misguided and easily led. My nephew and his wife had a terrible time with them and so did my ex-brother in law. Thankfully they are out of it and my nephew hides from his family in my 2nd home in France. When I rejected the religion at the age of 13, I was confronted by the local hierarchy, threatened, pushed around and so on. Terrifying for a kid, but I never wavered. There are interesting websites on this religion..................just keep away from them, they find it hard to take 'no' for an answer!

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I often read your posts, some of which are very entertaining.

A do gooder, isnt what I would describe as a person who does good BUT rather a person who runs around sticking their nose in eveyone else business checking to see if the right thing is being done.

I do good in my world too, I have always considered myself a fair person & have never intentionally hurt someone. Having said that, if some grub gets belted by some prison officer in a jail somewhere, I don't find the need to run around and turn the world upside down worrying about it. Grubs get snotted from time to time, it keeps society balanced, I have legally snotted some myself, its all good but do-gooders seem to be overrunning this planet.

My point to you is I think GaryA was trying to tell these people who were annoying the occupants of his house that if they don't have a beer at 10am in the morning (which he new they would decline assuming they didnt drink) then he couldnt trust them if they didnt drink. Have you heard of the old saying "Never trust a man who doesnt smoke and drink"?

Anyway, good day to you SBC, fortunately your posts are normally much better than the rants of OURMANINBANGERS. One should always keep in mind that BANGERS first language is NOT english & therefore she does well to a level.

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An Aussie friend of mine invited the 2 ladies from the JWs into his house. Sat them down on his sofa, and sat between them. "Now then ladies what shall we talk about?" He said while at the same time putting an arm around each of their shoulders. He was never pestered again.

Strange that, because JW rules are NEVER to go into a house on the first call. They only go in once they start doing bible studies with the householder or their family. Trust me, my mother and whole family are JW's - I got out when I was 13 (47 years ago) and have never been tempted with their brand of utter nonsense. How can intelligent people believe this stuff? Not only that, their messages or teachings have been far from consistent and as the expectations of their audience changes so does their message. I wouldn't call them nasty or anything like that - just misguided and easily led. My nephew and his wife had a terrible time with them and so did my ex-brother in law. Thankfully they are out of it and my nephew hides from his family in my 2nd home in France. When I rejected the religion at the age of 13, I was confronted by the local hierarchy, threatened, pushed around and so on. Terrifying for a kid, but I never wavered. There are interesting websites on this religion..................just keep away from them, they find it hard to take 'no' for an answer!

RE: the NEVER above, I have seen JW's enter a house on the first occassion and take a seat....I especially know this was true because the house had just been built & the owner was NOT a JW & certainly did not want them there.....he thought they were there on business & they were seated for a couple of minutes until he realised his mistake. I have also had them enter my YARD.

Edited by neverdie
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An Aussie friend of mine invited the 2 ladies from the JWs into his house. Sat them down on his sofa, and sat between them. "Now then ladies what shall we talk about?" He said while at the same time putting an arm around each of their shoulders. He was never pestered again.

Strange that, because JW rules are NEVER to go into a house on the first call. They only go in once they start doing bible studies with the householder or their family. Trust me, my mother and whole family are JW's - I got out when I was 13 (47 years ago) and have never been tempted with their brand of utter nonsense. How can intelligent people believe this stuff? Not only that, their messages or teachings have been far from consistent and as the expectations of their audience changes so does their message. I wouldn't call them nasty or anything like that - just misguided and easily led. My nephew and his wife had a terrible time with them and so did my ex-brother in law. Thankfully they are out of it and my nephew hides from his family in my 2nd home in France. When I rejected the religion at the age of 13, I was confronted by the local hierarchy, threatened, pushed around and so on. Terrifying for a kid, but I never wavered. There are interesting websites on this religion..................just keep away from them, they find it hard to take 'no' for an answer!

RE: the NEVER above, I have seen JW's enter a house on the first occassion and take a seat....I especially know this was true because the house had just been built & the owner was NOT a JW & certainly did not want them there.....he thought they were there on business & they were seated for a couple of minutes until he realised his mistake. I have also had them enter my YARD.

I guess they are relaxing their rules a bit! I have a niece, incredibly beautiful girl, who is a full time JW preacher in Bolivia of all places. She told me that she always goes 'witnessing' in groups as safety is a huge consideration. I once had a JW call on me in Northants and she was just utterly stunning - probably the most sexy woman I've ever seen. But she wouldn't come in!!!

Edited by ianf
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I often read your posts, some of which are very entertaining.

A do gooder, isnt what I would describe as a person who does good BUT rather a person who runs around sticking their nose in eveyone else business checking to see if the right thing is being done.

I do good in my world too, I have always considered myself a fair person & have never intentionally hurt someone. Having said that, if some grub gets belted by some prison officer in a jail somewhere, I don't find the need to run around and turn the world upside down worrying about it. Grubs get snotted from time to time, it keeps society balanced, I have legally snotted some myself, its all good but do-gooders seem to be overrunning this planet.

My point to you is I think GaryA was trying to tell these people who were annoying the occupants of his house that if they don't have a beer at 10am in the morning (which he new they would decline assuming they didnt drink) then he couldnt trust them if they didnt drink. Have you heard of the old saying "Never trust a man who doesnt smoke and drink"?

Anyway, good day to you SBC, fortunately your posts are normally much better than the rants of OURMANINBANGERS. One should always keep in mind that BANGERS first language is NOT english & therefore she does well to a level.

ok then i am not a do gooder(IMO)i think bangers liked the idea that the JW prison guard did the right thing by his conscience possibly to the detriment to his own safety.one thing i will say about JW's they live the life they preach, but the sad thing is that it can have a really bad outcome to families where other family members do not go down the same path and that can be sad.

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It is quite hard to be respectful when 2 to 4 times a month I had to stop what I was doing, get dressed, run down a couple flights of stairs and opened the door to JWs but my "no thanks" was still reluctantly respectful. This was back in NY.

Cancelling the "get dressed" part before you opened the door would also be usefull for keeping them away. :P

:jerk: :o

Its funny you mention that vagabond, Years ago a friend of mine got a warning phonecall from a neighbour down the street that the Jehovahs were heading up the street doing their thing. My mate instantly stripped off & when the knock on the door came, he opened it, standing there in all his glory.."He announced, "Thank god you've finally arrived, come in take your gear off the orgies already started". Whilst he did that he gave himself a little bit of a rub.

Anyway, needless to say they left in a hurry and it was a long time before I saw them in the street again & when they did finally return they hurried past his place as if the antichrist himself resided there.

replies like this just show me how dumb people can be,but like every one on this forum you are entitled to your opinion,but in my opinion it just shows ignorance.

I think Ive just wet myself :D:D:D:wai:


Finally, a man with a sense of humour! :burp:

BANGERS. :D .....I'm going to have to admit now, I am prepared to do an armed hold up to get the cash I have to pay you to RACK OFF and leave the threads alone. Whats your price?

Please get real BANGERS....So what if some scum bag in jail got a towling off a group of guards....he probably had it coming, what was he in there for, raping old ladies or killing school girls? As for the GOD BOTHERER's in jail disguising himself as a prison guard...his mates were probably sick to death of him forcing crap down their ears so they squared up with him & put some in his locker.

This world has so many DO GOODERS!!

Also bangers in previous threads you threatened everyone about having blood tests stating that you were not a drug user NOW YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEING STONED.....Get real BANGERS...You are the worst kind of troll....the kind that can't remember their lies from the previous thread.

This is about JW's attempting to force their views onto poor unsuspecting thai people....it has nothing to do with other religions or jails....PLEASE replace all your rants with logical & constructive comment. Thankyou!

oh and by the way- that scumbag who had it coming was a recognized hero according to the British government for act's of bravery during a bomb attack

this scumbag was given 1 year youth custody by judge Luis maccreey in Winchester crown court in june 19 80 something

for going up to a man who had just raped his girlfriend, with 5 previous conviction for rape( which the court were not allowed to know about) and saying 'I am going to get you..' something like that

At the trail even the policeman in charge, DI Stephens of the Portsmouth police and us pleaded for a non custodial

wanna check this up neverdie? anymore about any of my non existant lie's- was this young man a scumbag, did the law serve its purpose here?

that why people like me exist

what a sad day it is when someone like this is a hero oneday, the next a 'scumbag' labled by someone who I thought would know a little better

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :o

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :D

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

Jeez mate,you're getting aggressive in your old age... :o I was wondering about that statement regarding you legally snotting someone.......How did you legally do this?hel_l,i got a pen knife in the hand one day for simply walking in on some wanke_rs knocking off some tools from my shed.I grabbed the machete and chased them,caught one and........! The judge didn't see it as self defence,and i paid the price.Two weeks later said scumbag shot dead a woman in a robbery.In Australia there is no such thing as self defence.Sad. :D

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :o

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

by the way, what is a troll, its a sort of goblin, why do you call me that? I think they are quite cute

and what is PM?

any police are welcome at my door, they have been before... and sent away ...let them come again-it worry's me not in the least

maybe I should add how basically powerless they are at some door..but oops, talking too much again and should not boast should I

( see post on TV how the police here are a joke, that they are the mafia)

the "hero' as hailed by your UK government, went to jail for threatening a known rapist,( 5 convictions)the court was not even allowed to hear that her had a record of 5 previous conviction- all he did was threaten him

and had been given a official police warning for the rape of this young man's lady

not everyone who goes to jail should be there- I am sure you agree

last night my swinging friends got busted at one of our party, wish had been there as I would of really kicked up- what a pathetic place this can be, I am almost ashamed

off to rescue them now..wish me luck

by the way neverdie, do you swing?

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :o

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

by the way, what is a troll, its a sort of goblin, why do you call me that? I think they are quite cute

and what is PM?

any police are welcome at my door, they have been before... and sent away ...let them come again-it worry's me not in the least

maybe I should add how basically powerless they are at some door..but oops, talking too much again and should not boast should I

( see post on TV how the police here are a joke, that they are the mafia)

the "hero' as hailed by your UK government, went to jail for threatening a known rapist,( 5 convictions)the court was not even allowed to hear that her had a record of 5 previous conviction- all he did was threaten him

and had been given a official police warning for the rape of this young man's lady

not everyone who goes to jail should be there- I am sure you agree

last night my swinging friends got busted at one of our party, wish had been there as I would of really kicked up- what a pathetic place this can be, I am almost ashamed

off to rescue them now..wish me luck

by the way neverdie, do you swing?

Hi,PM stands for "personal message",it's a feature of this forum.You can PM any member,so long as they have not blocked you.Personal messages cannot be read by other members,only the person it is sent to,it won't appear in the posts.But remember they can be read by "Super moderators"i believe,and you can be banned for abuse. :D

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :D

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

Jeez mate,you're getting aggressive in your old age... :o I was wondering about that statement regarding you legally snotting someone.......How did you legally do this?hel_l,i got a pen knife in the hand one day for simply walking in on some wanke_rs knocking off some tools from my shed.I grabbed the machete and chased them,caught one and........! The judge didn't see it as self defence,and i paid the price.Two weeks later said scumbag shot dead a woman in a robbery.In Australia there is no such thing as self defence.Sad. :D


You are incorrect. In Australia there IS such a thing as self defence, it is a one of the ' statutory defences' to the charge of 'Assault'. Actually chasing someone down with a Machette is not part of self defence.

If you were backed into a corner, with no option for escape & were in fear of being assaulted by someone, you have every right in the world to defend yourself. If you have other options it would be wise to use them first. (I don't know if that applies here in Thailand).

Bangers in the country you quoted Self-defense is defined as the legal use of force when a person believes it is absolutely necessary to prevent injury or death to his person.

There are also other statutory defences against assault, can you guess what they are?

Bangers please make sure you post factual information.

For your information I used to get paid to legally assault people....can you imagine that, I will let you dwell over thatone bangers.

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An Internet troll, or simply troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Bangers to answer your other question I do NOT partake in sexual activities in any form, especially swinging, I don't drink, smoke or take drugs.

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :D

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

Jeez mate,you're getting aggressive in your old age... :o I was wondering about that statement regarding you legally snotting someone.......How did you legally do this?hel_l,i got a pen knife in the hand one day for simply walking in on some wanke_rs knocking off some tools from my shed.I grabbed the machete and chased them,caught one and........! The judge didn't see it as self defence,and i paid the price.Two weeks later said scumbag shot dead a woman in a robbery.In Australia there is no such thing as self defence.Sad. :D


You are incorrect. In Australia there IS such a thing as self defence, it is a one of the ' statutory defences' to the charge of 'Assault'. Actually chasing someone down with a Machette is not part of self defence.

If you were backed into a corner, with no option for escape & were in fear of being assaulted by someone, you have every right in the world to defend yourself. If you have other options it would be wise to use them first. (I don't know if that applies here in Thailand).

Bangers in the country you quoted Self-defense is defined as the legal use of force when a person believes it is absolutely necessary to prevent injury or death to his person.

There are also other statutory defences against assault, can you guess what they are?

Bangers please make sure you post factual information.

For your information I used to get paid to legally assault people....can you imagine that, I will let you dwell over thatone bangers.

Um i'm not Bangers.Sorry :D

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An Internet troll, or simply troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Sorry mate,i was just trying to add some humour.......Didn't go so well :o

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :D

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

Jeez mate,you're getting aggressive in your old age... :o I was wondering about that statement regarding you legally snotting someone.......How did you legally do this?hel_l,i got a pen knife in the hand one day for simply walking in on some wanke_rs knocking off some tools from my shed.I grabbed the machete and chased them,caught one and........! The judge didn't see it as self defence,and i paid the price.Two weeks later said scumbag shot dead a woman in a robbery.In Australia there is no such thing as self defence.Sad. :D


You are incorrect. In Australia there IS such a thing as self defence, it is a one of the ' statutory defences' to the charge of 'Assault'. Actually chasing someone down with a Machette is not part of self defence.

If you were backed into a corner, with no option for escape & were in fear of being assaulted by someone, you have every right in the world to defend yourself. If you have other options it would be wise to use them first. (I don't know if that applies here in Thailand).

Bangers in the country you quoted Self-defense is defined as the legal use of force when a person believes it is absolutely necessary to prevent injury or death to his person.

There are also other statutory defences against assault, can you guess what they are?

Bangers please make sure you post factual information.

For your information I used to get paid to legally assault people....can you imagine that, I will let you dwell over thatone bangers.

Um i'm not Bangers.Sorry :D

Sorry, my apologies bangers, my apologies Trix, obviously I got a bit excited....i nearly pee'd on my chair and I posted things back to front, the first response being to you trix, you are wrong about the Aussie laws and second post to my dear beloved BANGERS. I have amended my above post to readdress my responses.

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :D

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

Jeez mate,you're getting aggressive in your old age... :o I was wondering about that statement regarding you legally snotting someone.......How did you legally do this?hel_l,i got a pen knife in the hand one day for simply walking in on some wanke_rs knocking off some tools from my shed.I grabbed the machete and chased them,caught one and........! The judge didn't see it as self defence,and i paid the price.Two weeks later said scumbag shot dead a woman in a robbery.In Australia there is no such thing as self defence.Sad. :D


You are incorrect. In Australia there IS such a thing as self defence, it is a one of the ' statutory defences' to the charge of 'Assault'. Actually chasing someone down with a Machette is not part of self defence.

If you were backed into a corner, with no option for escape & were in fear of being assaulted by someone, you have every right in the world to defend yourself. If you have other options it would be wise to use them first. (I don't know if that applies here in Thailand).

Bangers in the country you quoted Self-defense is defined as the legal use of force when a person believes it is absolutely necessary to prevent injury or death to his person.

There are also other statutory defences against assault, can you guess what they are?

Bangers please make sure you post factual information.

For your information I used to get paid to legally assault people....can you imagine that, I will let you dwell over thatone bangers.

Um i'm not Bangers.Sorry :D

Sorry, my apologies bangers, my apologies Trix, obviously I got a bit excited....i nearly pee'd on my chair and I posted things back to front, the first response being to you trix, you are wrong about the Aussie laws and second post to my dear beloved BANGERS.

Yeah,the whole defense thing was a bit tongue in cheek,meaning it seems like every time you read the news,some prick has got a slap on the wrist for armed robbery,yet all to often i see people who fought back going to jail,or at least losing everything they own to defend in court.

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you are the last person that should be hanging your head in shame, sorry i misread the jist of your post....afterall I agree with you BUT you will find that BANGERS Now really fires up.....didnt you know that all people in jail have been mistreated and the crimes misunderstood by the common people. BANGERS will go on wishing that the worlds crims were released so the rest of us can bar up our homes and continue to live in fear while scumbags and drug warriers wander around.

As for JW, I cant really work out what Bangers is trying to Say about Jehovas, perhaps she has been newly converted or was her point that JW's should be allowed to hastle the hel_l out of all us common people that just want to be left alone?? Im not sure, bangers??

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