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Jehovahs Witnesses In Thailand


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I know next to nothing about JW's, and I have never met someone whom I knew to be one.  But I do have a little respect for a group which tends to have fewer criminals than the population at large, and there have been a number of JW Medal of Honor Winners for action as stretcher bearers. A few of those citations are mind-boggling.

And, like Mormans and missionaries of other denominations and religions, I have no problem with people going to other places and trying to explain their beliefs.  If someone truly feels he or she has found truth, I would think they would want to share that truth.

Now, if the JW missonaries are as pushy as some people here say, then that is another thing.  Coming on my property and sticking his foot in the door so I can't close it goes beyond any normal boundary of social interaction.  But spouting their beliefs at Nana, as one poster related, so what?  You don't have to listen, after all. 

I do know quite a bit about Latter Day Saints, though, having had a roommate who was a Morman and having gone to a multitude of Morman parties while I was supposedly restricted to the school grounds or the immediate vicinity.  And i have let a few Morman missionaries into my home where I enjoyed asking them tough questions pertaining to their beliefs (at the time, for example, only white men were deemed capable enough to serve as priests (church officials, not like a Roman Catholic priest)) or their history, (like the Moutnain Meadows Massacre.)   I enjoy a good discussion, and I rather enjoyed stumping them.  But if I ever told a Morman no, I didn't want to talk, they would merely hand me a pamphlet, thank me, and leave.

Without really knowing what they believe, I do not resent and JW his or her beliefs.  And I do not care if they travel as missionaries. If they come to my house and I ask them to leave, if they don't. I am just going to close the door (althougth I have to laugh at a few of the refusals listed in some of these posts.)

But words such as "vile" to describe them seem a little harsh to me.

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Many many years ago they used to call at my home. My mother was a high school teacher and in her day teachers also had to teach bible studies and they had training and education for this purpose. Mum knew bible very well.

Mum never let them in the house, and was never actually rude to them.

She would let them ramble on about a certain paragraph and ask them to deeply clarify their interpretation of the words. Then she would say; 'Yes but in another paragraph (and she would quote which part of the bible and quickly find the page) it says ........... which would conflict with or disprove their original claim.

Their visits soon tapered off.

In term of Thailand, perhaps about 18 years ago there were many complaints about them visiting inexpensive apartment blocks in the Lad Prao area, and when the door was opened they would rush inside and wouldn't leave. And as already mentioned they can usually speak and read Thai at an advanced level.

I can recall it made newspaper headlines when the local police chief had then rounded up and taken to his station, and gave them a final warning 'any more complaints and I'll have you all rounded up and instantly deported'.

I find this v hard to believe. I was brought up as a JW, rejected it then as I reject it now - but - they knew the bible! NOBODY could defeat them by quoting the bible, it was their life - they devoted themselves to it. It would have to be a v new member who couldn't quote chapter and verse with anyone else!

You can argue with reason and logic, but their end argument is 'you have to have faith'. (Like all religions)

Personally I have zero tolerance for this argument, but my tolerance level falls below this for those that say that argue that JW's don't know the bible!!

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  • 1 year later...

Nope, can't be bothered to listen to their nonsense.

If you don't know what they have to say, how can you call it "nonsense". Open your eyes and your mind to something new and refreshing.

Edited by cdnvic
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