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A Week 'til Superbowl... Where's The Best Place To Watch?


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Where's the best place to watch the Superbowl in Chiang Mai? By best I mean a good sized TV, preferably has the broadcast with English, rather than Thai commentary. Also, seeing as it will be very early in the morning 6:00ish, a place with a decent breakfast.

Does anyone know if Tusker's will be opening early to show it. I'm not sure if they show American sports. I tried to watch some MLB Playoffs there this year and the girls had no clue what baseball was and had to ask the guy in back, in which he said they didn't have.

How about Mad Dog?

Any suggestions on the best place to watch would be appreciated. Home is not an option this year as my Apartment doesn't carry the channel (plus last year the Thai announcers drove me crazy).

Thanks in advance:-)

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I was chatting to some American guys in the bar last night and they were keen to watch the game at Tuskers.

If I am guaranteed a minimum of 20 people and they all pay 150baht for a breakfast then I will happily open. But I do need the minimum numbers to make it worthwhile so if you are definitely up for watching it at Tuskers PM me and I will see what kind of numbers we get.

I will need to know by Wednesday at latest.

Hopefully we can get it on :o

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I was chatting to some American guys in the bar last night and they were keen to watch the game at Tuskers.

If I am guaranteed a minimum of 20 people and they all pay 150baht for a breakfast then I will happily open. But I do need the minimum numbers to make it worthwhile so if you are definitely up for watching it at Tuskers PM me and I will see what kind of numbers we get.

I will need to know by Wednesday at latest.

Hopefully we can get it on :o

I doubt it will be on ESPN. Thy have it listed on NBC exclusively. ESPN has pre-game stuff starting at 10AM.

Wikianswers.com has: Super Bowl XLIII (43) is scheduled for February 1, 2009 in Tampa, Florida.

Kick off is expected to be around 6:28 p.m. EST.

So if you can get it we would have to be there at 6:27 a.m. (Ouch ) If I am correct ?

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They were Canadian guys, not Americans last night :D As far as I know, one of the guys has been recruiting people to Tuskers for the morning event.

My sincerest apologies :o Shocking bad form on my part.

I have had a few PM's but we are still a way short so sign up if you want to watch the game

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They were Canadian guys, not Americans last night :D As far as I know, one of the guys has been recruiting people to Tuskers for the morning event.

My sincerest apologies :o Shocking bad form on my part.

I have had a few PM's but we are still a way short so sign up if you want to watch the game

No need to apologize, half of the guys were Americans. Earlofwindmere probably won't even come so, again, no apology needed.

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Does anyone know if a Bar or Restaurant will TAPE the game and then play it in the evening :-) going to a place at 06:30am to watch football... hmmm.... not for me.

I want to eat chicken wings... pizza... chips... and drink beer. :-) Not the best thing to do at 06:30am... and watching the big game and eating Ham and Eggs... just does not seem right to me :-)

I am happy not to see it in the morning... not watch the news and go to a SUPERBOWL party in the evening... where you can really enjoy it.

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I doubt it will be on ESPN. Thy have it listed on NBC exclusively. ESPN has pre-game stuff starting at 10AM.

Wikianswers.com has: Super Bowl XLIII (43) is scheduled for February 1, 2009 in Tampa, Florida.

Kick off is expected to be around 6:28 p.m. EST.

So if you can get it we would have to be there at 6:27 a.m. (Ouch ) If I am correct ?

Obviously you don't know how it works. NBC has the rights exclusively in the U.S.A. NBC is an American network and is not a channel in Thailand. For other countries, other channels show it. The rights are bid on in each country or region separately. It will be on ESPN as usual I believe, as they have the rights for Thailand. Yes, they do have CNBC in Thailand, but they will not show it on that channel, as it's a business channel, but most importantly they did not buy the rights for Thailand. ESPN usually shows it for Southeast Asian countries. Understand?

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The Chiang Mai Saloon branch inside the moat (Ratwithi Road) is advertising a Superbowl party. 99THB breakfast buffet and 69THB Bloody Marys.


Bloody Mary's at 6-30 am?

Ooops, I forgot that CM American's are 12 hours behind. :o

PS. Any particular significance between Bloody Mary's and The Superbowl?

Enjoy the game :D

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The Chiang Mai Saloon branch inside the moat (Ratwithi Road) is advertising a Superbowl party. 99THB breakfast buffet and 69THB Bloody Marys.


Bloody Mary's at 6-30 am?

Ooops, I forgot that CM American's are 12 hours behind. :o

PS. Any particular significance between Bloody Mary's and The Superbowl?

Enjoy the game :D

Nah, no significance. More to do with the time of day. Bloody Marys are *supposed* to be a hangover cure. Lil hair of the dog mixed with some veggies...

Also see Mimosas served quite abit during that time of day.

As far The Superbowl and drinking go, in the US its usually associated with Bud Light or Miller Lite while eating pizzas, peanuts, potato chips and pretzels.

P.S. I know most non-Americans despise light American beer, it doesnt have flavor/tastes like piss, yada-yada-yada.. please spare me the flames! :D

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Hey.... even some Americans DESPISE Light American Beer.... :-) I got spoiled living in Easter Europe for 7 years.

All all these Superbowl parties going on at 06:00 am... or did anyone get smart and going to tape the game and have an afternoon or evening party... so we can drink beer.. eat pizza... hamburgers... and potato chips :-)

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Amen to that... Budweiser i think is the worst beer on the planet :-) and then after that is COORS! Horrible... actually... i cant think of one national brand American beer that is tasty... only ones are Local Brews... Like RED OAK in North Carolina... Sierra Nevada Ale.... or perhaps FAT TIRE.

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Somewhat back on the subject --

The choices seem to be:

CM Saloon (open at 5:30 -- get there early if you want breakfast)

The Pub (open at 6:00am)

UN Irish Pub (rerun Monday night)

I assume Tuskers is not open Monday morning? That would have been my choice but I didn't read this thread til today.

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The Chiang Mai Saloon branch inside the moat (Ratwithi Road) is advertising a Superbowl party. 99THB breakfast buffet and 69THB Bloody Marys.


FINALLY!! Somebody with some knowledge! THANKS!

Another CANADIAN here who wants to watch the game live, but can't find a place to do so.

I'm always amazed at how little interest there is for Thai pub/restaurants to show the game live. We get a steady diet of super bore soccer add nauseum, with such exciting scores of 0-0. It's a choice of that or 5 day cricket where nobody really knows the score. Or, we even an exciting game of darts on TV. At least in Pattaya there are a few sports bars that show North American sports.

I only have one more request... Just where are the bars in relationship to the Thai Pei gate, other well known landmark? I've got my own bike and know my way around inner Chiang Mai fairly well, but I don't remember the names of all the smaller streets. Maybe I'll just have to ask a Tuk Tuk driver to take me a couple days before the game. I have no trouble getting up at 5AM. That's the time I usually go to bed.

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I would guess the local Thai Pub/Restaurants don't show interest in the LIVE game... because it is at 06:30 in the morning... they are all drunk from the night before :-)))

And the fact that you have American's like me that love to watch the game... but come on... going to a pub at 05:30 - 06:00 am... :-(

The UN IRISH PUB RERUN sounds good :-)

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I'm a Brit but I do enjoy American football especially the superbowl.

A couple of seasons ago I deliberately avoided all news broadcasts and contact to watch a recording of the game in a pub. True to form, there were a bunch of people there who kept shouting "now watch this throw" and 'now watch this tackle etc"...completely spoiled it for me and I have never bothered watching it either live or recorded since.

I hope Sandy puts up a sign 'Please do not disclose the score' or have someone on the door warning people against it on pain of death. :o

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I'm always amazed at how little interest there is for Thai pub/restaurants to show the game live. We get a steady diet of super bore soccer add nauseum, with such exciting scores of 0-0. It's a choice of that or 5 day cricket where nobody really knows the score. Or, we even an exciting game of darts on TV.

oh dear. any chance you could explain why the north american set call it 'football' when the pigskin spends the majority of its time in the players' hands?

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I'm always amazed at how little interest there is for Thai pub/restaurants to show the game live. We get a steady diet of super bore soccer add nauseum, with such exciting scores of 0-0. It's a choice of that or 5 day cricket where nobody really knows the score. Or, we even an exciting game of darts on TV.

oh dear. any chance you could explain why the north american set call it 'football' when the pigskin spends the majority of its time in the players' hands?

Here is a funny quote....

Similar to the story of basketball, American Football was a sport invented by US citizens when they reached the end of a big long list of sports played the world over (Inbred european football, rugby etc) and realised that they were in actual fact great at them all. So as usual in American culture, instead of practicing these sports, they thought it might be better for the rest of mankind to come up with their own. They also added body armour to protect their muscular bodies that delivered harder hits than any pussy forigners, but since football requires such a high IQ and understanding, many europeans truly suck ass at the game and don't even try to play it because they are content with playing their stupid ass soccer. Like the rest of American sports, American Football's goal is to have 1823 advertising breaks per quarter so that Americans can keep being the most wealthiest race on earth. The Americans think they are great at this sport and quite frankly they are, but they arent as good as Australia.

In fact, when they were deciding a name, they couldn't think of one, so they stole the name Football instead, causing a worldwide confusion which they anticipated, but proceeded with anyway. Many critics have argued that the game really has little to do with the foot touching the ball, but organizers spat on the critics and called them communists.

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Americans used to play rugby. Full name for the rugby they played: Rugby FOOTBALL Union (may not have had union at the end then). Hence when they modified the game to create American football they called it football. When soccer became popular they couldn't call it football (seeing as they already had something called football) so they looked at the full name of soccer: A'soc'ciation Football. I don't know why, but they took the soc from association and called it soccer.

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