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What Makes Thailand So Romantic?


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all you need is cash

All you need is cash... (I put it on the song all you need is love - Beatles) and the rhythm is cool!! Yeah, yeah… I’m bored.. :D Anyways, fun to read the excuses of why is like this here and why isn’t like that on the west or how similar we can be…. No? More than asking about the money is the gap of age here, at least in western you don’t see it like here where unluckily is ANYTHING for the money. Or see those 20 year old boys with 70 years old man. I noticed it doesn’t shock me any longer, a friend who is visiting was saying to me the other day in out PatPong adventure tour “Oh my… I’m about to puke!!!!!! This is disgusting!” while looking this 70 years old foreigner touching a 20 something years old bottom and grabbing the boobs of the other which was totally a lady boy. And I was like... aww, you see this a lot here girl :D

You come from Santiago, Chile, and you don't appear to have a clue, I'm surprised at that ? :o

I gather your friend who was so shocked does not come from any South American country also, where prostitution is rife, including child prostitution which has plagued south American countries as it has poorer Asian countries for a long time.

I speculate you have never been at least In Chile my dear. I can't say there aren't prostitutes or lady boys but you DONT SEE THEM IN THE STREET like birds. I bet you are just an old guy who loves his life here because you can get some. I been here 5 years, and coming to Asia, in particular to Thailand since 10 (I’m 27) so... I pretty much know what I’m talking about. I guess you don't or you enjoy it so much that you are just trying to justify your disgusting self with stupid things like trying to offend me by using my country. Be a bit more educated and read first about what you are talking about, because in My country things like here DONT happen. Have you ever been in Chile at all? O_o we are more hi tech than many European countries, and with a very good economy to be selling young girls to old bastards. :D read more, talk less. Or just simple go and bang a prostitute and don’t feel guilty about it; Moron. And yes, unluckily there are other countries around South America that aren’t so fortunate, and can have more population working as a dealers or prostitutes, but you may know that is mostly Central America. As I said before, READ. Same as your contry those things usually happen in dark places where no one can really see them, because is something to be ashame of and not a full house party, day, night, EVERYWHERE.

That’s one of the worst things being a normal person here, have to go to places (even expensive ones) and see all this crap of old fags and prostitutes everywhere. But for sure thats great for your type. :D

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Its like how people say prostitution exists everywhere. It does, just not the way it does in Thailand.

If you mean that hordes of sex tourists who could never afford to be a sex tourist in their own countries flock to Thailand to exploit the cheap prices, I'll agree with you.

I don't quite get what your point is in this thread, you come to a developing SE ASian country , one that western men flock to for ' Tourism" yet you put Thailand down for that reason, why ?

Why can't you understand that if Thai women were in the same financial siuation as women from developed countries, then Thailand wouldn't be a sex tourist desination, is that so fookin' hard to understand ?

Are you the type of guy that would crash land in The Amazonian Rain forrest, be the only survivor, be saved by the lost tribe, then go on an internet forum slagging them off cos they don't quite fit into your own very small minded mindse by walking around half naked ?

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Maigo, clear and accurate points, although a tad harsh on both men and women. Its not really that women want just money, they want security (and often money can provide that). Also, when men have money, they feel more confident, another element that attracts women, and they feel happier (usually), and women like men who can make them smile and have a sense of humour. As you astutely said, depending on each country, a man can be viewed as either rich or poor. So a poor man in the west may have a lack of confidence plus a lot more competition for attractive desirable women, but when he arrives in a poorer economy he probably feels more confident, feels more carefree and happy, has more spending power, so in turn attracts women easier than in the west. (Although if the girl is really just looking for a sugar-daddy in the short-term, then sure, she probably only really cares about your money, and doesnt care how old or how bad you look/smell/etc)

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I speculate you have never been at least In Chile my dear.

Then you would be totally wrong.....


Have you? then.. you should know the most comon word in there. you hear it EVERYWHERE.. and is a slang :D

do you know? Is short and easy. NEXT!


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Maigo, clear and accurate points, although a tad harsh on both men and women. Its not really that women want just money, they want security (and often money can provide that). Also, when men have money, they feel more confident, another element that attracts women, and they feel happier (usually), and women like men who can make them smile and have a sense of humour. As you astutely said, depending on each country, a man can be viewed as either rich or poor. So a poor man in the west may have a lack of confidence plus a lot more competition for attractive desirable women, but when he arrives in a poorer economy he probably feels more confident, feels more carefree and happy, has more spending power, so in turn attracts women easier than in the west. (Although if the girl is really just looking for a sugar-daddy in the short-term, then sure, she probably only really cares about your money, and doesnt care how old or how bad you look/smell/etc)

Any time now you'll believe this rubbish! Thai women love farang 'cos they're so confident..... yeah, right....

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That’s one of the worst things being a normal person here, have to go to places (even expensive ones) and see all this crap of old fags and prostitutes everywhere. But for sure thats great for your type. :D

Oh the beauty of an anonymous internet forum where one can abuse people and have no repercussion.....lol.

If you're so fookin' normal ( whatever the <deleted> that means ), and you find that Thailand does not agree with you, why would a normal person put themselves in a situation they find disagreeable ?

I never do, if I don't like something, I don't do it, simple as that, what makes you so stupid to do the opposite ?

I ain't gonna get into a fight with you cos you ain't got any ammunition, just be aware that your own small world means nothing to anybody but you, and don't call me dear, you sound like my mother.

My guess, you're a Female and nobody takes any notice of you in Thailand except Thai guys so you spit venom at western men...am I right ? :o

Popcorn, I think I love you :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Maigo, clear and accurate points, although a tad harsh on both men and women. Its not really that women want just money, they want security (and often money can provide that). Also, when men have money, they feel more confident, another element that attracts women, and they feel happier (usually), and women like men who can make them smile and have a sense of humour. As you astutely said, depending on each country, a man can be viewed as either rich or poor. So a poor man in the west may have a lack of confidence plus a lot more competition for attractive desirable women, but when he arrives in a poorer economy he probably feels more confident, feels more carefree and happy, has more spending power, so in turn attracts women easier than in the west. (Although if the girl is really just looking for a sugar-daddy in the short-term, then sure, she probably only really cares about your money, and doesnt care how old or how bad you look/smell/etc)

So, are you saying that woman are not prepared to love an unestablished man and work hard with him to build a future together?

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It's the way of the world.

What you describe is not at all common, and it has nothing to do with there being less rich men in Japan or elsewhere.

What about all these 24 hour marriage websites? It has become so common here, that like I said, it is its own sub culture.

So what you are saying is that money does not come into the equation ?

It is socially accepted here and encouraged among large sectors of society (namely Isaan).

Rich older men with younger women exist everywhere, but those rich men living in places other than Thailand are still much less likely to be doing so, and its not just because there are not enough poor women available. Can you not comprehend that? In West Palm Beach, for example, you go to the grocery store and all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.

So again, no it is not as common everywhere else by proportion to the number of 'rich' men in other countries.

I expect you to come back with the same response, but lets just hope maybe not...

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Strange really.

I find the more money I have, the more romanic things get.

Before anyone rushes out to find a Thai wife, check out the following and think again.


A touch over the top! I agree that they're only after the money, but the majority have no idea of the legal rights they have in the West.

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Maigo, clear and accurate points, although a tad harsh on both men and women. Its not really that women want just money, they want security (and often money can provide that). Also, when men have money, they feel more confident, another element that attracts women, and they feel happier (usually), and women like men who can make them smile and have a sense of humour. As you astutely said, depending on each country, a man can be viewed as either rich or poor. So a poor man in the west may have a lack of confidence plus a lot more competition for attractive desirable women, but when he arrives in a poorer economy he probably feels more confident, feels more carefree and happy, has more spending power, so in turn attracts women easier than in the west. (Although if the girl is really just looking for a sugar-daddy in the short-term, then sure, she probably only really cares about your money, and doesnt care how old or how bad you look/smell/etc)

Any time now you'll believe this rubbish! Thai women love farang 'cos they're so confident..... yeah, right....

Well, i honestly dont believe that ALL Thai women love western men purely for their money. Some do, of course, same as women in the west do. But I believe in all nationalities and cultures, some women genuinely need more than just money. Some women will accept a men who isnt as rich, but can provide enough and makes them feel good. I imagine it depends on what kind of woman she is and what she is looking for in a man. All women want providers, but depends on what they expect to have provided. No?

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Maigo, clear and accurate points, although a tad harsh on both men and women. Its not really that women want just money, they want security (and often money can provide that). Also, when men have money, they feel more confident, another element that attracts women, and they feel happier (usually), and women like men who can make them smile and have a sense of humour. As you astutely said, depending on each country, a man can be viewed as either rich or poor. So a poor man in the west may have a lack of confidence plus a lot more competition for attractive desirable women, but when he arrives in a poorer economy he probably feels more confident, feels more carefree and happy, has more spending power, so in turn attracts women easier than in the west. (Although if the girl is really just looking for a sugar-daddy in the short-term, then sure, she probably only really cares about your money, and doesnt care how old or how bad you look/smell/etc)

So, are you saying that woman are not prepared to love an unestablished man and work hard with him to build a future together?

Goading? Asking a serious question?

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Maigo, clear and accurate points, although a tad harsh on both men and women. Its not really that women want just money, they want security (and often money can provide that). Also, when men have money, they feel more confident, another element that attracts women, and they feel happier (usually), and women like men who can make them smile and have a sense of humour. As you astutely said, depending on each country, a man can be viewed as either rich or poor. So a poor man in the west may have a lack of confidence plus a lot more competition for attractive desirable women, but when he arrives in a poorer economy he probably feels more confident, feels more carefree and happy, has more spending power, so in turn attracts women easier than in the west. (Although if the girl is really just looking for a sugar-daddy in the short-term, then sure, she probably only really cares about your money, and doesnt care how old or how bad you look/smell/etc)

Any time now you'll believe this rubbish! Thai women love farang 'cos they're so confident..... yeah, right....

Well, i honestly dont believe that ALL Thai women love western men purely for their money. Some do, of course, same as women in the west do. But I believe in all nationalities and cultures, some women genuinely need more than just money. Some women will accept a men who isnt as rich, but can provide enough and makes them feel good. I imagine it depends on what kind of woman she is and what she is looking for in a man. All women want providers, but depends on what they expect to have provided. No?

I repeat my previous post "agreed with you up until this point. Yes, unless you're famous you will have a hard time finding a woman 'chasing the dollar etc.' in the West. Western women are 'generally' looking to fall in love, it's only in Thailand they're 'generally' looking for money."

I'm certainly NOT saying that "ALL Thai women love western men purely for their money", just the VAST majority! If you look at the number of Western women at home that marry Asian men, then you should expect the same percentage of Thai women that marry Western men. The percentage difference says it all!

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailand and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

That's why Tokyo isn't full of sex tourists looking for an 18 Highschool girl in Shibuya, yet they're certainly available, it's just that the cost is too much for the average joe.

Edited by Maigo6
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Maigo here is proof that you are wrong about women simply caring about money.

If it were so, then why won't educated Thai girls from Bangkok go anywhere near older farang males? The older farang have to marry Isaan girls. The reason is because the Bangkok Thais have higher standards. It is not socially accepted like it is among the Isaan class.

And no, American girls are not only interested in money. Rich American men cannot easily get a gf half their age who has all good qualities (is not a stripper, porn star, crack addict, etc).

The reason it is socially accepted in Isaan is because the families just want to get the money for themselves (thats my guess)

Different Value Systems

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailnd and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

your reading comprehension is so terrible there is no point even talking to you.

and for the sake of your ego, lets not measure our ages and bank accounts, I think itll make you cry.

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailnd and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

So how come it's only Thailand that has this reputation?

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailnd and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

So how come it's only Thailand that has this reputation?

What about Russia? they are more international tho! :o

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailnd and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

So how come it's only Thailand that has this reputation?

What about Russia? they are more international tho! :o

Even Russia has NOTHING on Thailand's reputation! Do you really think men go to Russia for sex??!

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Who cares prostitution is everywhere, and the subject is tired/boring. If puritan minded people stopped making a big deal about it then perhaps there would be no reputations earned. At the end of the day if its between two consenting adults - I could care less if they shag themselves silly and if a bird/lad is getting paid - who the fk cares??? :o

Oh and ran across these documentries on western birds shenanigans, so it certainly is a male dominated phenomenon!! :D



Edited by britmaveric
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That’s one of the worst things being a normal person here, have to go to places (even expensive ones) and see all this crap of old fags and prostitutes everywhere. But for sure thats great for your type. :wai:

Oh the beauty of an anonymous internet forum where one can abuse people and have no repercussion.....lol.

If you're so fookin' normal ( whatever the <deleted> that means ), and you find that Thailand does not agree with you, why would a normal person put themselves in a situation they find disagreeable ?

I never do, if I don't like something, I don't do it, simple as that, what makes you so stupid to do the opposite ?

I ain't gonna get into a fight with you cos you ain't got any ammunition, just be aware that your own small world means nothing to anybody but you, and don't call me dear, you sound like my mother.

My guess, you're a Female and nobody takes any notice of you in Thailand except Thai guys so you spit venom at western men...am I right ? :D

Popcorn, I think I love you :D

Wrong! First.. I have never been with a Thai guy. Second I have a loving man who is the most precious thing in the world for me, smart, attractive, YOUNG, strong, stylish, treats me like a princess and send me preeeeeeeeetty flowers just because, actually he spoil me so so much I could ever thing about other guys. My point is I have an aversion to be in between cheap people, the worker girls or the guys than pay them are in the same level really... Low class and needy. One need money and the other one needs someone to put their ego a little bit up with a “hello handsome man, you vely nice I boom boom vely cheap!” and they believe they are good looking and stuff. Hahahaha, what a laugh!


Anyways, have a good time people, I'll go now and have some fun around Bkk a place without prostitutes!!! HA! :o *waves*

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailnd and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

So how come it's only Thailand that has this reputation?

I think you'll find there are similar circumstances all over the eastern (European) block......just don't quite have the climate!!! :D

I doubt you'll see much of the 'old rich man' popping down to the local 7/11 store in the states either.....more likely the butler.....hardly likely to have the bosses latest young chick on his arm is he!!!??? :o

Edited by 473geo
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Who cares prostitution is everywhere, and the subject is tired/boring. If puritan minded people stopped making a big deal about it then perhaps there would be no reputations earned. At the end of the day if its between two consenting adults - I could care less if they shag themselves silly and if a bird/lad is getting paid - who the fk cares??? :o

Oh and ran across these documentries on western birds shenanigans, so it certainly is a male dominated phenomenon!! :D



You're obviously trying to convince yourself that it's "puritan minded people" who are "making a big deal about it". Try replying to the points made, I know it's hard but it's how one conducts a genuine discussion.

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailnd and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

So how come it's only Thailand that has this reputation?

What about Russia? they are more international tho! :o

Good Point, I have 3 Russian Girls living in a apartment opposite mine, as well as the UK girls, US girls, Canadian Girls, Aus Girls, NZ girls, Swedish Girls ,French girls, and many other nationalities that chase the Yen in Tokyo.

Popcorn, No Chilean girls that I know of, only Brazilian... :D

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all you see are $75K+ cars in the parking lot, one after another, and you still do not see old men and young women.


Cos sweet little mary jane ain't living in a fookin' tin hut !!!!

Again I ask you, what did you expect to find in a developing SE ASian country, Geneva, Zurich, Nice, St Tropez, Monaco ????

Then again you have probably never experinced those places as you couldn't afford them, I have been to the above mentioned places and let me tell you something, you go to, for instance, Monaco, you will find anything you want, of course you'll have to be able to afford it first.

Thailnd and other poorer developing nations stand out cos many many westerners can afford to exploit the relative poverty, they can't exploit richer countries in the same way!!

So how come it's only Thailand that has this reputation?

What about Russia? they are more international tho! :o

Good Point, I have 3 Russian Girls living in a apartment opposite mine, as well as the UK girls, US girls, Canadian Girls, Aus Girls, NZ girls, Swedish Girls ,French girls, and many other nationalities that chase the Yen in Tokyo.

Popcorn, No Chilean girls that I know of, only Brazilian... :D

What are you saying about the apartment opposite yours?? :D

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You're obviously trying to convince yourself that it's "puritan minded people" who are "making a big deal about it". Try replying to the points made, I know it's hard but it's how one conducts a genuine discussion.

Don't have to convince myself because I don't give a sh*te!!! :o Once people stop worrying about what other people think - the world will be a better place. :D

Edited by britmaveric
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You're obviously trying to convince yourself that it's "puritan minded people" who are "making a big deal about it". Try replying to the points made, I know it's hard but it's how one conducts a genuine discussion.

Don't have to convince myself because I don't give a sh*te!!! :o Once people stop worrying about what other people think - the world will be a better place. :D

Yep, it's always the best way to respond to a discussion... just say I'm not going to respond to any point made 'cos I don't give a shit. You've obviously got a point worth making that we've all missed before.

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