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I cant find this article the 5 min rap was paraphrasing and so if anyone else has read it can you post the link


We seem to be living in an historical moment. But the irony is, as an article in Bloomberg points out, we are largely unaware of it. And what is this historical moment? Well, it is the end of the current currency regime with the US dollar as its centre. The transition though is not going to be smooth. It is on the contrary going to be extremely chaotic. This is because the people who are in charge of preventing the world's financial system from getting dysfunctional are in fact leading us to it.

The world's central bankers seem to be taking a very theoretical look at things. They believe that by engaging in quantitative easing, just the right kind of inflation can be created. An inflation which will make people spend and take the world towards renewed prosperity. Hence, these bankers are printing money left, right and centre. However, such an approach is full of risks.

The ability of financial markets to overshoot cannot be emphasized enough. And if at all there is overshooting, the economy will become even more fragile and unpredictable. Amidst such a scenario, gold is the only metal that will be left standing. Hence, it will not hurt if a certain percent of one's investment is put into gold right now.

ah well if things go wrong for Ben he can simply say the same as Alan said :blink:

" Greenspan - I was wrong about the economy " :(

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Top U.S. economists hold former Texas Senator and current UBS VP Phil Gramm as responsible for the financial crisis along with Alan Greenspan


Other Texas politicians who helped out are: George W. Bush, Dick Armey, John Cornyn, Tom Delay, Louie Gohmert, etc.

After the barrage of half truths from political ads over the last few weeks from the Republicans & their Pea Party, Americans will probably be fooled and put their lot back in power.


After the barrage of half truths from political ads over the last few weeks from the Republicans & their Pea Party, Americans will probably be fooled and put their lot back in power.

I have always said left wing.....right wing.....Both wings of the same corrupt bird.

But yes it does give the sheeple the feeling they have some control....Letting them vote one out & the other in....Then a few years later turning it all around yet again hoping for a different ending.

I will say that I am sorry to see yet again another person confuse the tea party with the Republicans. Although I don't blame you

as it has been pretty well hijacked. But it is not where it began


I will say that I am sorry to see yet again another person confuse the tea party with the Republicans. Although I don't blame you

as it has been pretty well hijacked. But it is not where it began

Hmmm, hijacked. Didn't hear too many dissenting voices when Palin first jumped into the bed. Maybe cuckolded is a better word. B)



I will say that I am sorry to see yet again another person confuse the tea party with the Republicans. Although I don't blame you

as it has been pretty well hijacked. But it is not where it began

Hmmm, hijacked. Didn't hear too many dissenting voices when Palin first jumped into the bed. Maybe cuckolded is a better word. B)


Yes I will agree all parties have their share of nut jobs.

But, what I am saying is it is too bad the direction that the Tea Party took.

It all occurred after the success of the Tea Party Express.

It is well documented just google tea party hijacked.

Sad is all


So Obama got quite a whipping. Question is to what extent he deserved it. He wasn't exactly brilliant on the economy but you have to admit being crucified by the Republicans is setting the bar pretty low.

My view is that the big mistake he made was not coming out in the beginning and saying... Look the economy is a mess, I cannot perform miracles merely handle the legacy I have been left. Instead he announced the future would be rosy.


So Obama got quite a whipping. Question is to what extent he deserved it. He wasn't exactly brilliant on the economy but you have to admit being crucified by the Republicans is setting the bar pretty low.

My view is that the big mistake he made was not coming out in the beginning and saying... Look the economy is a mess, I cannot perform miracles merely handle the legacy I have been left. Instead he announced the future would be rosy.

Biggest mistake was urely taking the job in the first palce.

US sheeple do not want to hear cuts, failure, reality, sobriety, austerity, etc.

US needs a reality check.


The exact same speech had to be given by Bush, Clinton & Reagan.....When mid term the house or senate switched.

The problem if folks put their hopes in this broken two party machine believing they have a choice.

Left or right wing....still the same broken bird.

In other news,,,,,FED rate remains unchanged today


The "two party" system is dead in the U.S. "Democracy" is soon to die.

I agree & it is why I mentioned the past presidents giving the same speech.

This same broken system has been around awhile & nothing has changed.

Yet folks keep thinking voting one or the other will make a change.

We need a new choice but like you said it is not forthcoming due to $$$

backing the two party system.

Perhaps a None Of The Above box on the ballots ;)


The "two party" system is dead in the U.S. "Democracy" is soon to die.

I agree & it is why I mentioned the past presidents giving the same speech.

This same broken system has been around awhile & nothing has changed.

Yet folks keep thinking voting one or the other will make a change.

We need a new choice but like you said it is not forthcoming due to $$$

backing the two party system.

Perhaps a None Of The Above box on the ballots ;)

do you mean it feels like a puppet theatre ? So who has the controlling hand................?




GBP getting a nice bounce today after ...

Blast off – UK GDP rocket


Lets get a little realistic. Last month GB announced a record deficit and this month they announced record spending cuts. They have just achieved 2.8% growth annualized and they need to achieve 5.1% before deficit reductions to meet their target of deficit reductions and annualized growth of 2.8% p.a.

Churchill I know you appreciate the UK's constructive approach to its problems (as opposed to the US ignoring them altogether) but it is a sham when you get down to the details. I am still hopeful that GBP will go up simply to prove how counter-productive any attempt at responsibility will be.

GBP seems to be rising against THB ( a little ) and USD - Not sure how long for but if their is a flight from USD perhaps GBP will strengthen further - and it seems no further QE in the UK for now /

King May Sit Out Bernanke's Stimulus Round on U.K. Strength



There could be some sweeping changes coming :whistling: :-

" The next chairman of the monetary policy subcommittee -- overseeing the Federal Reserve?

None other than Ron Paul (R-Texas), who'd just as soon abolish the Fed. "

and this is must see video with a former White House Budget Director .........


Ron Paul will become the whipping boy as the rot has already set in

Here Ron can you take the wheel of the Titanic for a while


There could be some sweeping changes coming :whistling: :-

" The next chairman of the monetary policy subcommittee -- overseeing the Federal Reserve?

None other than Ron Paul (R-Texas), who'd just as soon abolish the Fed. "

and this is must see video with a former White House Budget Director .........


[Ron Paul will become the whipping boy as the rot has already set in

Here Ron can you take the wheel of the Titanic for a while

All i can say is :-

Expect Higher Grocery Bills in 2011, Says U.S. Department of Agriculture

The amount of increase in food prices is expected to double in 2011 from this year.


Two Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History

In just two months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2011:


Fed’s QE2 may mean 20% dollar drop

The head of the world’s largest bond firm, Bill Gross of PIMCO, saying that the dollar will devalue by at least 20 %

......can only mean some very real pain for many :blink:


Where has the respect for the US gone /

Are they in danger becoming the underdogs ? As the world sees that it is devaluing it's currency whilst preaching to others -

The German finance Minister seems to be its biggest critic - German finance minister lashes out at US Fed / http://business.asiaone.com/Business/News/Story/A1Story20101105-245921.html

with the Chinese , of course , not far behind - China Says Fed Owes It an Explanation http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703554304575595443276098012.html

With the US doing as it pleases to save its own economy and preaching to others not to devalue or to revalue - There seems to be a BIG disconnect in Washington and now with Bernanke / Obama / Tea Party and Ron Paul ? how can the coalition work !


US Policy 'Clueless': German Finance Minister

'The United States's plans to pump more money into the economy will not solve the country's problems, Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Friday, adding that the world needed U.S. leadership.

"With all due respect, U.S. policy is clueless," Schaeuble said at a conference.

"(The problem) is not a shortage of liquidity. It's not that the the Americans haven't pumped enough liquidity into the market and now to say let's pump more into the market is not going to solve their problems."'



Jim Rickards - Fed May Go Bankrupt

'“Right now the Fed’s balance sheet shows about $57 billion in total capital. Current assets are about $2.3 trillion. The current money-printing plan will take total assets above $3 trillion. At that level, it only takes a 2% decline in asset values to wipe out the Fed’s capital. Put differently, it only takes a 2% drop in the average value of assets on the Fed’s balance sheet for the Fed to go bankrupt. And this is in an environment where various markets frequently go up and down 3% in a single day.” '



the age old picture of the ruling elite making sure that their red carpet life is preserved by raising the tax on the poor and lowering their living standards IE keep them under control and at the same time feathering their nest for the future.

Perhaps the Burmese ruling elite can learn something here

IE let them vote whoever they want in and then control the whole system via pseudo government banking systems (FED)

It seems to be working in the USA


Jim Rickards - Fed May Go Bankrupt

Put differently, it only takes a 2% drop in the average value of assets on the Fed’s balance sheet for the Fed to go bankrupt. And this is in an environment where various markets frequently go up and down 3% in a single day.”

when Jim Rickards woke up and saw what the result of his wet dream has done to his bedsheet he cursed himself for not having placed a rubber sheet under the bedsheet to protect the mattress. but later he chuckled and consoled himself when he saw that Churchill fell for it and posted Jim's hallucinations in Thaivisa.


Natives are getting restless. Payback starting....

The real payback is when they start finding the big fish with odd sized holes

Like .308 & .223 in their heads


there has to be something wrong

when a central banker appears to have more power than the elected head of state

Bernanke Impeachment

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