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Hilarious, should we start another thread. The Impending Financial Crisis and most of you could ramble on about banal crap to no end. I never thought I would come across so many impotent confused individuals in one place but low and behold it is only a Thai Visa log in away.

We have uprising in Egypt, debt laden developed nations, roaring inflation in emerging nations, and the list goes on. Take a chill pill guys and have some fun. Really, we are living in historic times and the world is booming economically. Do many of you read history? I assume not or maybe it is a comprehension dilemma.

Don't waste your time rambling about CPI, GDP, and unemployment unless you are capable of seeing the positives as well as the negatives. If GDP was plummeting and CPI was out of control, I'm sure you guys would be posting these stats to no end. When they don't agree with the doom prophesies, you just paint them as garbage.

Odd way of living but there are losers and winners. Never understood why so many waste their time whining when they have other options. Firstly, stop crying and act like a man.

Thanks for the laughs.

So then we immediately stop the food stamps to 40 million Americans ? :huh:

You crack me up !! :lol:

Yup. Had an email about work yesterday. The second one in all of two years!!! This was a brain picker, they have one small job on and one tender in for another small job. This was a firm I used to run $50m jobs for only four years ago.

It's dead out there. The numbers are stimulated simulated candyfloss. It's irritating for those of us who don't have the passive income (usually from the better end of some ponzi pension scheme or the state) others enjoy to be told we're impotent confused individuals.

well if keeping an open mind and trying to work out who is telling the truth

and to expose which people are the ,criminals then i am an " impotent confused individual " :blink:

But at least i know I am not brain dead because i keep asking questions and it is better than having an

arrogant attitude thinking you know it all when in fact the statement he made

simply diplays how ill informed and out touch he is :whistling:

:P.I think siamamerican belongs to the blue category himself....but he doesn't know it yet.

The world is booming? sure, that's why the NYSE -the symbol of American Capitalism- is up for sale:

German Börse in Talks to Buy the Big Board



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Hilarious, should we start another thread. The Impending Financial Crisis and most of you could ramble on about banal crap to no end. I never thought I would come across so many impotent confused individuals in one place but low and behold it is only a Thai Visa log in away.

We have uprising in Egypt, debt laden developed nations, roaring inflation in emerging nations, and the list goes on. Take a chill pill guys and have some fun. Really, we are living in historic times and the world is booming economically. Do many of you read history? I assume not or maybe it is a comprehension dilemma.

Don't waste your time rambling about CPI, GDP, and unemployment unless you are capable of seeing the positives as well as the negatives. If GDP was plummeting and CPI was out of control, I'm sure you guys would be posting these stats to no end. When they don't agree with the doom prophesies, you just paint them as garbage.

Odd way of living but there are losers and winners. Never understood why so many waste their time whining when they have other options. Firstly, stop crying and act like a man.

Thanks for the laughs.

Well, that must be the most banal post I've seen around here in a while, and, as it fully meets the entry requirements, I now officially welcome you as a Member of the "Impotent Confused Individuals" Club welcomeani.gif



:P.I think siamamerican belongs to the blue category himself....but he doesn't know it yet.

The world is booming? sure, that's why the NYSE -the symbol of American Capitalism- is up for sale:

German Börse in Talks to Buy the Big Board



I think siamamerican must on some kind of medication

because one minute he tries be nice to people ( almost nauseatingly so :bah: ) and then suddenly

he comes back and attacks like this. Flying made a reference to this behaviour from

siam a few months ago. I think he forgot to take his medication today :giggle:


:P.I think siamamerican belongs to the blue category himself....but he doesn't know it yet.

The world is booming? sure, that's why the NYSE -the symbol of American Capitalism- is up for sale:

German Börse in Talks to Buy the Big Board



some areas of this world are indeed booming. and in most areas there was and still is money to make.

however, we must not forget that the final bill to pay (for nearly all of us) has not yet been presented and realising that the banksters :bah: are trying to play the same game as they did before is quite worrying.


:P.I think siamamerican belongs to the blue category himself....but he doesn't know it yet.

The world is booming? sure, that's why the NYSE -the symbol of American Capitalism- is up for sale:

German Börse in Talks to Buy the Big Board



some areas of this world are indeed booming. and in most areas there was and still is money to make.

however, we must not forget that the final bill to pay (for nearly all of us) has not yet been presented and realising that the banksters :bah: are trying to play the same game as they did before is quite worrying.


Booming is where you have real economic growth, doing real things, sustainably.

I shall introduce the word 'bubbling'.


:P.I think siamamerican belongs to the blue category himself....but he doesn't know it yet.

The world is booming? sure, that's why the NYSE -the symbol of American Capitalism- is up for sale:

German Börse in Talks to Buy the Big Board



some areas of this world are indeed booming. and in most areas there was and still is money to make.

however, we must not forget that the final bill to pay (for nearly all of us) has not yet been presented and realising that the banksters :bah: are trying to play the same game as they did before is quite worrying.

Ah Naam :D We haven't had a good old conspiracy on this thread for ages and

i know how you much like them :lol: Some say Egypt

is just the beginning (or part ) of the movement towards a " caliphate "

The significance of this to the Financial Crisis is of course oil prices.



:P.I think siamamerican belongs to the blue category himself....but he doesn't know it yet.

The world is booming? sure, that's why the NYSE -the symbol of American Capitalism- is up for sale:

German Börse in Talks to Buy the Big Board



some areas of this world are indeed booming. and in most areas there was and still is money to make.

however, we must not forget that the final bill to pay (for nearly all of us) has not yet been presented and realising that the banksters :bah: are trying to play the same game as they did before is quite worrying.

I call it sickening and the disgust, all over the world, about the bankers, allowing themselves huge bonuses is enormous.

I wonder if it will ever stop.

Example: a friend of mine, a well-to-do real estate investor bought a large villa in a beautiful village nearby for € 1.1M; he still didn't sell his other house and needed some mortgage, just for one year.

Via a friend he "shopped" around with 6 banks/mortage institutes for just € 300K for one year since he want to rebuild the villa which is quite necessary actually.

The hautain disgusting attitude of the banks was unbelievable and one of them even asked him to sign for € 1 Million total for the € 300K mortgage (just in case <_<) and asked his wife to sign a document that she would leave the villa within one month in case he would die :bah::bah:




Hilarious, should we start another thread. The Impending Financial Crisis and most of you could ramble on about banal crap to no end. I never thought I would come across so many impotent confused individuals in one place but low and behold it is only a Thai Visa log in away.

We have uprising in Egypt, debt laden developed nations, roaring inflation in emerging nations, and the list goes on. Take a chill pill guys and have some fun. Really, we are living in historic times and the world is booming economically. Do many of you read history? I assume not or maybe it is a comprehension dilemma.

Don't waste your time rambling about CPI, GDP, and unemployment unless you are capable of seeing the positives as well as the negatives. If GDP was plummeting and CPI was out of control, I'm sure you guys would be posting these stats to no end. When they don't agree with the doom prophesies, you just paint them as garbage.

Odd way of living but there are losers and winners. Never understood why so many waste their time whining when they have other options. Firstly, stop crying and act like a man.

Thanks for the laughs.

So then we immediately stop the food stamps to 40 million Americans ? :huh:

You crack me up !! :lol:

Midas, now I know you have wet dreams about being an American but get a grip. We aren't perfect as well as the rest of the world. Petty jealousy is idiotic.

Back on subject. As important as you think we Americans are, the reality is that the world is chugging along as we Americans try to gather our resolve (hate that word - Bush gave it another meaning ) and move forward. Once you realize that the world doesn't revolve around America, you might start seeing other possibilities. Arguing with fools is foolish so I'm not going to ramble on any longer.


:P.I think siamamerican belongs to the blue category himself....but he doesn't know it yet.

The world is booming? sure, that's why the NYSE -the symbol of American Capitalism- is up for sale:

German Börse in Talks to Buy the Big Board



some areas of this world are indeed booming. and in most areas there was and still is money to make.

however, we must not forget that the final bill to pay (for nearly all of us) has not yet been presented and realising that the banksters :bah: are trying to play the same game as they did before is quite worrying.

I'm up about 22% in primarily index/growth funds in the US over the past year. NYSE could be for sale, but quite a few sellers are going to be making big bucks off it. Parts of the world are booming for sure....and for sure, the future is not certain. But when has it ever been?

edit: I rechecked my portfolio...it is actually about 22% last year, not 30%+ as I initially posted! :bah::(


Ah Naam :D We haven't had a good old conspiracy on this thread for ages and i know how you much like them :lol: Some say Egypt is just the beginning (or part ) of the movement towards a " caliphate "

The significance of this to the Financial Crisis is of course oil prices.

let the caliphate come, i know my Qr'an :lol:


Ah Naam :D We haven't had a good old conspiracy on this thread for ages and i know how you much like them :lol: Some say Egypt is just the beginning (or part ) of the movement towards a " caliphate "

The significance of this to the Financial Crisis is of course oil prices.

let the caliphate come, i know my Qr'an :lol:

what makes me feel better is knowing that " those than cannot be named "

by now are sh*tting themselves :lol:


A few off topic and derogatory posts removed. Sorry LaoPo, one of yours got caught up in that also. :jap:

But for sure, thanks for posting the forum rules.

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.


Ah Naam :D We haven't had a good old conspiracy on this thread for ages and i know how you much like them :lol: Some say Egypt is just the beginning (or part ) of the movement towards a " caliphate "

The significance of this to the Financial Crisis is of course oil prices.

let the caliphate come, i know my Qr'an :lol:

what makes me feel better is knowing that " those than cannot be named "

by now are sh*tting themselves :lol:

i thought i was the only one who got that impression but it seems to be a fact. i wonder whether the Dollars keep on floating freely as before if the "brotherhood" gains considerable political power in Egypt.



i thought i was the only one who got that impression but it seems to be a fact. i wonder whether the Dollars keep on floating freely as before if the "brotherhood" gains considerable political power in Egypt.


That one is definitely still in a state of flux....Interesting to watch though


i thought i was the only one who got that impression but it seems to be a fact. i wonder whether the Dollars keep on floating freely as before if the "brotherhood" gains considerable political power in Egypt.


That one is definitely still in a state of flux....Interesting to watch though

this what Martin Armstrong thinks :o

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The Egypt Crisis Will Engulf The Arab World, And Then Spread To Europe

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/martin-armstrong-the-tipping-point-2011-2#ixzz1Df1ZmOzq


i thought i was the only one who got that impression but it seems to be a fact. i wonder whether the Dollars keep on floating freely as before if the "brotherhood" gains considerable political power in Egypt.


That one is definitely still in a state of flux....Interesting to watch though

this what Martin Armstrong thinks :o

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The Egypt Crisis Will Engulf The Arab World, And Then Spread To Europe

Read more: http://www.businessi...2#ixzz1Df1ZmOzq

There is a BIG difference between the situation in Arab/Northern Africa countries and Europe. The jobless percentage in Europe is 9-10% (with only Spain with a higher percentage of some 20%) the same as in the US with some 10%, but the jobless percentages in Arab countries are alarmingly high.

60% of the total population in Arab countries (some 350 million people !) is younger than 25 years but of those young people up to 70% is jobless, can't marry since they have no income, still live with their parents and many have a relatively high education; that situation is devastating and lead to the explosive situation we're watching now.

There is NO future for these young people and they created a voice now, supported by the social media and oppose to the present rulers, most of them with a dictatorial regime.

If you live in a country where 95% has a job there's no unrest other than the occasional strike for higher wages.

The Arab world in it's present form is a ticking time-bomb. :ph34r:



There is a BIG difference between the situation in Arab/Northern Africa countries and Europe. The jobless percentage in Europe is 9-10% (with only Spain with a higher percentage of some 20%) the same as in the US with some 10%, but the jobless percentages in Arab countries are alarmingly high.

60% of the total population in Arab countries (some 350 million people !) is younger than 25 years but of those young people up to 70% is jobless, can't marry since they have no income, still live with their parents and many have a relatively high education; that situation is devastating and lead to the explosive situation we're watching now.

There is NO future for these young people and they created a voice now, supported by the social media and oppose to the present rulers, most of them with a dictatorial regime.

If you live in a country where 95% has a job there's no unrest other than the occasional strike for higher wages.

The Arab world in it's present form is a ticking time-bomb. :ph34r:


Ticking time bomb or amazing opportunity!?!?!?!?


There is a BIG difference between the situation in Arab/Northern Africa countries and Europe. The jobless percentage in Europe is 9-10% (with only Spain with a higher percentage of some 20%) the same as in the US with some 10%, but the jobless percentages in Arab countries are alarmingly high.

60% of the total population in Arab countries (some 350 million people !) is younger than 25 years but of those young people up to 70% is jobless, can't marry since they have no income, still live with their parents and many have a relatively high education; that situation is devastating and lead to the explosive situation we're watching now.

There is NO future for these young people and they created a voice now, supported by the social media and oppose to the present rulers, most of them with a dictatorial regime.

If you live in a country where 95% has a job there's no unrest other than the occasional strike for higher wages.

The Arab world in it's present form is a ticking time-bomb. :ph34r:


Ticking time bomb or amazing opportunity!?!?!?!?

Well, if there are some 150 million jobless young people (+ the ones OVER 25 years of age !!) work has to be created a lot of jobs; of those 150 million Arab jobless there are some 35 million in Egypt alone (below 25) and count a few million extra who are over 25 years.

But WHO is to create jobs for those immense numbers ? :unsure:

Now, if it's true that Mubarak has some $70Billion in assets and much of that could flow back into Egypt the economy could get a boost.

But, I know......IF...:(



i thought i was the only one who got that impression but it seems to be a fact. i wonder whether the Dollars keep on floating freely as before if the "brotherhood" gains considerable political power in Egypt.


That one is definitely still in a state of flux....Interesting to watch though

this what Martin Armstrong thinks :o

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The Egypt Crisis Will Engulf The Arab World, And Then Spread To Europe

Read more: http://www.businessi...2#ixzz1Df1ZmOzq

There is a BIG difference between the situation in Arab/Northern Africa countries and Europe. The jobless percentage in Europe is 9-10% (with only Spain with a higher percentage of some 20%) the same as in the US with some 10%, but the jobless percentages in Arab countries are alarmingly high.

60% of the total population in Arab countries (some 350 million people !) is younger than 25 years but of those young people up to 70% is jobless, can't marry since they have no income, still live with their parents and many have a relatively high education; that situation is devastating and lead to the explosive situation we're watching now.

There is NO future for these young people and they created a voice now, supported by the social media and oppose to the present rulers, most of them with a dictatorial regime.

If you live in a country where 95% has a job there's no unrest other than the occasional strike for higher wages.

The Arab world in it's present form is a ticking time-bomb. :ph34r:


yes the profile of the unemployed in both regions are not comparable

but Martin Armtrong's point is the civil unrest will be similar because the European

governments will find it virtually impossible to address the debt problem i.e.

they cannot cut deeply enough because the vast chunk of expenditure is interest

to foreign entities. :bah:


yes the profile of the unemployed in both regions are not comparable

but Martin Armtrong's point is the civil unrest will be similar because the European

governments will find it virtually impossible to address the debt problem i.e.

they cannot cut deeply enough because the vast chunk of expenditure is interest

to foreign entities. :bah:

I agree but the man-in-the-street doesn't even know about the debts of his country; I would say that 90% of the population of any given country has no clue about the height of the debts of his country.

Ask any American or European and they don't know. They know it's high but not HOW high.

Apart from that, the interest expenditures are of course much higher in countries like Greece, Portugal and now (the most devastating) Ireland, not to speak about the debts in the US.

The northern European countries like Scandinavia, Germany, Holland etc are in a much better shape and the finances and interests are controllable. That doesn't mean that many countries have to cut in spending and they should have done so many decades ago. ALL of those governments spent too much; if they would have run companies like they did their countries, they would have been fired or put in jail.

I don't see the present unrest spread onto Europe and the US as Mr. Armstrong painted.

If it would, it would be the most horrible scenario we all have faced, apart from wars. Total economies would collapse and the entire world, not just EU and US would suffer on such a scale that we can't even comprehend how bad it will become.

Mr. Armstrong forgets one thing and that is the flexibility and intelligence of mankind; the EU and US won't let it happen that the kind of unrest, now happening in the Arab world, will spread.

Let's be at least a little optimistic.....shall we ? :rolleyes:



suggest maybe they start building more pyramids as there was little unemployment for generations when the last lot were built

China is buying staggering amounts of gold and silver. The strategy is to buy shares in ETFs (electronic transfer funds) and then demand physical delivery of what they buy. [This could trigger the final explosion of bullion prices because there isn't enough gold or silver available if many people ask for what they bought. It is the same fractional-reserve scam used by banks but, this time, applied to bullion. When the demands for delivery threaten to ruin the speculators, government puppets will close the bullion markets – to protect the public, of course.] KingWorld 2011 Feb 7 (Cached)


suggest maybe they start building more pyramids as there was little unemployment for generations when the last lot were built

China is buying staggering amounts of gold and silver. The strategy is to buy shares in ETFs (electronic transfer funds) and then demand physical delivery of what they buy. [This could trigger the final explosion of bullion prices because there isn't enough gold or silver available if many people ask for what they bought. It is the same fractional-reserve scam used by banks but, this time, applied to bullion. When the demands for delivery threaten to ruin the speculators, government puppets will close the bullion markets – to protect the public, of course.] KingWorld 2011 Feb 7 (Cached)

Silver is poised for a significant rise in price. A rare condition has occurred in the market in which the price of physical delivery silver is higher than for future delivery. [That is called zero contango and occurs when those who have silver would rather keep it than speculate on a higher price later. The reason is, not because they don't expect the price to rise, but that they think it may not be available. In other words, stockpiles are gone.] Gold & Silver Report 2011 Feb 6 (Cached)

Here is another article on this that has more details. GGR 2011 Feb 5 (Cached)


yes the profile of the unemployed in both regions are not comparable

but Martin Armtrong's point is the civil unrest will be similar because the European

governments will find it virtually impossible to address the debt problem i.e.

they cannot cut deeply enough because the vast chunk of expenditure is interest

to foreign entities. :bah:

I agree but the man-in-the-street doesn't even know about the debts of his country; I would say that 90% of the population of any given country has no clue about the height of the debts of his country.

Ask any American or European and they don't know. They know it's high but not HOW high.

Apart from that, the interest expenditures are of course much higher in countries like Greece, Portugal and now (the most devastating) Ireland, not to speak about the debts in the US.

The northern European countries like Scandinavia, Germany, Holland etc are in a much better shape and the finances and interests are controllable. That doesn't mean that many countries have to cut in spending and they should have done so many decades ago. ALL of those governments spent too much; if they would have run companies like they did their countries, they would have been fired or put in jail.

I don't see the present unrest spread onto Europe and the US as Mr. Armstrong painted.

If it would, it would be the most horrible scenario we all have faced, apart from wars. Total economies would collapse and the entire world, not just EU and US would suffer on such a scale that we can't even comprehend how bad it will become.

Mr. Armstrong forgets one thing and that is the flexibility and intelligence of mankind; the EU and US won't let it happen that the kind of unrest, now happening in the Arab world, will spread.

Let's be at least a little optimistic.....shall we ? :rolleyes:


Well i really hope YOU are right LaoPo :)

But an increasing number of people in the media have been making comments

that the Islamists have joined forces with the trade unions and communists and

that certainly is a toxic mix.

In USA Andy Stern leader of the SCIU ( who said " workers of the world unite

is not a slogan anymore, it is the way we do business " ) has been one of the

most frequent visitors to the White House and so he has influence.

Who knows but it doesnt seem far- fetched to me anyway but then i am only a

confused impotent individual :P

They discuss it here :-


China is buying staggering amounts of gold and silver.

is that the reason why gold and silver are "staggering" around the same prices for the last few months? will gold and silver prices rise again when China stops buying staggering amounts? :huh:

But an increasing number of people in the media have been making comments that the Islamists have joined forces with the trade unions and communists and that certainly is a toxic mix.

surely a lot of local sexpats wouldn't like if the Pattaya Working Girl Union joins forces with the Islamists. coitus interruptus because of prayer times? :ermm:

But an increasing number of people in the media have been making comments that the Islamists have joined forces with the trade unions and communists and that certainly is a toxic mix.

surely a lot of local sexpats wouldn't like if the Pattaya Working Girl Union joins forces with the Islamists. coitus interruptus because of prayer times? :ermm:

How do you know about this - you are NOT ALLOWED to go near

these establishments are you ? :unsure:

But an increasing number of people in the media have been making comments that the Islamists have joined forces with the trade unions and communists and that certainly is a toxic mix.

surely a lot of local sexpats wouldn't like if the Pattaya Working Girl Union joins forces with the Islamists. coitus interruptus because of prayer times? :ermm:

How do you know about this - you are NOT ALLOWED to go near

these establishments are you ? :unsure:

i educate myself reading Thaivisa B)


I don't see the present unrest spread onto Europe and the US as Mr. Armstrong painted.

If it would, it would be the most horrible scenario we all have faced, apart from wars. Total economies would collapse and the entire world, not just EU and US would suffer on such a scale that we can't even comprehend how bad it will become.


Whether or not it can happen in USA - who knows- but if you read a few passages

from a new book just released called " The Grand Jihad " it seems pretty evident there are enough

individuals in US who want it to happen.

" The real threat to the United States is not terrorism. The real threat is Islamism, whose sophisticated forces have collaborated with the American Left not only to undermine U.S. national security but also to shred the fabric of American constitutional democracy—freedom and individual liberty. In The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America, bestselling author Andrew C. McCarthy offers a harrowing account of how the global Islamist movement’s jihad involves far more than terrorist attacks, and how it has found the ideal partner in President Barack Obama, :bah: whose Islamist sympathies run deep "

Just flick through a few pages of " The Grand Jihad " on the Amazon website to see what i mean and read the comments in Editorial Reviews



Well i really hope YOU are right LaoPo :)

But an increasing number of people in the media have been making comments

that the Islamists have joined forces with the trade unions and communists and

that certainly is a toxic mix.

In USA Andy Stern leader of the SCIU ( who said " workers of the world unite

is not a slogan anymore, it is the way we do business " ) has been one of the

most frequent visitors to the White House and so he has influence.

Who knows but it doesnt seem far- fetched to me anyway but then i am only a

confused impotent individual :P

They discuss it here :-


Sorry Midas but I disgree with the content of such articles AND the guy, Nikitas, who wrote this stuff, spreading fear about so called joining forces between communists, trade unions and Islamists. I just don't buy that crap

As far as I can see it's promotion for a book -, the guy* wrote.

"Nikitas3.com is the passion of one single person (except where noted) and so hopefully it will be appreciated not for its quantity, but for its quality, individuality and originality.

Thank you,


From: http://www.nikitas3.com/

I think the guy needs help from a good shrink.

Come on Midas, don't read that stuff.


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