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Why do you say Detroit? Detroit is probably one of the most decayed cities in the whole of America.

Ok, here is the answer below and of course I don't expect any meaningful responses from the peanut gallery members.

rolleyes.gif This is just one tiny snippet of information from a one-hour special with some scandalous information(which is worth seeing) about this city and another indicator of how delusional people have become.

I said it was shocking because nothing is made in the city? All they do is extract money from other people and even that is with borrowed money from other nations like China.

Apparently though it has stirred up the sheeple


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-what is the conclusion that Lamborghini (owned by Volkswagen) moved its HQ to Washington, DC? -will the 22 other official Lamborghini dealers in the U.S. close down?

-who are the stirred-up sheeple borrowing money from China to buy Lamborghinis?

-what is the most ridiculous contribution in the thread "financial crisis?"

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Why do you say Detroit? Detroit is probably one of the most decayed cities in the whole of America.

Ok, here is the answer below and of course I don't expect any meaningful responses from the peanut gallery members.

rolleyes.gif This is just one tiny snippet of information from a one-hour special with some scandalous information(which is worth seeing) about this city and another indicator of how delusional people have become.

I said it was shocking because nothing is made in the city? All they do is extract money from other people and even that is with borrowed money from other nations like China.

Apparently though it has stirred up the sheeple


I would of been "shocked" if it were Detroit.

DC is just a sign of the times- mildly surprising, not exactly "shocking"

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Zimbabwe has $217 in the bank: finance minister

Biti said that left no choice but to ask the donors for cash.

“We will be approaching the international community,” he said.

The country’s elections agency said it requires $104 million to organise the vote.


how much will end up in Roberts pockets ?rolleyes.gif


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""The Financial Services Authority has revealed that more than 90% of interest rate swaps were allegedly mis-sold to small businesses by banks.


-sky news

Again we see the banks are sucking the productive capital out of the real economy. At the same time as numerous stories of how the lending for growth and expansion to SMEs is largely unobtainable.

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""The Financial Services Authority has revealed that more than 90% of interest rate swaps were allegedly mis-sold to small businesses by banks.


-sky news

Again we see the banks are sucking the productive capital out of the real economy. At the same time as numerous stories of how the lending for growth and expansion to SMEs is largely unobtainable.

The old National Socialist narrative was always about counterposing finance capital Vs the real economy

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Bill Moyers and Matt Taibbi: Everyone Pays If the Banksters Don't Go to Jail

"The rule of law isn’t really the rule of law if it doesn’t apply equally to everybody," Taibbi tells Moyers.

if you're going to put somebody in jail for having a joint in his pocket, you can't let higher ranking HSBC officials off for laundering $800 million for the worst drug dealers in the entire world. People who are suspected, not only of dealing drugs, but of thousands of murders. I mean, this is an incredible dichotomy. And eventually, you know, it eats away at the very fabric of society when some people go to jail and some people don't go to jail.

They laundered money for terrorist connected banks in the Middle East. Russian gangsters. Drug cartels in Colombia and Mexico.Literally, you know, I talked to one prosecutor who's, like, "They broke basically every law in the book and they did business with every kind of criminal you can possibly imagine. And they got a complete and total walk." I mean, they had to pay a fine.


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Numbers That Show The Mainstream Media Is Lying To You About Unemployment In America

But most Americans believe what they are told. It is almost as if we are in some kind of a "matrix" where reality is defined by the corporate-controlled propaganda that is relentlessly pumped into our brains.clap2.gif

The only way that the government has been able to show a declining unemployment rate is by dumping massive numbers of Americans into the "not in the labor force" category.huh.png


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My solution to fixing the problem in the USA has 2 parts. One make lobbying payments to politicians illegal and with both parties do serious jail time. The 2nd part is to pay politicians and govt. employees based on how well the economy is doing, including reduction of debt. Calculated by a non government group, zero growth = zero pay. Wait let's make that 3 parts. All laws passed apply to everyone. Businesses have to pay tax on car provided by company, senators have to pay tax on car and driver provided etc.

Unfortunately it will never happen. But I can dream can't I?

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Pat Caddell, FOX News Republican Propagandist makes some good points on the lack or lackies of investigative journalism. We would all benefit by real investigative journalism but that is not the system. The business model of commercial media that accept advertising is selling behavior change in their audience to advertisers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_of_interest#Media

Now Real Estate Developer/ Republican Trump wants to buy the New York Times and muzzle it as Murdoch has done with media stations all over rural America and many larger cities to promote his political/financial agenda.

At least we have the internet to seek out the truth to set us free to find the truth, but I wish we could return to a more balanced media that the U.S. used to have prior to Murdoch's take over of Wall Street, Journal, U.S. airwaves, etc.

The FTC also abrogates its responsibility to ensure some balance in political discussion or yank the stations license to broadcast. Big media has the money needed to fund real investigative reporting & such investigative reporting before the fact might have prevented/reduced the financial crisis, but the bankers and elite don't want that.

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Pat Caddell, FOX News Republican Propagandist makes some good points on the lack or lackies of investigative journalism. We would all benefit by real investigative journalism but that is not the system. The business model of commercial media that accept advertising is selling behavior change in their audience to advertisers. https://en.wikipedia...nterest#Media

Now Real Estate Developer/ Republican Trump wants to buy the New York Times and muzzle it as Murdoch has done with media stations all over rural America and many larger cities to promote his political/financial agenda.

At least we have the internet to seek out the truth to set us free to find the truth, but I wish we could return to a more balanced media that the U.S. used to have prior to Murdoch's take over of Wall Street, Journal, U.S. airwaves, etc.

The FTC also abrogates its responsibility to ensure some balance in political discussion or yank the stations license to broadcast. Big media has the money needed to fund real investigative reporting & such investigative reporting before the fact might have prevented/reduced the financial crisis, but the bankers and elite don't want that.

As opposed to all of the end of the world and hysterical gold bug internet websites littered with buy gold adverts.

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the kiss of death................

It’s Coming: The Government Wants to “Help Manage” Retirement Accounts

Many people, including myself, have discussed this threat over the past several years. The obvious concept is that when the government runs out of money, or they face a drying up in interest for its debt, they will come for the $19.4 trillion in American’s retirement accounts. It seems that day may be finally drawing near.


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...but I wish we could return to a more balanced media that the U.S. used to have prior to Murdoch's take over of Wall Street, Journal, U.S. airwaves, etc.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one... we've had subtle liberal brainwashing by major media in the U.S. since the 60s.

Sorry guys for the off topic diversion .... carry on with your financial crisis related discussion ....

Edited by Lopburi99
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...but I wish we could return to a more balanced media that the U.S. used to have prior to Murdoch's take over of Wall Street, Journal, U.S. airwaves, etc.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one... we've had subtle liberal brainwashing by major media in the U.S. since the 60s.

Sorry guys for the off topic diversion .... carry on with your financial crisis related discussion ....

I think a discussion about printing and broadcasting doublespeak and downplaying the severity and extent of what we are facing by the so-called mainstream media is most certainly relevant.


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...but I wish we could return to a more balanced media that the U.S. used to have prior to Murdoch's take over of Wall Street, Journal, U.S. airwaves, etc.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one... we've had subtle liberal brainwashing by major media in the U.S. since the 60s.

Sorry guys for the off topic diversion .... carry on with your financial crisis related discussion ....

I think a discussion about printing and broadcasting doublespeak and downplaying the severity and extent of what we are facing by the so-called mainstream media is most certainly relevant.thumbsup.gif

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

George Orwell

Loose translation: 'I am upset that the press do not echo the hysterical rubbish I believe from the end of the world websites I suck up'.

Edited by yoshiwara
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...but I wish we could return to a more balanced media that the U.S. used to have prior to Murdoch's take over of Wall Street, Journal, U.S. airwaves, etc.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one... we've had subtle liberal brainwashing by major media in the U.S. since the 60s.

Sorry guys for the off topic diversion .... carry on with your financial crisis related discussion ....

I think a discussion about printing and broadcasting doublespeak and downplaying the severity and extent of what we are facing by the so-called mainstream media is most certainly relevant.thumbsup.gif

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

George Orwell

Loose translation: 'I am upset that the press do not echo the hysterical rubbish I believe from the end of the world websites I suck up'.

And what is your motive to cheer lead the spread of lies and misinformation? (Actually I already have the answer to that, based on the contents of your postings so far)


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Loose translation: 'I am upset that the press do not echo the hysterical rubbish I believe from the end of the world websites I suck up'.

And what is your motive to cheer lead the spread of lies and misinformation? (Actually I already have the answer to that, based on the contents of your postings so far) bah.gif

based on his postings it is obvious that Yoshiwara is a dangerous Bilderberg mole operative laugh.png

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Loose translation: 'I am upset that the press do not echo the hysterical rubbish I believe from the end of the world websites I suck up'.

And what is your motive to cheer lead the spread of lies and misinformation? (Actually I already have the answer to that, based on the contents of your postings so far) bah.gif

based on his postings it is obvious that Yoshiwara is a dangerous Bilderberg mole operative laugh.png

His knickers are showing.


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Detroit is just a matter of "weeks or months" away from running out of cash, and when Detroit does declare bankruptcy it will be the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the United States. But don't look down on Detroit, because the truth is that Detroit is really a metaphor for what is happening to America as a whole. In the United States today, our manufacturing infrastructure has been gutted, poverty is absolutely exploding and we are rapidly approaching national bankruptcy. Detroit may have gotten there first, but the rest of the country will follow soon enough.


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You guys are better informed of Detroit's financial issues and woes, but as a person who lived in the Detroit area for 40+ years I can attest to the city's awful, heartbreaking physical condition. Many areas of the city are sitting waiting to be demolished. My friends go into the city mostly just for sports events or concerts. Not much of any other reason to. After dark? The business district empties out. A veritable ghost town. In the 50s and into the 60s it was alive and flourishing. Now it is on life support. Actually beyond life support...

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