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Spain Levies Consumption Tax on Sunlight

Proving that idiocy truly has no bounds, Spain issued a "royal decree" taxing sunlight gatherers. The state threatens fines as much as 30 million euros for those who illegally gather sunlight without paying a tax.


and France is pushing for an international tax on Google, Facebook and Amazon in the countries where customers use their websites.facepalm.gifblink.png

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I propose a tax on air and a tax on sun.

You breath? If yes you own me a lot of money. If no... I don't care, you still own me money because I said so.

U got sun? Bammm, you own me money.... You though it was free? Nothing is free In life, :-)

The irs.

Unbelievable story! Company bank account for father and daughter run grocery store (in business for over 30 years) seized by Feds in January. No criminal charges have ever been filed but the reasoning for the forfeiture of their assets appears to be that this cash business deposited cash too often in their bank account. Apparently, when this happens there is not much you can do as you aren’t given the option of stating your case:


I propose a tax on air and a tax on sun.

You breath? If yes you own me a lot of money. If no... I don't care, you still own me money because I said so.

U got sun? Bammm, you own me money.... You though it was free? Nothing is free In life, :-)

The irs.

There will come a time when the hard-working wealth generators will simply say I've got enough to survive and I'm taking my bat and ball home with me so f*kc you !

Then those beach bums who boast about being able to eat lobster at the expense of others won't know what's hit thembah.gif


I propose a tax on air and a tax on sun.

You breath? If yes you own me a lot of money. If no... I don't care, you still own me money because I said so.

U got sun? Bammm, you own me money.... You though it was free? Nothing is free In life, :-)

The irs.

There will come a time when the hard-working wealth generators will simply say I've got enough to survive and I'm taking my bat and ball home with me so f*kc you !

Then those beach bums who boast about being able to eat lobster at the expense of others won't know what's hit thembah.gif

Another lobster.



EUis in front. EU is destined to fail. Usa can be righted as long as they dont vote another commie as president.


You think the US won't fall? how is it going to sort out the debt? which apparently it is borrowing money to pay of interest. How can the US not fall even if it is somewhat slowly

at least the EU can break up back into separate sovereigns, I'm sure there's enough gold floating around to change the way things are done

I certainly hope the goat viol... I meant the greeks and cypriots pull out, they would have been better without any input from the euro bank(germans)


According to the Worldbank about the total reserves the USA is already ... - link here: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FI.RES.TOTL.CD

Here's a short view about the numbers (all given in USD and per 31.12.2012):

Total all countries: 10,911,991,017,532 = 100%

China: 3,331,120,015,177 = 30.53%

Japan: 1,227,147,066,091 = 11.25%

Russia: 486,576,821,775 = 4.46%

Europe (28 state): 779,848,132,510 = 7.15%

Europe (Euro-Zone): 277,758,257,406 = 2.55%

USA: 139,133,877,267 = 1.28%

BRICS: 4,457,849,317,440 = 40.85%

And when you also take a look for cash and debt then the USA 'is far behind' already.


So USA has no fall back.?

What s their plan B?

Everybody must have a plan B.

they have nukes, a surplus of nukes. which they could sell making a 'hansum' profit.



So USA has no fall back.?

What s their plan B?

Everybody must have a plan B.

Legalising indefinite detention with out trail; building network of FEMA camps, massive catch all database building and spying on the innocent citizenry. Looks like the US gov. has been preparing the plan B/ marshal law by executive order / coup since years already.



So USA has no fall back.?

What s their plan B?

Everybody must have a plan B.

they have nukes, a surplus of nukes. which they could sell making a 'hansum' profit.



From what I have read in the press the us is already stockpiling ammo, perhaps that is the plan to make ammunition and weapons the new world currency?


Every British person should read the following article. I have to admit I didn't know any of this before

I wish I had been taught this at school instead of the rubbish history lessons we used to have. bah.gif


This is the BIG SECRET that the City of London would rather keep to itself and not get out. If this simple fact were to become mainstream then people everywhere would simply walk away and the entire banking system would completely collapse.

Bankers Bradbury and the carnage on the Western Front! 30_11_12.pdf


Public Funds At Risk In The Big Banks

This video will show official government documents ( including New Zealand, United Kingdom and USA )that describe the plans for confiscating deposits when, (not if) a big bank fails.


So USA has no fall back.?

What s their plan B?

Everybody must have a plan B.

Legalising indefinite detention with out trail; building network of FEMA camps, massive catch all database building and spying on the innocent citizenry. Looks like the US gov. has been preparing the plan B/ marshal law by executive order / coup since years already.

Why? You have something to hide...?

Do you hate America?

Is it a problem if we ask you some questions?

Why do you live in Thailand?

Apparently the signals do not penetrate the aluminium helmets so easily in Thailand which has high humidity.



I propose a tax on air and a tax on sun.

You breath? If yes you own me a lot of money. If no... I don't care, you still own me money because I said so.

U got sun? Bammm, you own me money.... You though it was free? Nothing is free In life, :-)

The irs.

There will come a time when the hard-working wealth generators will simply say I've got enough to survive and I'm taking my bat and ball home with me so f*kc you !

Then those beach bums who boast about being able to eat lobster at the expense of others won't know what's hit thembah.gif

ok this is just one person ………………one example but I believe it reflects the sentiment that will keep growing

Some of you may have thought I was joking when I shut down on 9/11 and said that were there to be no response I would continue to withdraw my consent, peacefully and lawfully, by simply refusing to work as hard -- and thus refusing to generate taxable income (and taxes.)

I wasn't joking.

Not long after I posted the Evolution Ticker in which I announced that the formerly-revenue-producing (and thus tax producing) side of the operation here was closing -- permanently and immediately, with the services formerly provided disappearing on or before 12/31.

In short, I would choose to go watch pretty sunsets and enjoy adult beverages, or hang out with people I really do care about in the real world instead of writing Tickers and otherwise generating taxable activity.




USA in a nutshell. very simple!

Capitalism versus Socialism. At the moment Socialism is winning. I can imagine eu taxes going higher so you guys can pay for your own defense..............lol.

There is no crisis that a goold ole dose of capitilism wont cure.


It is destined to fail whichever it is. The US have pretended to be anti commie for years and now the truth is they are the biggest commies ever. Even the ruskies are waggling the fingure at the US, and as for Europe ...


This is my simple point of view on the USA.

View the number of poor, lack of well paid jobs, it s impossible to run a system based on consumption as consumers need money to consume.

It worked fine when products were build in USA and people bought USA product, they produced their own gadgets resulting job creations. It was a prefect and well maintained oiled clock until some idiots start to deal with China. (grain of sand in the engrenages ) which rapidly has deteriorated the USA system.

Still USA is the biggest producer in the world but the money will go to USA companies who have their offices in Cayman and don't pay a single dim of tax. Their crap is still build in China and now Africa (Ethiopia) where workers are paid 1000 bahts a month. So USA people won't see any money really from these mega companies.

So who pay tax to maintain the big USA machine with their expensive GIs, dhs, tsa,... And who is going to pay for food stamps, health care, retirement,...? The average class citizen will pay .

Rich are leaving or left already(or have found a way to pay no tax) and poor have nothing left. If you have $ in USA, you are an idiot to stay as you can live well with money saved by getting rid of your 30 to 50% income tax.

This is why rich USA guys buy boats and cruise around the world. But with fatca and fbar it s going to be harder now as the USA government want keep them inside the country to run their oiled machine.

Pretty much they don't want people living outside the country. They want you to come back with your $ and invest it in the USA so fed can eat part of the cake.

For now they will take money from middle class who will become poor in the end and who eventually will join the feds as a tsa, dhs officers... (these jobs are for morons usually as training take only a few weeks)

Until the number of middle class is so small that they won't be enough middle class people left to sustain this USA machine.

Result:USA is doomed to fail. Borrow or save, result will be the same.

What we don't know is when and what will happen then.


This is my simple point of view on the USA.

View the number of poor, lack of well paid jobs, it s impossible to run a system based on consumption as consumers need money to consume.

It worked fine when products were build in USA and people bought USA product, they produced their own gadgets resulting job creations. It was a prefect and well maintained oiled clock until some idiots start to deal with China. (grain of sand in the engrenages ) which rapidly has deteriorated the USA system.

Still USA is the biggest producer in the world but the money will go to USA companies who have their offices in Cayman and don't pay a single dim of tax. Their crap is still build in China and now Africa (Ethiopia) where workers are paid 1000 bahts a month. So USA people won't see any money really from these mega companies.

So who pay tax to maintain the big USA machine with their expensive GIs, dhs, tsa,... And who is going to pay for food stamps, health care, retirement,...? The average class citizen will pay .

Rich are leaving or left already(or have found a way to pay no tax) and poor have nothing left. If you have $ in USA, you are an idiot to stay as you can live well with money saved by getting rid of your 30 to 50% income tax.

This is why rich USA guys buy boats and cruise around the world. But with fatca and fbar it s going to be harder now as the USA government want keep them inside the country to run their oiled machine.

Pretty much they don't want people living outside the country. They want you to come back with your $ and invest it in the USA so fed can eat part of the cake.

For now they will take money from middle class who will become poor in the end and who eventually will join the feds as a tsa, dhs officers... (these jobs are for morons usually as training take only a few weeks)

Until the number of middle class is so small that they won't be enough middle class people left to sustain this USA machine.

Result:USA is doomed to fail. Borrow or save, result will be the same.

What we don't know is when and what will happen then.

Neversure probably wont like that................or this ...sad.png



This is my simple point of view on the USA.

View the number of poor, lack of well paid jobs, it s impossible to run a system based on consumption as consumers need money to consume.

It worked fine when products were build in USA and people bought USA product, they produced their own gadgets resulting job creations. It was a prefect and well maintained oiled clock until some idiots start to deal with China. (grain of sand in the engrenages ) which rapidly has deteriorated the USA system.

Still USA is the biggest producer in the world but the money will go to USA companies who have their offices in Cayman and don't pay a single dim of tax. Their crap is still build in China and now Africa (Ethiopia) where workers are paid 1000 bahts a month. So USA people won't see any money really from these mega companies.

So who pay tax to maintain the big USA machine with their expensive GIs, dhs, tsa,... And who is going to pay for food stamps, health care, retirement,...? The average class citizen will pay .

Rich are leaving or left already(or have found a way to pay no tax) and poor have nothing left. If you have $ in USA, you are an idiot to stay as you can live well with money saved by getting rid of your 30 to 50% income tax.

This is why rich USA guys buy boats and cruise around the world. But with fatca and fbar it s going to be harder now as the USA government want keep them inside the country to run their oiled machine.

Pretty much they don't want people living outside the country. They want you to come back with your $ and invest it in the USA so fed can eat part of the cake.

For now they will take money from middle class who will become poor in the end and who eventually will join the feds as a tsa, dhs officers... (these jobs are for morons usually as training take only a few weeks)

Until the number of middle class is so small that they won't be enough middle class people left to sustain this USA machine.

Result:USA is doomed to fail. Borrow or save, result will be the same.

What we don't know is when and what will happen then.

We're doomed I tell you! Doomed!


Is this stage two of the test to see how people react ?

Utah families on food stamps could be cut off soon

States across the country are being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November, pending further notice.

That’s according to a letter from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Fox 13 obtained a copy from the Crossroads Urban Center in downtown Salt Lake City. Crossroads says if Utah families don’t get food stamps, they’ll turn to the local food pantries, which are already strapped due to the government shutdown. Homeless people Fox 13 talked to, some who use SNAP, say losing food stamps would mean going hungry.

People out on the streets like Richard Phillips says, “It could impact us and it’s going to cause problems because you’re going to come to find out that people are going to steal and do what they have to do to survive.”ph34r.png



looting began after just 3 hours of the EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) system being down so imagine what would happen if food stamps were delayed for a period of five days.

Consensus is now quite strong among the well-informed (i.e. people who read the alternative media) that the downfall of the EBT system will be the downfall of civility across America. Thanks to Obama’s disastrous economic policies, nearly 50 million Americans are now on food stamps, and the program is on track to double by the time Obama leaves office. Obama will go down in history as the only president to have doubled the national debt and the food stamp program at the same time.

As the Wal-Mart ransacking in Louisiana just demonstrated, people will clear the shelves and engage in mass theft if they believe they can do so with a minimal risk of getting caught. This is no longer debatable. We just saw it happen in a short-term, localized test case.


looting began after just 3 hours of the EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) system being down so imagine what would happen if food stamps were delayed for a period of five days.

Consensus is now quite strong among the well-informed (i.e. people who read the alternative media) that the downfall of the EBT system will be the downfall of civility across America. Thanks to Obama’s disastrous economic policies, nearly 50 million Americans are now on food stamps, and the program is on track to double by the time Obama leaves office. Obama will go down in history as the only president to have doubled the national debt and the food stamp program at the same time.

As the Wal-Mart ransacking in Louisiana just demonstrated, people will clear the shelves and engage in mass theft if they believe they can do so with a minimal risk of getting caught. This is no longer debatable. We just saw it happen in a short-term, localized test case.

Gonna make for wicked telly though!

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