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I guess everybody knows the can has been kicked down the road again in USA. Maybe they can keep on kicking it until elections being dems in to all arms of government and then they can just no limit with out all the drama.

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I guess everybody knows the can has been kicked down the road again in USA. Maybe they can keep on kicking it until elections being dems in to all arms of government and then they can just no limit with out all the drama.

The can kicking will only stop once all the resources have been used up and the World is out of energy. Until then it shall continue as it always has.


Right, let them pollute... In 50 years I will be dead.. So who give a.... What will happen next, as long I have my fuel, car, house, fridge and Netflix TV....

Burn the world and build a giant Mac Donald....


Right, let them pollute... In 50 years I will be dead.. So who give a.... What will happen next, as long I have my fuel, car, house, fridge and Netflix TV....

Burn the world and build a giant Mac Donald....

I'm afraid so.


The crisis was 5 years ago and really wasn't major. Curious, when was the world experiencing its glory days. Surely not in any of the decades prior to 1950 with all the devastating wars.

Reality check - progress is bumpy! Global financial assets have been on a growth trend the last 5 years while debt is decreasing. Hmmm, seems like a normal financial bubble and there will be more. It's not politicians that drive financial cycles, we the people are greedy and hence the next "crisis".

Keep carping about the doom while some of enjoy life and at the same time make money more days than not. Some posters are hilariously pathetic and would probably revel in Armageddon. Ain't going to happen or at least the odds are minuscule.


I guess everybody knows the can has been kicked down the road again in USA. Maybe they can keep on kicking it until elections being dems in to all arms of government and then they can just no limit with out all the drama.

The can kicking will only stop once all the resources have been used up and the World is out of energy. Until then it shall continue as it always has.

Yep, when the sun stops shining and winds and water disappear. Oh the panic, in a billions of years. There is a huge reserve of fossil fuels at the moment and people trend to the easy solution. When fossil fuels become economically prohibitive what do you think might happen? The world will move on to the next best economic solution. Tick tock tick tock - nothing monumental about boring reality.


absolutely hilarious and proves that we are doomed to whatever those in charge want to do with usgiggle.gif

"I Support an Orwellian Police State in America"


absolutely hilarious and proves that we are doomed to whatever those in charge want to do with usgiggle.gif

"I Support an Orwellian Police State in America"

I would say it proves that your conclusions are about as dozy as the signers of that petition.


absolutely hilarious and proves that we are doomed to whatever those in charge want to do with usgiggle.gif

"I Support an Orwellian Police State in America"

I would say it proves that your conclusions are about as dozy as the signers of that petition.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin


Just wait they cut your pension of old man, then you will feel your pain.

People have no idea or don't want the know as long their government give money.

Once the music stop playing...


I like Druckenmiller because he tells the truth as it is and he doesn't try to hide or distort the fact that his wealth is growing even bigger under the current policies. But he also confesses that the ordinary man is getting screwed. Here he participates in a panel discussion on Yoshiwara’s favourite channel

"This is fantastic for every rich person," he said Thursday, a day after the Fed's stunning decision to delay tightening its monetary policy. "This is the biggest redistribution of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the rich ever.""Who owns assets—the rich, the billionaires. You think Warren Buffett hates this stuff? You think I hate this stuff? I had a very good day yesterday."


And finally, there are Druckenmiller’s arguments on Social Security obligations as the trigger of the next global financial crisis. The poster advertising Druckenmiller's speech last week argues that the "true national debt" is more than $200 trillionohmy.png




As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap

America is in the toilet, and the rest of the world knows it. But the neocons who rule in Washington and their Israeli ally are determined that Washington start yet more wars to create lebensraum for Israel.


This would presumably be the same Paul Craig Roberts who supported Al Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki. Looks like midas is trying to get back on his Jewish conspiracy horse again. Like a bad penny it just keeps coming back.


I like Druckenmiller because he tells the truth as it is and he doesn't try to hide or distort the fact that his wealth is growing even bigger under the current policies. But he also confesses that the ordinary man is getting screwed. Here he participates in a panel discussion on Yoshiwara’s favourite channel

"This is fantastic for every rich person," he said Thursday, a day after the Fed's stunning decision to delay tightening its monetary policy. "This is the biggest redistribution of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the rich ever.""Who owns assets—the rich, the billionaires. You think Warren Buffett hates this stuff? You think I hate this stuff? I had a very good day yesterday."


And finally, there are Druckenmiller’s arguments on Social Security obligations as the trigger of the next global financial crisis. The poster advertising Druckenmiller's speech last week argues that the "true national debt" is more than $200 trillionohmy.png



I like both CNBC and Bloomberg. CNBC even have Peter Schiff on occasionally. One is tempted to turn the sound down when he starts foaming though.

Dealing with public debt is a serious issue particularly in the case of Greece which is a story on its own. I mention Greece because the antics of the DP and the RP remind me of the shenanigans in Greece where the parties played musical chairs in blaming each other while not wanting to address the issues when in government. But has it always been thus.....


Drunkenmiller is spot on I think.

I think you mean Stanley Druckenmiller the successful trader? Sometimes these guys go off in a wild direction when they shift from trading to politics.

I believe he closed down his main fund in August 2010. He does have a beef though about projected debt levels.


Drunkenmiller is spot on I think.

I think you mean Stanley Druckenmiller the successful trader? Sometimes these guys go off in a wild direction when they shift from trading to politics.

I believe he closed down his main fund in August 2010. He does have a beef though about projected debt levels.

Yes yes

The debts keep growing and growing with no end in sight.

Does it matter?


As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap

America is in the toilet, and the rest of the world knows it. But the neocons who rule in Washington and their Israeli ally are determined that Washington start yet more wars to create lebensraum for Israel.


This would presumably be the same Paul Craig Roberts who supported Al Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki. Looks like midas is trying to get back on his Jewish conspiracy horse again. Like a bad penny it just keeps coming back.

Would you believe me when I tell you, I definitely 100% did not deliberately pursue that this time.


As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap

America is in the toilet, and the rest of the world knows it. But the neocons who rule in Washington and their Israeli ally are determined that Washington start yet more wars to create lebensraum for Israel.


This would presumably be the same Paul Craig Roberts who supported Al Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki. Looks like midas is trying to get back on his Jewish conspiracy horse again. Like a bad penny it just keeps coming back.

Would you believe me when I tell you, I definitely 100% did not deliberately pursue that this time.

Its a nice sunny day today.


Drunkenmiller is spot on I think.

I think you mean Stanley Druckenmiller the successful trader? Sometimes these guys go off in a wild direction when they shift from trading to politics.

I believe he closed down his main fund in August 2010. He does have a beef though about projected debt levels.

Yes yes

The debts keep growing and growing with no end in sight.

Does it matter?

Management of said debt is a significant issue and does matter far more importantly than the level of debt.

Also the ratio of public debt to that of productive capacity, though not an absolute straightforward division.

eg when one initially takes out a mortgage, the absolute level of that debt is subordinate to the ability to manage repayments, so the total debt is not the be all and end all.


I guess everybody knows the can has been kicked down the road again in USA. Maybe they can keep on kicking it until elections being dems in to all arms of government and then they can just no limit with out all the drama.

The can kicking will only stop once all the resources have been used up and the World is out of energy. Until then it shall continue as it always has.

what the green are not telling, is that low resource consumption is a characteristic of..... poverty.

Yes, reducing the western world's environmental footprint involves a drastic reduction of everyone's lifestyle.

It's already started with carbon taxes, taxes on fuel and power, etc.

Until the last decade, it was ok to be careful to not waste energy.

Today, many people are forced to consciously cut back on energy to save money.

The point where a normal household will not be able to afford a normal energy consumption approaches. Fast.

Soon the middle class will live a life that's as inconvenient as yesterday's poor have lived.

Anyway, yes, the can will continue to be kicked.


Drunkenmiller is spot on I think.

I think you mean Stanley Druckenmiller the successful trader? Sometimes these guys go off in a wild direction when they shift from trading to politics.

I believe he closed down his main fund in August 2010. He does have a beef though about projected debt levels.

Yes yes

The debts keep growing and growing with no end in sight.

Does it matter?

Management of said debt is a significant issue and does matter far more importantly than the level of debt.

Also the ratio of public debt to that of productive capacity, though not an absolute straightforward division.

eg when one initially takes out a mortgage, the absolute level of that debt is subordinate to the ability to manage repayments, so the total debt is not the be all and end all.


From my experience in "big organisations", "managing an issue" is today defined as talking talking talking until everybody is tired of hearing about it.

On the contrary, taking measures to tackle the issue is considered rude.

The world needs more rude people at such places of power, but unfortunately, many harmony-seeking consensual narcists prosper in these organisations.



From my experience in "big organisations", "managing an issue" is today defined as talking talking talking until everybody is tired of hearing about it.

On the contrary, taking measures to tackle the issue is considered rude.

The world needs more rude people at such places of power, but unfortunately, many harmony-seeking consensual narcists prosper in these organisations.

It would have been clearer if I had explicitly referred to paying down the interest payments on the debt rather than 'managing' the debt. You can of course wave a stick at me by asking about the risk of volatility in interest rates. (its one of those days.....).



From my experience in "big organisations", "managing an issue" is today defined as talking talking talking until everybody is tired of hearing about it.

On the contrary, taking measures to tackle the issue is considered rude.

The world needs more rude people at such places of power, but unfortunately, many harmony-seeking consensual narcists prosper in these organisations.

It would have been clearer if I had explicitly referred to paying down the interest payments on the debt rather than 'managing' the debt. You can of course wave a stick at me by asking about the risk of volatility in interest rates. (its one of those days.....).

fixed interest rates at nearly zero are fine, but all the other principal needs to be repaid somehow...

I would never wave a stick at you, unless you were somehow responsible for this situation.

Anyway, we know what happens when interest rates go up - debt will get erased in this wonderful world of accountability.


McDonald's doesn't want to pay its workers a decent wage but instead wants other people (i.e. taxpayers) to pay its workers moreblink.png


McDonald's doesn't want to pay its workers a decent wage but instead wants other people (i.e. taxpayers) to pay its workers moreblink.png

Obviously made by someone who doesn't know very much about business. Most of those places are operated as franchises, and they probably aren't making nearly as much money as these people think. But, I would like to see them do more to help employees continue their education if they can. Also, I noticed she seemed to have thought she could afford to have one more child.


McDonald's doesn't want to pay its workers a decent wage but instead wants other people (i.e. taxpayers) to pay its workers moreblink.png

Obviously made by someone who doesn't know very much about business. Most of those places are operated as franchises, and they probably aren't making nearly as much money as these people think. But, I would like to see them do more to help employees continue their education if they can. Also, I noticed she seemed to have thought she could afford to have one more child.

" McDonald's announced Monday that it raked in $1.5 billion in profits in the third quarter, up 5 percent from last year.

The number is strikingly close to the $1.2 billion taxpayers are shelling out each year to help pay public assistance to the McDonald's workforce, according to a report released last week by the National Employment Law Project. "ermm.gif


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