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^^ The old formula has reached its terminus. Need to find a new formula. To achieve this it may take revolution, but change it must.

Oxfam: 85 people 'own half of global wealth'


" Wealthy men can't live in an island that is encircled by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give a chance to everyone, at least a basic chance."

Ayrton Senna

Brazilian Formula 1 driver

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^^ The old formula has reached its terminus. Need to find a new formula. To achieve this it may take revolution, but change it must.

Oxfam: 85 people 'own half of global wealth'


" Wealthy men can't live in an island that is encircled by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give a chance to everyone, at least a basic chance."

Ayrton Senna

Brazilian Formula 1 driver

He's right.

I don't know why they'd want to either. The early Cadbury (choc) family had it right.

It's like this country, this Thailand. It's rich, but with the distribution of wealth the way it is, it's also miserable for most. The rich around the world will retreat further and further into seclusion with more and more security required to keep them safe. In the end all they've done is build their own prisons.

Much better to live in a healthy, happy and safe world.


You will not bargain with someone to buy a bread for 1 troy ounce. For that amount you will be able to buy the whole bakery. It will be revalued and maybe a 'new' dollar will be 1000US$ for 1 gram.

sometimes i wish that i too was abducted by aliens wink.gif

You already are, remember where you are Klingon!


there was the gold rush... ermm.gif


Lana, no worries it will all be setlled.

You say there is no conspiracy in this so called crisis, I think I have strong proof there is,


Pray tell Alex. And not with pictures and line spacing and your ridiculous clues. Just a simple sentence or paragraph. You may begin:

Alex: "It all began with the Rothschilds, perhaps even the Merovingians...

as well as the Visigodes who borrowed money from a merovingian bank to finance their war against the Byzantines. when the Merovingians didn't like the idea of the Visigodes taking over southern Spain they thought of the ultimate conspiracy and issued a margin call... laugh.gif

there were the conspiracy theories... unsure.png


what is potentially more scary I think is the fallout in terms of the Arab uprising around the world, possible dirty bombs in cities and a total mess on the already chaotic financial markets........could still leave us with a bloody mess

that's exactly what i meant. but not only Arabs will be involved and not only muslim countries. terrorist organisations would be fuelled and strengthened by a bonanza of nearly unlimited money and of course by volunteers from all over the world.

Yes I know there will some very willing people Naam............... ph34r.gif

there were sidenote discussions of a potential war... sick.gif


what is potentially more scary I think is the fallout in terms of the Arab uprising around the world, possible dirty bombs in cities and a total mess on the already chaotic financial markets........could still leave us with a bloody mess

that's exactly what i meant. but not only Arabs will be involved and not only muslim countries. terrorist organisations would be fuelled and strengthened by a bonanza of nearly unlimited money and of course by volunteers from all over the world.

Yes I know there will some very willing people Naam............... ph34r.gif

there were sidenote discussions of a potential war... sick.gif

Different actors................. same script ermm.gif



The media are attributing the Dow's drop last night to things like Obama's policies and

Citigroup and Bank of America possibly needing to be nationalised...but this is another

angle and this sounds even more serious....................?

Dow sinks to 12-year low on fears for AIG

Wall Street lurches downwards again amid more financial turmoil

AIG’s collapse last September had threatened to bring down the global financial system..................

The $60bn loss, due to be announced next Monday, could force the company into bankruptcy unless new financing is arranged before then, analysts said. A board meeting is believed to have been set for Sunday. The company itself issued a statement saying it was not considering a legal filing for bankruptcy, although sources confirmed it has hired the law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges.


DOW below 7000 beginning of march 2009 but gaining 50% by the end of 2009 whistling.gif


this thread celebrates today its 5-year anniversary!

Yes indeed and things slowly keep getting worsesad.png

Have you been paying attention to what has been happening in Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Ukraine, Turkey and China?

In major cities all over the globe right now, there is looting, violence, shortages of basic supplies, and runs on the banks. We are not at a "global crisis" stage yet, but things are getting worse with each passing day. For a while, I have felt that 2014 would turn out to be a major "turning point" for the global economy, and so far that is exactly what it is turning out to be




Naam you are actually one of the very few Germans with a sense of humor!


Is naam really german?me thinks his knowlege of english/the humour and use of it tells me no,unless one of his parents were english.anyway i thought he came from the planet klingon!maybe its an english outpost run by germans laugh.gif

in between the gloom&doom a few humorous exchanges thumbsup.gif


The media are attributing the Dow's drop last night to things like Obama's policies and

Citigroup and Bank of America possibly needing to be nationalised...but this is another

angle and this sounds even more serious....................?

Dow sinks to 12-year low on fears for AIG

Wall Street lurches downwards again amid more financial turmoil

AIG’s collapse last September had threatened to bring down the global financial system..................

The $60bn loss, due to be announced next Monday, could force the company into bankruptcy unless new financing is arranged before then, analysts said. A board meeting is believed to have been set for Sunday. The company itself issued a statement saying it was not considering a legal filing for bankruptcy, although sources confirmed it has hired the law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges.


DOW below 7000 beginning of march 2009 but gaining 50% by the end of 2009 whistling.gif

Dow Reaches Record Highs, But Local Professor Says That Doesn't Indicate a Healthy Economywhistling.gif



No, if I recall correctly it was started by 12Drinkmore to - understandably - venthis spleen against the idiots who have got us into this mess.

Now it has been hijacked by people like Alexlahlah who just want to promote their "the sky is falling in and and there will be world-wide rioting in the streets" postulations.

The thread is dead. Some have now stooped to personal insults which is out of order.

The thread is certainly not dead-it is vibrant and informative. You're not the moderator either Chaimai

even though you have continually tried to impose your personal standards throughout these postings.

Just because you are not interested in these issues I dont believe this gives you the right to deem that they are not

worthy of consideration by other TV members. ohmy.gif

the thread is still vibrant and informative whistling.gif


all part of the grand plan

whatever that is

if someone finds out can they post it here


lots of logical comments given...


weekend thoughts for the resident doom&gloomers:

The U.S. economy will enter "hyperinflation" approaching the levels in Zimbabwe because the Federal Reserve will be reluctant to raise interest rates, investor Marc Faber said. Prices may increase at rates "close to" Zimbabwe's gains, Faber said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Hong Kong. Zimbabwe's inflation rate reached 231 million percent in July, the last annual rate published by the statistics office.

"I am 100 percent sure that the U.S. will go into hyperinflation," Faber said. "The problem with government debt growing so much is that when the time will come and the Fed should increase interest rates, they will be very reluctant to do so and so inflation will start to accelerate." - Bloomberg

quoted "wisdom" of Marc Faber (The Great) coffee1.gif


in my opinion Marc Faber is a brilliant man. met him twice personally (years ago) and was impressed by his overall knowledge which covers the whole financial range. unfortunately he is beating the gloom drums to an extent which (i think) is a bit embarassing. but he has to keep up his reputation being Mr. Doom&Gloom™ as scores of other gloomers are mushrooming, competing and try to trump him biggrin.gif

p.s. in his mother tongue swiss-german he sounds much better and more convincing than in english smile.gif

Marc has piped down nowadays and tries hard not to let BS slip from his mouth. he is not always successful.


Effectively the dollar could be written off as a currency. As around two thirds of world reserves are held in dollar they will be written off. The US will have no debt. Along this action, the US will introduce a “new dollar”. Any internal US old dollar liability will be converted into it, possibly with even 1:1 ratio.


effectively i could write off Mrs Naam as a wife. along this action i will introduce several new Mia Nois, possibly with a ratio 3:1 (generic Viagra is still affordable). unfortunately this action has to be synchronised with the hiring of a platoon of Gurkhas to serve as bodyguards for me and the "Nois", i.e. the question arises "is it worth the trouble?" :ermm:

blogspots and rebuttals...


Effectively the dollar could be written off as a currency. As around two thirds of world reserves are held in dollar they will be written off. The US will have no debt. Along this action, the US will introduce a “new dollar”. Any internal US old dollar liability will be converted into it, possibly with even 1:1 ratio.


effectively i could write off Mrs Naam as a wife. along this action i will introduce several new Mia Nois, possibly with a ratio 3:1 (generic Viagra is still affordable). unfortunately this action has to be synchronised with the hiring of a platoon of Gurkhas to serve as bodyguards for me and the "Nois", i.e. the question arises "is it worth the trouble?" ermm.gif

blogspots and rebuttals...

Writing off those who like to write off the dollar is like shooting fish in a barrel.


all part of the grand plan

whatever that is

if someone finds out can they post it here


lots of logical comments given...


did you just wake up?

this post is from 2009


all part of the grand plan

whatever that is

if someone finds out can they post it here


lots of logical comments given...


did you just wake up?

this post is from 2009

i think you have to wake up. is commenting an old posting illegal? tongue.png


do you need an explanation why i brought up old postings?

if yes, yesterday we celebrated this thread's 5 year anniversary.


S&P 500 Overvalued by 40%, Set to Fall, Smithers Says

"The economist also said banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. will likely break up when they become subject to sliding- scale capital requirements that penalize them for being too large. Rising profits at financial institutions has largely been the result of shrinking competition in market-making, which has in turn provided banks with inside information on trading patterns, Smithers said.

“Market-making has become a doomsday machine,” Smithers said. “People are arrogant and think they can do wonders and they’ll be all too happy to split off. And you should raise the capital requirements until they do split off.”


when Mr. Gloom Smithers forecasted a 40% the S&P500 was 1,067 implying a fall to 640. last friday the S&P traded at 1790, i.e. "wrong by 1,150 points".

facit: Mr. Smithers = sorry loser dry.png


i wish i had the time to search and watch youtube clips. unfortunately i am too busy making dough because of market opportunities i haven't seen in years. but then... it's only a matter of time till i'm as rich as the resident youtube-clippers and then i'll make up, buy some gold, perhaps a ricefield or two and of course a buffalo! laugh.gif

and NO Zorro! i don't touch any disgusting shares :whistling:

oh, so you have no spare time ? This kind of stuff pops up on all the best financial sites around now and then.

You are probably finding as much opportunities as CaptainARK. Why don't you start your own thread if these are such good opportunities ? Has your opportunity come knocking ?

i discussed the opportunities with Abrak (i think it was in this thread) months ago and i repeatedly mentioned them but nobody was interested. but the asset class i am trading is not for little boys and pocket money. the real big opportunities during the last six months were subordinate bonds of banks, insurance companies and big corporates with an excellent credit rating (GE et al). till end of september one could make excellent profits even with the minimum tradeable batches of €UR 50k and USD 100k. alas, profitable trading nowadays requires €UR 250-500k for a single trade.

any other questions or would you perhaps like that i post some ISIN Nos. to check for yourself? i will happily provide them but you will be bitterly crying when comparing the 300, 400 and even 500% profit in only a few months with the pittance of your gold appreciation this year.

nobody listened to poor Naam in the golden year 2009 which provided once in a lifetime opportunities crying.gif


"Jamie Dimon? Oh My Lord!"

I have a feeling that, no matter who's name was mentioned, you'd be reduced to tears and drama.

You know, if I owned a bank, he's just the guy I'd want to run it. He is an extremely capable manager. If I needed someone to manage an economic plan in the public interest I think I'd probably keep looking. If selected, he'll make the market move, you can count on that.

that's why Jamie earns 20 million Dollars.


there is an opportunity coming up to make money on the markets going down again and so instead of pushing the same old barrow here it maybe a wiser move to focus the discussion on strategies to cash in as others did in the Sub Prime fiasco.

still waiting for that opportunity. it's four years now whistling.gif


1. What a great idea Herr Naam. Lets get the big fox to regulate the small fox that's guarding the hen-house. smile.gif

2. The central banks are the problem. You want the banker to the central banks to solve the problem. That might work.....or not.

3. What about stopping the scaffold building? This things gone way past it's center of gravity. Let's have some price discovery. Let's see what "stuff' is really worth. Up the capital requirements of banks. Let the failures fail. After the crash we can pick through the bones. cool.gif Ahh... the revenge of the "Morts".

4.Are you hedged for that contingency Herr Namm? We know your wife is. biggrin.gif Better start collecting them brownie points. biggrin.gif


1. the idea is not mine. i only pointed to the fact that BIS, Basel does not handle mosquitoshit sized payments.

2. perhaps the central banks are your problem, definitely not mine.

3. any stuff is only worth the value somebody is willing to pay or to barter for.

4. take a wild guess from where all the money came from which enabled my wife to hedge for a few contingencies.

5. goldbugs who can lay their hands on their physical gold any time they please are either poor people or crazy.

6. goldbugs who are able to carry their physical gold across borders are paupers.

7. investors who put all their eggs in one basket are not investors but ignorants.

8. wet dreams require rubber sheets to protect the mattress from staining.

next! smile.gif

during the last two years Mrs. Naam learned that trees do not grow skyhigh wink.png


there is an opportunity coming up to make money on the markets going down again and so instead of pushing the same old barrow here it maybe a wiser move to focus the discussion on strategies to cash in as others did in the Sub Prime fiasco.

still waiting for that opportunity. it's four years now whistling.gif

it did go down and it did recover

were u asleep

I invested in UOB and Top 10 funds here and made money

i sold out just before the slide due to Thai politics

These funds have since gone down and those that held on are out 15%

If you had of invested in Buanluang Health last year it returned nearly 52%

USA recovery paid 32%

Did you miss the recovery

I didnt


USA healthcare

Bualuang Global Health Care

up 7% already this year

u guys are busy ripping into one another and dragging up posts from years ago that I stopped posting here

now that u reminded me of what i said 4 years ago i responded but now I unfollow this forum as its DEADpost-6522-0-39860900-1390792540_thumb.pn

this is not financial advise


there is an opportunity coming up to make money on the markets going down again and so instead of pushing the same old barrow here it maybe a wiser move to focus the discussion on strategies to cash in as others did in the Sub Prime fiasco.

still waiting for that opportunity. it's four years now whistling.gif

it did go down and it did recover

were u asleep

I invested in UOB and Top 10 funds here and made money

i sold out just before the slide due to Thai politics

These funds have since gone down and those that held on are out 15%

If you had of invested in Buanluang Health last year it returned nearly 52%

USA recovery paid 32%

Did you miss the recovery

I didnt

yada-yada... yakety-yak laugh.png

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