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Dating Scenarios While You Are In Thailand


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now I started this topic as a continuation of the last one, but before I start discussing I d like to point out that I m not generalizing any race here or any nationality, I am talking about a category of people that You might meet while you are living here, that might be 10% 5% 1% or less of the population, I d like to answer patklang for what he said about "There are plenty of jobs in Thailand and other countries that pay more than what you say" if you take a look at the ministry of labor s stats around 75% of the workforce here earns less then 10,000 Baht - 300$ a month common jobs such as (taxi, supermarket, construction , tourism etc etc) and if you further argue then take a look at most of the jobs websites, don't forget that the minimum wage in many provinces are still around 100 baht 3$ per day.

so in summary in 80% or more of case you might a woman will date you here because of Financial issue, be it directly or indirectly, let me explain to you why.

even if you meet a woman who s not looking for financial advantage or an entertainment pay man, the chances are that she has chose you simply because she had no other choices among the local male population, since they have no interest on her,even worse some of the local men prefer to go out with a prostitute on weekend rather then date someone who consider ugly.

the farang options started to be sort of a savor to those category,unfortunately some of those farangs didn't take the lead and advantage in the relationship and many catastrophe stories happened eventually as you might read in many forums around the net, and especially stickman s forum.

many people doesn't know that an authentic attractive Thai woman will never ever waste her time with a farang, and if you happen to speak fluent Thai you will know that they do hate foreigners so much, especially among the elite Thai community.

for the forum moderators I hope that I didn't use any generalization in my text, I m certainly not talking about the 100% of the population, I am talking about a group of persons that someone will very likely meet while he s living here.

Edited by marcofunny
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I have no idea what your previous topic as but presume it was closed for much of the same reason I am closing this.

This topic has all the makings of a flamefest & imo you are attempting to troll on this forum.

I suggest the op go get a hobby & spend less time caring what peoples dating reasons are.

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