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How Much A Day Would You Spend For 20 More Years


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There was some dumb survey done in the UK that said drinking 2 glasses of wine per day meant you consumed as many calories as eating 4 fish fingers,in other words wine is very fattening.

If you really want to live another 20 years,stop smoking(if you do)eat maaaany small meals,cut out most sugar/fat,and drink moderately..............then 2 days later get hit by a "hit and run".

So whats the point in trying to "live longer" none.Just continue enjoying what ever it is one enjoys,let fate take care of the rest.

Pills will not save you.

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it is the oldest trick in the book - a magic pill that gives immortality, backed by scientific sounding claims.

i suppose some people will be suckered into such a purchase. just going on what was written in the OP it certainly sounds like a con job. unfortunatly there is no link to the so called 'research'.

nevertheless, placebos can give results, but exploiting peoples gullibility doesn't justify it IMO.

Please please DO NOT buy this pill mc2.

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But the biggest question has to be do you live your life until the early onset of old age, then start the pills and get your twenty years or do you have to take the pills all through your life? Then you never really know whether you are dying at your normal or the extended rate.

Be a real biatch paying out 500 Baht a day for most of your life to be run down by a truck at 49 years old. :o

When you do die how would you know if you would have made it that far without the pills? You can't exactly go back to the drug company and sue them for early death.

I'll drink the wine thanks, it may not be doing me any favours but it tastes good and that's okay by me.

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