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Thai For Dummies


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Eventually, in a few years, my Thai wife and I will retire to Thailand. Since 1986 I've been going over with her on holiday every couple of years for three or four weeks stay, but aside from a few words, I haven't been able to pick up the language. I would like to take classes in Thai when we live over there, but since I was never a great student in my younger days, I figure I'll probably fall behind the rest of the class as usual. Anyone trying to teach me one on one, would probably have to have a lot of patience. Is there any solution, or am I doomed never to be able to string sentences together in the Thai language?

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I faced something quite similar a few yers back and while private lessons are probably very good I found day to day life the best teacher for learning the basics. Just get out there meet some local people, they will be delighted you are trying to make the effort and help you. It may take a few months, but no hurry. :o

good luck (choke dee).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are going to live there, learn the script. That way you will learn a lot just by walking down the street and seeing signs (over shops, banks, roads et cetera) whose meaning will be obvious and reiforced every time you see them.

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If you are going to live there, learn the script. That way you will learn a lot just by walking down the street and seeing signs (over shops, banks, roads et cetera) whose meaning will be obvious and reiforced every time you see them.

On that note, I found grade 1 books very usefull. You can buy them at any bookshop and they are great for practising letters.

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Your wife could help you no end by applying a rule that I have applied to two families, albeit with them comming to the UK,and learning English, by only speaking to you in Thai and only answering when you use Thai.

Sounds painful, I know, but for an hour a day, not too much so, and could give you an invaluable grounding to build on later. Could be quite fun too, once she has stopped getting impatient with you.( They all do that!) :o

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Eventually, in a few years, my Thai wife and I will retire to Thailand.  Since 1986 I've been  going  over with her on holiday every couple of years for three or four weeks stay, but aside from  a few words, I haven't been able to pick up the language.  I would like to take classes in Thai when we live over there, but since I was never a great student in my younger days, I figure I'll probably fall behind the rest of the class as usual.  Anyone trying to teach me one on one, would probably have to have a lot of patience.  Is there any solution, or am I doomed never to be able to string sentences together in the Thai language?

As one of the other gentlemen on this forum once said to me when I posed a similar question - "persevere".

Whether you're living in Europe, North or South America there's a satellite you can get Thai TV 5 from with one of those "free to air" receivers. Have Thai TV on in the house and get a course. Check Amazon, they have a good selection and good luck! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

It takes time. As long as you keep making the effort, there'll be progress. Don't "plan" how long it should take you to get to this or that level, you cannot predict it.

Just by listening, asking questions and not being afraid to use it even when you know its probably wrong - things will become clearer and clearer.

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