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Trouble In Th Street


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Last night whilst walking down Pattaya's walking street I was shocked to witness what I assumed to be a young Russian man being beaten by 6 Thia's, the Thais were buzzing round him like flies taking turns to punch the poor fella in the face, whilst this is happening the Russians girlfriend/wife was screaming at the top of her voice

One Thai man smashed 3 beer bottles over the guys head and although I was half expecting him to have one shoved in his face it didn't happen.

I don't know what the fella did to upset the Thais in order to start it all but whatever it was he didn't deserve such a cowardly beating

Russian tourists have been coming to Thailand for many years and I have often wondered just how many couples or families return after seeing what Pattaya has to offer, but I can pretty well say this young couple won't step foot in Thailand again and no doubt any of their friends will either

Sometimes I find it hard to believe the mentality of some Thais attitude toward westerners particulary those who work in Pattaya and rely on the tourist trade , it's like bitting the hand that feeds you

Where were the tourist Police whilst this was happening, well they were sat at the end of the street watching telly

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The Pattaya forum is littered with threads of a similar nature.

I recall one where a farang was beaten within an inch of his life for declining to buy something from a street stall, and another, when he queried a bill in a go go bar... and so on.

As the OP says, some of these tourists may not be saints, and MAY have behaved badly, but did they deserve the beatings they got?

As for Tourist police, well there is an article in this week's Pattaya Times that the head of Pattaya's immigration Police has launched an investigation to" Clean up the police volunteers" and to "remove any undesirables or criminals who may have infiltrated the otherwise helpful volunteer group" The police Chief further said" At the moment, we are keeping an eye on the foreign volunteers to see if they are operating within the limits of their duties. We have heard of Mafia related problems being linked to the foreign volunteers......" ..... "there have been many reports of volunteers seeking to take advantage of their superior status"

The Immigration chief had previously stated that "...his first objective is to rid the city of any corrupt foreign police volunteers and to check the background of all foreign volunteers, including the leaders....."

I doubt that you will see any reference to these interviews in Pattay Today, Pattaya People or Pattaya Mail due to a possible "conflict of interest"

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I recall one where a farang was beaten within an inch of his life for declining to buy something from a street stall, and another, when he queried a bill in a go go bar... and so on.

I doubt that you will see any reference to these interviews in Pattay Today, Pattaya People or Pattaya Mail due to a possible "conflict of interest"

I saw something like this only 1 time in 3 yrs, but the drunken farang offended some door guards .... som na na.

I never buy anything from street stalls, but never had any problem. I never complainded about the invoice in a bar or gogo, as I try to keep track of my drinks and expenses. I noticed here and there that I have been cheeted by 50 or 100 Baht, but who cares (on top of a big bill).

A bad mouth can be very dangerous in TH and apparently this is still a lesson to be learned by quite a few visitors.

Those kind of beatings are not common and certainly have a background, even this is - to us farangs - not serious.

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Not far from my place an elderly falang in his seventies was beaten up attacked from the back when having a drink at one of the road stalls. The reason: one lady bought food there and while waiting the boyfriend arrived with his gang, one of them remarked that his girl was probably gonna join the falang for a drink. This triggered a face losing situation and the Thai started shouting, when the falang walked he got attacked from the back. His crews, not letting their buddy do the job alone joint in leaving the guy bruised and shaken. Thais don’t have the etiquette of “man down”, “one against one”, “ bare hand against bare hand”, “size and age”. The word coward does not appear in their dictionary…

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having a good verbal is not heard of by thais.you shout at them and run the risk of a beating by more than one.

I know of farangs getting thais to beat a farang up,and heard of russians beating up english etc etc.We seem to pick up on only thais when there is a scrap,maybe beacuae they fight in groups generaly.

Street harkers can be a pain but i have heard farangs telling them to eff off,so they deserve a smack.

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I recall one where a farang was beaten within an inch of his life for declining to buy something from a street stall, and another, when he queried a bill in a go go bar... and so on.

I doubt that you will see any reference to these interviews in Pattay Today, Pattaya People or Pattaya Mail due to a possible "conflict of interest"

I saw something like this only 1 time in 3 yrs, but the drunken farang offended some door guards .... som na na.

I never buy anything from street stalls, but never had any problem. I never complainded about the invoice in a bar or gogo, as I try to keep track of my drinks and expenses. I noticed here and there that I have been cheeted by 50 or 100 Baht, but who cares (on top of a big bill).

A bad mouth can be very dangerous in TH and apparently this is still a lesson to be learned by quite a few visitors.

Those kind of beatings are not common and certainly have a background, even this is - to us farangs - not serious.

So you say that complaining about being cheated is having a bad mouth.

If that is the general opinion then I suggest there would be a sign at the entrance of walking street or maybe at the airport immigration that says,"From here on you have the choice to let p_ss on your head by the thais or be beaten up".

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The english go in mob handed as well make no error. Sometime back now a mate and I came out of a pub in Teddington ( outer London ) on a Sunday night after closing and were walking towards his car where upon he ducked round the corner for a pee. These 3 <deleted> were walking down the opposite side of the road and for absoulutley no reason crossed over and started having a ruck ( my buddy? saw this and legged it ) with me. Luckily I was a bit lively in those days so held my own until the cops came ( the bar maid had come out the pub saw what was going on and phoned the bill ) and they legged it too. My pal turned up sheepishly as I was chatting to the law.

I am sure many members could recount sad stories of idiots like these in Teddington or any other part of the globe.

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There are so many beatings of farang and indeed murders of farang that deliberately go unreported. Not that long ago a woman was knocked over and killed by a hit and run joyrider on Third Road and it was unreported.

A friend of mine was burgled and beaten very badly by four Thai men in the early hours. He lived but it was not reported. He went back to the U.K. for better treatment and died of a blood clot aged 47.

It is very dangerous here. But my biggest problem is not with the violence, it is the way everything is covered up and not reported.

There was a series of three beatings of elderley men in Jomtien late at night in secluded spots. Only one was reported (November 2008). He was stabbed badly, but lost his nerve completely and returned back home, leaving his Thai wife here.

Edited by syd barrett
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It has been said many times here before that Thailand and Pattaya in particular can be very bad for the health.

The potential for violence is always very close to the surface and most of us who have been in Thailand for any length of time have seen some pretty ugly scenes.

Personally I have been very lucky...touch wood but the potential for a life threatening experience is always very close by.

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Sometimes I find it hard to believe the mentality of some Thais attitude toward westerners particulary those who work in Pattaya and rely on the tourist trade , it's like bitting the hand that feeds you

You haven't been in Thailand long enough.

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I have, in general, always been ok in Thailand prob because I consider myself fairly sensible but I have also seen some pretty crappy situations involving other people, not in my company Id like to add. I agree with some of the comments detailed in this thread but there are always bad eggs in any pack and its down to the authorities to route these problems out!! Thai or Farang there shouldnt be any different treatment!!

Route out corruption and Police the streets for things that matter and the situation will get better!!


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Thais don’t have the etiquette of “man down”, “one against one”, “ bare hand against bare hand”, “size and age”. The word coward does not appear in their dictionary…

Classic! Etiquette? This is third world, buddy. Get used to it.

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Maybe it is the luck of the draw. I have lived in Thailand full time more than 12 years and never had a problem other than katoeys trying to pick my pocket. That has happened in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket. I have seen farangs who deserved a beating and it didn't happen. I have seen big mouthed farangs who got a beating that they really didn't deserve. Keep your mouth shut and keep a low profile if you want to avoid trouble. I have seen more farang on farang fights than Thai/Thais on farang. You are much more likely to be robbed than beaten up. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid dark deserted places.

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Maybe it is the luck of the draw. I have lived in Thailand full time more than 12 years and never had a problem other than katoeys trying to pick my pocket. That has happened in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket. I have seen farangs who deserved a beating and it didn't happen. I have seen big mouthed farangs who got a beating that they really didn't deserve. Keep your mouth shut and keep a low profile if you want to avoid trouble. I have seen more farang on farang fights than Thai/Thais on farang. You are much more likely to be robbed than beaten up. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid dark deserted places.

A friend of mine, Ritchie Collins, was stabbed to death in Krabi five years ago.

He never harmed a soul - he was a diving instructor, rock-climbing instructor down there, worked on Su'boom airport construction, had been a HALO mine disposal volunteer, so on.

This was an act by a Thai who saw Ritchie talking to his (the Thai's) girlfriend - an old friend of Ritchie. The fact that Panthida - Ritchie's g/f - was also present did not prevent this nutter from brutal murder.

This was all on the Krabi forum at the time, but has later been removed for some unknown reason.

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I visited Thailand for several months at a time since 1988 and retired here 7 years ago. Thaiiland is one of the most violent places there is. I live in Huay Yai south of Pattaya and see examples of and the consequences of this almost daily. My wife will not and teaches the kids and me not to look at anyone for fear they will beat or kill you. An exageration? Two months ago a well liked and calm student stopped at the red light on Sukumvit near here and, according to witnesses, glanced over at the bike next to him and the male, with a female behind, took offence, shot him in the head. He died on the spot.

Unemployed and often drunk men brawl and threaten. Women do the same. Not all by any stretch of the imagination but virtually all of my Thai friends know not to challenge anyone as when provoked the violence comes swiftly and escalates. As a result, folks keep quiet and don't complain. The hordes of drug dealers here do as they please...The locals do not trust the police...so everyone goes on with their daily lives with a level of paranoia and distrust.

My advise...don't piss anyone off and as others have said...keep a low profile.

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having a good verbal is not heard of by thais.you shout at them and run the risk of a beating by more than one.

I know of farangs getting thais to beat a farang up,and heard of russians beating up english etc etc.We seem to pick up on only thais when there is a scrap,maybe beacuae they fight in groups generaly.

Street harkers can be a pain but i have heard farangs telling them to eff off,so they deserve a smack.

was thinking the same,while thais are known to hunt in packs,so to does this happen in the western world.the days of one on one(queensbury rules are long dead and gone)am not excusing what they did to this man.

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I recall one where a farang was beaten within an inch of his life for declining to buy something from a street stall, and another, when he queried a bill in a go go bar... and so on.

I doubt that you will see any reference to these interviews in Pattay Today, Pattaya People or Pattaya Mail due to a possible "conflict of interest"

I saw something like this only 1 time in 3 yrs, but the drunken farang offended some door guards .... som na na.

I never buy anything from street stalls, but never had any problem. I never complainded about the invoice in a bar or gogo, as I try to keep track of my drinks and expenses. I noticed here and there that I have been cheeted by 50 or 100 Baht, but who cares (on top of a big bill).

A bad mouth can be very dangerous in TH and apparently this is still a lesson to be learned by quite a few visitors.

Those kind of beatings are not common and certainly have a background, even this is - to us farangs - not serious.

So you say that complaining about being cheated is having a bad mouth.

If that is the general opinion then I suggest there would be a sign at the entrance of walking street or maybe at the airport immigration that says,"From here on you have the choice to let p_ss on your head by the thais or be beaten up".

It happens, like shit happens. If you notice it, there is one more entry in the avoid to list, before risking your life. Easy.

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To tell u the truth, may be I am lucky, who knows, but I never met any problem here staying 3 years. Have fun with the Motocyc taxi drivers. At least one thing I learned here, is that it is not the right place to have a BIG MOUTH. The only incident I have with 2 drunken English pricks who apparently liked to have a fight with me. Well <deleted>, I have enough Thai friends and those social welfare recipients should stay home anyway.

Thailand is rather a safe and sanook place if you know the culture and know the limits, even when you are drunk.

Think about it.

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Maybe I'm just lucky to. I've seen (first hand) a lot more violence in other cities in the world (LA, Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto, Amsterdam, Hamburg) than I've seen (first hand) in Thailand.

In fact, the only (non-domestic) violence I've seen personally over the years, was two 60+ farangs trying to slug each other in a bar in soi 7 one night.

One thing I have noticed (and mentioned before), is that no matter where you are in the world, if you go looking for trouble, you're sure to find it.

And the whole "they don't fight fair" or "they always fight in packs" idea ? Anyone who thinks this only happens in Thailand needs to give their head a shake, because I have seen the exact same thing in many other parts of the world. "Pack Mentality" I think it's called. Rules and the idea of "fair play" don't often come into it these days (except perhaps in the mind of the one person who suddenly finds himself facing a pack of opponents).

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Thais don’t have the etiquette of “man down”, “one against one”, “ bare hand against bare hand”, “size and age”. The word coward does not appear in their dictionary…

Classic! Etiquette? This is third world, buddy. Get used to it.

I once saw a guy walking alone in one side of the street, then 4 guys crossed over and for no reason at all they started beating him up. He later died at the hospital. And no that was not Thailand or the 3rd world - that was in safe little Denmark.

There are idiots and losers everywhere, and I have seen more violence during one night on the Copenhagen walkingstreet than I have seen in 2 years in Pattaya walkingstreet.

And if Thailand scares you... take a walk at Crenshaw Boulevard in L.A. - after that Thailand will feel like church.

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The last three working years of my life, I lived in Montebello, California. I saved a lot of money those three years because I never went out after dark. In Jomtien, I can walk anywhere I want after dark. I don't wear a watch or any jewelry. I don't make myself a target.

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Sometimes I find it hard to believe the mentality of some Thais attitude toward westerners particularly those who work in Pattaya and rely on the tourist trade , it's like bitting the hand that feeds you

You haven't been in Thailand long enough.

I've been here long enough to realize the more I know the less I understand

Anyway an update to this tale

The same night a little further down the street (outside the Airport club) I noticed some sort of commotion but never paid any attention to it (I had already seen enough for one night)

I've been told today that is where the trouble started, for some reason the Russian guy punched a Thai man to the ground rendering him unconscious, I have no idea what caused that to happen but maybe the Thai was touting for business and pulled the Russian or his girlfriend provoking a response, we have all been poked pulled or prodded at some point here but don't respond by throwing punches (I don't anyway)

I would like to add, in 12 years I have only felt threatened once by a group of Thai men, and that was in my early days and caused one of them to seriously lose face, one other occasion I was surrounded by 5 Katoy whom I thought were after my phone, wallet and gold chain (needless to say I don't wear a chain anymore)

On the other hand I can recall several occasions where I felt threatened by drunken farang :o

Edited by wobblyjohn
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