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The Creation Of God's Country!

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It was early Saturday morning, God and St. Peter was sitting talking over an early morning cup of coffee. St. Peter said "Well God what's on for today? ".

"Well Peter " God said, "I have toiled the last five days creating a world full of diversity , climates and people and countries that are at opposite ends of this whole new world and in the last five days I have made mistakes some big, some small, but today is my last day as tomorrow I must rest, but I have taken note of my mistakes and I have learned by them and so today this will be my last project , my last country ,I will mould it to perfection having learned by my past mistakes , I will give it lush green valleys , beautiful towering mountains and ancient woodlands stocked with an abundance of all manner of game and fowl , mountain streams and rivers filled with fish, food a plenty to feed its people and not one predator neither of animal or snake or any beast of the field to endanger its people whom I will endow with the most kindly good nature and with a compassion to their fellow man and with a stature and a handsome appearance most pleasing to the eye, this country I will make perfect".

"What will you call this last piece of work that you have thought about so deeply to perfect?" said Peter.

" In the words of their own language which will be Gallic I will call it Albinnach but to the rest of the world it will be known as Scotland", said God.

" Come now " said Peter " you cant do that , every one needs a nemesis to keep them on there toes every one needs a bit of imperfection to remind them that you are the one almighty".

After some thought God turned to St.Peter and said "Ok, Ok, you are right, so to keep them on their toes............................................................................



..............................I will stick them with neighbours that will annoy the shit out of them for the rest of eternity"

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