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Crashed The Suzuki ..............

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Chivas, Firstly, glad your okay....theres so many dam_n mutts here its only a matter of time for all of us to hit one, im sure.

I don't understand people not helping others. Just being someones culture doesnt quite gel with me & I understand you questioning ur existence here....I'd hate to be really in need & just have people gawking.

Not so long ago, I watched an old thai lady struggling with a couple of shopping bags on a very busy street. There was people everywhere & it was quite obvious that she was having a problem in the middle of the road. I crossed to her position & helped her with a the bags (one which had ripped) and I assisted her across the road....she was very greatful & it took no effort. A group of thai guys nearby commenced making smart comments and laughing.....a fantastic reflection on their mentality. Its not that difficult is it?

Anyway the human race is really the pits! If they had an emoticon for the bird I would use it here!

depends you can help people a lot and get no thanks and sometimes there come s a point when u think why bother. I helped out a few folk when they couldnt afford to pay us rent in our condos i told em they could stay another couple of days to sort out their finances, they left and i found the bed clothes filthy dirty think (bar girls and time of the month), they owed us 2500 baht promised endlessly to pay, left it a few months sent them an e mail they eventually paid 2000 no thanks or apologies nothing, then bleated on about "trust being a wonderful thing" .... tosssers. Slightly different maybe and the problem will be next time i will tell the poor unfortunate to bugger off.

Go watch Gran Torino thats me ahhaaha

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Same happened to me in much more serious circumstances.

Firstly, they are scared of being blamed and the consequences of that.

Secondly, Thai culture and educational system places great emphasis on obedience and very little on initiative. If a 'leader' had been present in the gawkers he could have instructed someone to help but otherwise the rest will 'wait' to be told what to do and probably do nothing. This is Thai culture.

I'd say Briggsy summed it up quite well. I've had Thai people that couldn't do enough for me (no money expected) and others that acted as if I were invisible.

The longer I stay here, the less I understand the place...

This is so true, before I arrived I suspected the Thai women I had arranged to meet would be only after money or that they would be all bar or ex bar girls, in fact I found my now wife to be so honest and kind/ helpful to others it embarrasses me sometimes. Many of her friends especially one are exactly the same always fighting to pay for the meal or offering free help and absolutley wanting nothing in return etc, however some of her other siblings are complete gits would sell their own Mother if she wa s still alive!!


I think neverdie set a very good example. I think it's basic human nature.

Bard got in a crash the other day. Had not a good Samaritan piped up he would have been held responsible.

By nature the Thais are good & helpful people.

I think neverdie set a very good example. I think it's basic human nature.

Bard got in a crash the other day. Had not a good Samaritan piped up he would have been held responsible.

By nature the Thais are good & helpful people.

I think that was Allan, thaicbr....but yeah you are definately right about his case, lucky or he probably would of been made the offender in that.

Hey I've had a few other times where I have crashed on dirt bikes riding with my mates & they've always managed to stop long enough to have a good laugh or to back their bikes up and wheels spin dirt or a cow paddy on me....DOES THAT COUNT? :o

I avoid all motorcycle accidents - I TAKE A BAHT BUS ! You can see how dangerous riding bikes is in Thailand so why do you do it? Your asking for trouble.

Yep the Baht buses come every 2 minutes where I reside 50 kms outside of Khorat in a rural setting with around 9 properties....................

To the mod who removed ballpoint's post, well done! :o

I think ballpoint needs to spend some time in a re-education camp. :D


I can empathise with the OP.

Came off the back of a moto-taxi years ago, backwards and severely winded.

Looked up and was surrounded by a dozen Thais, all smiling.

No one even offered a hand to help me up.

I've never forgotten it.

There will come a time when the things that you fell in love with in Thailand, become things you hate :D :D :D

I avoid all motorcycle accidents - I TAKE A BAHT BUS ! You can see how dangerous riding bikes is in Thailand so why do you do it? Your asking for trouble.

Hope your baht bus driver, high on yaabaa doesnt crash and kill you, you twit!

Waking up each day and breathing is also dangerous....have you thought about stopping that too?

Some people dont have the choice to ride a baht bus....imagine if everyone lived upon those routes. You need to THINK before you post! What a ripper of a 2nd post....was your first one of such high quality?

wow 3rd worlders being dumb.. this is a shocker.

You moved here, dont expect initiative or any logic. When you get such thing just be grateful.

:oHey monkey. How can you talk bad about Thais? I'm married and I've got a lot of good Thai friends. Seems that your I.Q. is less than 4th worlders? Bai gai gai, reo reo, kau chai mai?

wow 3rd worlders being dumb.. this is a shocker.

You moved here, dont expect initiative or any logic. When you get such thing just be grateful.

:oHey monkey. How can you talk bad about Thais? I'm married and I've got a lot of good Thai friends. Seems that your I.Q. is less than 4th worlders? Bai gai gai, reo reo, kau chai mai?

Ignore naa ling, sisaketmike. He's not worth it.

She considered they would not help entirely because I could have blamed any "helper" as the reason I came off the bike despite the obvious fact it was solely down to a dog.

The scary thing is, i'm pretty sure the entire population, or at least vast majority of it, actually think like this...

my brother saw an old man hit by a motorbike...the driver left the scene. he quickly got out of car, helped the man up and took him to hospital. got to hospital, provided whatever details he could, made sure the old man was treated.

mean while police arrive...and start questioning him.

for a while there was a possibility they were going to put him as suspect.

not long after, witnesses came forward and said my brother was not involved in the accident, and in fact helped the man.

he would still do it again. and in fact has on another (more serious) situation.

ohhh, and by the way.... he is Thai.

She considered they would not help entirely because I could have blamed any "helper" as the reason I came off the bike despite the obvious fact it was solely down to a dog.

The scary thing is, i'm pretty sure the entire population, or at least vast majority of it, actually think like this...

my brother saw an old man hit by a motorbike...the driver left the scene. he quickly got out of car, helped the man up and took him to hospital. got to hospital, provided whatever details he could, made sure the old man was treated.

mean while police arrive...and start questioning him.

for a while there was a possibility they were going to put him as suspect.

not long after, witnesses came forward and said my brother was not involved in the accident, and in fact helped the man.

he would still do it again. and in fact has on another (more serious) situation.

ohhh, and by the way.... he is Thai.

C'mon this is Thailand it cant be true, I find my wife doesnt fit the stereotypical image of Thai folk too and none of her friends but hey what do i know, I dont even live here.........


are we as human beings so cynical now that we jump to believe and add to the stories of bad experiences and thoughts, but any thing that sounds positive is right away branded as untrue?

sighhhhhh. I often think that if only we were each more naive and trusting.......

wishful thinking...but :o

I had an accident on a busy street and a few people ran out with medicine (iodine) to help with the cuts/wounds me and my wife had. The man who caused the accident offered to take us to the hospital too.

I had the nightingale treatment also, it was very humbling to be patched up by near-strangers in a pharmacy.

I've been helped by thais in getting my bike picked up. It really does depends on the people and the area you're in I think.

Hope the bikes not to messed up and you get better mate.

Watch for infections if you've got grazes, I got a 3 day fever after a minor collision after my grazes were infected.

are we as human beings so cynical now that we jump to believe and add to the stories of bad experiences and thoughts, but any thing that sounds positive is right away branded as untrue?

sighhhhhh. I often think that if only we were each more naive and trusting.......

wishful thinking...but :D

LOL MiG16.....if it helps your story seems perfectly logical to me, there just seems to be a really strange noise in the room at times, I will let you work out where it is coming from :o:D

Yesterday I had the misfortune to crash lightly the Suzuki I was riding after making the very stupid decision to try and avoid a dog rather than hitting the stupid mutt.

Fortunately I had seen the event in slow motion and when I actually came off was at very low speed and able to throw the bike one way whilst rolling the other.

I was lucky enough just to have a small cut on the knee and no scrapes at all.

This happened in full view of I guess 15-20 Thais at the market.

What happened next totally astounded me but really should not be surprised.Am still on the ground but just checking my legs and arms for any breaks etc and the whole lot of em just stood there gawping and standing and gawping etc.

Not one of them gave me a hand up or tried to stop the bike which was in 1st gear and still running.

In the end Ive got up after 20 seconds or so and let fly with a few expletives at them sincerely thanking them for their help.

Apon returning home the wife gave the usual stupid Thai response of "Not my/their business"

She considered they would not help entirely because I could have blamed any "helper" as the reason I came off the bike despite the obvious fact it was solely down to a dog.

This time I was lucky-just what would have happened if a leg had been broken or worse ??

It has seriously made me rethink my future here and I dont say that lightly.



You fell off your bike and got a scrape? Oh dearie me! And the Thai people there didn't immediately rush to your aid? Maybe that is because you are a big man, and they probably see far worse on a daily basis, as someone else here pointed out. Looking through the comments here you can see what would have happened if you really hurt yourself. Time to man up instead of blaming Thais for failing to baby you.


This is NOT a worldwide behaviour trait, if you tripped and stubbed your toe in Canada 86 people would jump out of the woodwork like NINJAS to make sure you were ok, let alone a motorcycle accident, what you and I have witnessed with the lack of help is strictly a Thai thing or perhaps areas of Asia.

I got into a motorcycle accident at high speed, luckily wasnt hurt to badly and bike not too messed up, about 100 Thai people were standing there when it happened, they ALL laughed.... made me feel very bad and that this country is a horrible place. But now I dont think about it so negatively, hopefully if I was bleeding to death someone would have helped me even if someone else was taking my wallet... that last part was a joke.


Sorry you fell down, but didn't your post say that you got right up?

What did you expect them to do?

It's entirely possible that nobody did anything because they wanted you to be able to save face. You proved them right by picking your self up.

Why slag off all Thai people because you weren't careful on your bike.

If you'd been in the U.S. people would have clapped and asked you to do it again.

Yesterday I had the misfortune to crash lightly the Suzuki I was riding after making the very stupid decision to try and avoid a dog rather than hitting the stupid mutt.

etc. etc

It has seriously made me rethink my future here and I dont say that lightly.



You fell off your bike and got a scrape? Oh dearie me! And the Thai people there didn't immediately rush to your aid? Maybe that is because you are a big man, and they probably see far worse on a daily basis, as someone else here pointed out. Looking through the comments here you can see what would have happened if you really hurt yourself. Time to man up instead of blaming Thais for failing to baby you.

I love these bad luck posts, it brings out the true colors of some of the members. :o

Qualtrough, instead of blagging members for their bad luck, try learning how to use the "quote" feature.

Just think, you can practice doing it at home and no one will ever know you stuffed up. :D

Have a nice day!

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