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Gullivers Cover Charge 200baht*


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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I hope it back fires in their face and they pay dearly for their racists bigotry.

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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I hope it back fires in their face and they pay dearly for their racists bigotry.

I can't comment on whether Gullivers are actually doing this or not, but if they are, then I hardly think that their 'racists bigotry' will backfire in their faces. Afterall, Isn't this old news as it's been going on in Thailand for years where you pay more to enter some places depending on the colour of your skin?

Examples that spring to mind are Koh Samet (or any National Park for that matter), Siam Paragon's Underwater world, over half of the larger massage palours (Ratchada). I could list many many more.

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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I hope it back fires in their face and they pay dearly for their racists bigotry.

Yep. The old "color of the skin" racism. Personally I find skin color nothing to do with it. Its about Nigerians scamming and praying on naive tourists. I saw it with my own eyes. Some Nigerian told an Arab that he was secret Thai polics and took the guys mobile. What mess that night, security was a nightmare. My friend is a bartender there and she told me the Nigerians are scamming the tourists night after night. It has brought business down and regulars are not coming back. Gulliver's is just taking probability theory into practice and trying to protect their business. They are checking IDs and not every "black guy" is charged.

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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I hope it back fires in their face and they pay dearly for their racists bigotry.

I can't comment on whether Gullivers are actually doing this or not, but if they are, then I hardly think that their 'racists bigotry' will backfire in their faces. Afterall, Isn't this old news as it's been going on in Thailand for years where you pay more to enter some places depending on the colour of your skin?

Examples that spring to mind are Koh Samet (or any National Park for that matter), Siam Paragon's Underwater world, over half of the larger massage palours (Ratchada). I could list many many more.

why do people persist in believing this myth? show ANY form of id that proves you are locally based and YOU PAY THE LOCAL RATE, as my experience last week agsin proved. same at safari world.

better yet, carry a brown child

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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I hope it back fires in their face and they pay dearly for their racists bigotry.

I can't comment on whether Gullivers are actually doing this or not, but if they are, then I hardly think that their 'racists bigotry' will backfire in their faces. Afterall, Isn't this old news as it's been going on in Thailand for years where you pay more to enter some places depending on the colour of your skin?

Examples that spring to mind are Koh Samet (or any National Park for that matter), Siam Paragon's Underwater world, over half of the larger massage palours (Ratchada). I could list many many more.

why do people persist in believing this myth? show ANY form of id that proves you are locally based and YOU PAY THE LOCAL RATE, as my experience last week agsin proved. same at safari world.

In some places, that's true. Initially, however, before ID is shown, the higher price is asked on a purely racial basis--and that's something we REALLY don't like. Everybody should show IDs or proof of income or body fat analysis or whatever. But, I think, many if not most don't pay attention to ID either. Try showing such ID to a Pattaya baht bus driver.

Edited by JSixpack
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Why not just prevent Nigerians/Suspicious types from entering Thailand unless they can show a genuine reason for travel ? I thought that was the whole idea for visas ? If they can't state a valid reason for travel or show sufficient funds why allow them in... No different to Singapore Immigration who ask unnacompanied Thai, Indo and Phillipino women what they will be doing during their stay.. Nothing racist about it just that the people they question fit the profile for the group they are trying to prevent..

Good show Gulivers... They have a business to run and should have the right to choose who they allow into their premises... No different to me being refused entry to clubs in Japan, China and Korea cos I'm a caucasian... I only wanted to spend my money but they figured my presence woud 'upset' their regular customers.. Their business. Their decision.

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I can't comment on whether Gullivers are actually doing this or not, but if they are, then I hardly think that their 'racists bigotry' will backfire in their faces. Afterall, Isn't this old news as it's been going on in Thailand for years where you pay more to enter some places depending on the colour of your skin?

Examples that spring to mind are Koh Samet (or any National Park for that matter), Siam Paragon's Underwater world, over half of the larger massage palours (Ratchada). I could list many many more.

why do people persist in believing this myth? show ANY form of id that proves you are locally based and YOU PAY THE LOCAL RATE, as my experience last week agsin proved. same at safari world.

better yet, carry a brown child

So if you can prove you're locallly based then you get the Thai rate. OK, but that's not the point here. It still doesn't change the fact that you are initally being judged by the colour of your skin. Does a Thai have to prove he/she is locally based?........No.

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On one hand, blatant racism is wrong and any place which uses racism should be avoided.

On the other hand, if there is a Nigerian scam problem which is affecting the other customers, well, then, the establishment has the right to try to keep that kind of activity away.

It is a tough problem.

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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I hope it back fires in their face and they pay dearly for their racists bigotry.

Yep. The old "color of the skin" racism. Personally I find skin color nothing to do with it. Its about Nigerians scamming and praying on naive tourists. I saw it with my own eyes. Some Nigerian told an Arab that he was secret Thai polics and took the guys mobile. What mess that night, security was a nightmare. My friend is a bartender there and she told me the Nigerians are scamming the tourists night after night. It has brought business down and regulars are not coming back. Gulliver's is just taking probability theory into practice and trying to protect their business. They are checking IDs and not every "black guy" is charged.

IMHO if that is what it takes to keep the Nigerian scam factor down so be it as I quite enjoy G's but when it is full of Africans I find it hard to relax. :o

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Only in LOS, where alse have you heard of this????

I can confirm that there was at least one bar/restaurant in

Seoul Korea(Itaewon) where a sign clearly stated "No Nigerians allowed"

There were many complaints by business oweners - both Korean

and western against them last year/

Unfortunately there is a basis to bias against them just as there is a

basis to certain problems associated with US military based personel..

It doesnt mean all nigerians - or whoever - is bad.

I have also heard that russians are not welcome in many

bathhouses in Japan as they are considered "troublemakers"

Bias happens..sometimes there is a basis for it..

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while i think the policy is inherently wrong, i may actually set foot in gullivers again. i havent been there in years, not because of racial but cultural issues. and i am not alone.

i have found many of gullivers darker skinned patrons to be rude, agressive and in some cases odiferous.

I did not enjoy playing pool with someone who could not keep a respectful distance from the table while i was shooting, let alone leaned up againt whatever pocket i am shooting for. this goes for whores too. i dont play pool where i am harassed by the girls either.

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" if there is a Nigerian scam problem..."

I had no idea that all black men in Bangkok are Nigerian, and all Nigerian men are involved in a scam.

Indeed. If it's true, this is just more racist, hearsay, stereotyping, folk-devil, moral panic <deleted>.

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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I hope it back fires in their face and they pay dearly for their racists bigotry.

I can't comment on whether Gullivers are actually doing this or not, but if they are, then I hardly think that their 'racists bigotry' will backfire in their faces. Afterall, Isn't this old news as it's been going on in Thailand for years where you pay more to enter some places depending on the colour of your skin?

Examples that spring to mind are Koh Samet (or any National Park for that matter), Siam Paragon's Underwater world, over half of the larger massage palours (Ratchada). I could list many many more.

why do people persist in believing this myth? show ANY form of id that proves you are locally based and YOU PAY THE LOCAL RATE, as my experience last week agsin proved. same at safari world.

In some places, that's true. Initially, however, before ID is shown, the higher price is asked on a purely racial basis--and that's something we REALLY don't like. Everybody should show IDs or proof of income or body fat analysis or whatever. But, I think, many if not most don't pay attention to ID either. Try showing such ID to a Pattaya baht bus driver.

So doormen / security should ask for Thai ID from every white skinned blonde blue eyed boy in case they might offend one in a million times? please. Stereotypes and prejudgement based on repeated experince are a world away from racism, without them we wouldn't get out of bed in the morning - read David Hume.

- I am horrified that you assume I am not Thai merely by the colour of my skin

- sorry, are you Thai?

- No


Edited by thaiwanderer
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I had the BLT in Gullivers Sukhumvit last week and wasnt impressed. Soggy bread and no mayo- it astonds me that a place like this can not make a decent BLT:(

As for the charging African people 200bt to get in, I believe that is true as you will now notice on Soi 5,7 and 13 - there are a lot of male African groups hanging around so I guess they dont want them frequenting Gullivers.

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So Gulliver's is trying to lessen the amount of darker skinned gentlemen from entering their fine premises by imposing a 200baht cover. If you are white you can enter still free of charge.

I got no problem with such policies at any such joints...there're private businesses and can do whatever they like regaring who they will serve or not serve. There are plenty of clubs in the soi 3 area for the darker races; if someone disagrees with such policies they are, of course, free to take their trade elsewhere.

I don't get bent out of shape when I see the "Japanese Only" signs on clubs around town...and this is really not much different...if fact, it's not so bad as they can come in if they really want too. Same goes for many men only clubs, where unescorted ladies are not allowed. Will you next post about that discriminatory practice?

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I have been to Nigeria before, and I found the men at the factory I visited to be fine, honorable men, and among them were Muslim men with whom I have had some of the most open, thoughtful discussions about Islam than I have had anywhere else. In Iraq, we had two Nigerians working in the office.  One was truly one of the nicest men I have ever met, and one was a woman with whom I developed a very close relationship.

On the other hand, everywhere I went, there were signs warning about 419 scams. One of my engineers had to pay two bribes of 200 baht each at the airport just to get through security. I was told by Nigerians never to uae my credit card as I woudl certainly suffer from people stealing the information on it. And we all know about the slew of internet scams.

It is sad when a percentage of a population, no matter how small, tars everyone with the same brush. But is it truly racism when there is a significant portion of the population which does exhibit such anti-social behavior?  I feel very sorry for the honest and good people from Nigeria, but I, for one, would be more cautious when dealing in any kind of business with a Nigerian than a Japanese, for example (and I know that any specific Nigerian many be far more honest than any specific Japanese.)

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I have been to Nigeria before, and I found the men at the factory I visited to be fine, honorable men, and among them were Muslim men with whom I have had some of the most open, thoughtful discussions about Islam than I have had anywhere else. In Iraq, we had two Nigerians working in the office.  One was truly one of the nicest men I have ever met, and one was a woman with whom I developed a very close relationship.

On the other hand, everywhere I went, there were signs warning about 419 scams. One of my engineers had to pay two bribes of 200 baht each at the airport just to get through security. I was told by Nigerians never to uae my credit card as I woudl certainly suffer from people stealing the information on it. And we all know about the slew of internet scams.

It is sad when a percentage of a population, no matter how small, tars everyone with the same brush. But is it truly racism when there is a significant portion of the population which does exhibit such anti-social behavior?  I feel very sorry for the honest and good people from Nigeria, but I, for one, would be more cautious when dealing in any kind of business with a Nigerian than a Japanese, for example (and I know that any specific Nigerian many be far more honest than any specific Japanese.)

I have to agree with bonobo... Initially on the face of it this seems very unfair.

All foreigners in Thailand have to carry ID, so if a black fella from another nation; say US or UK wants to get into Gullivers, would there be a 200B charge ?

Can we be clear, is this a race thing or a nationality thing based on a generalization that it's not too far stretched from the fact that in Thailand there appears to be a lot of con men from Nigeria ?

I would like to add that I also feel sympathetic towards the good people of Nigeria who are let down by their country folk.

I feel anger towards the politic that has essentially created this situation whereby the requirement to survive followed by the moralistically challenged mentality of illegally taking advantage of others to survive has developed into a such a situation - BUT - This is a whole new discussion and I don't wish to hijack this thread with the why and how-come...

I can't blame Gullivers for doing what they are doing and protecting their customers people who are more often that not likely to be a target...

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