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Dengue In Thailand Pin It!


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91,000 cases of Dengue in thailand last year!!!!!!!!!!! This year they expect more!! Come on get real there is nothing nearly more miserable than contacting this and current knowledge of people who have contracted it is essential in knowing where and when to be in certain areas of Thailand. WE NEED TO HAVE A PERMANENTLY PINNED SECTION FOR THIS AS WEIGHT CONTROL AND VIAGRA IS A COMPLETE JOKE ON A HEALTH BLOG WHEN THIS IS STARING YOU STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES. There is a bunch odf info on this in the current news section of Thaivisa but an ongoing section in the health section,here, is essential for everybody's well being. This is a critical issue for anyone living here and I have been constantly watching the news to see if there are any cases imagine my surprise to find out the amount of people who got it last year. I went thru this in Mexico and had friends die of it and others that were so sick that they said they will kill themselves if they ever get it again. IT IS TERRIBLE!!! I've had malaria twice and it was nothing compared to the stories nd what I have seen with this monster. PIN IT IN THIS SECTION!!!!!!!!! The sooner the better.

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Dengue springs up all over Thailand. The higher the concentration of people and particularly people that move around, the higher the incidence.

I've had Dengue and it sucked but it was not as bad or as debilitation or long lasting as my friend's bout of malaria. (Yes Dengue CAN be bad, but mostly it's just a miserable week)

Other than staying bundled up all day every day and using scads of DEET it just isn't preventable so why stress it?

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Dengue springs up all over Thailand. The higher the concentration of people and particularly people that move around, the higher the incidence.

I've had Dengue and it sucked but it was not as bad or as debilitation or long lasting as my friend's bout of malaria. (Yes Dengue CAN be bad, but mostly it's just a miserable week)

Other than staying bundled up all day every day and using scads of DEET it just isn't preventable so why stress it?

Sounds like you were lucky. I don't stress very much in my life but the death and suffering I saw in the small town that I had lived in, in Mexico was terrible. Check the new news topics on this site and get an idea of the suffering people have been through. When you get malaria and know the symptoms (also you know when you are usually going into malarial areas) you can be treated and alleviate the symptoms and repercussions not so with dengue. talk to a friend in Thailand that got it and said for over a week he couldn't have any light of any sort touch him or it would crush his body. This PAIN to the utmost. Watch out for dengue and if a simple few minutes of some facilitators time on this site gets it pinned and it saves one person from suffering with it then it is much much better a sbject for pinning than weight loss ofr some of the other non-lethal topics pinned. I'm definitely glad you responded the way you did because you didn't get a bad form of it or are extemely strong metabolicasll. No fun to see friends die with blood coming ojut of their eyes and ears as they stay deead forever usually. Also you aRE correct deet and bundling up also I stayed in my own home during the daytime hours and read a lot of books since I din't have the alternative of leaving the area if there is a bad area of some province where we know there is an extemewly high incidence of dengue going on in the previous couple of weeks due to a Pinned section then maybe you and I can choose to not go there for a while and choose to go somewhere else to get away from home in the LOS. Choke Dee me

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apparently you didn't read what Sheryl wrote in the 'other' dengue thread.

Malaria kills more than Dengue ... and in Thailand car accidents kill FAR more than both combined. Please note it springs up and then virtually disappears pretty quickly (and if you check out the VAST majority of cases .. they just aren't that severe!) There just is no sense in getting paranoid and all worked up over it.


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apparently you didn't read what Sheryl wrote in the 'other' dengue thread.

Malaria kills more than Dengue ... and in Thailand car accidents kill FAR more than both combined. Please note it springs up and then virtually disappears pretty quickly (and if you check out the VAST majority of cases .. they just aren't that severe!) There just is no sense in getting paranoid and all worked up over it.


oh my i shan't cap you again and i'll do it the thai way and wait until it is too late or not try to pre-plan something to alleviate some pain and suffering. i don't like pain and suffering so i guess it's time for me to put ballons all over my car to help the nearly half dozen idiot motorcycle drivers that have run into me in the last 5 years as they are the ones who are mostly dying in thailand. oh and by the way don't worry about global warming as more fish are killed in the sea by fisherman than global warming has caused so it's not a problem either. my isn't logical deductions an amazing thing, also please stop all women from breast feeding because 98% of all alcholics started by breast feeding first. If (oh please excuse the one cap) you need any other logical duductions and conclusions to prove your valid points hit me up again and I'll help ya out.

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There is another thread ongoing with considerable information about dengue inclusing basic preventive measures. . When I have time I will go through, edit and pin, but not sure the OP will be too happy with the results -- because there is no specific part of thailand to avoid, dengue is endemic throughout. Meanwhile please see other ongoing thread.

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