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Thai Kee Nok!


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...and not one of you cynics has taken up my 10,000 baht wager that this relationship will fail :D  Seems that you are not so sure of your comments after all :D

But Bkkmadness is right. This thread has gone off-topic.  Let's agree to differ!

Why worry Si , I wouldn't listen to the cynics that abound here. My own story is not dissimilar to that of your own. Perhaps I was blessed with a better class of In-laws though. Life is too short to bet on the outcome.

Enjoy! :o

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Sorry if this topic title offends people, but it sums up my feelings about various members of my Gf's family!

Recently, I went up to Issan to meet my GF's family for the 1st time. I had a few previous Issan GFs, so was quite used to the big difference in live/facilities etc between Issan and the big city :o

Why choosing an isaan gf ?!

Even more when you already know them...

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Sorry if this topic title offends people, but it sums up my feelings about various members of my Gf's family!

Recently, I went up to Issan to meet my GF's family for the 1st time. I had a few previous Issan GFs, so was quite used to the big difference in live/facilities etc between Issan and the big city :o

But this time was a bit of a shock.  Although her immediate family were great, there seemed to be a large number of 'hangers-on', (cousins etc), who immediately latched onto me as the gullible farang.  Unfortunately, (I think due to too family members procreating with direct family members over the years), many of these cousins were rather mentally slow. 

We sat outside her parents' house and drank some beer, and I smiled at everyone.  I continued to smile (although with difficulty), as cousin after cousin shouted 'buy beer, buy beer' into my ear.  This went on almost continually for many hours from maybe 6 different cousins, all who were totally drunk!  (I could not understand their very slurred Issan...)

To top it off, I discovered that it was my money being used to buy all the beer for them (my GF asked for some money from me, but then gave it to the cousins...)

The next day, at 7 in the morning, the whole process started again with these drunken guys shouting for beer!!

Afterwards, I told my GF that 'Thai kee nok' was absolutely the best description of these guys, and that no way was she to use my money to fund their beer-binges.

I have no problem with my GF and her parents, but I will have a problem in a month or so when we go for an Issan wedding (only the blessing, not signing the tabian since I'm still married in the UK!)

I don't want these family members at the wedding, or I want a wedding without alcohol (that would be a first for Issan!!).

Any advice how I can get this message across successfully?  My ideal procedure would be to tell all these guys to F*** Off in a very loud voice, but I suspect this is not the best tactic!!

(BTW, this is the girl whom I previously was seeing as a 'Mia Noi'.  When the last GF found this out, she offered me to stay with her and make the Mia Noi more legitimate!  Nightmare thoughts about the last GF chopping off my assets whilst I slept caused me to move out....)

I'll bet you 100 baht this relationship is doomed Simon, I'm sorry I can't go the 10,000 but I've got 3 kids and an Issan wife to support. My reasoning is she is your ex-rented mistress, if you were not her first client, foreign or Thai, then it seems the family have come to expect the client to be a mobile ATM.The fact the extended family behaved so obnoxiously from the start suggests you were not the first client, All Issan thinks all farang are loaded but as her relatives the freeloaders should have behaved with decorum, at least at first. Your girl should have slapped them down from the start and then slyly given them 200 baht and told them to drink elsewhere. The fact she didn't doesn't bode well. And what are your plans for Songkran?! The whole village is drunk then for 3 days.

Incidentally, you left a 'decent' girl for the mistress, but not at first,so the mistress was used to the role, perhaps it's a role she prefers.

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My Thai girlfriend is 36 years old, been married before but no kids. We live in her house up country. She takes kee neeo to new levels. I actually get embarrassed when she is buying something. I beg off whenever I can and wait in the truck.

The first time I came up here with her a drunk came stumbling into the yard. He was crying the blues to her. She gave him 40 baht and sent him on his way. She told me that he is drunk everyday and is some relation but not a close relative. A couple days he came back and she was talking to him. He left and when she came in the house I asked her what was said. She had told him that if he wanted more money he would have to do something to earn it. She asked him to find some sprouted coconuts so she could plant them. He came back a couple hours later with two sprouted coconuts. She paid him 20 baht for them. He was pissed, took the 20 baht and has not been back since. The rest of the family asks for nothing.

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My Thai girlfriend is 36 years old, been married before but no kids. We live in her house up country. She takes kee neeo to new levels. I actually get embarrassed when she is buying something. I beg off whenever I can and wait in the truck.

The first time I came up here with her a drunk came stumbling into the yard. He was crying the blues to her. She gave him 40 baht and sent him on his way. She told me that he is drunk everyday and is some relation but not a close relative. A couple days he came back and she was talking to him. He left and when she came in the house I asked her what was said. She had told him that if he wanted more money he would have to do something to earn it. She asked him to find some sprouted coconuts so she could plant them. He came back a couple hours later with two sprouted coconuts. She paid him 20 baht for them. He was pissed, took the 20 baht and has not been back since. The rest of the family asks for nothing.

Reminds me of the time I got lashed up country and had to swap my two lucky coconuts for the bus fair back to the big smoke.

Isn't everyone related in Isaan?

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Banork, now mid-April and relationship still going strong! (Another 50 years to go?).

My GF knows how I feel about her low-life cousins and has told her mother that they are not welcome (by her and me) at Songkran.. (so that should be fun if I meet them :o )


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Why you guys go through all this hassle for a thai girl is beyond me. I give you guys credit but in actuality consider you foolish and naive. Marrying cause you had a few sexual experiences with a girl does not constitue a great relationship. And now u will be stuck withe her family and all relatives. Gosh, why get married? Doesn't sound very fun.....

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Why you guys go through all this hassle for a thai girl is beyond me.  I give you guys credit but in actuality consider you foolish and naive.  Marrying cause you had a few sexual experiences with a girl does not constitue a great relationship.  And now u will be stuck withe her family and all relatives.  Gosh, why get married?  Doesn't sound very fun.....


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Why you guys go through all this hassle for a thai girl is beyond me.  I give you guys credit but in actuality consider you foolish and naive.  Marrying cause you had a few sexual experiences with a girl does not constitue a great relationship.  And now u will be stuck withe her family and all relatives.  Gosh, why get married?  Doesn't sound very fun.....

Why are you on this Forum?

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Why you guys go through all this hassle for a thai girl is beyond me.  I give you guys credit but in actuality consider you foolish and naive.  Marrying cause you had a few sexual experiences with a girl does not constitue a great relationship.  And now u will be stuck withe her family and all relatives.  Gosh, why get married?  Doesn't sound very fun.....

and you are speaking for all those in any relationship here? I consider you naive to think that just because a farang marries a girl from Isaan, it is because he had a "few sexual experiences" with her and is hooked. You just dont know.......... :o

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Why you guys go through all this hassle for a thai girl is beyond me.  I give you guys credit but in actuality consider you foolish and naive.  Marrying cause you had a few sexual experiences with a girl does not constitue a great relationship.  And now u will be stuck withe her family and all relatives.  Gosh, why get married?  Doesn't sound very fun.....

its not much fun, sitting in stinking hot isaan that's for sure :o

marriage is an old fashioned institution that fails 50% of the time :D

i agree that being single and to hunt those gorgeus thai gals is more fun :D

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Why you guys go through all this hassle for a thai girl is beyond me.  I give you guys credit but in actuality consider you foolish and naive.   Marrying cause you had a few sexual experiences with a girl does not constitue a great relationship.  And now u will be stuck withe her family and all relatives.  Gosh, why get married?  Doesn't sound very fun.....

its not much fun, sitting in stinking hot isaan that's for sure :o

marriage is an old fashioned institution that fails 50% of the time :D

i agree that being single and to hunt those gorgeus thai gals is more fun :D

It is great , I did the same from the age of 21 - 30 , but realised that it get's a bit samesame after the 1000th shag. These days having a loving family beats the sh1t out of chasing tail thats too easy to catch.

But then , I will be 40 later this year...... :D

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Esaan gal wants to show how she gets a rich Farang BF too and like to show off with ppl in that area or the whole province. And as long as you cant afford buying things, very soon she will have eyes for other new one. I have seen so many cases like this..sorry..but it's true.

Where are you from? Are you trying to say all Isaan girls are like this? Get out a bit and visit your own country, get to know the people. I've gone through ###### and back with my Thai family in the village - lost them a fortune, made them a fortune with my risky plans - even lost them a house one time but managed to replace it (wooden with tin roof). We've absolutely been up and down financially and emotionally - but that's just life no? My wife is a farmer (AND DRESSES LIKE A FARMER) and bloody proud of it - me too and neither her nor me nor the relations need to prove anything to anybody. REMEMBER THIS: A KHYMER/THAI FARMER HAS ALL THE FACE HE/SHE NEEDS BECAUSE HE/SHE IS A KHYMER/THAI FARMER AND THAT IS A GREAT THING TO BE. THEY SHOULD BE PROUD.



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