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2 Questions In Regards To Buying A New Car


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Hi :o

Two questions in regards to buying a new car in Thailand.

1. Can i get a loan for a brand new car in Thailand (I have non-immi B, work permit and fulltime job)

2. Can i put the new car under my own name?

Thanks in advance

Job de Graaff

Chiang Mai

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Hi :o

Two questions in regards to buying a new car in Thailand.

1. Can i get a loan for a brand new car in Thailand (I have non-immi B, work permit and fulltime job)

2. Can i put the new car under my own name?

Thanks in advance

Job de Graaff

Chiang Mai

Yes to both questions.

For finance on a car its most likely that as you are not Thai you would need something in the region of 40% down-payment, you will more than likely need a Thai guarantor for this loan. This Thai guarantor must be someone who in their own right is financially stable enough to secure such a loan / finance for themselves and can therefore take responsibility for your loan/finance should you fail to make your re-payments.

You can put the car straight into your name if purchasing directly. As I understand it, if you are buying on finance, the finance company owns the car with the finance in your name. In this case they will keep the blue ownership book until you have paid off the load.

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I was under the impression that if a ferang bought a used car he could have it in his or her own name but if it was bought brand new then it had to be in a thai company name. I would'nt bet money on that but it was what I was told 5 years ago when I bought my first car.

HL :o

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I would'nt bet money on that but it was what I was told 5 years ago when I bought my first car.

Definitely wrong. You can own a used or new car in your name. About the only thing you can't own in your name in Thailand is land except in special business circumstances.

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Hi :o

Two questions in regards to buying a new car in Thailand.

1. Can i get a loan for a brand new car in Thailand (I have non-imm B, work permit and full time job)

2. Can i put the new car under my own name?

Thanks in advance

Job de Graaff

Chiang Mai

I would think with a work permit and income, you should be able to finance a new car. Yes you can put the car in your own name. Car sales are off this yr, so you should be able to get at least a 30.000 baht discount and free full options.


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Hi :o

Two questions in regards to buying a new car in Thailand.

1. Can i get a loan for a brand new car in Thailand (I have non-imm B, work permit and full time job)

2. Can i put the new car under my own name?

Thanks in advance

Job de Graaff

Chiang Mai

I would think with a work permit and income, you should be able to finance a new car. Yes you can put the car in your own name. Car sales are off this yr, so you should be able to get at least a 30.000 baht discount and free full options.


To answer all questions:

Yes, but with the loan it depends on your credit history in Thailand (if you have one) if you dont a Thai national will have to Co-sign for you, and you will be required to put down a sizeable deposit ie in the region of 20% to 35%

Once you have been thorugh the process once, the next car you buy you will not need a Thai co-signatory...provided you have kept up with the payments

Also dont belive too much of what is being said about discounts and options

Edited by Soutpeel
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Hi :o

Two questions in regards to buying a new car in Thailand.

1. Can i get a loan for a brand new car in Thailand (I have non-imm B, work permit and full time job)

2. Can i put the new car under my own name?

Thanks in advance

Job de Graaff

Chiang Mai

I would think with a work permit and income, you should be able to finance a new car. Yes you can put the car in your own name. Car sales are off this yr, so you should be able to get at least a 30.000 baht discount and free full options.


Car sales maybe off this year but a lot of cars went up between 7 and 9000 bath because of the strong yen,toyota have not raised their prices yet.

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I am retired but purchased a car on finance last year, though I did put down a 30% deposit. My girlfriend, who earns about 8,000 per month acted as guarantor, and they wanted my bank statements, it was all very painless. Yes, they kept the blue book but gave me a copy for police purposes.

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  • 3 months later...

When planning to buy a new car as a recent arriving falang with no bank account and no registered address I have been told by my lawyer that I can nonetheless own the car outright myself. All I will need is to show the dealer a 'letter of residence' from my Embassy (and a passport showing a visa - non-immigrant O in my case).

The British embassy confirmed that if I turn up at the embassy with my Thai girlfriend and her evidence of residence (utility bill addressed to her will do apparently, but I will take her house book also to test the former but with back-up) that they will issue me with a letter of residence at her address. Forgot to ask how much for the letter - probably 2-3,000 baht if the marriage cert is anything to go by. ]The British government is strapped for cash and every price is being hoisted to pain point!]

Proof of the pudding will be in the eating - will post here early July to say whether it worked as predicted or not.

I'm buying for cash so have not needed to address any financing issues btw.

Edited by SantiSuk
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