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Fight In Fushion Last Night

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Trained boxer (14 years?) manages to step on girls foot? Bit clumsy mate! It would be even clumsier of you to make the mistake of believing that the cashier does not go with customers! The cashier in most places is in the position where she can CHOOSE which customers she goes with. You have been Chosen, good for you. Be careful with your hard earned dosh my lad. Have your fun and go home, tell all your mates what a great holiday you had and save up to return to a different part of Thailand next time. Several posters have mentioned Private Dancer by Stephen leather, you should be able to pick it up at any bookstore. My advice to you would be to read the book and then use the example in the book to temper your enthusiasm. There are many fine and honest Thai girls...... unfortunately you wont find many working in bars.

Abridged version of Private Dancer available on free download on t'internet. Here it is:


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I would have no hesitation to smack a farang first if he was ready to hit me but i would be more careful of where i was before smacking a thai.

Slapping a farang could cost 5,000 baht but a thai might mean death.

:o 'Some' farang know thais that would make you reconsider this comment. I don't condone violence myself... but some thais I know do.

I'd recommend not smacking anyone in LOS knowing what I do.

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I would have no hesitation to smack a farang first if he was ready to hit me but i would be more careful of where i was before smacking a thai.

Slapping a farang could cost 5,000 baht but a thai might mean death.

Where does the 5000 baht come in, is that the fine that you'd have to pay if you were to be arrested?

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think the poster got away with it quite lightly but id not hang around lamai anymore cos they will get you if you do.

The op doesn't realise that no matter how tough or great fighter he may be,Thais will always win.If they have to kill him to save face,jail is of no consequence.I am big and strong enough to take down virtually any Thai national,however common sense tells me it's far better to apologise and walk away,heck buy 'em a drink if you have to,because this will not have a happy ending for the op if these guys find him.I have yet to see a time where kindness and a free drink doesn't defuse a(potentially) violent situation,and i am no coward.I wish the op well,however you have been placed(Or put yourself) in a very dangerous situation.

how big and strong are you. 120 kilo thai or ufc fighter ???

Yes,125 kg,studied martial arts full time in China for 3 years.Now happy to just be happy and avoid the pubs/clubs.

fair enough. hope your training considered of dealing with getting shot or taking on 30 people. you must be super double hard.

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Yes,125 kg,studied martial arts full time in China for 3 years.Now happy to just be happy and avoid the pubs/clubs.

125kg... too big to be able to use martial arts well... what style did you study?

Sure,if it was Tae kwon do or something that required leg speed,but in my case it was Wing Chun Kung <deleted>,and before that it was Karate.I could most likely have done well at Judo,but it didn't really appeal to me.And my size meant i would be fighting huge buggers if it was boxing.....And i'm just not into 'roids,so it would not have been easy!My mates into boxing,and he is 143 kg,and i would NOT want to face him in a fists only fight!I like my teeth! :o

stay away from me. i am 500 kg and i am bright green.

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That's a bit rough skip. The guy made a mistake, now he has to deal with it and watch his back. No need to call him a loser and a moron.

Ark - may I suggest you have some good adventures but don't post on here where you are going to be staying / going until you have been there and moved on again. No doubt the lads at fusion will be onto this forum when they get wind of this thread. In fact skipdavis and treborz sound like they may be with the fusion lads :o

Naw...not me, but I know a man who is.

All jokes aside, one of my best mates was a resident DJ there when he lived in Samui and whilst I didn't really get to know the Fusion lads properly they did seem like a decent bunch.

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fair enough. hope your training considered of dealing with getting shot or taking on 30 people. you must be super double hard.

Did i miss something?Where did i say i was getting into fights with other people in Thailand?I treat people the same way they treat me..Just because i am big,does not mean i go around bullying people.And no,i couldn't beat 30 people at once,that is just movie nonsense.However,if 30 people attacked my wife or daughter,they would want to kill me,because i would never stop.EVER! :o (I suggested the Op stay away from violence,not get further involved in an already bad situation.)

Edited by sbk
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A man mistakinly steps on a ladys foot and she screams at him (maybe she is drunk or on drugs) then a man is going to attack him, so he defends himself...seeing that at least another 2 man are coming for him he thinks best to run.......what has this man be doing wrong. Can he let someone hit him, should he try and fight 1,3,4,5, people. Did he not do the right thing :o

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download it by right clicking on the link provided in the same post and clicking save target as..

I think he means 'Off the rails in Phnom Penh.

Not sure where to download it sorry. You can buy it pretty much anywhere that sells books that the backpacker crowd frequent.

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That's a bit rough skip. The guy made a mistake, now he has to deal with it and watch his back. No need to call him a loser and a moron.

Ark - may I suggest you have some good adventures but don't post on here where you are going to be staying / going until you have been there and moved on again. No doubt the lads at fusion will be onto this forum when they get wind of this thread. In fact skipdavis and treborz sound like they may be with the fusion lads :o

Naw...not me, but I know a man who is.

All jokes aside, one of my best mates was a resident DJ there when he lived in Samui and whilst I didn't really get to know the Fusion lads properly they did seem like a decent bunch.

yes they are a decent buch of chavs. only joking don't even know them but i know not to mess with them. sometimes normal people can be alright. get a few shorts wiskeys in them. turns us into hulks

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Did i miss something?Where did i say i was getting into fights with other people in Thailand?I treat people the same way they treat me..Just because i am big,does not mean i go around bullying people.And no,i couldn't beat 30 people at once,that is just movie nonsense.However,if 30 people attacked my wife or daughter,they would want to kill me,because i would never stop.EVER! :o (I suggested the Op stay away from violence,not get further involved in an already bad situation.)

are i guess u called call it the art of fighting with out fighting. will u need a boat to take on the fusion lot. Whats your style ???

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I thought he might be out slapping around a couple of tuk tuk drivers, or perhaps giving a massive roundhouse to the samui mafia leader. Maybe hes going a few rounds with a couple of the local boxers.....options are limitless really, especially when your that big and strong.....ONLY 6% Body Fat, you know.

Maybe his Cashier...coff coff, is giving him a massage or helping him transfer some funds upnorth for her sick Buffaloe.

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I thought he might be out slapping around a couple of tuk tuk drivers, or perhaps giving a massive roundhouse to the samui mafia leader. Maybe hes going a few rounds with a couple of the local boxers.....options are limitless really, especially when your that big and strong.....ONLY 6% Body Fat, you know.

Maybe his Cashier...coff coff, is giving him a massage or helping him transfer some funds upnorth for her sick Buffaloe.

well if that is this case, and he ends up skint, maybe he could have a comeback fight and the Lady Boxing on a Saturday :o ....

i am sure every TV member in Samui would come and support him lol

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are i guess u called call it the art of fighting with out fighting. will u need a boat to take on the fusion lot. Whats your style ???

I'm having some difficulty understanding your questions...Um,no it's not the art of fighting without fighting,you're mixing it up with a Bruce lee movie :D ...Need a boat?Lost me there,sorry.The style i studied was Hung Suen Wing Chun.I assume you are not a native English speaker?No worries. :o

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I'm having some difficulty understanding your questions...Um,no it's not the art of fighting without fighting,you're mixing it up with a Bruce lee movie :D ...Need a boat?Lost me there,sorry.The style i studied was Hung Suen Wing Chun.I assume you are not a native English speaker?No worries. :o

watch the movie again and learn. maybe a new art. you got beef with your chinease or u want a beef. only joking. i am a native from england. i have a masters degrea in dribblish. Sorry if some people are not as educated as me.

excuse me i have to master the new art of mixing the chop stick with origarmy. a style not yet been done. so watch out form my flying airplane. might have a new twist to it

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