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The History Of Tv.com


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Iv'e never seen member number 1,2,3 or 4 for that matter. Who are they and what happened to them? Any insight of the history of this website/forum would be interesting.


There was a long thread on this subject about 6 weeks ago IIRC. May be easier ot just search the archives.

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Hit the members thingy at the top of this page and then go into the "members name" between All members and Ascending order.

Drop into the joining date and there you have it from day 1.

George was first on the list followed by Festor and then Doc.

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George: Who's the first member, What's the second member, I Don't Know is the third member...

Dr P: That's what I want to find out.

George: I say Who's the first member, What's the second member, I Don't Know is the third member.

Dr P: Are you the main moderator?

George: Yes.

Dr P: You gonna be the sys admin too?

George: Yes.

Dr P: And you don't know the fellows' names?

George: Well I should.

Dr P: Well then who's the first member?

George: Yes.

Dr P: I mean the fellow's name.

George: Who.

Dr P: The guy that was first.

George: Who.

Dr P: The first member.

George: Who.

Dr P: The guy that was...

George: Who is the first member!

Dr P: I'm asking YOU who's first.

George: That's the man's name.

Dr P: That's who's name?

George: Yes.

Dr P: Well go ahead and tell me.

George: That's it.

Dr P: That's who?

George: Yes.


Dr P: Look, you gotta first member?

George: Certainly.

Dr P: Who's registered first?

George: That's right.

Dr P: All I'm trying to find out is the fellow's name that was the first member.

George: Who.


George: What's wrong with that?

Dr P: Look, all I wanna know is when the first member signs in, how does he sign his name?

George: Who.

Dr P: The guy.

George: Who.

Dr P: How does he sign...

George: That's how he signs it.

Dr P: Who?

George: Yes.


Dr P: All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name that is the first member.

George: No. What is the second member.

Dr P: I'm not asking you who's second.

George: Who's the first.

Dr P: One member at a time!

George: Well, don't change the members around.

Dr P: I'm not changing nobody!

George: Take it easy, buddy.

Dr P: I'm only asking you, who's the guy that was the first member?

George: That's right.

Dr P: Ok.

George: All right.


Dr P: What's the guy's name the first member?

George: No. What is the second member.

Dr P: I'm not asking you who's the second.

George: Who's the first.

Dr P: I don't know.

George: He's the third, we're not talking about him.

Dr P: Now how did I get to the third member?

George: Why you mentioned his name.

Dr P: If I mentioned the third member's name, who did I say is third?

George: No. Who's the first.

George: What's the second.

Dr P: I don't know.

George: He's third.

Dr P: There I go, back to third again!


Dr P: Would you just stay with the third member and don't go off it.

George: All right, what do you want to know?

Dr P: Now who's the third member?

George: Why do you insist on saying Who is the third member?

Dr P: What am I as third.

George: No. What is the second.

Dr P: You don't want who as second?

George: Who is the first.

Dr P: I don't know.

George & Dr P Together:Third member!


Dr P: Look, you gotta forth member?

George: Sure.

Dr P: The forth member's name?

George: Why.

Dr P: I just thought I'd ask you.

George: Well, I just thought I'd tell ya.

Dr P: Then tell me who's the forth member.

George: Who's the first.

Dr P: I'm not... I want to know what's the guy's name, the forth member?

George: No, What is second.

Dr P: I'm not asking you who's second.

George: Who's the first!

Dr P: I don't know.

George & Dr P Together: Third member!


Dr P: The forth member's name?

George: Why.

Dr P: Because!

George: Oh, he's fifth member.

Edited by TizMe
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