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Std Clinic


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Hi - I know most hospital's will have them - Chiang Mai Ram etc. but any seperate clinics I can just walk into for a check up?

I ask as I want to avoid going to my normal hospital - BKK of course has many - must be one somewhere surely? internet search not helped.

Help please?

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Hi - I know most hospital's will have them - Chiang Mai Ram etc. but any seperate clinics I can just walk into for a check up?

I ask as I want to avoid going to my normal hospital - BKK of course has many - must be one somewhere surely? internet search not helped.

Help please?

Theres a doctors office on Loi Kroh on the corner just past the Wat on the opposite side of the road they can do check ups for ya and speaks very good english

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Thanks guys - yes I know about the Loi Kroh clinic but was hoping to find a clinic open sometime that dealt in STDs specificallly. Seems rather odd if there isn't one.

I guess Chiang Mai Ram has one inside the actual hospital? there must be specialists somewhere in Thailand's second largest city!

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Thanks guys - yes I know about the Loi Kroh clinic but was hoping to find a clinic open sometime that dealt in STDs specificallly. Seems rather odd if there isn't one.

Why would a clinic limit itself only to STDs? Not exactly brain surgery that would require super special skills.. Loi Kroh clinic as mentioned above does tests for STDs, among many other things.

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Thanks guys - yes I know about the Loi Kroh clinic but was hoping to find a clinic open sometime that dealt in STDs specificallly. Seems rather odd if there isn't one.

I do not find this odd!

If you combine the Thai concept of saving face and being spotted outside a dedicated STD clinic, methinks they rather jump off a cliff or do something similarly stupid!

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As CMF said, in the UK they have clinics dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of STD's and they were set up to encourage people to seek treatment without recourse to their regular doctor or "open" hospital environment. They are known as "Special Clinics" and all big cities have them usually as a department of a hospital but often in a different and more discreet location sharing a building with some easy-to-make-an-excuse-up-about facility. They have a regular testing regime and require almost no personal information beyond an alias and birthdate from those seeking help which also comforts those who fear being on the wrong end of insurance questionnaires that sometimes ask if you've ever even had a test for something serious like AIDS.

This policy has been very successful in reducing the number of people who turned a blind eye to their symptoms and went on to infect others and Thailand could do worse than introduce something similar.

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Walking between Dtallard Worarot and Dtallard Muang Mai along the river there is an anonymous Red Cross

clinic. Seems OP your TV name says it all. Slow down have a think.

I think that you'll find that the place you are referring to is a blood bank or it was many years ago and not a clap clinic, better off going to a VD specialist as there are many new strains from all over the world being introduced to the boys and girls of Chiang Mai every week.

And congrats on your phonetics, has to be one of the strangest versions of market I have ever seen.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Elekrified - not terribly helpful... he who has not sinned etc. and I just wanted a check up! (responsible right?)

Greenside - thanks for response - I think you're right it would be a benefit for the community to have a discreet service... thanks for 'getting' what I was trying to convey

Blinky Bill - I'll check it out - thanks to your 'friend' :o

Anyway - thanks to all for contributions - both great and small - stay safe


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Walking between Dtallard Worarot and Dtallard Muang Mai along the river there is an anonymous Red Cross

clinic. Seems OP your TV name says it all. Slow down have a think.

I think that you'll find that the place you are referring to is a blood bank or it was many years ago and not a clap clinic, better off going to a VD specialist as there are many new strains from all over the world being introduced to the boys and girls of Chiang Mai every week.

And congrats on your phonetics, has to be one of the strangest versions of market I have ever seen.

Blinky, I have never been to Red Cross in CMai - sounds like you have not been there for a long time either. They operate a big STD clinic out of their big office in BKK. I know it has been recommended here for immunizations, and I thought they also ran an STD clinic. I need to get my immunizations checked anyway, so maybe I will head over there. If anyone is sexually active with more than one partner (or their only partner is more active), a regular HIV test or VDRL is standard thing to check.

Location: I understand the Red Cross clinics are on the right side of the river (as it flows south to BKK), just south below the American Consulate and that traffic roundabout/white chedi.

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Walking between Dtallard Worarot and Dtallard Muang Mai along the river there is an anonymous Red Cross

clinic. Seems OP your TV name says it all. Slow down have a think.

I think that you'll find that the place you are referring to is a blood bank or it was many years ago and not a clap clinic, better off going to a VD specialist as there are many new strains from all over the world being introduced to the boys and girls of Chiang Mai every week.

And congrats on your phonetics, has to be one of the strangest versions of market I have ever seen.

Blinky, I have never been to Red Cross in CMai - sounds like you have not been there for a long time either. They operate a big STD clinic out of their big office in BKK. I know it has been recommended here for immunizations, and I thought they also ran an STD clinic. I need to get my immunizations checked anyway, so maybe I will head over there. If anyone is sexually active with more than one partner (or their only partner is more active), a regular HIV test or VDRL is standard thing to check.

Location: I understand the Red Cross clinics are on the right side of the river (as it flows south to BKK), just south below the American Consulate and that traffic roundabout/white chedi.

I understand the red cross clinic is HIV only, for which it is highly reccomended, but won't deal with other STDs. A friend took someone from the world's oldest proffession there to get the world's oldest disease treated and they refferred him elsewhere :D Apparently the Loy Kroh clinic provided a swift resolution to the problem :o I believe they have an onsite test lab so can provide a one stop service.

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Blinky, I have never been to Red Cross in CMai - sounds like you have not been there for a long time either. They operate a big STD clinic out of their big office in BKK. I know it has been recommended here for immunizations, and I thought they also ran an STD clinic. I need to get my immunizations checked anyway, so maybe I will head over there. If anyone is sexually active with more than one partner (or their only partner is more active), a regular HIV test or VDRL is standard thing to check.

Location: I understand the Red Cross clinics are on the right side of the river (as it flows south to BKK), just south below the American Consulate and that traffic roundabout/white chedi.

Actually Pee Bee, I have never been on the premises. Thanks for the information. It's nice to learn something new when I thought I knew everything. :o

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Doxycycline for 10 days shopuld do it

Shopuld do what? Give you a good sunburn.

Doxy-cycline, not going-cycling

I had a friend with a similar problem a few years back. He spent hours on the internet looking up suitable drugs then went out and bought them. None worked and he suffered several weeks of pain and discomfort waiting for them to. :o

Finally he went to the local hospital where treatment consisting of an injection and two tablets started bringing relief with in 24 hours. :D

It certainly changed the silly fellow's attitude towards unprotected sex though. :D

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Doxycycline for 10 days shopuld do it

Shopuld do what? Give you a good sunburn.

Doxy-cycline, not going-cycling

I had a friend with a similar problem a few years back. He spent hours on the internet looking up suitable drugs then went out and bought them. None worked and he suffered several weeks of pain and discomfort waiting for them to. :o

Finally he went to the local hospital where treatment consisting of an injection and two tablets started bringing relief with in 24 hours. :D

It certainly changed the silly fellow's attitude towards unprotected sex though. :D

So did you sorry, your friend incur this problem only once throughout life to date?

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Hope you dont think I am taking you for a ride Kurnell, but mention of Doxycycline puts me in mind of the new "wonder drug" for depressed lesbians.


Doxycycline treats bacterials STDs such NSU. Fact. Don't get the lesbian thing, Is it a joke. If so :o

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Doxycycline for 10 days shopuld do it

Shopuld do what? Give you a good sunburn.

Doxy-cycline, not going-cycling

I had a friend with a similar problem a few years back. He spent hours on the internet looking up suitable drugs then went out and bought them. None worked and he suffered several weeks of pain and discomfort waiting for them to. :o

Finally he went to the local hospital where treatment consisting of an injection and two tablets started bringing relief with in 24 hours. :D

It certainly changed the silly fellow's attitude towards unprotected sex though. :D

Ah, that would be 2nd generation gonorrhoea. It makes your johnson run like a tap. Treatment is a cocktail of drugs in the form of daily injections.

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Ah, that would be 2nd generation gonorrhoea. It makes your johnson run like a tap. Treatment is a cocktail of drugs in the form of daily injections.

Sounds like you know all about it Dr. Kurnell. Better start your own clap clinic, you might do well with repeat customers. BTW, the correct spelling is Gonorrhea.

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