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Dear Mr. NeverDie


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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?


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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?


Oh god Don't get him started,sbk!!! :D:o

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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?


He's hoping for "How about a steak and a bj"

Women eh?

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Now I can feel the power, like I've never had before.......Ohhh yeah, my very own room :o

I'm wonder how long before I have to eject myself....dam_n, I cant even do that :D ....i'm not so powerful now am i :D .

Back to the questions.


Firstly, regarding question 1, this is also known as "Selective Hearing" its something males aquire after a short time in female company, its not his fault, its in the male genes, its just something you have to get used to. As lady heather pointed out....it doesnt matter what breed your man is, HE WILL SUFFER FROM THIS! As for the BJ, let me know if he ever declines your service and ole Mr Neverdie will be there in a flash :D . On that note, its very important to get that type of thing in the right order, no man wants to be eating a steak after the BJ, we all know thats time for him to either a) Sleep or :D Ring his mates and tell them before he goes to sleep.

Q. 2 He did'nt like your shoes, so he was hoping by passing comment YOU would stop wearing them. Soon they will have a very unfortunate accident, just like the cat.

Q. 3 You have to understand a mans world & all the important things....how could any man that calls himself a man possible lose a piece of his outboard motor, most other stuff is irrelevant unless it involves strippers, football, motorsports or beer.

DOTCOM, you are being too optimistic again

Edited by neverdie
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Now I can feel the power, like I've never had before.......Ohhh yeah, my very own room :o

I'm wonder how long before I have to eject myself....dam_n, I cant even do that :D ....i'm not so powerful now am i :P .

Back to the questions.


Firstly, regarding question 1, this is also known as "Selective Hearing" its something males aquire after a short time in female company, its not his fault, its in the male genes, its just something you have to get used to. As lady heather pointed out....it doesnt matter what breed your man is, HE WILL SUFFER FROM THIS! As for the BJ, let me know if he ever declines your service and ole Mr Neverdie will be there in a flash :wai: . On that note, its very important to get that type of thing in the right order, no man wants to be eating a steak after the BJ, we all know thats time for him to either a) Sleep or :jerk: Ring his mates and tell them before he goes to sleep.

Q. 2 He did like your shoes, so he was hoping by passing comment YOU would stop wearing them. Soon they will have a very unfortunate accident, just like the cat.

Q. 3 You have to understand a mans world & all the important things....how could any man that calls himself a man possible lose a piece of his outboard motor, most other stuff is irrelevant unless it involves strippers, football, motorsports or beer.

DOTCOM, you are being too optimistic again

:D:D:D good on ya mate
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too true judas. You have been lured into the dragons den neverdie. Code of silence my friend. But I disagree about the shoes. He was just angling for a steak and / or bj! :D

naa, most real men like to keep their women bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen....her shoes need to go....if a real man wants a steak and a BJ, he knows how to pull her strings to get the job done, if hes too lazy to pull the strings, he just picks this stuff up on the way home, never forget this is LOS :D:D

Ladies, please note, Mr Neverdie is not really a shovanist....he just likes to look good in front of the other mens men :o

Edited by neverdie
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get real ....

I think SBK knows that men are like dogs .... the best of us are like good house dogs (and some are worse).

What dogs hear ....

"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah FOOD blah blah blah blah blah blah wanna go for a ride blah blah blah blah blah blah come get petted blah blah blah blah"

Most everything just passes us by except for food, fun, and getting laid.

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SBK Believe me any of the following comments and beware!!!!!

You look nice today sweet heart

That dress really suits you

Your hair looks nice today

Have you lost weight

Those shoes make your ankles look very slim / sexy

or the one to get the sirens ringing alarm,alarm,alarm

Shall we go see your mother

Any of the above or flowers and chocolates we are after something or have done something.

Guilty as charged!

Only time will tell. With me its when I want to go on a lads yahoo / stag night or a diving trip / bike trip

Works every time though ha ha ha :o

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The answers to #1 and #3 are easy : He's a man, that's all you need to know.

The answer to #2 is tough. I am afraid the answer could be yes, he has developed a problem and needs specialist help. Fortunately there are many places around the country that specialise in the therapy he needs and stock the required lotions to bring about a swift recovery. These places are known as Beer And Recreation centers, or BARs for short. Take him along to one of them and he will be able to meet fellow sufferers and openly discuss issues close to his heart like which of the therapists has the nicest butt. With time, and sufficient lotion, he will make a full recovery and will be back home lounging on the couch, farting and calling for another beer.

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get real ....

I think SBK knows that men are like dogs .... the best of us are like good house dogs (and some are worse).

What dogs hear ....

"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah FOOD blah blah blah blah blah blah wanna go for a ride blah blah blah blah blah blah come get petted blah blah blah blah"

Most everything just passes us by except for food, fun, and getting laid.

"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah FOOD blah blah blah blah blah blah wanna go for a ride blah blah blah blah blah blah come get petted blah blah blah blah" Oh made me laugh so much! :o

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get real ....

I think SBK knows that men are like dogs .... the best of us are like good house dogs (and some are worse).

yes! i agree. ive always imagened you as the Chiwawa of thai visa.

i on the other hand am like a golden retriever .

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Oh my God, neverdie got his own column.... :o

Ok Dear Abby...errr neverdie, here is question for you:

Generally I try to avoid doing business with people who openly cheat on their wifes and boast about it (seriously!). If they can't be honest with them how could I expect them to be straight with me? Do you think I should relax my criteria or stick to this principle? Just curious to hear what is your take on this.

Thanks in advance! :D

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I will answer this one

I think you have fine judgement cro biker :o stick with it

I try not to judge people for the choices they make. but those that cheat on their partners are the ones I have no sympathy for. they can come up with all the excuses and such, but Im not buying any of it.

if you cant stay faithful, dont be in a relationship. its as simple as that.

(I will make concessions for those that agree with their partners to see other people though. not saying its something I would consider or not, but if both in relationship make the decision together, then thats up to them)

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The steak has to be after the bj,because us men can get very wild after a med rare steak,and the animal instincts come out.Then the bj turns into a 2 hour marathon lol.

There is only one way a bj can last for 2 hours, beer and ashtray have to be within arms reach and there is a good football match on TV.

(Once in a lifetime - Talking Heads :o )

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Oh my God, neverdie got his own column.... :o

Ok Dear Abby...errr neverdie, here is question for you:

Generally I try to avoid doing business with people who openly cheat on their wifes and boast about it (seriously!). If they can't be honest with them how could I expect them to be straight with me? Do you think I should relax my criteria or stick to this principle? Just curious to hear what is your take on this.

Thanks in advance! :D

Yes Cro, I would generally avoid people like that, they are normally in things just for themselves. :D

Naturally this does NOT apply to guys who have more than one motorcycle :D

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Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :o

sometimes i think ND is a grumpy old man with either too much testosterone or maybe too little and thats why he's grumpy,nothing personal ND you understand :D

The thread is Dear Mr Neverdie......not dear pammy or dead dribbledik, crikey!

Grumpy old man ---- HEY I RESEMBLE THAT COMMENT, WHATS UR <deleted> POINT SBC? :D:D

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Generally I try to avoid doing business with people who openly cheat on their wifes

Plus those who cheat on their husbands/male partners, plus the "third parties", female or male, who participate in the cheating, I'd say.

It's always odd to think that the "third parties" never seem to dream they'll be cheated on, in turn.

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