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Dear Mr. NeverDie


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I'm cold. How do you fix that? And no, I am not gonna curl up in Mr SBK's fishing tackle. Nor listen to Dimitri telling me how elegant i am.
Mr neverdie

every time i watch this little ditty on u toube i get a rush, how do i get over that? nothing to do with dimitri. Perhaps i have a sexual or whatever relationship with the man in question?

Confused from Oklahoma



You are one confused little dame....first you tell me that you're cold...how do you fix that, then you tell me ur runny a little bit hot after watching my twin brother Michael (You see Neverdie is my first name, its Mr Buble) singing...so perhaps before I answer your question, you could clarify what is going on with you? :o

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<deleted>,dear Neverdie,seems like your getting yourself in trouble. AGAIN!. :D
The scientists, led by Dr Francisco Ayala from the University of California, and reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, believe differences in the way men and women appreciate beauty probably arose early in the evolution of early modern humans, say the researchers.

Hunting, traditionally done by men, required a "co-ordinating" ability to track animals accurately while on the move. Closer spatial awareness was better suited to foraging for fruit, roots or berries, a job mainly carried out by women.

AHHHHH...At LAST..this expalins everything...Now i know

why the typical male





(PS. I talk of the basic animal instincts of SOME males, with the excepion of myself and the good Mr Neverdie of course!)


SPUD, Ole mate, I'm always in the poo, its just the depth that varies, im sure you know exactly what I mean.

Ozzie, ozzie, ozzzie mate, what can I say, its just the two of us and all these wonderful ladies :o

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The scientists, led by Dr Francisco Ayala from the University of California, and reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, believe differences in the way men and women appreciate beauty probably arose early in the evolution of early modern humans, say the researchers.

Hunting, traditionally done by men, required a "co-ordinating" ability to track animals accurately while on the move. Closer spatial awareness was better suited to foraging for fruit, roots or berries, a job mainly carried out by women.

AHHHHH...At LAST..this expalins everything...Now i know

why the typical male





(PS. I talk of the basic animal instincts of SOME males, with the excepion of myself and the good Mr Neverdie of course!)


Me tinks you meant: Eats, SHOOTS and leaves.

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That is the problem - you men cannot take the fact that female brains function in all sorts of ways - I was cold and then i was warm and cuddly listening to Neverdie's twin brother. We are not blinkered like men.

1. Get up

2. Coffee

3. Feed the dog

4. Shower

5. Go to work etc. etc.

We women:

1. Get up

2. Coffee have a dance around the kitchen

3. Feed the dog/cat/hamster/child have a dance around the kitchen/hall/living room

4. Shower - singing Aretha at full blast

5. Go to work and have a laugh


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I've been following this with interest people. But now it is time to speak up... Neverdie - I'm not sure what you charge per 15 mins :D but it's time you valued your... ahhh... services :D

Charge the ladies my friend. You know they'd charge you :o

Flaming begin...

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That is the problem - you men cannot take the fact that female brains function in all sorts of ways - I was cold and then i was warm and cuddly listening to Neverdie's twin brother. We are not blinkered like men.

1. Get up

2. Coffee

3. Feed the dog

4. Shower

5. Go to work etc. etc.

We women:

1. Get up

2. Coffee have a dance around the kitchen

3. Feed the dog/cat/hamster/child have a dance around the kitchen/hall/living room

4. Shower - singing Aretha at full blast

5. Go to work and have a laugh


My day actually goes like this:

1. Wake up.

2. Give little neverdie a rub

3. Go back to sleep

4. Wake up again (check to see if little neverdie is okay)

5. Go shower, sometimes little neverdie gets another rub

6. Ride down the road to the breakfast lady & coffee lady (they both want to give little neverdie a rub.

7. Home again, check the news, emails, log on to thai visa (No need to rub little neverdie, one of the gf's will be around soon) :D

8. Answer the door....ahhh wattaya know its little 'sai'from i cant remember...she wants to rub little neverdie.

9. Sai leaves, time for another shower

10. Log back onto thai visa to chat with eek.

11. Lunch time, down to see the lunch lady (shes cute too, once rubbed little neverdie). Eat lunch & amuse lunch lady

12. Back home, log onto thai visa & think about little neverdies next adventure.

13. Door again - geeze, who could this be, ohhh little ning, from ahhh, I cant remember......

14. Ning leaves, shower again - no wonder the dam_n water bill is so high.

15. Time for a little kip, little neverdie is nearly worn out

16. Wake up, check little neverdie

17. log on to thai visa, speak with eek again

18. Knock at the door again.....dam_n it, its little nong....naaa she was around last week, wont answer door, keep typing.

19. Head out for afternoon jog, return home

20. Shower, get ready to head out

21. Eat dinner, check out the local sois for the next sai, ning or nong (thinking of little neverdie again).

22. Arrive home

23. Log onto thai visa

23. Knock at the door again - YIKES....ahhh its lovely bing & ning2 (twins :o ) they're here to see little neverdie (no doubt)

24. Fall asleep (little neverdie gets tired you know)

25. Wake up, kick the twins out, check thai visa

26. Goto sleep - no time to rub little neverdie, early start tommorrow busy day :D


Edited by neverdie
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That is the problem - you men cannot take the fact that female brains function in all sorts of ways - I was cold and then i was warm and cuddly listening to Neverdie's twin brother. We are not blinkered like men.

1. Get up

2. Coffee

3. Feed the dog

4. Shower

5. Go to work etc. etc.

We women:

1. Get up

2. Coffee have a dance around the kitchen

3. Feed the dog/cat/hamster/child have a dance around the kitchen/hall/living room

4. Shower - singing Aretha at full blast

5. Go to work and have a laugh


My day actually goes like this:

1. Wake up.

2. Give little neverdie a rub

3. Go back to sleep

4. Wake up again (check to see if little neverdie is okay)

5. Go shower, sometimes little neverdie gets another rub

6. Ride down the road to the breakfast lady & coffee lady (they both want to give little neverdie a rub.

7. Home again, check the news, emails, log on to thai visa (No need to rub little neverdie, one of the gf's will be around soon) :D

8. Answer the door....ahhh wattaya know its little 'sai'from i cant remember...she wants to rub little neverdie.

9. Sai leaves, time for another shower

10. Log back onto thai visa to chat with eek.

11. Lunch time, down to see the lunch lady (shes cute too, once rubbed little neverdie). Eat lunch & amuse lunch lady

12. Back home, log onto thai visa & think about little neverdies next adventure.

13. Door again - geeze, who could this be, ohhh little ning, from ahhh, I cant remember......

14. Ning leaves, shower again - no wonder the dam_n water bill is so high.

15. Time for a little kip, little neverdie is nearly worn out

16. Wake up, check little neverdie

17. log on to thai visa, speak with eek again

18. Knock at the door again.....dam_n it, its little nong....naaa she was around last week, wont answer door, keep typing.

19. Head out for afternoon jog, return home

20. Shower, get ready to head out

21. Eat dinner, check out the local sois for the next sai, ning or nong (thinking of little neverdie again).

22. Arrive home

23. Log onto thai visa

23. Knock at the door again - YIKES....ahhh its lovely bing & ning2 (twins :D ) they're here to see little neverdie (no doubt)

24. Fall asleep (little neverdie gets tired you know)

25. Wake up, kick the twins out, check thai visa

26. Goto sleep - no time to rub little neverdie, early start tommorrow busy day :wai:


:D:D Poor little neverdie,no time for rest.... :o

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8. Answer the door....ahhh wattaya know its little 'sai'from i cant remember...she wants to rub little neverdie.

9. Sai leaves, time for another shower

10. Log back onto thai visa to chat with eek.


Oh God..are you saying im a post-coital chat buddy? Im feeling..disturbed..and a little bit dirty. Wheres the tcp?

We women:

1. Get up

2. Coffee have a dance around the kitchen

3. Feed the dog/cat/hamster/child have a dance around the kitchen/hall/living room

4. Shower - singing Aretha at full blast

5. Go to work and have a laugh


Ahh Patsy, a kindred spirit! I once told my bf that housework can be fun. He asked in what way. He had no idea that the broom can be a dancing partner, the handle a microphone, and that the dusting/polishing action is especially great fun if listening to songs from Saturday Night Fever or similar.

C'mon guys..release that inner Travolta! (even if you look like a plonker :o)


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^eeek you are my main lady & I your worse nightmare :D just kidding, its all jokes and most know Im not a drinker, I don't smoke, take drugs or associate with ladies of the night.


That's why you've got such a quick trigger finger mate. Accurate as <deleted>. I hope I grow up to be like you :D .. Just have to can the drinking and smoking :o

Oops sorry. This is your thread with the ladies... as you were :D

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^eeek you are my main lady & I your worse nightmare :D just kidding, its all jokes and most know Im not a drinker, I don't smoke, take drugs or associate with ladies of the night.


That's why you've got such a quick trigger finger mate. Accurate as <deleted>. I hope I grow up to be like you :wai: .. Just have to can the drinking and smoking :o

Oops sorry. This is your thread with the ladies... as you were :D

trigger finger....are you trying to be nasty?....all posters here know that my fingers were all cut off by Saddam's men in Iraq in the 90ies...why are you being so cruel :D

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aww, just when things were beginning to turn into an expatriot's My Adventures in Thailand-style self-publicated novel, you went all confessional. Shame on you!

edit: Oops, you just redeemed yourself with the fingers story. :o

Edited by eek
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That is the problem - you men cannot take the fact that female brains function in all sorts of ways - I was cold and then i was warm and cuddly listening to Neverdie's twin brother. We are not blinkered like men.

1. Get up

2. Coffee

3. Feed the dog

4. Shower

5. Go to work etc. etc.

We women:

1. Get up

2. Coffee have a dance around the kitchen

3. Feed the dog/cat/hamster/child have a dance around the kitchen/hall/living room

4. Shower - singing Aretha at full blast

5. Go to work and have a laugh


My day actually goes like this:

1. Wake up.

2. Give little neverdie a rub

3. Go back to sleep

4. Wake up again (check to see if little neverdie is okay)

5. Go shower, sometimes little neverdie gets another rub

6. Ride down the road to the breakfast lady & coffee lady (they both want to give little neverdie a rub.

7. Home again, check the news, emails, log on to thai visa (No need to rub little neverdie, one of the gf's will be around soon) :D

8. Answer the door....ahhh wattaya know its little 'sai'from i cant remember...she wants to rub little neverdie.

9. Sai leaves, time for another shower

10. Log back onto thai visa to chat with eek.

11. Lunch time, down to see the lunch lady (shes cute too, once rubbed little neverdie). Eat lunch & amuse lunch lady

12. Back home, log onto thai visa & think about little neverdies next adventure.

13. Door again - geeze, who could this be, ohhh little ning, from ahhh, I cant remember......

14. Ning leaves, shower again - no wonder the dam_n water bill is so high.

15. Time for a little kip, little neverdie is nearly worn out

16. Wake up, check little neverdie

17. log on to thai visa, speak with eek again

18. Knock at the door again.....dam_n it, its little nong....naaa she was around last week, wont answer door, keep typing.

19. Head out for afternoon jog, return home

20. Shower, get ready to head out

21. Eat dinner, check out the local sois for the next sai, ning or nong (thinking of little neverdie again).

22. Arrive home

23. Log onto thai visa

23. Knock at the door again - YIKES....ahhh its lovely bing & ning2 (twins :o ) they're here to see little neverdie (no doubt)

24. Fall asleep (little neverdie gets tired you know)

25. Wake up, kick the twins out, check thai visa

26. Goto sleep - no time to rub little neverdie, early start tommorrow busy day :D


thats what you do back home,now tell us what you do in thailand :D

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sbc, :jerk: ur killing me :burp: ....since theres no more questions coming on Mr Neverdie, perhaps SBC, you might like to tell us about your naked adventures combing the beaches of samui?

eeek, dont worry about my fingers, i have great tongue control :burp:


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Im not a drinker, I don't smoke, take drugs or associate with ladies of the night.


You'll live a long life then ...... well it'll feel like a long one :D

ahhh, I forgot to mention I like to ride motorcycles really fast, surf massive waves & I juggle knives....hoping for a fast painless death.

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^eeek you are my main lady & I your worse nightmare :D just kidding, its all jokes and most know Im not a drinker, I don't smoke, take drugs or associate with ladies of the night.


That's why you've got such a quick trigger finger mate. Accurate as <deleted>. I hope I grow up to be like you :P .. Just have to can the drinking and smoking :o

Oops sorry. This is your thread with the ladies... as you were :D

trigger finger....are you trying to be nasty?....all posters here know that my fingers were all cut off by Saddam's men in Iraq in the 90ies...why are you being so cruel :D

WHAT? I thought you chewed them off and jumped out of a fifth floor window to escape Saddam.

No, I should have said 'sharp shooter / straight shooter'. A good trigger finger is a compliment were I'm from. Much better than an 'itchy' trigger finger.

anyway - I know not to be nasty to you :D

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Im surprised none of the ladies have been asking quesitons. :D

perhaps theyre too afraid, probably want to see naked pics of neverdie or some of my diksticker shots :o

seems no one is interested in the finer male form....maybe one of the gay guys wants to see....HEY TRIX, why dont you ask, your gay arnt you? :D

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Im surprised none of the ladies have been asking quesitons. :wai:

perhaps theyre too afraid, probably want to see naked pics of neverdie or some of my diksticker shots :D

seems no one is interested in the finer male form....maybe one of the gay guys wants to see....HEY TRIX, why dont you ask, your gay arnt you? :D

Sad prick.... :D I'll just ask the misses...........She would like a word with you mate........ :D:o

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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?


Dont you just love lazy stereotypes and platitudes as a subsitute for an interesting post, can't wait to see how this thread develops. If you are trying for a job in stand up, you just failed the audition. If its an application for a renderer of tired old jokes and recycler of joke forum stalwarts, you passed the test.

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