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Quick Marriage. Worth Hiring An Agent?

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Just a thought, get plenty of photos with date for your folder, showing you with her family and friends, show copy of her Bank Book showing sufficient funds that she is able to get by and get home, in case of emergency or she doesn't like the UK. It goes to show another reason why she will not require public funds.

Download, mobile and BT telephone records to prove regular phone contact, also, internet bill for talks etc...!!

As someone said, you cannot provide enough evidence.

All the very Best Wishes to you Both. My Thai wife and I did this last year, everything went perfectly, and so is life now...!! :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

The information on this topic thread has been invaluable.

I expect to be in the same position late this year and I think all the marriage questions have been answerd

I will have 6-8 weeks to sort the marriage and visa for my wife before returning to Europe.

I am resident mostly in Spain (UK citizen and receiving UK pensions) and we intend to spend about 6 months a year working there, with occasional trips to the UK , usually on the way through to Thailand.

The further question is should my wife apply for a UK or Spanish residential visa ?

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As you are an EEA national (British) exercising your treaty rights to live and work in another EEA state (Spain) then you can apply for an EEA family permit for her to live with you in Spain.

Guidance - EEA & Swiss nationals (INF 18) is the guidance for EEA nationals living in the UK, but the rules are the same for all EEA states. You should apply to the Spanish embassy in Bangkok.

Her EEA family permit will not allow her to visit the UK, so she will need to apply for visit visas for that. At the moment, whilst still resident in Thailand, she should apply for this in Bangkok, but once she is resident with you in Spain then she should apply to the British embassy there.

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i tied the knot, last week in chaing mai,had affirmation letter stamped at british counsulat,2000 bht had it translated and sent to bangkok for ministry stamp.took 4 days,1600 bht ,went to amphur 8 oclock in morning, me and missus sat at desk while young thai man entered all details in computor,came out of office at 9ish with 2 marrige certificates,50 bht never heard a word of english spoke all the time i was there.TIT

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The marriage is easy and quick in Thailand, as long as you have the docs in order.

It takes a day to get the affirmation of freedom to marry back from the embassy.. Then it needs to be translated and notarised which can be done quick. When you get that back have yr girlfriend double check the translation!! I got a translation back and they put that it was signed in August instead of July and had to get it redone, very annoying!!!!

Once you have it go to the thai office and get married. I think you also need:

- Copies of your passport particulars, everypage (i am pretty sure I had this but was sometime ago, but for good order have it)

- 2 witnesses they don't have to be Thai as far as I know as we used one Thai and one Brit (they do prefer that they know you although some offices might be different if you can take some it would be good and one that speaks English would be an advantage)

- I think you need a marriage form of some kind which you can do at the office

- Wife particulars (she will probably need her blue book and ID card at least)

Really that should be it. I would honestly say 3-4 days from first going to UK embassy to getting the marriage cert in your hands is very possible. Probably could do quicker but that would be 2 days and require you getting the English cert from the embassy and translated and notarised and married all in the same day!! A tall order that but in theory possible.

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Just to add way

Monday morning dropped off affie form , Tuesday 2pm picked it up walked down the road crossed over the bridge had translation done 10 mins , caught sky train to Morchit taxi to Thai ministry building,

(same place that does Thai passports) got a ticket waited 15 mins then went to the amphur just up the road got married , by 4.15 all done and too easy,

Ps the lady who married us just asked a couple of questions that was that


PPS that was 3 years ago unhapply married ever since

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Ok folks thanks for all the info.

The deed is done.

We went down to the embassey monday morning for the affirmation.

Monday afternoon to the tailors ( new dress for her to get married in and a shirt for me )

Tuesday morning Pick up affrirmation 9am

Head to Thai foreign ministry (got translation done there too ) and wait for about 3 hours for them to do their stuff.

Approx 1:30 in the afternoon return to Tailors for clothing.

Head to Bang Rak district amphur, go inside. Speak to a couple ladies who check paperwork. They want more copies of stuff. Head to copy place 100 metres away. Come back and they stamp the bits that need stamping. Passed on to 2 blokes this time, who type up everything and sort out the certificates. Then they are passed back to the big boss and he called us over.

He interviewed us both ( broken but useable english) and it turned out he was born about 5 miles from the wife in isaan so they chatted for a few minutes about home stuff. He signed , we signed, he made sure i understood from the various translations what i was doing then stamped signed nd we were married.

50 Baht all in.

He even came over to take some photo's for us afterwards as our friends had not been able to make it in time.

Wednesday morning headed to translation service and got Certs translated. (partly for myself as well )

Popped into bank for Casheirs cheque then onto VFS. Realised we needed another copy of something so went into the place next to VFS they were very helpfull.

Put application in for settlement Visa.

Total time Monday 8:30 - Wednesday 4PM.

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  • 9 months later...
Here are the steps. You don't need an agent.

1. Get affirmation from embassy it takes at least 24 hours. See this UK embassy webpage. http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for...gister-marriage

2. Take affirmation to a translator. From my own personal experience it will be quiker and easier to have the translator handle the the certification at the MFA. What they charge won't be much more than taxi fare to the MFA twice.

List of reccomended translators from US embassy (I have used #5) http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/root/pdfs/tra...otographers.pdf

3. Go to the Amphoe (district office) and register your marriage. Info here: http://www.dopa.go.th/English/servi/marry.htm

4. Take marriage certificate and any other documents to translator that require translation for visa application.

5. Apply for visa.

I want to thank ubonjoe here. After being quoted 12-15K baht for agents to do the marriage docs and such, I found this post and went to ubon's recommended agent as listed above and on US embassy website. I'm glad I went to ITC (interlanguage). I almost shelled out 12K to a ripoff agent. Instead I went to ITC, across from brit embassy, and got them to translate and go to MFA for me to get translation certified. Cost of service was 500 baht plus 500 for translation and 800 for MFA fee. Man I'm happy. I go back in 3 days to collect docs and to bang rak ampur for marriage. Highly recommended. Dont pay other agents ripoff fees unless you got something against cash

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