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Phuket Needs More Sustainability To Become A World Class Destination

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So you never Answered the question's asked Thaiwanderer you only told us about how Phuket would be the same as it always was so as a new member to the board would you like to explain just what Phuket would do if they did not have Fallangs pumping money into it.Or are you that biased that you are unwilling to accept that without us you will be back in the dark age's scatching out a living to exist.


If all the tourists left phuket , the thais would suffer , but you are a moron if you think they would not survive and thrive without us, I for one wouldn't mind if some of these dumb tourists stopped coming .

Very unsophisticated thing to say 1000 baht.

With the decline in tourism and the recession about to bite Thailand. I would have thought that even expats would welcome tourists instead of saying comments like yours.

Look at it like this, if what you say you would like, happens ( No tourists ) on Phuket, do you think that you would be able to live your life with no fear of being robbed or your house free from burglaries. Going out without looking over your shoulder all the time?

You would be even a bigger target then you already are, and it would be you leaving, maybe in a box. Think about what your saying, you was once a tourist too. Talk about calling the kettle black.

Don't be hypercritical.


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So you never Answered the question's asked Thaiwanderer you only told us about how Phuket would be the same as it always was so as a new member to the board would you like to explain just what Phuket would do if they did not have Fallangs pumping money into it.Or are you that biased that you are unwilling to accept that without us you will be back in the dark age's scatching out a living to exist.

I had said:-

Phuket can sustain itself quite well without farangs in the unlikely event that they all stop coming tommorow. Sure, the amount of workers here could not be sustained - but they only came for the tourist work anyway so thats no problem.

As to your rice comment. Firstly, perhaps you should learn more about the history of Phuket before you make assumptions as to how Phuket survived long before tourists and can do long after. Secondly, that comment betrays your crusade mentality of bringing 'light' to the backward people of Phuket.

Your new 'dark ages' comment just reinforces the stench of arrogance from you. You have no understanding whatsoever of Thailand or Thai business. Thais should all prostrate themselves wai-ing you furiously and roll over for you at every opportunity in the hope that some of the the glimmer of your wealth of pocket and culture should rub off on their great unwashed souls??????

Tourists have been moaning about Thailand ever since they arrived. They have been predicting a collapse if 'things don't change' ever since even though many of the same people still come and there are always more people who will come for the first time. If (and its a big 'if') all tourists simply stopped coming tommorow Thailand would not collapse.

Make suggestions of how the tourist experience may be improved by all means but don't frame it in such a way that the end of the world will arise if Thailand does not listen to your vastly superior intellect in the matter.

A developing country does not mean all its people are stupid.

Nothing is permanant.

I can only dream of being Farang.

:o A Thai that picks his words the way you do, is extremly rare in Thailand, and given the way you put your sentences together is more rare to mess around on this forum talking shayt. I think you are the latter.


Phuket can sustain itself quite well without farangs in the unlikely event that they all stop coming tommorow

Wanderer, was you here the first 6 months after the Tsunami? Multiple that effect on tourism with five and Phuket had been better of start digging for tin again!

(BTW, Patong Beach have not been as nice for years as it was a few months after the Tsunami)

Every single Thai or Foreign business/employee are directly or indirectly dependent on tourism.

Take as example a business who thrives in a chaotic environment, the Hospitals.

No tourist and you can close the doors on 90% of them. Wachira and Mission would be more than enough.

Shopping malls, well take a look now in the financial downturn, you can walk through the check out without queue any time of day. No tourist/foreign residents, and Phuket shopping centre in town would be enough.

Fitness centres, well all the Hiso Thai who go there can do so only because they earn form tourist related businesses or jobs.

Bars/restaurant, well the bar beer will survive.

Hotels would be converted to refugee camps for Royinga refugees. Hmm something good out of hit however.

95 % of Thais and foreign resident are here because of the opportunity to make money, take away that opportunity and it will be a ghost island before Songkran.

However good for they who not come here with the need of ripping of and slowly destroying an island who once was a natural pearl.


As the owner of a Phuket hotel, I have to agree with many of Syl's comments. Unfortunately, many of his/her wishes will never be fulfilled due to corruption and ignorance by both Thais and expats businesses in Phuket.

But I will make one comment. The hospitality sector is a service industry. Hotels and restaurants provide their service to tourists. To be successful you need to meet their needs, not fall back on the very well-worn excuse of 'this is Thailand, we do it like this in Thailand'.

That phrase, which I have heard countless times in Thailand as an excuse for poor service, is never mentioned in my own establishment. If the customer wants us to stand on 1 leg and do the hockey-cockey (spelling?), then that is what we will do because we are a service business who exists for and because of tourists.

Understand that the customer is always right, (even when he is completely wrong!), and you will be doing your bit to encourage tourists to visit and return again to Phuket.


As the owner of a Phuket hotel, I have to agree with many of Syl's comments.

As someone who doesn't own a phuket hotel, I think Syl is a <deleted>.


It was me who made the remarks about you going back picking rice it was me who told you about your return to poverty if the tourist;s stay away it was me who aske'd you Wanderer whty the murders and robberies are on the increase noy Syl its not rocket science to understand why you never answered these questions i put to you, why is that wanderer. I have been comeing back to phuket for 3-4 years now so yes that doe's give me the right to critisize i have thai and English friend's there but in all honestly would you spend your hard earned cash in a place where your movements are restricted with the rise of crime ie riding between Kata and patong after dark or the fallang buisness owners being murdered weekly what sort of message does this give out. Do you honestly think your paradise is a safe destination, and yes we do have a saying which goes along the line's of look beyond the thai smile and you will see the true thai money money and greed never trust a thai.

I have been comeing back to phuket for 3-4 years now,

yes we do have a saying which goes along the line's of look beyond the thai smile and you will see the true thai money money and greed never trust a thai.

How retarted do you need to be to keep coming back to somwhere you feel so negatively about?

With an attitude like that you deserve any bad thing that happens to you.


Well I might have a negative attitude but im also correct with everyting thats been said about Patong. It has changed so much in such a short time yet people like you whoohoo and thai wanderer dont seem to grasp the other side from a tourist's point of view.

And you have not responded to the earlier post's as to why or should I say who is commiting all the muggings , theft , and murders that have increased since the credit crunch and yes it is only going to get worse. So stop trying to blame it on off comer's the problem lie's with you and the local mafia who seem to control the resorts not your local plod or Mayor. This will be my last post on this subject because all has been cover'd but as a last thought The new police comander who was brought in wants the crime rate reduced within 3 month's because of the damage to the tourist industry that it is causing in His own words not mine. He knows you have a tarnished image that is not acceptable As a safe destination so woohoo and wanderer without calling us stupid fallangs with attitude explain to me and the other forum members WHY has Phuket And Patong got the reputation it has.

I have been comeing back to phuket for 3-4 years now,

yes we do have a saying which goes along the line's of look beyond the thai smile and you will see the true thai money money and greed never trust a thai.

How retarted do you need to be to keep coming back to somwhere you feel so negatively about?

With an attitude like that you deserve any bad thing that happens to you.

Talking about retards. It just goes to show how much of a retard you really are.

Try to spell right before you flame someone on this forum, nitwit.

Negativity not Negatively.

Woohoo, is that not a name for a fish or is it wahoo? Either way they still have small brains.


As the owner of a Phuket hotel, I have to agree with many of Syl's comments.

As someone who doesn't own a phuket hotel, I think Syl is a <deleted>.

Me 2

As the owner of a Phuket hotel, I have to agree with many of Syl's comments.

As someone who doesn't own a phuket hotel, I think Syl is a <deleted>.

Me 2

Try and stick to the topic.

You can still flame me after.

I think you mean "too" not 2.


I have been comeing back to phuket for 3-4 years now,

yes we do have a saying which goes along the line's of look beyond the thai smile and you will see the true thai money money and greed never trust a thai.

How retarted do you need to be to keep coming back to somwhere you feel so negatively about?

With an attitude like that you deserve any bad thing that happens to you.

Talking about retards. It just goes to show how much of a retard you really are.

Try to spell right before you flame someone on this forum, nitwit.

Negativity not Negatively.

Woohoo, is that not a name for a fish or is it wahoo? Either way they still have small brains.




Ask yourself one question. Why does someone who is now living in the U.K, spend so much time on the computer, being unnecessarily negative in a Thailand/Phuket forum? How lacking must your life be for you to spend your time like that? You left phuket because it wasn't for you. Move on with your life, for what it's worth, and stop boring the rest of us, who have wonderfully fulfilling lives, with your drivel.

Phuket Needs More Sustainability to Become a World Class Destination.

Phuket Needs:

1: Having a beautiful and undeteriorated destination.

2: Having and maintaining the unique Thai customs and culture to worldwide tourists.

3: Having an unpolluted environment.

4: Having safe from crimes, accident and sanitary.

5: Having enough infrastructures and facilities to offer good quality standards .

6: Having a good transportation system.

7: Having a worldwide telecommunication system.


Phuket has a very low average compatibility with the aspirations of sustainable development and should be improved.

The government should give powers to localities for the purpose of independence and self judgment of local affairs without corruption or compromise. Phuket should promote and encourage public participation in the preservation and protection of the quality of the environment in accordance with the persistent development principle, as well as the control and elimination of pollution affecting public sanitary situations for quality of life.

Fat cat tour operators and hoteliers should pay more taxes that should

sorry for not reading the whole thread, but for me it's an english student homework for the class - and for that matter not the best written.

"phuket needs having" doesn't sound nice in english for me, repeating "should" in each single sentense is just not correct.

Phuket Needs More Sustainability to Become a World Class Destination.

Phuket Needs:

1: Having a beautiful and undeteriorated destination.

2: Having and maintaining the unique Thai customs and culture to worldwide tourists.

3: Having an unpolluted environment.

4: Having safe from crimes, accident and sanitary.

5: Having enough infrastructures and facilities to offer good quality standards .

6: Having a good transportation system.

7: Having a worldwide telecommunication system.


Phuket has a very low average compatibility with the aspirations of sustainable development and should be improved.

The government should give powers to localities for the purpose of independence and self judgment of local affairs without corruption or compromise. Phuket should promote and encourage public participation in the preservation and protection of the quality of the environment in accordance with the persistent development principle, as well as the control and elimination of pollution affecting public sanitary situations for quality of life.

Fat cat tour operators and hoteliers should pay more taxes that should

sorry for not reading the whole thread, but for me it's an english student homework for the class - and for that matter not the best written.

"phuket needs having" doesn't sound nice in english for me, repeating "should" in each single sentense is just not correct.

Stupid comment to make, I am sure you could do better then that.

What sort of a person uses "better" 6 times in one sentence for their website?

Nicest. What sort of a word is that? You forgot the A before massage too.

Everybody knows chocolate is better then a massage.

I think you should go back to school, not me.

Could carry on, but I need to play with someone with a bit more intellect.


For those who have already discovered it, massage is just about the nicest thing on the planet. Better than chocolate, better than …pizza. It's a great way to feel better, look better, treat people better and treat yourself better, too


Ask yourself one question. Why does someone who is now living in the U.K, spend so much time on the computer, being unnecessarily negative in a Thailand/Phuket forum? How lacking must your life be for you to spend your time like that? You left phuket because it wasn't for you. Move on with your life, for what it's worth, and stop boring the rest of us, who have wonderfully fulfilling lives, with your drivel.

What makes you think that I am in the UK? I said that I moved my family back, not me.

I spend a hel_l of a lot of time on the computer for a living, so I move back to this forum for entertainment to listen to stupid comments and stupid people like you.

My family left Phuket for safty reasons.

So what makes you a spokesperson for the people of this forum?

So you have a wonderfully fulfilling live? What sort of a person sits on his computer at 03:05:24 in the morning writing reply's in a thread that he started bad mouthing the OP in the first place.

Maybe your the one in the UK.. You are inferior to me, go and play with somone else.



Could a moderator please close this thread, as it is not going anywhere.

I should have known better.

Thank you, Syl

Could a moderator please close this thread, as it is not going anywhere.

I should have known better.

Thank you, Syl

If we all agreed with you we would have got there quicker.

I will look forward to carrying on our little chats on your next thread. That is if you have the bottle to post one. :o


Could a moderator please close this thread, as it is not going anywhere.

I should have known better.

Thank you, Syl

If we all agreed with you we would have got there quicker.

I will look forward to carrying on our little chats on your next thread. That is if you have the bottle to post one. :o


If you wish to discuss more than subject of a thread do it by PM.

Could a moderator please close this thread, as it is not going anywhere.

I should have known better.

Thank you, Syl

If we all agreed with you we would have got there quicker.

I will look forward to carrying on our little chats on your next thread. That is if you have the bottle to post one. :o


If you wish to discuss more than subject of a thread do it by PM.

If you want to, that will be fine with me. Sending you a PM now.

Could a moderator please close this thread, as it is not going anywhere.

I should have known better.

Thank you, Syl

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