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What Kind Of Business Would You Start Or Buy In Los?

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Find a medium sized town/city in a relatively prosperous province with no western style fast food outlets close by.

Buy a commercial pizza oven (US$5000 - US$10000 in US)

Go to Pizza Co./Pizza Hut & do some research (on the pizza's,not the sheilas) & copy what the Thai's like, not what you like.

Set up in town or even at one of the large petrol stations/mini marts on a main highway to get passing trade.

Take away , eat in & home deliver.

Alcohol & karaoke - remember you are catering for Thais.

KFC style fried chicken & chips etc as extra menu items.

Sell cheap - pizzas cost bugger all to make.

Try to look like one of the Mario Brothers - give 'em a good laugh if all else fails. :o

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What do you ENJOY doing?

Find something related to what you do when your not "working".

Running a business related to something you enjoy means it stops being work, and you will provide more effort towards this business as its something you enjoy.

THIS.....is valuable advice. You would do well to heed it. Best of luck.

he he, full circle were back to opening a bar/ brothel :o

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What do you ENJOY doing?

Find something related to what you do when your not "working".

Running a business related to something you enjoy means it stops being work, and you will provide more effort towards this business as its something you enjoy.

THIS.....is valuable advice. You would do well to heed it. Best of luck.

he he, full circle were back to opening a bar/ brothel :o

lol :D

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I have a couple of shops here doing the most obvious tourist business, motorbike rental. The common belief many people have about this business is that there's no money to be made. Wrong. Started around 3 years ago with a handful of bikes and now around 60 including atv's etc. I don't invest in new stock unless I'm guaranteed a return in less than a year and as already mentioned here, it provides more than one income stream. People renting bikes etc also need onward travel so I sell boat, plane, train tickets etc.

As a start up it's not a bad option, if things don't work out you can always sell your stock of bikes a recoup a fair bit of your investment.

The most simple and obvious ideas work. Well done :o


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Have a serious look at Franchising, there are plenty of products out there that will go against the grain of depressed markets.

Take a look at impulse buys and research that.

In these times of economic downturns many people will tighten thier belts on big ticket items like a house or car purchase but will just "treat" themselves now and then on small "luxury" items like an ice cream.

I would also choose a town that has "FARANG" Customer base such as Pattaya, BKK etc

This is not a plug, however one of my favorites is Dreamcones (www.dreamcones.com), small capital outlay, they dont take a percentage take of your profits, help you out with locations, no franchise fee and crucially pricing is up to you.........they make money on the ingredients they sell.

Good luck.

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