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Two weeks ago I woke up with somewhat muffled hearing in my right ear accompanied by a bit of an echo when people would talk. At the same time, my right sinus and right side of my throat were feeling like I was coming down with a cold. I didn't think too much of it.

After 5 days I went to a doctor who said maybe I was at the early stages of an ear infection. I got some antibiotics and cold medicine and that was that.

Within a few days, the cold symptoms more or less cleared- but there is still a little pressure in my right sinus.

Then a week after the initial morning, I noticed a high pitched screeching noise in my right ear. It does not stop and hasn’t stopped since I first noticed it. The sound is exactly what you hear the next day after going to a very loud concert. BUT I was not exposed to any loud noises prior to this developing.

I can change the frequency of the sound somewhat by clenching my teeth.

I saw two Western ENT specialists and I had my ear cleaned at the hospital and I have taken vitamin B and zinc along with Chinese herbs for ear and medication meant to increase blood flow to the ear. Also a session of acupuncture. So far nothing has helped. The doctors basically said some people are lucky and it goes away and some people have it their whole life and no one knows why.

I don’t know if it is related, but leading up to this, I was under a lot of stress and drinking 2 cups of coffee a day, which is a little unusual for me. The muscles in my back are especially tight. I sit a lot on the computer with hands outstretched.

Now has anyone had a similar experience with a successful resolution? And does anyone know of any doctor in Thailand or neighboring countries who specialize in Tinnitus or similar symptoms?

Two weeks ago I woke up with somewhat muffled hearing in my right ear accompanied by a bit of an echo when people would talk. At the same time, my right sinus and right side of my throat were feeling like I was coming down with a cold. I didn't think too much of it.

After 5 days I went to a doctor who said maybe I was at the early stages of an ear infection. I got some antibiotics and cold medicine and that was that.

Within a few days, the cold symptoms more or less cleared- but there is still a little pressure in my right sinus.

Then a week after the initial morning, I noticed a high pitched screeching noise in my right ear. It does not stop and hasn't stopped since I first noticed it. The sound is exactly what you hear the next day after going to a very loud concert. BUT I was not exposed to any loud noises prior to this developing.

I can change the frequency of the sound somewhat by clenching my teeth.

I also have tinnitus and have had it since 1988. At first I experienced the same symptoms as you, coupled with reduced hearing ability in the affected side. I do not want to scare you but it was caused by a very rare form of brain tumour. You have got a better chance of winning the lottery than getting the type of tumour I had so do not panic.

As far as I am aware there is no cure for tinnitus - it goes away or stays. There are things that can reduce its impact but I do not use them. Over the years I have got used to it.

You can read my story here http://lifechanginglife.blogspot.com


If you do a good review of Dr. Google, you'll find a lot of advice on the condition. Usually, pundits recommend that sufferers avoid aspirin, salt and caffiene...which are blamed for exacerbating tinnitus. I have dealt with it for the past 19 years, following the treatment of a spinal infection which was treated with infusions of powerful antibiotics...which are also very ototoxic...and caused my initial problems with the condition. I think that stopping all coffee drinking, use of alcohol and substantially lowering your salt intake might help you lessen the severity of tinnitus. In time, you learn to live with it, although some days seem to be worse than others.

(added later): I noted an excellent summation of tinnitus by a PhD level audiologist, also a TV member. Check out his post at this thread:



I'm into my 9th year with acute tinnitus in fact started a thread on it here some 5 years ago. I'm sure it is the result of working around turbines both aircraft and industrial most of my life.

Been to a number of specialists and as far as I know there is NO known cure for it, some will try to sell you implants and the like but those in the know have told me that it is a complete waste of money.

To give you an idea mine is like:-

Imagine sitting in the waiting room of a dentists surgery with with the door open and the drill running full tilt, that's what it is like most days and nights 24/7. On a bad day it's the same frequency but as if the drill was right next to my ears. Over time you learn to mentally blank it out. It hasn't really effected my normal hearing other than I can't tolerate loud music or general noise.

Good luck as it is early days it may only be a curable infection.


Hi sorry to hear about your Tinitus.

I have lived with the condition since 1967 and it comes and goes.

Over exposure to Noise is the main cause. Aquired mine serving in the R.A.F ( Aircraft Maintainance )

I live wth it. You do over time get used to it, Like living Nr a main Road or Railway line. Visitors will notice the noise but you dont.

I have fond that Quinine even small amounts in tonic water make it much worse. I think reserch as shown this to be true.

So I no longer have My G&T It is hard but thats life

Have been told by consutants in the UK No cure.

I do belive you can get a device simular to an hearing aid to mask the Noise if it gets unbearable. UK have I dont know about Thailand

I think many Thai people will suffer in the near future. If not already

Cars drive past my house and the windows rattle. A whole new meaning To Pump Up The Volume.

Its not nice but it wont Kill you

Best of Luck


My Doctor told me the first seven years are the worst. He was right, you just get used to it and have to live with it.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I've had it for 2 years. At first I was very bothered and upset by it. I was worried I was going deaf. It does seem it has been accompanied by reduced hearing for some reason but I am by no means deaf, fortunately. I have found reducing caffeine is helpful as well as not getting too stressed and getting enough sleep. Strangely it just doesn't bother me that much these days. As others have said there really is no cure, but try to avoid loud noises as that seems to make it worse as well.

I've had it for 2 years. At first I was very bothered and upset by it. I was worried I was going deaf. It does seem it has been accompanied by reduced hearing for some reason but I am by no means deaf, fortunately. I have found reducing caffeine is helpful as well as not getting too stressed and getting enough sleep. Strangely it just doesn't bother me that much these days. As others have said there really is no cure, but try to avoid loud noises as that seems to make it worse as well.

I suffer from tinitus for the past 12 years; tried electro magnetic treatment for 30 minutes daily for one month. Didn't really help. We all have to learn to live with this annoying sound.

I'm into my 9th year with acute tinnitus

No. You are in your ninth year of CHRONIC tinnitus. It was "acute" when it first started.


Oh goody lets compare how long we have all had it. Me since 1985 How long is that? 24 years right?

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


My wife has the condition. Her ENT doctor said she had fluid behind her ear

drum, poked a hold in it and inserted a drain tube. The ringing noise is still

there but the volume is such that it doesn't bother her as much as before.

Good Luck!!


Now has anyone had a similar experience with a successful resolution? And does anyone know of any doctor in Thailand or neighboring countries who specialize in Tinnitus or similar symptoms?

I had developed tinnitus several years ago, and tried many avenues of treatment. It cleared up finally with the help of traditional Chinese medicine. My doctor in Oakland California USA treated me with herbs; no acupuncture. He classifies it as a symptom of weakness in the kidney energy functioning and uses herbs to build that and bladder energy channels. He also advises no alcohol, drugs, or other debilitating consumption or activities; moderate exercise, moderate sexual activity are ok, but excesses will contribute to this condition. Some prescription drugns and over the counter meds like ibuprofen will contribute to weakening of this energy.

If you don't have access to Chinese medical doctor (but there are some good ones in Chiang Mai), try cleaning up your consumption and lifestyle to conserve your basic energy. And make up some bone soup once a week for a month or two: Simmer 1 kilo of pork bones (or chicken or beef) for 4 hours with 1 teaspoon of salt and fresh ginger (8 slices 1 1/2 to 2 inch diameter). Start with 3 or 4 liters of water and boil down to 1 liter. Strain out the bones and ginger and refrigerate the broth overnight. Skim off the solidified fat and use the broth for making soup. I make pork, onion and cabbage soup sometimes with celery, seaweeds or other vegetables, barley or azuki beans and Japanese pumpkin (kabocha, the big green ones). This is a highly nourishing soup that will help build you kidney energy. It is great to build body warmth for winter, but if I had tinnitus I would be making some up right now, even though it is hot season.

Good luck, Don

I had developed tinnitus several years ago, and tried many avenues of treatment. It cleared up finally with the help of traditional Chinese medicine. My doctor in Oakland California USA treated me with herbs; no acupuncture. He classifies it as a symptom of weakness in the kidney energy functioning and uses herbs to build that and bladder energy channels. He also advises no alcohol, drugs, or other debilitating consumption or activities; moderate exercise, moderate sexual activity are ok, but excesses will contribute to this condition. Some prescription drugns and over the counter meds like ibuprofen will contribute to weakening of this energy.

If you don't have access to Chinese medical doctor (but there are some good ones in Chiang Mai), try cleaning up your consumption and lifestyle to conserve your basic energy. And make up some bone soup once a week for a month or two: Simmer 1 kilo of pork bones (or chicken or beef) for 4 hours with 1 teaspoon of salt and fresh ginger (8 slices 1 1/2 to 2 inch diameter). Start with 3 or 4 liters of water and boil down to 1 liter. Strain out the bones and ginger and refrigerate the broth overnight. Skim off the solidified fat and use the broth for making soup. I make pork, onion and cabbage soup sometimes with celery, seaweeds or other vegetables, barley or azuki beans and Japanese pumpkin (kabocha, the big green ones). This is a highly nourishing soup that will help build you kidney energy. It is great to build body warmth for winter, but if I had tinnitus I would be making some up right now, even though it is hot season.

Good luck, Don

and don't forget to drink lots of beer to flush out any excess energy that has built up in your kidneys :o

I'm into my 9th year with acute tinnitus

No. You are in your ninth year of CHRONIC tinnitus. It was "acute" when it first started.

Why are you posting rubbish here? The topic is 'tinnitus' not bloody English grammar. Wacker!!!
Oh goody lets compare how long we have all had it. Me since 1985 How long is that? 24 years right?

I have exactly the same as you describe. It started 18 months ago with earache and pain down the back of my head and as you describes a sore throat gland down the right side. I have taken the same medication as you have taken which has helped. At first I was worried about it and even went as far as going to a BUPA specialist in Edinburgh which cost £250 and no cure. The doctor’s synopsis was that I had Tetanus and would have to live with it. When back here in Thailand I went to a doctor in Udon who prescribed vitamin B tablets which did help. Use ear plugs when in the shower or swimming and avoid loud noises.

Try to keep your mind occupied and don’t think about it as I have found this the best cure. A couple of beers also do wonders.

Good Luck,

Wee Jimmy.


I believe that any drug company which comes up with a cure will make millions off it. But still as yet no one seems to understand even what causes it :o

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Agree Rimmer: AND what country should they head to first-up?

Right here!

I have slight Tinnitus to the right ear, obtained (but not wanted) from working in the TV Industry, often in very LOUD control rooms over nearly 40 years.

Whilst the caffiene and other causes mentioned in this thread are indeed real, they are moreover causes which make an already obtained case of Tinnitus come to life.

Excessive loud noise is the main factor in initially getting the thing in the first place.

Thailand would without doubt be one of the noisiest countries I've ever experienced. The noise in shopping malls in particular is put quite simply right over the top. Often mainly from promotions and other forms of advertising where amplifiers are pushed to their absolute limit with no care whatsoever that the sound is carrying well beyond where the message is intended. AND the distortion, what a joke, how anyone can stand and be attacked by this garbage is beyond me.

AND what about the kids, yes the Thai children, take a listen if you dare to what they are subjected to in their entertainment areas and Disco's etc.

Of course they love it, it's great and gets you going and in with the swing of it.........FOR NOW!!!

Yes Rimmer: The land of smiles is where anyone with the "MAGIC CURE" should head to soon. They stand to make a heck of a lot more money from whatever they claim will take the "wailing sirens" out of peoples heads, than the executives in the finance world that we are now hearing of daily in the news.

Agree Rimmer: AND what country should they head to first-up?

Right here!

Yes a few years down the line a lot of people will have massive hearing problems, at the top of the list will be the guys who drive around in the musicaly converted pick up trucks.

Like you I believe that loud noise is a major contributer to to tinnitus, remember William Shatner (Captain Kirk) He attributes his tinnitus problem to the loud explosions and such on the sound stage whilst making Star Trek. I can trace my problem back to standing at the end of military runway in UK when an F104 did a low pass with full afterburners and blew me off the top of the berm I was standing on as well as affecting my hearing from that time on.

Maybe other people here can also pinpoint an event in their life that may have triggered the problem as well?

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


The excessive noise in this country is something I guarantee that a huge proportion of the population here will live to regret.

Especially the now kids.

I'll bet there is no public info at all about it!

Then again, the younger generation seems to be well off, Baht wise. They seem to be able to afford time and time again being fined for the absence of a simple helmet!


There seems to be a new treatment called Neuromonics System which is said to help some people it talks about getting your brain not to hear the sounds of your Tinnitus. I noticed that Bangkok Hospital Pattaya were advertising something like this the last time I was there


Wow. I'm not alone it appears. An update:

I went to a another ENT doctor who cleaned out my ear. Didn't help. Then gave me drugs. Also, chinese herbs from a Chinese Doc and a Chiropraxtic adjustment.

The volume has gone down a little and perhaps the frequency changed slightly, but definitely still ringing. I prefer to be in places with activity and noise as I can forget about it for awhile. When it is quiet, it sounds like I am in a field of crickets or something.

I have pressure in my right sinus (problem is in right ear). When I relax my jaw it seems to clench down on the right hand side. I have not been exposed to any loud noises recently. Have been under a lot of stress, not exercising either. Will start that again shortly.

Anyway, I hope that this is all some strong virus, which affects my sinuses and in turn my ear. I have stopped caffeine and dairy for now. Let's see what happens.

Does anyone have experience with:

Hearing Speech Balance Tinnitus Center Bangkok Hospital - Pattaya


I may go see them, but I need someone who can look at the whole issue, not just peer into my ear and give me some pills like the last three doctors. My jaw and sinuses must be connected as this all started at the same time.

I feel for anyone with this ailment and it seems to be not at all uncommon.


i have had tinnitus for years now , the things that help me are lost some weight ,dont smoke . dont drink too much , avoid noisy places ,have some background noise ,coffee can be a problem and above all exersize .


Hey kangeroo, if one is to avoid noisy places, you mean those of us that suffer with this thing should go home to Kev.

This is a quote from a thread in 2007:

The best thing to do for someone suffering from tinnitus is, to put it bluntly, stay away from Thailand. Sure, other countries are noisy, but there must be a special status for Thailand - perhaps in the Guiness Book of World Records for the most crumby sounding, high-pitched noises blasting every which way - with absolutely no regard for anyone who might not want to hear the cacaphony.

It's what I have really been noticing here lately, it's just so true!


It seems clear that there are numerous causes behind tinnitus. If it was not caused by loud noises in the first place, I assume there is no damage to my hearing. Therefore, is it necessary to stay away from loud noises?

There seems to be a lot of unknowns about this affliction. I will stop sugar and start exercising. If nothing else, this will make me more healthy!


Why are you posting rubbish here? The topic is 'tinnitus' not bloody English grammar. Wacker!!!

Because acute tinnitus and chronic tinnitus are two associated but different problems. If the gentleman calls a doctor and says he has acute tinnitus, they may refer him to an ENT to check for trauma, infections, etc. He explains he has chronic tinnitus, they may choose to begin his exam with a trip to an audiologist.

This has nothing to do with grammar. It has to do with accuracy.

By the way, I believe whacker is spelled with an "h".

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