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Hi There can anybody tell me of any Bank in Thailand that i can get a visa /debit card account with.

I am currently been with the Kasikorn Bank for last 5 years and have internet banking and web card.

problem is i work in oil and abroad 5 weeks and home Thailand for 4 weeks but the Bank tells me i need a work permit before i can get a card, i need a card for renting cars at airport , paying hotels etc, is there some other way round this problem .


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I believe if you deposit say 100,000 baht with them they will give you a credit card with a limit of 50,000 baht on it, that means fo course you do not have access to your 100,000 baht as the bank holds it as security.

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Well my Kasikorn bank card Has VISA stamped on it so I would think that it can be used as a debit card. I only use it for ATM withdrawals, and have never put it to the test for other transactions. It has the 3 number code on the bank so I think that it should work ok.

I do not and never have had a work permit, only non o visa when I opened the account.

The problem with Thai banks is that if the person you are dealing with doesn't know the answer to your question, they will make something up instead of asking a superior.

Go to a different branch or even a different teller and the answer to your question may well be different.

I paid a foreign currency cheque into Bangkok Bank in Pattaya to credit account in Phrae branch, no problem.

Next time I went to the same branch to do the same - No can do!

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My Thai bank account ATM card has a VISA logo on it, does that mean I can use it for a worldwide signature purchase? Does anyone know about this?

Plus, my card has a 3 digit number on the back, does that mean it can be used online?

A VISA debit card will enable you withdraw cash at ATMs and also pay for goods. I think you will find that most transactions will be electronic (rather than signature) vi athe use of your PIN. The card will debit such amounts straight through to your bank account - unlike the VISA credit card where you get deferred credit.

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My Thai bank account ATM card has a VISA logo on it, does that mean I can use it for a worldwide signature purchase? Does anyone know about this?

Plus, my card has a 3 digit number on the back, does that mean it can be used online?

A VISA debit card will enable you withdraw cash at ATMs and also pay for goods. I think you will find that most transactions will be electronic (rather than signature) vi athe use of your PIN. The card will debit such amounts straight through to your bank account - unlike the VISA credit card where you get deferred credit.

Does that mean if I use my VISA debit card in for example a supermarket in Thailand I enter my PIN or sign a receipt. I thought only chip & pin was for PIN purchases and my card does not have a chip?

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Have a Ayudiya (sp) Bank Platinum visa card. Had to put 200,000baht into a account and leave it for a six month period, after that it is usable.

Have received some nice 10-15% discounts by using the card.

We were with them for a bit over 2 years when they offered us the card.

Hope this helps.

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I have a Kasikorn Visa debit card which can be used in supermarkets, pay hotel bills and the like, but I have never been able to use it to rent a car. The bank told me, and I don't know if the answer was accurate, is because it's a debit card that's all it can do, car hire companies like to block off their deposit, and they cannot do that with a debit card, you can only debit. I have even asked if they could debit the deposit then pay me back when I return the car, "no cannot". I have yet to see if I can use it in the UK where they have "chip and pin".

You cannot use their debit card online, that's why they introduced their web based card, have yet to use it to book airline tickets where you need to show the card at check in.

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I have a Kasikorn Visa debit card which can be used in supermarkets, pay hotel bills and the like, .

When you use it in supermarkets, do you enter a PIN or just sign the receipt after purchases?

Sign the receipts, this is of course in Thailand.

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I have a Kasikorn Visa debit card which can be used in supermarkets, pay hotel bills and the like, .

When you use it in supermarkets, do you enter a PIN or just sign the receipt after purchases?

Sign the receipts, this is of course in Thailand.

Thanks for making that clear. If your bill at the Thai supermarket is 1235.25 for example, is that exact amount deducted from you account?

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I have a Kasikorn Visa debit card which can be used in supermarkets, pay hotel bills and the like, .

When you use it in supermarkets, do you enter a PIN or just sign the receipt after purchases?

Sign the receipts, this is of course in Thailand.

Thanks for making that clear. If your bill at the Thai supermarket is 1235.25 for example, is that exact amount deducted from you account?

Yes, not one satang more.

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I have 3 accounts at SCB and 3 Debit/ATM cards.

I can use any of them at the ATM and I can use any of them as a debit card at store that accept the VISA Debit card.

Foodland on Pattaya klang does not accept this card so I must pay cash.

When I use the card as a debit card no pin number is required just my signature on the slip

The debit is for the exact amount of the purchase and it is "debited" from your account almost immediately or within a minute or so. This is important to know^^^^ do not let the card out of your sight. If anyone has dishonest intentions and they scan your card a second time or make a "copy" of the card then they have enough info to use that to debit purchases from your account and then can go on a shopping spree. In 3 years I have had no issues but I only use the card for debit purchases at reputable stores and restaurants and I watch the card like a hawk after a mouse.

Edited by longball53098
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I have 3 accounts at SCB and 3 Debit/ATM cards.

I can use any of them at the ATM and I can use any of them as a debit card at store that accept the VISA Debit card.

Foodland on Pattaya klang does not accept this card so I must pay cash.

When I use the card as a debit card no pin number is required just my signature on the slip

The debit is for the exact amount of the purchase and it is "debited" from your account almost immediately or within a minute or so. This is important to know^^^^ do not let the card out of your sight. If anyone has dishonest intentions and they scan your card a second time or make a "copy" of the card then they have enough info to use that to debit purchases from your account and then can go on a shopping spree. In 3 years I have had no issues but I only use the card for debit purchases at reputable stores and restaurants and I watch the card like a hawk after a mouse.

Thanks for clearing that up. I wonder if it can be used as a debit card overseas? My visa debit card here does not even have my name printed on the card, so they are going by signature alone, plus if my card was lost or stolen it could be used in stores without an ID check.

This must be a high risk type of card to own. I will keep the Thai Bank 24 hour hour help line number at hand in case I need to cancel the card.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I wonder if it can be used as a debit card overseas? My visa debit card here does not even have my name printed on the card, so they are going by signature alone, plus if my card was lost or stolen it could be used in stores without an ID check.

I am pretty sure that I read somewhere that you can use it overseas, though not sure how the pin & chip network people would cope with a none chip and pin card, same goes for my Thai credit card I suspect.

If you ask them will provide you with a card with your name on, Kasikorn did for me, took a week and there was no extra charge.

In fact there website confirms you can use their card overseas: http://www.kasikornbank.com/portal/site/KB...00056f8f30aRCRD

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