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Fans With Water Mist Spray


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Been looking at these fans that throw a mist of water out to cool the air, I was thinking of getting one to use when we sleep at night but someone told me their bad for the respitory sysyem.

Anyone have one or know if they are any good.


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Been looking at these fans that throw a mist of water out to cool the air, I was thinking of getting one to use when we sleep at night but someone told me their bad for the respitory sysyem.

Anyone have one or know if they are any good.


You're talking about what is known as an "Evaporative cooler",and they are great.You have to face the back towards an opening,like a window,so it can get fresh air.You fill the water compartment with water(And ice) if it allows you.You would be surprised how effective these units are in Thailand,with the humidity we get.As for being unhealthy,well such is the effectivness of these units,you can develop a chill if it is directly facing you,while sleeping.If it faces away from you(Not directly on you)then it is no problem.i have used these for years,as before we got a/c,it was stinking hot sitting at the computer desk.I have never had any side effects from using them,however cleaning them each month is important,as they can get a bit yucky inside the water compartment.

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Thanks for the info, I just needed to be sure they were ok to use while sleeping. Anyone interested I seen them today in Powerbuy at Central World for 4,950 baht marked down from 5,950.

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