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Thai Army Chief Denies Existence Of Secret American Prison

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If they take terrorists to the U.S., the courts would let them out and appologize for interrupting their killings.

So that makes it ok??? to break the law and torture people without even a trial first...???? God bless America, land of the free!!! :o

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Info obtained by torture is crap. People will say anything to stop the torture. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth. I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who rationalize torture. Happily, you lot are out of fashion.

Actually, good intelligence was garnered through interrogation that lead to foiling the attempted destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge. This has been well documented. Why do so many feel sorry for terrorists? I will never understand.

Not sorry for terrorists, but sorry for the loss accountability and human rights; in this world where 'results' count in every walk of life , with these secret facilities and torture it is easy to get 'results' , whether or not the individuals concerned are actual terrorists.

Backpackers beware, many travel alone, carrying suspicious looking backpacks out in obscure places............a few hours waterboarding and you'll be screaming 'yes i'm a terrorist'......

and then the terrorists win

why does media insist calling it "tough interrogations" or "aggressive interrogations" when it is plain and simple torture?

If Thailand assisted the US in extracting information from terrorists that helped save lives, then all I can say is 'Thank you Thailand."

But then, if US didn't manage to extract information, but tortured possibly innocent people anyway because they suspected that they maybe terrorists....?


We are in World War III and the muslims are going to win.

Name a country that the muslims are not killing people.

We have not really won a war since World War II and will never win another war. We have to be nice to our enemy while they can do what ever they want. They can hide among women and children and we can't touch them because we might hurt some innocent person. They sneak out, kill us, then run back and hide behind their women and children.

You think it is just a few muslims that want non muslims dead. Look at indonesia which is a friendly Muslem country. There were thousands of people out in the streets cheering after 9-11.

The U.S. and a few friends are the only ones willing to fight the terrorists. With our new president, we will be talking to the terrorists while they develop their nuclear bombs.

It's time to start praying to Mecca 5 times a day.

The jokes are getting better and better these days,...

I like the General's picture too, very convincing face.

And of course there are no secret prisions here run by the US. despite what the US says about their existance - that would never be allowed to happen here - heaven forbid - and if the poor guy did admit to this he might just be side moved to an inactive post for opening his mouth. Just like the denials about no pros working in Pattaya - after the lady MP who was the minister in charge of tourism claimed after her one hour visit there during the day. Like there is no AIDS in thailand despite the fact that 1 in 9 thais have it and that 9 people die from AIDs related problems every day - and no way did the navy force the burmese refugees out to sea in unpowered boats to fend for themselves - -- guess we just have to follow the yellow brick road - and just how do u manage to keep a secret in this country anyway -- just deny it ever happened and hope that the newspaper and everyone else forgets about it -- hey remember last year and the yellow shirts destroying the country - think most have forgotten this also -- even the govt

Gee!!!!! is that more then people die from smoke related deaths in Thailand?

If they take terrorists to the U.S., the courts would let them out and appologize for interrupting their killings.

So that makes it ok??? to break the law and torture people without even a trial first...???? God bless America, land of the free!!! :D

So I guess its ok to hijack a plane and put it in a building. and not to mention kill thousands. God Bless terrorists. :o

We are in World War III and the muslims are going to win.

Name a country that the muslims are not killing people.

We have not really won a war since World War II and will never win another war. We have to be nice to our enemy while they can do what ever they want. They can hide among women and children and we can't touch them because we might hurt some innocent person. They sneak out, kill us, then run back and hide behind their women and children.

You think it is just a few muslims that want non muslims dead. Look at indonesia which is a friendly Muslem country. There were thousands of people out in the streets cheering after 9-11.

The U.S. and a few friends are the only ones willing to fight the terrorists. With our new president, we will be talking to the terrorists while they develop their nuclear bombs.

It's time to start praying to Mecca 5 times a day.

Looks like both lots of 'terrorists' have won with you.

"Christian" nations have colonozed, terrorised and oppressed scores of nations over the centuries.

and now when some try to stand up for themselves, i.e Palestine, they are denied the proper means, whilst their neighbours, friend of the US are armed to the teeth with sophisticated weapons.

And then they are labelled terrorists for using homemade missiles, their only choice.

if this is world war 3 it is only so because the making and selling of weapons has to be one of the biggest industries in the world and they need customers.

what better way than to create a climate of fear throughout the world

its just a big game and the sad thing is they can convince so many people that its real.

We are in World War III and the muslims are going to win.

Name a country that the muslims are not killing people.

We have not really won a war since World War II and will never win another war. We have to be nice to our enemy while they can do what ever they want. They can hide among women and children and we can't touch them because we might hurt some innocent person. They sneak out, kill us, then run back and hide behind their women and children.

You think it is just a few muslims that want non muslims dead. Look at indonesia which is a friendly Muslem country. There were thousands of people out in the streets cheering after 9-11.

The U.S. and a few friends are the only ones willing to fight the terrorists. With our new president, we will be talking to the terrorists while they develop their nuclear bombs.

It's time to start praying to Mecca 5 times a day.

Ex-U.S. Pres. George W. Bush was an ally of Thaksin. Bush set up concentration camps (to torture) in any country that would allow torture. And, the U.S. military personnel who torture what the U.S. considers "terrorists" are second best at torture to only the Israelis, who train U.S. military personnel in torture. It well could be that for every "terrorist" tortured by the U.S., thousands rise up to take the place of the prisoner tortured, and most likely killed when it is determined that they have no more information to give. Most likely the information garnered from torture is untrue just as an expert police interrogator is often able to get the arrested party to admit to crimes that he/she did not commit.

why does media insist calling it "tough interrogations" or "aggressive interrogations" when it is plain and simple torture?

If Thailand assisted the US in extracting information from terrorists that helped save lives, then all I can say is 'Thank you Thailand."

My thanks also Thailand


Obama has stated on national TV that the US will not use torture anymore under any circumstances! Gitmo is being closed and the CIA are scrambling to refine new techniques which will fall outside the generally accepted definition of torture. This will include feeding terrorist suspects only McDonalds and Burger King and making them watch FOX news for 16 hours a day.


A chance meeting with a plain clothed Thai 'Official' in Chiang Mai, in November 2007, followed by a few beers cofirmed without a doubt (at least to me) that inter-agency co-operation is very much alive and well in Thailand.

This gentleman mentioned a range of things, including the 'links' with the AFP & ASIO in relation to monitoring a specific group that had moved from the south to the North area of Thailand.

I will never forget his adamant statement that if people REALLY knew what went on, they may be shocked....I think not..!!

Obviously I didn't feel the need to enquire to any depth. I just believed him and happily took his business card when offered, especially on the basis that if I every encountered any 'hassles', he was available.

His availability would have obviously been at a price, but I would have simply considered it and insurance payment. Thankfully there has never been any need, thoug I still have his number.

Whilst few or none of us may have the proof, I for one believe that Thailand has and will always provide 'services' for the protection and 'friendship' of larger and stronger allies.

The methods and means of stopping terrorist aggression are counter balanced by the agression and violence of terrorists themselves.

It may sux big time, but so would being a victim.

Peace to all.


why does media insist calling it "tough interrogations" or "aggressive interrogations" when it is plain and simple torture?

If Thailand assisted the US in extracting information from terrorists that helped save lives, then all I can say is 'Thank you Thailand."

And that means that you are evil and an enemy of humanity.

I have no other words for those who condone torture.

This response is a shining example of how naive, blind-eyed, judgmental individuals ignore the realities of the world we live in. Humans are by nature capable of being cruel, almost assuredly much much more cruel than you can possibly imagine. At the same time, humans sometimes need to use extraordinary means to prevent one group of people from performing cruel acts upon another. The question is whether or not the ends justify the means.

As the US has not been victimized with another islamo-fanatic terror attack since 9-11, in my opinion the ends do justify the means. This has not been from lack of trying. There have been several plots around the world, which have been detected and prevented because of intelligence acquired in Gitmo and clandestine prisons. As these are well documented, and it is widely acknowledged that many thousands of lives were likely saved, the ends do justify the means.

Turn a blind eye if you want to. The simple fact remains that the world is full of people who are inherently bad and ill-willed, despite the fact that they may believe in their own minds that they are correct and just. It takes people who are inherently courageous and good-willed to deal these others. In the end, we all face our eternal judgment.

But as far as life on earth and living in a world filled with bad people go, better for good people to do what is necessary to deal with bad people, than to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to what these bad people are proven to be capable of doing to peaceful, civil people.

The Jack Nicholson character in "A Few Good Men" comes to mind, when he talks about those who enjoy the freedoms that his efforts help to provide but then they feel obligated to question or defame the actions and character of those who make the effort. We have the right to voice our opinions and protest things that we don't agree with, but some of the opinions in this thread border on major league hypocrisy. Your's is one of them.

One of the plots uncovered and stopped was the bombing of an international children's school in Jakarta. Some might dismiss my post as reactive but it happened in Beslan...


You say that is separate unrelated conflict ???....no, it is one and the same. Worldwide jihad by Islamofacists capable of any unspeakable atrocity imaginable.

Info obtained by torture is crap. People will say anything to stop the torture. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth. I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who rationalize torture. Happily, you lot are out of fashion.

yes according to your guy; Carter II; if our troops capture foreign fighters on the battlefield we have to charter a lear jet & get them in front of a US magistrate within 72 hours to hear the charges against them.

O I forgot - all our troops will have to be trained for "evidence collection" just like CSI.

Is nobama making us safer? No possible way. He's giving the terrorist a leg up.

Info obtained by torture is crap. People will say anything to stop the torture. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth. I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who rationalize torture. Happily, you lot are out of fashion.

yes according to your guy; Carter II; if our troops capture foreign fighters on the battlefield we have to charter a lear jet & get them in front of a US magistrate within 72 hours to hear the charges against them.

O I forgot - all our troops will have to be trained for "evidence collection" just like CSI.

Is nobama making us safer? No possible way. He's giving the terrorist a leg up.

He is basically dismantling the CIA as demonstrated by putting a man in charge that has no experience whatsoever in intelligence gathering. The post above along with an undeniable determination to weaken the security of the United States is one of the reasons that I have decided to change my residence to Thailand. It may not always be safe here, but at least Thailand is not as big a target as the US.

Info obtained by torture is crap. People will say anything to stop the torture. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth. I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who rationalize torture. Happily, you lot are out of fashion.

Actually, good intelligence was garnered through interrogation that lead to foiling the attempted destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge. This has been well documented. Why do so many feel sorry for terrorists? I will never understand.

Don't know the case so can't comment.

This has nothing to do with loving terrorists. It has to do with not making MORE terrorists.

Abu Graib created countless terrorists. The idea is to make peace with the MAJORITY of the Muslim world who are not terrorists. Way less than one percent are terrorists. The only way to beat them is to make better friends with the moderate Muslim world based on mutual self interest. Most Muslims LIKE Obama. Torturing their Muslim brothers will ruin that potential.

And once again, I wonder... So many people here are concerned... Disgusted... Waving Human Rights Banners... Talking of Muslim Brothers... etc, etc, etc.

Truely, we live not in a perfect world. Let me just ask you, people, a few questions...

1. what exactly is a terrorist?

2. where do they come from?

3. how did THE FIRST terrorist come into existence?

4. are terrorists Muslims? Christians? Jews? Atheists?...

5. are terrorists Americans? Russians? Irish? Jewish? Palestinians? Germans? Italians?...

6. are CIA, FSB, MOSSAD, MI5, SAVAK, SDECE, SAS, SGP, CEF... terrorist organisations?

7. were GESTAPO, KGB, SANTA INQUISICION, PLO, FATAH,... terrorist organisations?

8. were ALEXANDER THE GREAT, NERO, CHINGIS KHAN, HITLER, LENIN, STALIN, IDI AMIN, POL POT, MAO, NKRUME, PAPA DOC,.... terrorists? politicians? generals? else?

My dear friends, if you do not know the correct answers to ANY of these, and many other questions ( I don't say, I do ), - your contributions here are of little value, and even less consequence.

For those who believe in God,- he obviously allows this to happen. " Inshallah", as they say... ( NO, I am not ).

For those who do not believe in God,- it is our own doing,- on both sides of the fence.

They are not going to admit it otherwise the American Dictatorship will bomb the shit out of Thailand.

Where are you from Iran?

True blue Aussie christian but can't stand the sight of overbearing, loud mouthed self centred Americans who think they are in charge of the world and every other country must do as they say or else. Love the british and all other western societies but Americans ahh.. If they keep thier noses out of every other country then this world be a peaceful planet and the world economy would not be stuffed up because of their greed.

I fully support the majority of Muslims, as I do people of all faiths. How much shame Muslims must feel to have maniacal zealots in the name of the Muslim faith be so utterly destructive to humanity as to plan and carry out the deaths of thousands of innocents. And therefore, I completely disagree with your statement that 'Most Muslims LIKE Obama." Call me an idealist, but I just can not fathom that concept.

Although your statements are not completely accurate, even if true, it would pale in comparison to the millions of innocents killed by the "christians" of the USA.

What millions? Where?

They are not going to admit it otherwise the American Dictatorship will bomb the shit out of Thailand.

Where are you from Iran?

True blue Aussie christian but can't stand the sight of overbearing, loud mouthed self centred Americans who think they are in charge of the world and every other country must do as they say or else. Love the british and all other western societies but Americans ahh.. If they keep thier noses out of every other country then this world be a peaceful planet and the world economy would not be stuffed up because of their greed.

Oh yes, if only the US would wither and fade away, then all the world would live in kumbabya peace and harmony! THere would never be a cross word spoken and love would spring from every person's heart!

They are not going to admit it otherwise the American Dictatorship will bomb the shit out of Thailand.

Where are you from Iran?

True blue Aussie christian but can't stand the sight of overbearing, loud mouthed self centred Americans who think they are in charge of the world and every other country must do as they say or else. Love the british and all other western societies but Americans ahh.. If they keep thier noses out of every other country then this world be a peaceful planet and the world economy would not be stuffed up because of their greed.

Oh yes, if only the US would wither and fade away, then all the world would live in kumbabya peace and harmony! THere would never be a cross word spoken and love would spring from every person's heart!

Yep would be a much more peaceful world without the dam yanks interferring in things that have nothing to do with them and raping all the riches of the world for thier own greed. If america was so concerned about world peace then why are'nt they in the african countries helping those people. What no god or oil there for them nothing for them to steal after they destroy the country...

They are not going to admit it otherwise the American Dictatorship will bomb the shit out of Thailand.

Where are you from Iran?

True blue Aussie christian but can't stand the sight of overbearing, loud mouthed self centred Americans who think they are in charge of the world and every other country must do as they say or else. Love the british and all other western societies but Americans ahh.. If they keep thier noses out of every other country then this world be a peaceful planet and the world economy would not be stuffed up because of their greed.

Oh yes, if only the US would wither and fade away, then all the world would live in kumbabya peace and harmony! THere would never be a cross word spoken and love would spring from every person's heart!

Yep would be a much more peaceful world without the dam yanks interferring in things that have nothing to do with them and raping all the riches of the world for thier own greed. If america was so concerned about world peace then why are'nt they in the african countries helping those people. What no god or oil there for them nothing for them to steal after they destroy the country...

It would be helpful if you had a clue about what you are talking. Read and learn:

Popular in Africa: Bush has given more aid than any other US president - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/af...ent-783387.html

Info obtained by torture is crap. People will say anything to stop the torture. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth. I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who rationalize torture. Happily, you lot are out of fashion.

yes according to your guy; Carter II; if our troops capture foreign fighters on the battlefield we have to charter a lear jet & get them in front of a US magistrate within 72 hours to hear the charges against them.

O I forgot - all our troops will have to be trained for "evidence collection" just like CSI.

Is nobama making us safer? No possible way. He's giving the terrorist a leg up.

He is basically dismantling the CIA as demonstrated by putting a man in charge that has no experience whatsoever in intelligence gathering. As stated in the post above, along with an undeniable determination to weaken the security of the United States, Obama's naivety about the evil that certainly exists in the world is one of the reasons that I have decided to change my residence to Thailand. It may not always be safe here, but at least Thailand is not as big a target as the US.

The Americans put the target on thier own backs if only they really new how much the rest of the world hates them and stop thinking everyone loves them. The rest of the western world can't stand Americans especially australians 99.9% because of the way they medle in australian politics and affairs and are always trying to dominate australia most aussies would love to see america wipe off the planet.

They are not going to admit it otherwise the American Dictatorship will bomb the shit out of Thailand.

Where are you from Iran?

True blue Aussie christian but can't stand the sight of overbearing, loud mouthed self centred Americans who think they are in charge of the world and every other country must do as they say or else. Love the british and all other western societies but Americans ahh.. If they keep thier noses out of every other country then this world be a peaceful planet and the world economy would not be stuffed up because of their greed.

Mmm much truth in what you say. i have never accepted their right to be the world's policeman. or their interference in iraq, thailand, and else where


I don't see how this discussion has anything to do with the OP in any way shape or form.

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