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Pollution In Chiang Rai


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The last few days have been noticeably Cooler. It feels almost fresh. Feels like October in the UK. The Smog seems to be prolonging the Winter here. I've developed a cough but i think its more to do with the dust than the smoke.

Anyway, lets get back on Topic. what about that dodgy cheese from Big C :)

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The air pollution (micro dust PM10 and AQI) of yesterday in figures

Please note that values above 120 resp 100 are considered dangerous

for your health.

Chiang Mai .. 220.5 - 144.0

Chiangrai . .. 245.9 - 155.0

MaeSai . . . .. 311.0 - 183.0

People with respiratory problems live safer in for instance:

Chon Buri 43.1 - 52.0

Hatyai . . . 32.6 - 41.0

And what can we do?

Breath as little as possible?

Limbo :)

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And explain again, how a pollution thread turned into another food thread?

Around here things are as bad as I have seen and they still burn everyday.

Because UG is from Chiang Mai and in that forum Every topic turns into a food topic.

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Breath as little as possible is one solution Limbo. ......... Over a Cold Beer ofcourse.

I can't help laughing at the whole situation :D. My Neighbour (A farang gone native) wife has been sweeping leaves into piles and burning them this morning. I think I'll do the same, afterall there's sweet FA else to do . Its so nice to have a nice neat tidy Village. :) Shame its a Sh&thole for 10 months of the year :huh

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My Garage doors rattling with a southerly wind at the moment. Can hear Thunder getting closer also. Fingers crossed , Some if not all of us are going to get some rain tonight. And I've still got sh&t to burn. .... dam_n :)

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Hope the big dump of rain we just got in Chiang Mai in the last hour or so reaches my brethren in Chiang Rai soon.....

What happened where I am cannot be described as a complete clean up of the awful smoke conditions. But it did do some good.

The rain seems to have stopped now, and I see strong winds (where I am) from the SW...meaning that I hope you will have this storm soon.

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We got it McGriffith. Now is that smoke, smog , fog or Mist I can see. Have to wait until the sun breaks through to tell.

Maybe we'll have a couple of fresh days before its dry enough to do the proper burning.

I can always use a couple of litres of Diesel. Scea :)

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Hope the big dump of rain we just got in Chiang Mai in the last hour or so reaches my brethren in Chiang Rai soon.....

What happened where I am cannot be described as a complete clean up of the awful smoke conditions. But it did do some good.

The rain seems to have stopped now, and I see strong winds (where I am) from the SW...meaning that I hope you will have this storm soon.

Thunder, lightning and about an hour's RAIN at about 10pm in Crai.

This morning, it's 7am there's a mist -- hopefully moisture not smoke, it smells better.

Are you still planning to relocate this way McG?

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Yeah, it was steady when i went to bed about 11, not sure how long it lasted though, the Mrs was running around closing doors and windows when I dozed off.

We'll have to rename this topic the "drought breaker thread" and resurrect it again this time next year!

Hey jubbles, I meant it's the best time to burn when the rubbish is a little damp, just ask my neighbours. :)

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Yeah, lannaman, I am seriously considering the move.

CM's getting way too popular and crowded for me.

Glad to hear you folks got some moisture. Big storm again tonight, lots of lightening and wind, but not much rain.

I have a feeling it will just churn around the smoke a bit..... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can see, almost all, of my mountains again. We were on our way home this afternoon, when the wind and rain hit. It was like driving at night. The first thing our neighbor did afterward, was light his wet straw on fire. The smoke looked like an impenetrable wall and the wind turned it back on the village after first sending it away. Anyway the view was nice while it lasted.

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Our maid had neglected to close all the windows which left the floors and, well everything really, covered in the ash from the fields. A lovely fine black soot on our lovely white floors. Cleanup is now complete but even lazy old me had to pitch in with the vacuum. :) Do I hear sighs of sympathy?

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What a beautiful day...

The Sun is shining

I feel good

and NOOOOone's gonna stop me now..

I've Heard that song before cmjanje. Can't recall. ...... ................. Ahh. ... got it. Its the song the Thai's sing before starting the next bush fire right !?

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I have to admit, today is a nice day. So nice in fact that the wife and I took the dogs on a hike to the dam. First time in quite awhile. You see, if I can't see the mountains around the dam, I figure it is too polluted. The benefit of exercise is negated by the health risk caused by the pollution.

That is the good news. The bad news is that Momo (our alpha male) killed another chicken on the trail to the dam. Later the dogs were barking and I found the owner and the dead chicken sitting on our stoop wanting to get reimbursed.

In the end we bought 200 baht worth of dead chicken. An inflated price to be sure but we have had trouble with this guy before so we didn't want to push the issue. All was settled amicably.

Kind of funny actually, with him sitting there surrounded by four barking dogs and a cat while he held his chicken. He sat there calm as could be, until I came out to shut them up. Cookie actually wanted to play with him and the culprit returned to his sunbath just a few feet away, oblivious to the trouble he had caused.

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Well it was his favourite chicken.... like one of his children.

Consider yourself lucky to get off so cheaply.

I bet it was his favourite 'Fighting Cock' again :)

Must be hel_l having a Nuisance Farang in the Village :D

I bet they are hiding behind the trees with a Chicken on a rope trying to bait the Dogs. Sell them for 100 baht to neigbours or 200 baht to VF. :D

Back on Topic; The Haze seems to be creaping back. They do seem to be burning wet stuff, its like they can't bear a couple of days of fresh Air. Bad for the Health, Shock to the system or something. Theres a distinct burning rubber smell from next door. he's clever knows how to get a fire going in the wet. Theres another smoldering fire the other side.

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