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Pollution In Chiang Rai


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And I strongly disagree with the sentiments given that an annual burning is needed for the health of the forest. Forests did magnificantly since the beginning of time before Thai's came tampering with them in the last generation or two. An environmental impact statement would show annual burnings are doing far more harm to the forests than anyone realizes (not even considering impacts to us humans). A good burn in accordance with natures schedule is healthy, torching absolutely everything, every year is not. The ecosystem top to bottom evolved millions of years on a natural burning schedule and is unfamiliar and hence less able to cope with the madness happening now.

Indeed - which is why throughout villages and on the roadsides there are tonnes of signs loudly proclaiming that people should STOP BURNING!

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Maybe we got a little more than our share of smoke this morning. A local just told me that the Sinthanee complex by Big C burned and is still burning. That's the place that sells the TV's and appliances. Apparently, they lost quite a few trucks as well. Anyone know about this?

Edit: A Farang friend who lives behind Big C confirms that it did burn but he doesn't know if it is a total loss or something that can be reopened shortly. He hasn't seen it yet.

Edited by kandahar
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So, a fire at Sinthanee. They have enough of my money, I'm sure they can afford to rebuild. Please keep us up to date. Then again I may have to drive past there tomorrow.

Sure no fires on this forum today. :) Had a thought, that perhaps we need an obituary section pinned for all the dead people we know. Of course in read only format. We don't want to overwork the mods. :D I was at another funeral last night.

reason for edit: (to stay on topic I should say the air quality is still pretty good today in our area.)

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So, a fire at Sinthanee. They have enough of my money, I'm sure they can afford to rebuild. Please keep us up to date. Then again I may have to drive past there tomorrow.

Sure no fires on this forum today. :) Had a thought, that perhaps we need an obituary section pinned for all the dead people we know. Of course in read only format. We don't want to overwork the mods. :D I was at another funeral last night.

I have often wondered why there isn't a permanent obit. thread, in every city section of this TV forum. That one seems to be a no-brainer, to me.

Concerning the fire, I probably won't offer any follow-ups. Maybe others will. I have some other stuff going on that I need to take care of.

My thoughts don't really stretch to Sinthanee as a whole but to those who may well find themselves out of work because of it. Fires often tend to have a much more devastating effect in a community than the obvious ruined structure. The ripple, ripples far, sometimes.

Yes, it is a quiet day on the forum today. I guess a strenuous Hash can really take a lot out of some people.

But, I had better get back on topic here. It is a BEAUTIFUL day in CR.

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Ask, and ye shall receive.

Where you bin? You wander off and my posts get deleted by other mods! :)

McG, don't sweat his deleted posts, don't feel sorry for him and don't feel guilty. He had it coming. I've been watching and waiting for him to try to make his case here.

Here's what happened.

He was getting off topic and I gently pointed that out to him. I think what I actually said was something along the lines of "You're incompetent".

He came back with a diatribe about how he hits the toilet just as regularly as the next guy, no more, no less, blah, blah, blah. Then he claimed that I was "persona non grata" here, which is not true. While I'm not sure of the EXACT definition of what he called me, I know that it is a reference to a person being a Mr. Potato Head but in the potato au gratin form instead of the usual. He was implying that, because of the au gratin thing, I had a particularly well-cooked head. Naturally, he messed up the spelling of au gratin when he posted. Non grata....HA! EVERYONE knows it is au gratin! Now you're starting to see where my original "incompetent" remark came from.

Anyway, from there it degenerated into name calling. I called him Joe. He called me Alex. I called him Fred. He called me Bill. And then, two other posters jumped in and call him Wayne. At that point, the mods were all over us and deleted the whole mess.

So, now you know. He doesn't need your help or your sympathy. He needs to be watched.

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Ask, and ye shall receive.

Thanks, McGriffith. While I'm here, just a short comment about the Page of Remembrance. Since we are not allowed to comment on anything written there, it would be best not to cast aspersions or promote ideologies and controversial subject matter when memorializing our friends. It is not meant as a soapbox or editorial page for any one individual. If the commenters are required to show decorum and restraint, then the posters should do likewise.

edit: (nice rain storm last night, so pollution level once again quite low.)

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Ask, and ye shall receive.

Where you bin? You wander off and my posts get deleted by other mods! :D

I noticed Kandahar got deleted, too. Must be a conspiracy. :)

Oh yes! Yes, indeed I did get deleted. As I inferred before, the whole thing went off pretty violently, as far as deletions go. That was my first. It won't be my last, I'm sure.

But, in contributing to the pollution in CR thread, my intent here this morning has obviously been to "clear the air".

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Hey VF,

Anyone can post in the pinned thread. Just as with Sven's Google map, if something inappropriate is said or done, it will be deleted.

If you wish to post something about the funeral you just attended, no problem.

Hope this helps!


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Hey VF,

Anyone can post in the pinned thread. Just as with Sven's Google map, if something inappropriate is said or done, it will be deleted.

If you wish to post something about the funeral you just attended, no problem.

Hope this helps!


The point I was trying to make was that someone could slip in controversial items about things like politics, domestic abuse, animal cruelty or a myriad of other things and it would go unchallenged because it was under the protection of eulogizing or deifying the deceased.

The resent example of making accusations of animal cruelty hit a cord with some but we were not allowed comment. The same feeling could have been conveyed by the OP without the melodrama and accusations. If it is written then we should be able to comment on it.

Hope this helps, by way of explanation!

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Well Folks. I'm confused . won't be the first time for sure.

Hopefully on Topic, I was away yesterday, had some decent rain where I was but on returning this morning, looks like Tornado Alley. We lost about 5 very large mature trees last night . Going to be some clean up. Alteast I can justify purchasing a Chain Saw now. Its rained every evening for four days now, so surely the Air Qualities got to be back to a level able to sustain Life.

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We get a lot of unpredictable wind storms this time of the year as the seasons change.

Air quality index of 63, well below that smoggy hole Chiang Mai.

Try offering the trees to your neighbours, clean up in return for the firewood.

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We get a lot of unpredictable wind storms this time of the year as the seasons change.

Air quality index of 63, well below that smoggy hole Chiang Mai.

Try offering the trees to your neighbours, clean up in return for the firewood.

Its more than just firewood Scea. These trees are huge, Its a miracle they didn't take the perimeter walls with them. My usual cleaner upper and occasional fondler of my balls didn't die during the festivities as I had feared. He's unlikely to be able to work for a while though because he thinks people are trying to kill him. They arn't ofcourse but its doesn't make much difference. I've seen it before, I don't know what you would call it but somethings happened to him upstairs for sure. No I'm in the market for a Chainsaw. I need to be more independent here :)

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The bit of rain we got the other night was nice but the wind brought the green leaves down

and the locals were busy sweeping up and burning them the next morning.

The trick is to mix them with just the right amount of dry leaves to maximise the smoke. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, the pollution is back. I can't see the stars at all tonight. Can't even see the neighbor's house about 300 meters away from here. It is 11:30 p.m. and the stuff is running down my driveway, washing all of the gravel off to the side. It is also so thick that it is making a heck of a racket as it hits the roof and sidewalks. I have never seen it so bad.

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Well, the pollution is back. I can't see the stars at all tonight. Can't even see the neighbor's house about 300 meters away from here. It is 11:30 p.m. and the stuff is running down my driveway, washing all of the gravel off to the side. It is also so thick that it is making a heck of a racket as it hits the roof and sidewalks. I have never seen it so bad.

THats scary sh%t for sure Kandahar. Its a pretty extreme situation when polution changes from a Gaseous form into a solid or liquid and moves gravel off the path. I suspect its not all bad though. Those Banana plants I saw trying to reclaim your gravel path are going to thrive ;-)

Funnily enough the Neigbours have been burning again the last few days, clearing for rubber trees and burning the stubble from the second Rice Crop, or is it the first , im confused.

Just got some precipitation around 30 mins ago here. I was expecting to have to get the Hosepipe out tommorrow but now I can relax and watch the grass grow.

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