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Buying A Bike In Khon Kaen/ Plate From Phuket?


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I have searched the archives and still can't find the info I think I need... I am considering purchasing a Used Motorcycle (650cc Suzuki) from a man in Khon Kaen.. He says that the bike is registered / licenced in Phuket and that it will expire in March...

What am I in for when I try to change the ownership / licencing into my name and re-register the bike for the next year???

Any help would be Greatly appreciated...


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If the bike is registered in Phuket, you will have to go to Phuket to change the ownership,

and every year to pay the vehicle tax.

When you do the change of ownership you should also be able to ask for the bike to be trasnfered to the Khon Kaen area.

I am not sure how long it takes, but your local licencing office should be able to tell you the procedure. Take a Thai friend to make sure you understand completely.

After the transfer to KK you will get new number plates for that area.

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A few years back I bought a pick-up reg. in Phuket. Went with seller to reg. office did some paperwork and took these to local reg. office up-country. Here they looked at no's and did an inspection. Took awhile for book and new plates to arrive but not difficult. I also bought a bike from Phuket last year and it's reg. in BKK. Just left it reg. in BKK and transferred ownership to my name. I liked the plate # and wouldn't get a unique # up here. My letter conf. add. states I live up-country.

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Thank you to all who responed, and the information is what I thought it would be... Now after seeing the bike and talking further with the seller it seems that the registered owner is not the person selling the bike... The seller states that the Orginal owner has died and so he cannot change the owners book into his / or anyone's name... "But no Problem, just go to Phuket once a year to re-register the bike"... Ya, Right....

Thanks again for the information...


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