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How Is Good Of Bf Or Gf?


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i would like to know about

how is good of bf or gf?

this is my education.pls detail to me

Guys, Come on! Give the poster a break.

"i would like to know about" = The OP is asking for information for the following question;

"how is good of bf or gf?" = Putting myself into the role of a non-native speaker of English, it can safely be assumed that for someone with a basic command of English grammatical usage, they are in fact asking "Which is better? Having a boyfriend(bf) or girlfriend(gf)?"

The OP appears to be at that pre-pubescent T-junction in life where one is having conflicting attractions towards the opposite gender. Left - Do I head down to road to sexual fantasies involving Valerie Singleton (bearing in mind the fact that this is the only time in any male's life that one will find Valerie sexually attractive)

Or, do I hang a Right and allow Mr James the school's PE instructor to scrub my back in the showers and follow his commands to pick up the soap?

"this is my education.pls detail to me" = This translates as "This is for my better understanding as to how I should proceed with this dilemma. Please, O wise ones, give detailed information to someone suffering from mental and physical turmoil."

To the OP, here's what you do.

Seek advice elsewhere. Here, you'll only get your chain yanked.

Edited by Gazza
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There is no rushing needed. Type slowly and be careful with your english. Get a friend to help you if you need. We cannot understand you. Sorry.


Aahhh Come on guys,,,,,, nothing confusing about the new poster Ninny.....

It is obviously from a new and young poster approaching the time of life here in Thailand where every person must make the decision on which gender to be. At this point as the poster is using a femminine name[ Ninny] I will address the young lady [so far] as she or her...

Yes my dear, I know it is a very difficult time in life to become a teenager and reach the age of publicity and declare which way you want to go.....and naturally you reach out for help and ask would it be better to be a boyfriend, or girlfriend....

Really I think only your hairdresser should know.... I can remember when I was your age and use to feel that I was a Klingon trapped in a Usepps body. I just didn't know where to turn for advice and who I could trust with such a personal secret.

But you can and should feel no shame or fear, with your family here at Thai Visa. We are all with you and are there for you at any time...... If you should decide on the rotor-rooter job, please just post it here and I sure we [all your TV Family] can find the best and most economical place for the job... and remember your decision and information you post will be kept in the strictest confidence. No one will know but your family.... Just keep in mind that if you do decide that the rotor-rooter job is not for you, you can always reverse it with an addadicktome, and you may even gain.

and the rest of you guys who couldn't understand what was being asked,,,,, shame on you and I would ask you to show some kindness and compassion and open your hearts so Ninny can PMS you.

I hope this helps you dear.

Call me any time


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Toopeekaa....that was brilliant.

I remember 'publicity' very well. Flashing one's stiffy around at everyone. I still do in fact, and it still gets 'em laughing after all these years.  :o

Oh Mr. Gazza, yes, yes,,,,,, I too remember those long ago days..... but I must confess, in those days I, oh how do I say it, I'm so embarrassed, but ahhh In those days I didn't have a Mr. Stiffy....... I had a Miss Fluffy..... but I saw the true light and had the operation....... the addadicktome and have never looked back...

In those days, in my youth, I used to look much like the hardhat construction worker of the Village People, if you recall.. I, in fact, became an Iron worker and walked the high beams over the city every day ....... It used to give me such a thrill and arouse me so much that almost every day while walking the iron around lunch time, and when I came to a column, I would whip out my New Mr. Stiffy and bong the Beam so too speak........ The guys all thought it was the lunch bell....

Oh the memories,,,,,,,, I'm tearing up now so I have to go ...... ta ta

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Just translate literally into Thai... :o

It seems she thought she was fixing the word order, but, alas....

bf or gf dii pen yangnay?

What is a good girlfriend or boyfriend?

Over to you, folks....

Edited by Ajarn
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