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High Ping - Tot Internet


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After running the a speedtest through thaivisa, i'm getting a ping of about 566ms (within Thailand), although my d/load speed is 1565kbps. The thing is I am having trouble connecting with some games on my ps3, and I think it may be due to the high ping. I'm sure it's usually about 45ms.

Is anyone else here on TOT? If so, is your ping this high? Or is there a problem at the moment?

Thanks is anyone can help!

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ping times to thaivisa (which is located in Singapore) should be between 60 and 100 msec.

But do test from the command prompt, for some reason the speedtest at Thaivisa seems to create extra latency.

Through the speed test I get 140 msec, command line gives me around 60 to 65 msec...

Pinging thaivisa.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=63ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=64ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=48

Reply from bytes=32 time=64ms TTL=48

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 62ms, Maximum = 64ms, Average = 63ms

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Thanks for the help,

Well, it's slightly quicker when using command line, but still 296ms. Monty, are you wit TOT?

Is this likely to be an ISP problem that will get resolved or would I be better off contacting TOT? It was definitely a lot lower (around 45ms a couple weeks ago).


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Thanks for the help,

Well, it's slightly quicker when using command line, but still 296ms. Monty, are you wit TOT?

Is this likely to be an ISP problem that will get resolved or would I be better off contacting TOT? It was definitely a lot lower (around 45ms a couple weeks ago).


Well, I'm not on ToT, but True. Have been for about 4 years now actually. I can tell you in complete honesty, as someone who used to play online games which depend heavily on ping, that latency in Thailand will always be erratic, unstable and high. There will be green patches, sure, but for the most part it's either always bad or worse. I've probably called the help line over 20 times, talked to technicians, had people check the physical condition of my line for noise etc (and not just once). Nothing ever seems to be the problem on their end.

I'm afraid there is not much you can do as far as latency stability is concerned besides ride out the bad times. Additionally, the net has been really cranky over the last week, so it's probably tied in with that.

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Thanks for the help,

Well, it's slightly quicker when using command line, but still 296ms. Monty, are you wit TOT?

Is this likely to be an ISP problem that will get resolved or would I be better off contacting TOT? It was definitely a lot lower (around 45ms a couple weeks ago).


Well, I'm not on ToT, but True. Have been for about 4 years now actually. I can tell you in complete honesty, as someone who used to play online games which depend heavily on ping, that latency in Thailand will always be erratic, unstable and high. There will be green patches, sure, but for the most part it's either always bad or worse. I've probably called the help line over 20 times, talked to technicians, had people check the physical condition of my line for noise etc (and not just once). Nothing ever seems to be the problem on their end.

I'm afraid there is not much you can do as far as latency stability is concerned besides ride out the bad times. Additionally, the net has been really cranky over the last week, so it's probably tied in with that.


Yeah, I know it's online gaming is a bit of a nightmare from here (I have given up trying to play my friends from the UK). But I'm only really trying to connect with people within Thailand (I can't even connect to my friend at the moment who is only 1 mile down the road!). Usually within Thailand it is ok, but 290ms ping seems to be too high. I guess I will just ride it out a while, and hope it comes down again.

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I'm on Maxnet Premier (3M/1M).

The high latency is usually a result of overloaded routers at the ISP, along with getting low priority.

You can feel the difference for example with TT&T indy and Premier. Although speeds often are good with Indy, you'll see much higher latency as on Premier...

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TOT has been a complete disaster. Today speed (and more important reliability) is close to ZERO, as was it last week for 3 days.

Their helpdesk does not speaks any English.

Their helpdesk email is not even checked.

Nothing ever changes.

They succesfully installed a lot of more bandwidth months ago, making it up to par with True's TIG but TOT completely mismanges their own IIG. It's simply a monster and the slightest thing that goes wrong send the whole network tumbling down. I wished only I could move but this crappy (though brand new) building only has TOT.

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After running the a speedtest through thaivisa, i'm getting a ping of about 566ms (within Thailand), although my d/load speed is 1565kbps. The thing is I am having trouble connecting with some games on my ps3, and I think it may be due to the high ping. I'm sure it's usually about 45ms.

Is anyone else here on TOT? If so, is your ping this high? Or is there a problem at the moment?

Thanks is anyone can help!

ok, here we go :

TOT is offering 2MBit connections and call it HighSpeed. on request we were told that if 24 users can that single 2MBit line at the same time, that makes 85KBit each in the worst case. sounds terrible, but that's not all. today the downstream was that slow thta we called 1100 followed by 9 again, and when saying and assuming that 24 users are using the same line the operator was laughing and said "no sir, it's alot more". oha. so we asked how many. answer was "sorry sir, it's a secret". ok, let our brains chew on that one for a minute...

so if we check the speed inside Thailand, say to BKK, the downstream is like 1760 KBit, ping 42ms. nice, that's values we expected. ok, let's test the USA, San Jose : ping 789ms, downstream 56Kbit, upstream 299KBit. hm, doesn't seem right. ok, let's check Frankfurt/Germany : 72KBit down, 224KBit up. ok, now we know : the international gateway does not work properly.

we call 022400701 (Bangkok headquarters) and complain about the low speeds outside Thailand. reply is that the "HighSpeed" guarantee is only for Thailand. great. that means that no customer can complain about the speeds outside Thailand. great.

more facts :

call three agents and you get three different explainations. so the callcenters are only there to buffer and repell customers by lying and deceiving. sounds hard, but is a fact.

in 324 phone calls only two (2) times it was possible to get connected to the supervisor. we tried that to gain more information about what's wrong. all the other times the supervisor was not available. strange. ok, we ask the supervisor about the gateway and get hung up on. great, that's customer service.

all the operators there can do is send a report to a technician. he will take care of the problem they say. hm, if they do not guarantee anything outside Thailand past the international gateway, how can the technicians fix it ? feels like deception to make us shut up. other operators told me that the "repair" of the gateway is in progress. has been for 18 months !? tastes like another deception...

ok, we try the email support. we sent 72 emails to [email protected] - not a single reply. seriously. not even an auto responder. ok, next email address we try is the public relations address [email protected] - no replies. ok, we get your drift...

on the street i stopped the orange TOT maintenance car and asked the "technicians" about the problems all TOT users are facing. he laughed and said "try 4MBit" and took off. amazing Thailand.

bottom line :

there is NO support in any way from TOT. they obviusly don't care about their customers, and they do not re-invest the money they get in new hardware to provide stable connections for the growing number of users. they just put the new users on some line. great.

there is no way an operator of the call center can help you, they are not connected to any department. standard procedure is that they tell you they would gather information for you and put you on hold. alright, you feel the hope flaming up that there might come some info your way this time. "sorry for keep you waiting, sir. we sent a report to the technician". oh, so no info. asking for the current status or the reason for the issue is always answered with "sorry sir, we have no information about your problem at this time". uhuh, no info, and a fictious "report" to the technicians. tastes like deception again.

so there is no help, and if you ask difficult questions they hang up on you or don't reply. that makes TOT the worst internet service we have experienced in our entire lives.

so there is the option to go for "true" or "cat telekom", but most likely they are using the old TOT lines and the same gateway (TOT is a former government institution).

so i guess we cannot hope for a stable, transparent, and reliable connection in Thailand due to this corrupt system.

but hey, we are still in Thailand, and the life quality makes me forget all this fraudulent behavior. relax and enjoy your life...

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  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry about resurrecting an old post, but i am getting stupidly high ping times at the moment, this is

what i get when I run a ping test to thaivisa via command line:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=682ms TTL=43

Reply from bytes=32 time=687ms TTL=43

Reply from bytes=32 time=661ms TTL=43

Reply from bytes=32 time=675ms TTL=43

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 661ms, Maximum = 687ms, Average = 676ms

If anyone is on TOT can they test for me, because I don't know whether it's a problem my end, or just another TOT issue (it's been high for weeks now though). I can't play my friend on ps3 in thialand cause it's so laggy.


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After running the a speedtest through thaivisa, i'm getting a ping of about 566ms (within Thailand), although my d/load speed is 1565kbps. The thing is I am having trouble connecting with some games on my ps3, and I think it may be due to the high ping. I'm sure it's usually about 45ms.

In a high-end world, servers monitoring pingable devices start losing sight of them intermittently when latency is over 250ms.

Over 300ms devices start disappearing themselves.

That explains your trouble connecting to games.

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After running the a speedtest through thaivisa, i'm getting a ping of about 566ms (within Thailand), although my d/load speed is 1565kbps. The thing is I am having trouble connecting with some games on my ps3, and I think it may be due to the high ping. I'm sure it's usually about 45ms.

In a high-end world, servers monitoring pingable devices start losing sight of them intermittently when latency is over 250ms.

Over 300ms devices start disappearing themselves.

That explains your trouble connecting to games.

Yep would agree with that, I am on True (ly amazing) and get command line ping of between 350-450ms... which is why I dont even try playing online. I wouldnt even bother calling a Tech, they generally know less than me (and I have been around since DOS 1.0 days). Simple fact is TIT and they dont really give a sh*t.



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