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About international, wasn't there a new underseas cable going to the USA opening soon? Or is it already operational?
Interesting! Didn't know that. Is it from CAT or TRUE?
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After having 10/10 fiber line for free in Finland, 450 baht 1MB line from True seems.. well.. crap. However, I constantly get the speed that they promise. I often download torrents at a rate of 130-150 kbps in Bangkok.

My apartment building has two 4MB lines from True, which seem to be working at nearly full capacity. I really hope they will be introducing the ADSL2 soon to improve the current situation. 8MB won't be helping much or many.

Well.. this, in fact, is a bad news. They are not going to upgrade their international bandwidth and more people will be asking for more bandwidth. :D

But, if the price is cheaper, I'll be stup*d not to change it.. :o

Just switched my 3mb service over to 8mb. They say for existing customers, this will take effect in April.

Apparently new customers could sign up and get it right away, although I was told it would take 7 days which pretty much takes you to April.

50baht more for double the speed sounds good to me.. I always get over 300K on torrents so I'm really looking forward to see how it will perform.

Doesn't TRUE block all kinds of stuff such as torrents etc? And don't their share each account/line with like 50 other customers?

My True 2 mbps line (Prakhanong) is giving me ave 210 KB/s on a well-seeded torrent. Speedtest is near to 1.8 mbps as I have set my RWIN to 127776.

Prakhanong? Ace. Would you mind sharing what does YouTube plays like for you? I'm in the same area and thinking of upgrading to 2Mbs mainly so I can view YouTube flicks without them stopping repeatedly to buffer.

Im speculating that your international download speed will either stay the same or decrease.

Globally ISP's advertise higher connection speed than what you might possibly expect to get in regular use.

Thats what I have learnt the hard way in dealing with ISP's (not only) here in Thailand.

I am not a Network expert but I can count. If thousands of users jump on this "8mb for almost fee bandwagon" (and they will!) I can only support your "speculation",

unless a lot is added to increase True international bandwidth

Thats MHO

/edited for typing error


I'm using a True VDSL link in the office gents. With this all YouTube vids I've watched seem to play without interruption. I've been told by True engineers I can't get the same connection near where I live (and it's 8K a month which is way out the price range), so therefore was wondering if the 2mb home connection would do the job.

At 2mb in the UK you would expect it to, but as you're both well aware, that's never anything to go on here.

Doesn't TRUE block all kinds of stuff such as torrents etc? And don't their share each account/line with like 50 other customers?

My True 2 mbps line (Prakhanong) is giving me ave 210 KB/s on a well-seeded torrent. Speedtest is near to 1.8 mbps as I have set my RWIN to 127776.

Prakhanong? Ace. Would you mind sharing what does YouTube plays like for you? I'm in the same area and thinking of upgrading to 2Mbs mainly so I can view YouTube flicks without them stopping repeatedly to buffer.

Try tweaking your comp TCP settings to optimum. Post a thread in the forum of speedguide dot net for assistance.


8Mbps will only be true for local connections. Limits on download speeds from overseas sites have nothing to do with the size of your package.


That came out a bit strange, didn't it?

8Mbps will only be true for local connections. Limits on download speeds from overseas sites have nothing to do with the size of your package.


That came out a bit strange, didn't it?

Lol, see also:

I'm using a True VDSL link in the office gents.

At first glance, I genuinely thought Insight had VDSL hooked up in his office toilet...


Rule of thumb in Thailand. If they advertise X, halve that and you will be in the ball park.

When they announced the 8MB internet package they also announced that they would be spending X amount of money on upgrading their international gateway.

If you are a new customer there is also a requirement that you have either True Visions (cable or dish) or a mobile phone contract with them.


Anyone know how to upgrade that service? TRUE live chat is in Thai. And, knowing that they never reply to email written in English, I think I have to go to one of the TRUE shops.

Has anyone done it?


Any existing subscriber managed to upgrade to the 8mb? True hotline sucks. i have not been able to get through the hotline after selecting "9" for english.


I have sent them an email and I've got the following reply.

Dear Khun xxxx,

True would like to apologize for any inconvenience and we would like to thank you for trusting our service.

Regarding your requirement about upgrading Hi-speed Internet package to 8 Mbps., first of all, we have checked your profile from phone number 0-2xxx-xxxx, found your current package is Super Hi-speed Internet 2048/512 Kbps. and could be served for the maximum speed for 5 Mbps. only. Therefore, we would like to recommend you Hi-speed Internet TrueLife package 4 Mbps. price 990 Baht (excluded VAT)


- Localnet Speed depends on each phone line number quality.

- Customers who could get free modem or router must be new customers or had cancelled our Hi-speed Internet at least 6 months ago.

Due to current customers could change their Hi-speed Internet package from 02 April - 30 June 2009 but could register for reservation on web http://www.truecorp.co.th/apps/hispeed8mbps/index.jsp since todate and our sfaffs would contact you later for confirmation or if you would like to change it before that date, you could give us more information to confirm as below'

- Name-surname and Identity Card/Passport number of subscriber.

- Speed Level

- Email and mobile number to respose to

- Contact number

If you would like to inquire for further information or other services, please feel free to contact us at www.trueinternet.co.th. Our customer service representative will always be ready to serve you.

Sincerely Yours,

Support Internet by Napatt

Hope it helps whoever wants to upgrade their service. :o


This can be useful for setting optimum TCP registry settings: http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php

As someone said, almost universally ISPs state the fastest possible speed of the line (if you happen to be situated in the DSLAM itself!). There is something going through parliament in the UK to try an force ISPs to list average speeds rather than maximums - should be interesting.

In the UK I had a low compression (20:1 max) 8MBit/512Kbit ADSL on a dedicated line (no phone sharing) and fixed Non-Nat IP Addresses. The BT substation (DSLAM) was basically across the street - maybe 300-500 yards or so. I had a whole new line put in from the DSLAM as there wasn't a spare on the cluster in my road - private road with just 2 houses in a Kent village. Speed tests showed usually between 5 and 7Mbit down. Torrents, even highly seeded rarely hit more than 350Kb/s.

The UK still has a lot of copper (and even ally) underground - distances from the DSLAM realy have an affect.

Anyone know if True offers Cable internet. That would get around the bad phone line issue.

They used to have a cable offer. Like 5 years ago. But during the rainy season, it's like impossible to connect and you cannot receive TV cable signal either. The question is: Better to get a very good connection 9 months/year or an average one 12 months/year :o

Only if you go into their offices and ask to switch tariffs; which involves you signing a new 12 month contract. If you don't go and make the change they will happily leave you on your current tariff...

Anyone know how to upgrade that service? TRUE live chat is in Thai. And, knowing that they never reply to email written in English, I think I have to go to one of the TRUE shops.

Has anyone done it?

Ye, I called them up on the 02 number and the lady told me to do it through the truecorp website. Here's the magic link: support.truecorp.co.th/ATB3/atb3_fixline_en.jsp

Anyone know how to upgrade that service? TRUE live chat is in Thai. And, knowing that they never reply to email written in English, I think I have to go to one of the TRUE shops.

Has anyone done it?

Ye, I called them up on the 02 number and the lady told me to do it through the truecorp website. Here's the magic link: support.truecorp.co.th/ATB3/atb3_fixline_en.jsp

Thanks mate. I sent an email to support and got the reply above. Btw, the magic link seems to be not working anymore. Thanks so much anyway. :o

Anyone know how to upgrade that service? TRUE live chat is in Thai. And, knowing that they never reply to email written in English, I think I have to go to one of the TRUE shops.

Has anyone done it?

Ye, I called them up on the 02 number and the lady told me to do it through the truecorp website. Here's the magic link: support.truecorp.co.th/ATB3/atb3_fixline_en.jsp

Thanks mate. I sent an email to support and got the reply above. Btw, the magic link seems to be not working anymore. Thanks so much anyway. :D

Seems the page will load if you open a link to it from one of 'official' links from the truecorp website. First head to www.truecorp.co.th/tha/promotion/promotion_superhispeed8mbps.jsp# then click on the first blue box (the wider one) which should open a pop-up. In the pop-up click the second box and click accept on the agreement box which will be in thai. That'll open the required window with the magic link. Change the 'th' string in the url to 'en' and load again and it should be the english version.

I signed up for the 4mb even though I can get the 8mb. I'll test it for a bit to see if it can get max out at 4mb before I try spending the extra 100 on 8mb :o

Anyone know how to upgrade that service? TRUE live chat is in Thai. And, knowing that they never reply to email written in English, I think I have to go to one of the TRUE shops.

Has anyone done it?

Ye, I called them up on the 02 number and the lady told me to do it through the truecorp website. Here's the magic link: support.truecorp.co.th/ATB3/atb3_fixline_en.jsp

Thanks mate. I sent an email to support and got the reply above. Btw, the magic link seems to be not working anymore. Thanks so much anyway. :D

Seems the page will load if you open a link to it from one of 'official' links from the truecorp website. First head to www.truecorp.co.th/tha/promotion/promotion_superhispeed8mbps.jsp# then click on the first blue box (the wider one) which should open a pop-up. In the pop-up click the second box and click accept on the agreement box which will be in thai. That'll open the required window with the magic link. Change the 'th' string in the url to 'en' and load again and it should be the english version.

I signed up for the 4mb even though I can get the 8mb. I'll test it for a bit to see if it can get max out at 4mb before I try spending the extra 100 on 8mb :D

Oh dear... if I read that I wonder how the quality of their announced super high speed service will be. Even their web site announcing it seems not to work properly. Right from the start a good reputation... :o

Recently I have spoken to a guy who works for Cisco sometimes here in Thailand.

He mentioned that in his opinion not more than 30% of all these cra_p lines in Bangkok are capable

to transmit a "clear" ADSL signal more than 2 MB!


I'd settle for a real 2 Mbps. I'm paying for the 2 Mbps, but can barely stream a 128 Kbps radio station!


I can't understand the page:


If I pay 1.199 Do I get 4 Mps or 8 MPs +2 MPS Wifi on some spots?

My staff (Thai male interested in everything modern) also seems to be unable to figure it out with the hotline

He told me 4 Mps+1Mps Wifi is the deal for 1.199. But we both don't know what the 1 Mps Wifi is.....

Can any one explain that in simple English for an 99 year old (I am not that old but I feel like that when I read the promotions)


^h90, this is my understanding of that page:

Assuming 1,199 bht:

You either get this:

Standard package (i.e. you WON'T subscribe to an additional True mobile phone plan OR a UBC package) = 4MB int/5MB local. No hotspot access.

Or you get this:

True Life package (i.e. you WILL subscribe to an additional mobile phone plan from True OR a UBC package) = 8MB (international & local - good luck with that one) + access to TrueMove wireless hotspots at 2MB.

I don't believe existing subscriptions to True Move/UBC count. I think you also have to sign a new contract for that...

^h90, this is my understanding of that page:

Assuming 1,199 bht:

You either get this:

Standard package (i.e. you WON'T subscribe to an additional True mobile phone plan OR a UBC package) = 4MB int/5MB local. No hotspot access.

Or you get this:

True Life package (i.e. you WILL subscribe to an additional mobile phone plan from True OR a UBC package) = 8MB (international & local - good luck with that one) + access to TrueMove wireless hotspots at 2MB.

I don't believe existing subscriptions to True Move/UBC count. I think you also have to sign a new contract for that...

Thanks! Understand now


Just to report back in since my connection has been 'upgraded' :o to the 4mb package. The actual connection information shown from the modem is:

		Downstream	Upstream	 	
SNR Margin	23.7 	                 23.0	db	
Line Attenuation	11.0 	                 6.1 	db	
Data Rate	5120 	                 509 	kbps

After testing for the last two days at various times during the day I can say that the best that I've gotten from it has been almost close to the 3mb average mark. It'll give it a few weeks then if it's still about the same I'll probably downgrade to the 2mb plan. So much for 8mb :D

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