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jingthing, my husband neither dose yaabaa, belongs to the prison set, nor the punk piercing set, but just the thai issaan male set; the same reason a woman pierces her ears nose or eyebrow... the same reason my daughter got tatoos in areas no one for the most part will ever see-- thai men do it for themselves and they also indirectly think they do it for their lovers. thats all. its not so horrific either. it took him less then a minute to cut out the glass balls as they are just under the skin-- they do move around a bit under the skin also, but they arent huge lumps but rather small round beads -- i just found them annoying, nothing more, nothing sinister, and i explained to him that women have no real feeling inside the vagina as such, just respond to pressure so i wasnt missing out on anything if he were to remove them. here on my kibbutz, lots of the thai worker guys did it, sort of all at the same time-- and for the most part, most of them dont even have women/ nor prostitutes since they live too far away from cities and the women that do that business dont come out to our area too much. it was like a male comraderie/test one day when they were all drunk. dont know how many kept them in. i suspect that most removed them before returning to thailand so their wives wouldnt think they had girlfriends or something.

thats all.



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Pretty much all the guys that I know who had several beads were asian.. Either Indo, Malay, Thai or Indians (south asian) All said it was to give their partner more sensation.. Their idea being increased girth would 'fill' their partners vagina more effectively.. I know that penile piercing is practised in the West by some but it does seem far more popular in Asia. Despite knowintg there are exception to every 'rule' it is medically acceptied that the verage caucasian penis is larger than the average asian one.. So maybe the 'beads' do have an effect. If only to make the the guy feel better about his organ..

must be related to the smaller girth of the average Thai guy , ever try a thai sized condom ?
SBK , how come this post wasn't deleted ? It's no more joking than mine was ?

Instead of disfiguring ones self, why doesn't the OP just go down to a 'Anne Summers' shop and buy a 'rampant rabbit', vibrating ball-bearings incuded. There is no indication that ball-bearing implants enhance male sexual intercourse, or the womens, cum to that. Excuse the mis-spelling and the pun.


I was in a camp with Thai guys in Saudi in about 1980 and it was all the rage as they were there for a year without a break. As I was the only expat who could communicate with them I got more involved than I wanted to. Pieces of gravel would be polished on a bench grinder to be the "pearls". The insertion technique was for the recipient to put his willy on a breadboard and his colleague would then pull a piece of skin where the pearl was preferred out flat on the board. Another guy would hammer a conventional screwdriver through the skin with one hit. This left two parallel incisions and the pearl would be placed underneath. After that treatment was with antibiotic cream.

No, I didn't get any pictures


What a subject , and nice to know how some members tell their personal

stuff in the open . While reading I was wandering how it would be or feel if

someone wants to take it out , but they just cut it open I understand now ...

Really only the thought creaps my mind , not for a million dollars , no really . :o

my husband had a few; he did the balls hmself from glass that he sanded down for a few months to the right size (and only clear glass), did the insert with a friend (lots of vodka first, some to drink, some to sterilize the skin); no sex for a week or so, and he took some antibiotics for a few days-- i didnt like them, they just irritiate the vaginal opening - at least for me but i am super sensitive 'down there' anyhow-- so he took a straight razor and slit them out again, followed by some vodka.

curious, how did he insert? through the hole at the tip or ?


Yeah that's it. Think you insert the 'bead' into the hole at the end then pucker up and blow really hard....


Can someone explain the connection between yaba and this horrific enhancement? I thought speed kills literally and while it is doing that it kills the sex drive.

Amphetamines don't reduce sex drive but they make it very difficult for the male to have an orgasm so sex can last much longer.


the skin along the penis is cut with a blade, just a small slit, and the bead placed under the skin since the skin there 'slides' (in case u 've all never noticed)... to take it out, 1. drink vodka with friends 2. take blade and slice 3. take out and sprinkle capsule of antibiotic (or steal some from the vet supply room in the zoo as the case was) on the cut.

as for thai vx caucasion size-- sorry guys, i dont feel any difference..ive had them both. and i suspect that the average thai size fits the average thai female size so no need for width providers. its just a body decoration thing that asians like to do... as opposed to africans or anglos ... its like plucking body hair or eye lid piercing or permanent make up or whatever.



Amphetamines don't reduce sex drive but they make it very difficult for the male to have an orgasm so sex can last much longer.

Hence your nickname?

Amphetamines don't reduce sex drive but they make it very difficult for the male to have an orgasm so sex can last much longer.

Hence your nickname?


must be related to the smaller girth of the average Thai guy , ever try a thai sized condom ?

Holly Crap, I did once on accident.... and I had to cut the thing off!!! I had no idea that there really were different sizes offered. My wife refused to believe me, but I showed her at the pharmacy that obviously there are different sizes offered in Thailand!


If we are going to go the "my dick is bigger than your dick" route, I think its time to close this thread.

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