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Pattaya One Channel


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Pattaya one channel

The new guy ( new to me ) who reads the news is very funny :D , his finishing lines at the end of most news reports bring a smile to my face .

over all I like the pattaya one channel....... but I’m sick of hearing about the News Cafe .... think you guys at pattaya one must have shares in the news cafe or something because ,if like you say on the adverts “its a free service” then why do you not feature more restaurants....... if I had a restaurants I would be calling you guys down .... I guess the other restaurants don’t need the business :o

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Pattaya one channel

The new guy ( new to me ) who reads the news is very funny :D , his finishing lines at the end of most news reports bring a smile to my face .

over all I like the pattaya one channel....... but I'm sick of hearing about the News Cafe .... think you guys at pattaya one must have shares in the news cafe or something because ,if like you say on the adverts "its a free service" then why do you not feature more restaurants....... if I had a restaurants I would be calling you guys down .... I guess the other restaurants don't need the business :o

Not another HOWARD story. He makes more news that he reports

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I’m not sure who the presenter of the news is now , but its not that chubby Police volunteer guy who sits on walking street pretending to be useful

if you have not watched the news on pattaya one recently then give it a try ....... and report back ...... he’s sarcastic witty and doesn’t hype it up .

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if you have not watched the news on pattaya one recently then give it a try

I would love to watch the news on Pattaya One... but everytime I tune to that channel there are adverts on !!

On the very rare occasion I've caught the news its on for 3 minutes then 20 minutes of bloody adds

then 3 more minutes of news.

The adverts are also extremeley repetitive and mostly low quality, I know they need advertising revenue but this channel

takes the *iss :o

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The guy doing the voice over for Pat 1 is Duncan - an Aussie that is involved in a few media type outlets, he also writes the pages for a few Pat newspaper and mags about Pattaya's bars and nightlife.

Great guy and great sense of humor

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I personally feel that the news should be news and not an excuse to mock some poor unfortunate, be they expat or local. Dont most of us come from a society where someone is innocent until proven guilty? I do agree however that the quality of the local expat TV is atrocious. But rather than knock it maybe there should be some constructive suggestions on how to improve it. Repetition appears to be the major problem, I wonder if we really need 3 expat shows and the community might be better served by having just one quality show. Just my view for what its worth. Just to throw another item in this thread, what are peoples views on the splash screen in Pattaya One News asking people to grass up foreigner ner-do-wells in Pattaya? Is that for the community good or does it smack of vigilantes? Finally, this is a forum where views can be aired, so before the tirade of back stabbing and personal attacks start, this is just my humble view and you can take it or leave it.

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Hmmm judging from the total lack of response, it looks like you all dont really give a toss about what is on TV or how its reported. So it begs the question, why are all you guys spending so much wasted time on whinging about crap that goes on in Pattaya but dont want to do anything about it? Give it up guys and lets have some constructive comments here.

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Hmmm judging from the total lack of response, it looks like you all dont really give a toss about what is on TV or how its reported. So it begs the question, why are all you guys spending so much wasted time on whinging about crap that goes on in Pattaya but dont want to do anything about it? Give it up guys and lets have some constructive comments here.

Sound like you have your old hairy knickers on and it they are itching the hel_l out of you.

I personally like Duncan's jaundiced view on lfe in Pattaya. Remember we are guests in this country and cannot change the grass roots habits of a lifetime in Thailand.

Back in the "Old Days" we had a satirical TV show called "That was the week, that was" It poked fun at politicians and the like. That is what caused change back home, not letters to the editor in your local newspaper.

I remember Duncan reporting on a typical City Hall party, where the other news channels were bowing and scraping to the Powers That Be, and he said "Another shedload of people coming for a free scoff" which described it perfectly.

Yes, I am also sick of hearing the same repetitive "Reviews". I heard from a failed business owner that his advert ran after he had closed down as he had a contract to run the advert for so long and they would not stop it. The REVIEWS are FREE, but BROADCASTING the review COSTS MONEY !! It is all in the "small print"

But remember TIT. It will be Thais that change the system, not our opinions. If you cannot take it, go home. I CAN take it and I stay here.

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Nice reply. I can take it and thats why I choose to stay here and dont bother watching the crap that the local tv shows churn out. I was actually referring to the stuff the expat community get involved in and not the Thais. I am very aware that we are guests in their country which is why I feel that the form of reporting that you refer to is unacceptable. Who are we to make snide remarks about the way they choose to run their local government? I see so many banal and asinine threads here it just seems a pity we cant have some constructive criticism that may have a beneficial impact on the local expat reporting.

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The programme has been totaly ruined by GREED.

These adverts are 80%

of the programme now and the bloody same too/ 3 times a frigging day also.

If i see that News Cafe again i will smash my tv to bits.I bet the next around the town will be ingo,s bar again,you just watch.The programme is very unprofessional and shouldnt be on that many times in a day.

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Pattaya one channel

The new guy ( new to me ) who reads the news is very funny :D , his finishing lines at the end of most news reports bring a smile to my face .

over all I like the pattaya one channel....... but I’m sick of hearing about the News Cafe .... think you guys at pattaya one must have shares in the news cafe or something because ,if like you say on the adverts “its a free service” then why do you not feature more restaurants....... if I had a restaurants I would be calling you guys down .... I guess the other restaurants don’t need the business :o

I think he like advertising news cafe because he gets free food - his mouth waters everytime he does a interview at a restuarant. Need to lose weight FB

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The reviews are done after you sign up for an advertising deal. You can get an idea of the fees from Colon's rag.

NO advertising deal, then no review. As soon as your advertising deal ends, no more publishing of your reviews.

HIs idea of you phoning in and getting your mate's place a review is <deleted>. Only if your mate signs up for adverts.

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The reviews are done after you sign up for an advertising deal. You can get an idea of the fees from Colon's rag.

NO advertising deal, then no review. As soon as your advertising deal ends, no more publishing of your reviews.

HIs idea of you phoning in and getting your mate's place a review is <deleted>. Only if your mate signs up for adverts.


The current Wine and Dine is an Indian Restaurant located in Soi Pattayaland 2. They are not a paying customer and probably never will be. You appear to be a self-proclaimed expert on Pattaya One News so is there any other revelations you wish to share with us?

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Pattaya One is not alone. All Pattaya TV news channels really suck.

Where to start:

Many of the messages/adverts could have been written better by a 10 year old.

Tony is an absolute egostistical mega jerk. (never will enter any establishment with the name Tony) How about the Tony Bazaar and Food Court Failure?

Howierd's voice with that rediculous echo device would be laughable had it not been so overdone. His ads are horrible and totally annoying. They all sound alike-we this, we that, we suck. Maybe he should do less goose stepping and learn how to do a proper commercial. Perhaps I expect too much from a guy who's only expertise is being a dj.

The newscasters have the worst accents and strangest tonal qualities. The script are often a joke. The news has to show dead bodies just to present something interesting to make up for the bad reporting. The silly Sean Connery accent, the Thai ladies with the bad scripts and strange word emphasis are all really excuses for newscasters. Howierd doing the news-uuuugggghhh. The rescue morons grining and pointing at dead people is obscene. Totally invasive reporting that should never be allowed on a crime scene or in any persons living (dead) quarters. <deleted> is wrong with police for allowing them in?

Amatuer tv at its worst.

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Pattaya One is not alone. All Pattaya TV news channels really suck.

Where to start:

Many of the messages/adverts could have been written better by a 10 year old.

Tony is an absolute egostistical mega jerk. (never will enter any establishment with the name Tony) How about the Tony Bazaar and Food Court Failure?

Howierd's voice with that rediculous echo device would be laughable had it not been so overdone. His ads are horrible and totally annoying. They all sound alike-we this, we that, we suck. Maybe he should do less goose stepping and learn how to do a proper commercial. Perhaps I expect too much from a guy who's only expertise is being a dj.

The newscasters have the worst accents and strangest tonal qualities. The script are often a joke. The news has to show dead bodies just to present something interesting to make up for the bad reporting. The silly Sean Connery accent, the Thai ladies with the bad scripts and strange word emphasis are all really excuses for newscasters. Howierd doing the news-uuuugggghhh. The rescue morons grining and pointing at dead people is obscene. Totally invasive reporting that should never be allowed on a crime scene or in any persons living (dead) quarters. <deleted> is wrong with police for allowing them in?

Amatuer tv at its worst.

A fan in denial for sure!!!

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Pattaya One is not alone. All Pattaya TV news channels really suck.

Amatuer tv at its worst.

Thanks for writing that. My opinions on the local farang TV is exactly the same. But what do you expect from a bunch of farangs in Pattaya? Think about what kind of people this town attracts. Then imagine the horrors when some decide to take a break form the go go bars and start a TV channel, or become police volunteers :o

I do however prefer the Thais reading the news as they don't butcher Thai names in hilarious ways like the farangs does. C'mon guys, how many years have you been in Thailand now? Yet you can't get a single Thai word right.

The only use I can think of for the Pattaya farang TV is as a demonstration of how NOT to make television. If I was a media teacher, I'd use it in my classes :D

Tip: Adding reverb to your voice does not make your ads better

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The reviews are done after you sign up for an advertising deal. You can get an idea of the fees from Colon's rag.

NO advertising deal, then no review. As soon as your advertising deal ends, no more publishing of your reviews.

HIs idea of you phoning in and getting your mate's place a review is <deleted>. Only if your mate signs up for adverts.


The current Wine and Dine is an Indian Restaurant located in Soi Pattayaland 2. They are not a paying customer and probably never will be. You appear to be a self-proclaimed expert on Pattaya One News so is there any other revelations you wish to share with us?

Pity that as the information I posted came direct from your mouth and not via some 3rd party.

While you are patrolling the boards, please explain why you think it is right to put up videos of dead people, even if naked, prior to any post mortem, likely contaminating a potential crime scene and how much do you pay the authorities for the tip offs ?

Also, to add insult to injury, why do you put up pictures on the TV of close ups of their passports ?

These are not convicted criminals, they are dead and as such you and your kind should have more respect.

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Pity that as the information I posted came direct from your mouth and not via some 3rd party.

While you are patrolling the boards, please explain why you think it is right to put up videos of dead people, even if naked, prior to any post mortem...,

These are not convicted criminals, they are dead and as such you and your kind should have more respect.

I have to agree, I have even started wearing a suit and tie to bed just in case I kick the bucket during the night! Seriously - this is plain wrong in any context :o

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HM1973-a legend in his own mini mind. You ego trip does nothing to improve Pattaya. Everything you do is for your own benefit and cheap thrills. Pattaya does not need the Tourist Police Wanabes. The forum on PDN certainly showed the Farang hate your presence on Walking Street.

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Pity that as the information I posted came direct from your mouth and not via some 3rd party.

While you are patrolling the boards, please explain why you think it is right to put up videos of dead people, even if naked, prior to any post mortem...,

These are not convicted criminals, they are dead and as such you and your kind should have more respect.

I have to agree, I have even started wearing a suit and tie to bed just in case I kick the bucket during the night! Seriously - this is plain wrong in any context :o

:D :D Ha ha...

Im not a hater of Pattaya One news, however it does disturb me a little also when people who have passed away are Videoed for all to see. Sometimes close ups of their faces, passports and slightly blurred (And still visible) naked bodies.

I wonder what would happen if it was one of Howards relatives who had passed away naked? Would he still get the news reporting crew to come around to video their naked bodies, zoom on their faces and passports? I don't think so.

Why is it that we never see the news reports of "respected" peoples deaths? Zooming on their faces, ID's ect?

Have a little respect for the deceased! :D

Unfortunately, this is not just the habit of Pattaya One news and therefor is not aimed directly at Pattaya One, but it seems to be the habit of most news Channels in Pattaya.

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I have to agree, I have even started wearing a suit and tie to bed just in case I kick the bucket during the night! Seriously - this is plain wrong in any context :o

that is so funny !

Seriously, I think Howard puts himself in a conflict of interest on the one hand wanting to report salacious new items, then on the other wanting to help those in distress.

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