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Internet Explorer 8

Guest Reimar

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I have not seen any discussion of the latest version of MS's Internet Explorer here that is now available in final code and available for download. I was surfing and happened to come across a review that sang its praises. The review (and my own personal opinion as well) was that IE7 was not a very good product. I myself found it slow as molasses in winter and quickly removed it from my system and continued to use Firefox.

However, the review said the much improved speed and security of IE8 made it a very worthwhile download. I have now tried it and do agree that it is fast. Pages now load at least (if not faster) than Firefox. I am not too much of a techie so take it on faith from the review that security is also very good with this Explorer version too.

Here's the review, which also has the download links: http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009...nmistakable.ars

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I have found out the hard way that IE7 runs fine once you disencumber it of certain retardant plug-ins...such as a controversial Java update. Once I got rid of that single plug-in, my IE worked tons faster!

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Is anyone using MSIE by choice? I though it was just those who got it with a PC and didn't know how to install a better browser that would be using it...

Personally I think Firefox Sucks... Hate it everytime I try it.

Any software that is not intuitive is made for Techies and Geeks only...

I'm a User.. and my time is better spent doing what I want and like to do, rather then the hours it takes to learn to tweak Firefox and download and install all those plug ins....

Internet Explorer beat Netscape for a reason.. and it wasn't that it came installed on the O/S.. that's like saying that the Republicans and George Bush are the "cat's Meow" and NOT the real underlying reason that the USA economy is in total shambles. Remember... Firefox is just a renamed and rewritten Netscape.. Phenoix risen from the ashes..

IE is a User's Browser... and what they miss is picked up by Avant or Maxthon.... all of which come to you as complete packages.. no tweaking, plug-ins or add-ons necessary.. besides the obvious ones, like Java and Flash.

Google Chrome.... Cute.... But still not ready for prime time and serious browsing.

Opera.... Talk about user unfriendly... I can never get it like I want it.

I'll stick with IE or IE based Browsers, and will be happy about it, everytime I need to get the job done...

No fuss.... No Muss,


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IE8 is a must have for anyone working with the net. And so is Firefox.

And there are plenty of add ons for IE, too, have to install them just like in FF.

I'm not a regular IE user, btw, everytime I need to try it it's easier for me to click through all their interruptions like "Run activeX on this page", "Debug this page..." and so on. I stil havent' figured out how to turn the dam_n things off.

Also downloading stuff is a pain in the ass - you have to look out for magic toolbar appearing everytime I want to download something. By that time I'm on another page in another tab already, and when I switch back I have to check that magic toolbar, click a couple of times, then wait until it reloads the whole page again and finally gives me "Save as" dialog.

Still, developer tools in IE are a must, luckly on my own pages there are no active x or any of that annoying crap.

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Although i am perfectly happy with Firefox on my Linux home machine, at the office i am more and more using IE.... reason: On Windows XP Firefox (3.0.7 or something, latest version anyway) without any add-ons (!) takes a LOT longer to open and load pages than does IE 8.0!

Firefox, too, gets more and more bloated with each version.

Best regards....


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Then why does IE do it so much faster? And why does Firefox, when opening, at first think for some 10 seconds "should I or shouldn't I?" and while at it produce a 100% CPU load (on BOTH cores on that machine)? It does just the same on Linux for me, ever since some update some time ago it has become dog slow and more often than not (particular while Thunderbird is open at the same time!) simply stops responding..... i still like it though, on Linux that is, for the speed at which it opens pages (AdBlock, Forecastfox, DownloadHelper, FlashGot and PDF-Download add-ons installed) however the delay in opening the actual application is getting worse with each update.

And on Windows, as mentioned, IE opens pages a lot faster (and the Firefox there is much slower than mine here on Linux in terms of "loading pages").

Best regards.....


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Because most of the MSIE libraries are loaded when Windows start. That's what the EU has been fighting against for decades... Not a big problem for me. I don't start FF that often, only once when after rebooting, then it stays open.

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Ther are two versions of IE8 one for XP ( 6.15Mb ) and the other for Vista ( 13.5 Mb)

The XP version does not have the same facilities as the Vista version.

After installing it shows as IE7 not IE8 on an XP system.

Downloaded the XP version yesterday from the IE site.

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After installing it shows as IE7 not IE8 on an XP system.

Not sure what you mean...I run Win XPSP3 and downloaded the XP version and it shows as IE8 on my system.

I have XP with SP2 on a HP/Compac machine with OEM software. Could not instal SP3. This is most likely the problem.

No problem with the Vista instal.


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