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Woman Mauled To Death By 3 Pit Bull Terriers, 3 Wounded


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This is horrific news - worst still is in the UK such animals are now being used instead of knives on the street. "Ohh officer my dog just attacked". Dog put down, owner gets off Scott free. Walking in my home Hampstead London, a very peaceful place I watched one of these things on the end of a leash. It attempted to attack an innocuous person walking down the village high street - The owner said 'stop it’s not playtime yet'. A child would have stood no chance whatsoever and the owners of of such 'pets' know so, sick.

Aren't Pit Bull Terriers banned in the UK under the Dangerous Dog Act?

Yes these dogs are banned in the UK. Maybe the original poster has been out of the UK too long and talking about something he saw years ago.


Banning the pit bull in the UK seems to have made the "staffie" (Staffordshire Terrier) the breed of choice for the aspiring chav.

A couple of years back I was considering buying a property close to London's green belt where a brownfield site was being restored as parkland. As we walked away from one area under restoration we were astonished to meet over six people separately walking towards the cordoned off area with "staffies". I strongly suspected that there were arranged fights scheduled.

It's not the dog's fault they are living bling, but banning one breed just moves the problem down the chain.

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This is horrific news - worst still is in the UK such animals are now being used instead of knives on the street. "Ohh officer my dog just attacked". Dog put down, owner gets off Scott free. Walking in my home Hampstead London, a very peaceful place I watched one of these things on the end of a leash. It attempted to attack an innocuous person walking down the village high street - The owner said 'stop it's not playtime yet'. A child would have stood no chance whatsoever and the owners of of such 'pets' know so, sick.

Aren't Pit Bull Terriers banned in the UK under the Dangerous Dog Act?


PKRV is a little confused I think

" used as knives on the street" where is the newspaper source for that.

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I wish this were the case, but it seems from all the evidence that the Pitbull is a breed with a predestination for violence. To say that it is all about the way a dog is trained is untrue - why are some dogs harder to train than others ? Read any dog related training book and all will stress how the breed of a dog will determine its response to training. You simply cannot train a dog to go against it's instincts. Retrievers will always steal things and Pitbulls will always be aggressive. It's in their genes and it's nobody's fault other than the humans who bred them that way. I do agree that the problem is enhanced by the combination of aggressive dog and irresponsible owner, but with this breed even if you have done your best to train them (and let's face it nobody trains them to attack their own owners !) then you never know if it will be you or somebody else they go for. Couple this with the fear factor that some of us give off (and I think I probably do too around this breed ! ) and things are really out of control.

The findings of many specialists and dog lovers all over the world have come to the same conclusion and outright BANNED this breed because they defy the normal expectations of the canine world. This is not a step taken lightly and only done after exhaustive research.

So I must disagree in the strongest possible terms with Oilman- the behaviour is HIGHLY stereotypical of the breed. They were bred to be this way, that's why they do it, and that's the quality people who have them are looking for.

Two questions for you too:

If the breed is not the problem, then why is it ONLY Pitbull Terriers that are reported doing these horrible things ?

Would you leave your children alone in the company of a couple of "well trained" Pitbulls ?

Human beings are a breed, but some of us kill each other mindlessly too.

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

These dogs have been caged for a period of time, well any caged animal will beocome aggressive over time, they are obviously security dogs, that are used during the night periods so what do you expect.

I have these breeds of dogs along with english bull terriers they are great family dogs we have a couple here in phuket and I have had many back home in Australia, which brings me to another questions why does every other country in the world have big problems with these breeds and home is Aus we very rarely hear anything of this nature about attacks.

Anyhow its horrible what happened to the poor lady.

Thank you... Someone who knows what they are talking about.

Rather a silly reply, isn't it? If you read the posts you are clearly in the minority.

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Forget about the "Pit Bulls". All dogs are capable of killing people.

I ride a recumbent bike thousands of miles each year. On the bike I am close to the ground and I am something strange in the eyes of every dog. I am chased by dogs every single day. Now, I can tell which dogs are really dangerous and those who aren't . I carry a long flag and can use it as a whip. If I hit the ground with it or sometimes the dog and they quit chasing then the dogs have been trained to behave. But some dogs keep on chasing. Even after I get off the bike and chase them with rocks etc. they will come back at me when my back is turned. Some times the owners are standing there laughing about it.

The first week in May I take my last Rabies injection, and in Sept. I take my last Tetanus injection required for a pretty nasty bite I got on the back of my right hand. It cost me over 4000 baat at the local hospital. I know 3 other people here in northern Thailand who have been bitten. And I've only been here a few months.

Some people take resposibility for keeping their dogs civil. Others do not. And those people are criminals as far as I'm concerned. I see school kids who are afraid to walk home past certain houses because of the dogs. If a dog bites someone without provocation then the owner should be thrown in jail for 4 or 5 years. There is no excuse for allowing their dogs to harm anyone who is not on their property.

What on earth is it with dogs in this country anyway?. It seems that every house in the country has 3 or more dogs.

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why the heck is this in a farang forum? farangs involved now somehow?

What makes you think this is a farang forum. Thankfully it is a thai forum and has both thai and farang members. It is Thailand related not farang.

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....................... why does every other country in the world have big problems with these breeds and home is Aus we very rarely hear anything of this nature about attacks.

I would respectfully suggest that read an Australian newspaper once in a while :o or better still take a look at the ABC archives for the last year on maulings and deaths. :D

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Spot on with this comment.

Hi Newbie. Your first post? Welcome to Thaivisa.

Can you give a source for any evidence you have for your proposition that animals have no stereotyping. If you can give conclusive research for this you would be in great demand throughout the entire world in veterinary colleges lecturing experienced professionals on your new found knowledge.

I think not. read the majority of these posts

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What is stereotypical for the dog is that when it attacks it is deadly. What I mean by this is that their jaw structure and power along with the power in their bodies lead to a more dangerous situation than say a lab, same goes for rotties etc.

Deadly and frequency are two different statistics. It's like comparing honeybees and killer bees. Pitbulls are not dangerous because they are more likely to attack, but rather that when they do attack, it will be much worse than some other breeds.

Growing up i knew a lot of kids who got attacked by their family dogs, I myself was attacked by a golden retriever. Most of these bites are kept hush hush by the family so spot the family dog doesn't get put down. Where are pitbull attacks garner readership like airplane crashes.

It also seems that most are glancing over the part about them being guard dogs and locked up. We all know the most common way to make a guard dog. Why spend hours training it properly when you can poke it with sticks in a cage?

As I said before, not posting due to pro or anti views on the breed.

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why the heck is this in a farang forum? farangs involved now somehow?

1. Started by George who regularly posts items of interest. Obviously his judgment that it would be of interest was right --- look at the interest in this thread so far!.

2. It happened here in Thailand so is clearly relevant, and Thailand has a major problem with uncontrolled and dangerous dogs.

Thanks george for intoducing an important discussion point.

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:D to hear of lost of life in this manner RIP. This the a risk that anyone take when keeping pets of this nature, i.e., the lady that was attack by her pet monkey. Shame but I bet they knew or should have know the Risks involve :o
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Bit like keeping a lion as a pet id say, you never know when it will turn, seems to me the owners are the problem, usually redneck types that love to put fear into people and as they arent capable the dog has to,..i have a friend with 2 rotweilers, one has already attacked his girlfriend, we wont visit any more and he wonders why !, im not putting myself or myfamily at risk ,.we have a dog and i love animals, its people i have a problem with :o

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In New Zealand people are prosecuted and even sent to jail for dog attacks. They are solely responsible for their actions.


Here in Thailand I take people to hospital weekly with dog bites. I once tried to inform the local council and they were not interested. And obviously, as usual, the local police were not interested either. I have given up trying to get anything done by the authorities.

There are dogs all over BKK terrorizing people but nothing is ever done. Amazingly people call my group daily to catch harmless snakes(non-poisonous) and other animals, but never dogs! They seem to have a revered place in Thai society.

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Spot on with this comment.

Although you are perfectly correct with this comment, the fact remains that too many of these dogs fall into the hands of irresponsible owners.

Involved as I am with an animal charity we are also seeing many of these dogs abandoned in temples and elsewhere when presumably they failed to make the grade in the dog fight scene or their owners found themselves unable to control them, which is growing in popularity as a "sport" here. When this happens the dogs cause havoc.

It is also not unusual to see pit bulls and other large breeds confined in cages or tethered to short leads for their entire lives as deterrents to would be burglars. In such instances it is hardly surprising that the dog literally goes insane.

Thailand has banned the importation of pit bulls, but the indiscriminate breeding of them is not banned and it continues at an alarming rate.

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why the heck is this in a farang forum? farangs involved now somehow?

1. Started by George who regularly posts items of interest. Obviously his judgment that it would be of interest was right --- look at the interest in this thread so far!.

2. It happened here in Thailand so is clearly relevant, and Thailand has a major problem with uncontrolled and dangerous dogs.

Thanks george for intoducing an important discussion point.

And there are farang on this forum that have these dogs, good idea to publicse it id say,.
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You have to ask yourself a question. That question is, IS it worth it to take a chance on owning a dog that MAY be unpredictable and that is capable of killing a person? As for myself, I would never be willing to take the chance.

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After having owned a fair few breeds of dogs over the years (back home in Oz) I bought a Pit Bull, as after the bad publicity that surround the dog I was interested to try one for myself. The dog was kept on my farm with a number of other breeds & treated well, exactly the same as the others. I have never had a problem with a dog killing livestock or anything before.

Approximately the 18 month period after having no problems with the dog whatsoever it went on a killing spree one morning & killed 2 other dogs, a goat, a sheep & some chickens, all in a matter of minutes. As I approached the dog, calling it in it charged me, at which time I got into my cruiser & sat there as the dog went wild at the side of the vehicle. I ended its day with a 243 round to the head.

I never was there for the start of that killing spree, I have absolutely no idea what set the dog off & I nearly quite possible became one of its victims at the end. I don't need a dog like that, I can't see that anyone does, yes the breed has a bad reputation, a very bad reputation & its not hard to see why. The only good Pit Bull is a dead Pit Bull.

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So you googled pitbull and thats the best you could come up with........ My aunts had 4 pitbulls and has never had them turn on her.

You obviously know nothing about breeding and dog breeds. And, not only that but you have the gaul to call someone an idiot who believes otherwise.

So, your aunt has had 4 pitbulls that never attacked anyone... good for her. She's been lucky, but not smart. Her dogs not attacking anyone does NOT mean the breed is not dangerous. That is like saying a live cobra is not dangerous. Not all cobras bite humans... but some do.

Dogs have been bred for specific purposes for hundreds of years. You can't stop a hunting breed from hunting. It is in the nature for retrievers to swim and retrieve things. You can't keep a labrador out of the water. Pointers will point birds whether you like it or not. Terriers are scrappy little dogs that will kill rats and other rodents without being taught. It is in the nature of sheep dogs to herd animals. They will even herd a group of children if there is nothing else to herd. Cats do not have to be taught to kill birds and rodents. They just do it naturally. And, pitbulls naturally want to attack. Certainly there are many pitbulls that are docile, but as a breed they were taught to fight to the death and kill other animals. They can NEVER be trusted no matter how good the owner might be. As a guard dog they are a poor breed. There are far better breeds for that purpose. Guard dogs need to be smart. Pitbulls are dumb as a post and very dangerous.

There are many dog breeds that will bite someone... once, but very few will attack with the intention of killing whatever it is they attack. I've been bitten by many dogs, but it was only a pitbull that I had to strangle to death. It was attached to my leg and wouldn't let go. I still have the scars today. But, I'm still not afraid of dogs and I actually like most of them... just not pitbulls.

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

These dogs have been caged for a period of time, well any caged animal will beocome aggressive over time, they are obviously security dogs, that are used during the night periods so what do you expect.

I have these breeds of dogs along with english bull terriers they are great family dogs we have a couple here in phuket and I have had many back home in Australia, which brings me to another questions why does every other country in the world have big problems with these breeds and home is Aus we very rarely hear anything of this nature about attacks.

Anyhow its horrible what happened to the poor lady.

Yes, in Australia people very seldom hear of dog attacks against women and children, normally its Australian men who attack women and children and usually of that very dangerous Koorie breed.Australia has a very small population so you dont hear much of anything in Australia, and half the men are here in Thailand breeding dangerous dogs...one way or another. Give us a break....

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

These dogs have been caged for a period of time, well any caged animal will beocome aggressive over time, they are obviously security dogs, that are used during the night periods so what do you expect.

I have these breeds of dogs along with english bull terriers they are great family dogs we have a couple here in phuket and I have had many back home in Australia, which brings me to another questions why does every other country in the world have big problems with these breeds and home is Aus we very rarely hear anything of this nature about attacks.

Anyhow its horrible what happened to the poor lady.

It took me 5 seconds to find this and there have been many others.


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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

These dogs have been caged for a period of time, well any caged animal will beocome aggressive over time, they are obviously security dogs, that are used during the night periods so what do you expect.

I have these breeds of dogs along with english bull terriers they are great family dogs we have a couple here in phuket and I have had many back home in Australia, which brings me to another questions why does every other country in the world have big problems with these breeds and home is Aus we very rarely hear anything of this nature about attacks.

Anyhow its horrible what happened to the poor lady.

It took me 5 seconds to find this and there have been many others.


And this

<h3 class="blogdate">Friday, March 14, 2008</h3> <h2 class="blogtitle">Australia continues to feel the pain of pit bulls</h2> Staffy and Pit Mixes Maul Man Like a Pig

Australia - Three dogs severely mauled a Mareeba man "like he was a pig" yesterday morning. Rescuers say they would have killed him if no one was around to help. The man, believed to be 40, remains in Cairns Base Hospital after undergoing surgery to treat severe bite marks to his legs, arms and stomach.

The man was walking along Doyle St about 9.45am when the animals jumped a front yard fence and lunged at him. Connie and Steve Miller witnessed the savage mauling from their duplex across the road.

"They just wouldn’t let go," said Mrs. Miller. "They were chasing him like he was a pig."

The dogs dragged the man to the ground and bit him repeatedly. He lay curled in a ball but was helpless to fend them off. Mr. Miller grabbed a rake and ran out to fight off the dogs. The Millers quickly called triple 0 and then tore up a sheet to strap the man’s wounds.

"You should’ve seen all the blood coming out of him," she said. "He was just bleeding like a bullock. If we didn’t put the sheet on him, he would’ve bled to death."

Nearby resident Shianne Kynuna said the dogs that attacked the man had jumped the fence and menaced her children in the past. She said the dogs make a lot of people in the community very frightened to walk by the house.

Council by-laws give rangers the power to destroy dogs if they are declared dangerous. The two staffordshire-crosses and the pit bull-cross that attacked him are expected to be destroyed as early as today.

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Whist being saddened to hear of such an event I believe that a notice should be attached to these and similar dogs for sale: Pit Bulls have been bred from ancient English fighting dogs which were trained to fight other dogs to death and attack Bulls as they can turn dangerous due to inbreeding buy at your own risk!

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When I was a kid had to get the police in to deal with three that had gone nuts in my street and killed several other animals, including one of mine, which was left in a mangled pile of gore outside our front door. The dogs were well looked after and came from a household with small kids. Personally I think the breed has a nasty streak and occassionally flips out.

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So many people who post on here that dont know what they are talking about. Have you been in consistent contact with one of this breed to make a fair opinion?? probably not.

Alot like people who post on things about Thais and their Thai culture but cant read or even speak Thai and hold a conversation.

Do you even know how Thais treat their fuc_kin dogs??? Beleive it or not, there are lots of pitties in Thailand and this is the first case I heard of. It could even be a case of Rabies, rampid in Thailand and highly contagious.

But an opinion is like an asshol_e,, everyone has one.

Glad to see from your last line that you understand your own opinion.

It is unfortunate that a Thai family went through what this family went through. Your post appears to be making that statement that owning a pit bull is part of Thai culture. Considering that pit bulls did not originate in Thailand, and are in fact a relatively new breed, I don't see how it's part of the culture - unless you equate them with cock fighting.

Quote: "and this is the first case I heard of." How sad that you have heard so little. From August, 2008: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/asi...ce_for_training

See, there's another one.

Without references, you are just an anecdote. From the same website, 33 people were mauled to death by pit bulls in the United States, in which most states hold the owners accountable for second-degree murder.

Your argument sounds analagous to saying, "my uncle has been driving drunk for 20 years, and has never killed anyone, so drunk driving shouldn't be illegal."

I sincerely hope you never have to go through what this family has.

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Saturday 28 March a 6 year old girl was killed in France (Chalons-en-Champagne near Reims) by two German shepard dogs.

The girl apparently went into the dogs kennel.

So it's not only pit bull terriers, all dogs are potentially dangerous for children and adults alike.

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I am very sad for the loss that this family suffered. It was entirely preventable.

I own pitbulls in Thailand and have for many years. The dogs are ALWAYS either chained up or on leash or sleep on my bed, even though I live on fenced property with barbed wire - not to keep people out, but to keep the dogs in. I use them as guard dogs and they are very effective (although there are better). They have undergone months of professional training, but I still would not trust my boys for one second. Ever.

They are dangerous dogs and can be very unpredictable. They are also very smart, escape artists and can be extremely aggressive towards other dogs.

But who decided these dogs that attacked were pitbulls? I'm not saying they weren't, but all too often the term "pitbull" is used because it's convenient. Very few so called "pitbulls" in Thailand would be consider pitbulls elsewhere. They are often interbred with other dogs on the street, or just mongrels.

Pitbulls were bred to fight in the pit - hence the name. In the pit when they fight are 2 handlers. Pitbulls were not bred to attack people and a well bred pitbull is good with people, but very bad with other dogs - especially other male dogs. Any pitbull that shows aggression to people, or has been trained that way, I'm sorry to say, should be put down immediately. Thuglife is almost 100% responsible for promoting the tough, aggressive pitbull as a status symbol - kind of the same way a revolver stuck in a waistband.

My observation in Thailand is that pitbulls are not given the respect that they deserve. The can be bought at Chatuchuk market where they are beautiful puppies. Somchai buys one and its great for 6 months, plays with the kids and other dogs, is never fenced. One day it will reach a point where he wants to be the alpha male - and he will snap - and Somchai will laugh as his dog is the toughest in the soi, and its all the dogs fault when it bites the face of his 3 year old daughter.

Pitbulls need very strict regulation, as do all dangerous breeds. Just like a gun, pitbulls should be licensed and Owner and his house checked for suitability and the dogs need to be trained.

I can understand the outrage of people who continually see the results of "pitbull" attacks. Supporters of pitbulls keep spouting the same lines of "its the owners fault" or "all dogs can be dangerous". Fact is, pitbulls are potentially very, very dangerous dogs and should be strictly regulated and Owners held responsible for the dogs behavior.

This will be my last pitbulls. They are a stressful dog to own and while my boys are great dogs with me and have never once showed any signs of aggression to me or my family, I can't say it enough, these dogs can never be trusted for even a moment.

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Wondering aloud at this terrible tragedy.

I believe that no dog, not even a Pit Bull, would attack or still less kill its owner unless it had been mistreated.

These three dogs appear to have been caged and kept as guard dogs and my guess is that they were caged all day while customers were coming in and out and only let out at night (sorry for the speculation). Caging a dog for long periods is in itself mistreatment. I wonder what else the owners might have done to them?

If you keep a fighting dog for guard purposes it is like owning a gun. If you mistreat that dog it is like having a loaded gun. But the owner was probably not trained to use it and isn't required to hold a licence either.

The owner also kept a loaded gun in his house (which he used to shoot two of the dogs). Wonder if he was trained to use that and had a licence too?

I wonder if the owner who lost his wife will now be arrested for murder?

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i have also seen a young girl attacked by a pit bull. depsite what their loving owners might say these animals are not pets.. they are savage dogs bred for violence. for want of better words, please put these fuc_kers down.

couldnt agree more ,if you want a pit bull keep it away from everybody except yourself ,then when it attacks you ,you have only yourself to blame

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