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Woman Mauled To Death By 3 Pit Bull Terriers, 3 Wounded


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You should never lock dangerous dogs up in a cage like this. And it's so hot right now and Thai people never give enough water to animals, and often the water bowl is knocked over by the dogs. These dogs were probably suffering from all kinds of things, number One, suffering from acute dehydrated delirium where the dog simply won't know who it's owners are or what they're doing.

A pit bull needs to be kept in the house, close to its owners for as much of the time as possible, and got rid of as soon as there's babies or young children in the house. A pit bull will think the baby is nothing more than a dumb rabbit.

If you have dangerous dogs know how to take care of them. Even as guard dogs, they're a danger. What if the post man came, or a supplier? These dogs may have killed before, and the owners hidden the body somewhere. To have three of them is outlandish. I can't understand folks like this. Sorry.

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

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Greenside, the reason I got pitbulls evolved from having Bull Terriers - both of who died as the result of Cobra bites. Then, while searching for a reputable Bull Terrier breeded in Thailand(I didn't know Khun Or at that stage), I met a pitbull breeder and trainer and liked his dogs. I got my first female pitbull from his next litter and she was the ideal dog.

The trainer called me one day and asked if I wanted a 2-year, fully trained male. I didn't, but I went to see him anyway and ended up taking him home as he was likely going to be put down if no-one adopted him. He is a great dog, but snores too much and hogs the pillow. He's a big boy at about 90lbs.

Pitbulls are not a good choice of dog for anyone. They are simply too dangerous and unpredicatble. You can not relax for a second when people are around the dogs and having seen what my dog has done to other dogs that came too close, I know that if my boy got hold of anyone, there is probably little I could do, short of killing my dog, which I would do in a heartbeat if he attacked someone. Who wants to live like that? And who wants to see a dog locked up in a small cage all day?

BTW, pitbulls do not "lock" their jaws. Common misconception as they are just so strong, you cant pry their jaws open.

But I will take care of my dogs until they die of old age. I owe them that much as they have truly been exceptional dogs and give me a lot of affection and loyalty.

My next dogs will be Bull Terriers again. They were wonderful dogs. Not the sharpest of dogs, but a joy to have around. Safe, strong, reliable and sound.

But never, ever leave children unattended with Bull Terriers. The outcome could be disastrous.

You seem like a very caring and responsible dog owner. I envy you for the amount of time and heart you put into you dogs. I like you attitude towards these breeds, and wish everyone would be as strict as you are when it comes to handling them. As I said before, I think it is not a "pet"... I am unfortunately not able to care for a dog at the present time, because I can't dedicate enough time for one... got a cat instead who give me the honor of petting it occasionally, hehe.

I have a child and do want to have a dog eventually, as I grew up with one, and he was a great buddy. Only time I ever remember him getting angry was when my dad was yelling at me, he got in between and growled at him, haha. He was the most caring dog I have ever seen, we had some ducks he used to hang out with...

Anyways, I was just looking around for some infos about children and dogs, and stumbled accross this, so I'd like to add it to your warning about children and dogs.

How to Avoid Dog Bites in Children

According to a 1994 study by Mathews and Lattal approximately one million dog bites occur every year in the United States – according to the study 60-70% of those involve children, boys are bitten more often than girls and a third of the dogs that attack children are owned by the family.

A study by Beck done in 1975 indicated that 87% of biting dogs are intact males and most dogs bites occur in or near the victims home. Another study by Sacks in 1989 indicated that 70% of the children that were killed by dogs were under the age of 10 and 22 % were under the age of one year with 7% being sleeping infants.

Advice for PARENTS to TEACH YOUR CHILD Concerning Dogs

1. NEVER disturb any dog who is sleeping, eating, or caring for puppies.

2. NEVER pet a dog, even your own, without letting him see and sniff you first.

3. Children must always ASK PERMISSION from the owner and their parents BEFORE petting any dog. I never allowed my children near strange dogs much less pet them.

4. If the owner cannot control the dog and have it SIT nicely for the child to pet, WALK AWAY.

5. NEVER approach a dog who is confined behind a fence, within a car, or on a chain.

6. NEVER TEASE any dog by poking at them through fences or car windows or reaching your arm through to pet them.

7. NEVER approach a strange dog you don't know or a dog who is not with his owner.

8. NEVER RUN away from a dog that is chasing you. STOP, STAND STILL, REMAIN CALM, ARMS AT YOUR SIDES, be quiet and DO NOT SCREAM. Walk away SLOWLY FACING THE DOG BUT NOT STARING AT its eyes.

9. If a dog attacks, "feed" him your jacket, a school book, a bicycle, or anything else that you can get between you and the dog.


11. Do not chase after dogs.

12. Do not scream and be loud around dog.

13. Children should not stare into the eyes of a dog.

14. If a dog starts to circle you - turn with it, don't let it get behind you.

15. If the dog shows aggressive behavior (I.e. barking or growling) put something between you and the dog - like a a chair.

16. Just because a dog wags its tail does not mean its friendly.

17. Always ask the owner of a dog if it is OK to pet their dog.

18. If you are in the area of a stray dog - leave that area.

19. If a dog approaches you remain calm and motionless. Keep your hands at your side. Speak with a soothing voice.

20. If a dog is injured do not touch or try and help it. Go get an adult.

full article here: http://leerburg.com/kidbites.htm

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How long before some Numpty starts quoting attacks from poodles like all the other pitbull threads.....

Pit bulls are unpredictable strong dogs, they require a lot of care exercise and stimulation I hate to see local pitbull owners that have them chained or locked in doors most of the day.

They then wonder why they go berserk when they get loose .

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I have had Pitbulls and found them to not only one of the most tenacious breed of dogs but also intelligent . I lived in Miami ,where they basically outlawed the breed. They made a law that a Pitbull owner needed to carry $50,000 worth of liability insurance. The hitch was nobody would sell you the insurance! The aftermath was much worse. People who were the type of people who used their animal as a weapon or for illegal fighting went out and bought Rottweilers. Here's a breed w/20 to 50 lbs. on a Pitbull w/out the intelligence!

I can only speak for the dogs that I have owned and they were all trained well, oth obedience and attack' They would also do stupid pet tricks to. When people would see how well trained my animals they would say.."I wish I could teach my dog to do that but he's so stupid!" My answer was always... "A dog is only as stupid as it's owner!" And they are only as aggressive as their owners make them!

Some one mentioned Poodles and also I would like to say Chihuahuas are some of the most aggressive dogs I've ever been around. No you might say their not as large or as strong as a Pitbull,same point I'm making w/Rottweilers. Weather it dogs , cats(some people keep dangerous large cats the should be in the wild) poisonous snakes, Parana fish.... the list goes on, but these people need to be responsible owners. It takes time and patience to train and care for an animal, and if it can't be trained, and they want to keep it, it should be loocked up away from people it could hurt.

In the 1950's-'60 it was the German Sheppard that became popular and over breeding caused not only physical defects (bad hips, cataracts,heart problems) in the animal, also ownership by people without the ability to handle them properly. People were saying..."don't trust a German Sheppard they'll turn on you!." In '70,s-80's it was Dobermens. And from the '80's it has been the Pittbull. In the future you can count on other breeds over breed and under trained because of it popularity and peoples stupidity!

People can raise bad kids too!

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You should never lock dangerous dogs up in a cage like this. And it's so hot right now and Thai people never give enough water to animals, and often the water bowl is knocked over by the dogs. These dogs were probably suffering from all kinds of things, number One, suffering from acute dehydrated delirium where the dog simply won't know who it's owners are or what they're doing.

A pit bull needs to be kept in the house, close to its owners for as much of the time as possible, and got rid of as soon as there's babies or young children in the house. A pit bull will think the baby is nothing more than a dumb rabbit.

If you have dangerous dogs know how to take care of them. Even as guard dogs, they're a danger. What if the post man came, or a supplier? These dogs may have killed before, and the owners hidden the body somewhere. To have three of them is outlandish. I can't understand folks like this. Sorry.

Man, this topic is really getting to me, I apologize for ranting along...

My next door neighbors have a bull terrier in a tiny cage, it's about 1/2 of a cubic meter... sometimes they are gone all day and the dog is exposed to direct sunlight for hours (they forget to cover the cage). It makes my heart brake to see him there with the water bowl knocked over gasping for air. They put a fan next to it, but that doesn't really help much. It's friendly to me, so there has been several times where I jumped the fence gave it some water and put something up to give him some shade. My neighbors are college kids, they don't understand what this dog is going through, but at least they appreciate when I help it and don't get mad about it (lose face, whatever..). Is this treatment legal in Thailand, is there someone I can call to see what this dog is going through so they take it away from them?

Edited by jbhh
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How long before some Numpty starts quoting attacks from poodles like all the other pitbull threads.....

Pit bulls are unpredictable strong dogs, they require a lot of care exercise and stimulation I hate to see local pitbull owners that have them chained or locked in doors most of the day.

They then wonder why they go berserk when they get loose .

lol... just go to page 5 :D:o

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I would completley ban these and similar aggresive dogs from ever walking the streets of the UK and probabley around the world.I can see no point of owners pulling back on the leads when you can see the dogs want to go for your throat.It may be a coincidence but usually the dogs look like the owners.there also aggresive.

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I have read too many news accounts of pit bulls mauling or killing children, women and the elderly. While other breeds may bite ...this is this only one that I continuously read about killing people. Pit bulls should be shot on site and their owners heavily fined and jailed for threatening others by keeping the killers. These aren't dogs ....they are the devil incarnate with the appearance of a dog to fool their future victims. No more crap about they need to be properly trained and kept...just put them down and get a real dog.

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Are you kidding? this is Thailand, and any and all nuisances are tolerated to the tenth degree.

Well, you tolerate it don't you ?

I'd just move. :o

No i think he has a point, look at all the katoeys, horrid ,weird farang /noise/ they put up with and all with a smile !,. :D ......no hes right,they will tolerate pretty well anything, going home wont help,.
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So many people who post on here that dont know what they are talking about. Have you been in consistent contact with one of this breed to make a fair opinion?? probably not.

Alot like people who post on things about Thais and their Thai culture but cant read or even speak Thai and hold a conversation.

Do you even know how Thais treat their fuc_kin dogs??? Beleive it or not, there are lots of pitties in Thailand and this is the first case I heard of. It could even be a case of Rabies, rampid in Thailand and highly contagious.

But an opinion is like an asshol_e,, everyone has one.


I agree. No one understands the first thing about the psycology of dogs here. I've grown up with pitties all my life and as long as they're treated with love and respect, they'll never hurt you.

Here's a thought for all of you geniuses:

Why don't we just have people out lawed as well, that way we don't have to constantly hear about how they maul people all the time.

Love, peace, and kindeness breeds good dogs AND people.

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I have read too many news accounts of pit bulls mauling or killing children, women and the elderly. While other breeds may bite ...this is this only one that I continuously read about killing people. Pit bulls should be shot on site and their owners heavily fined and jailed for threatening others by keeping the killers. These aren't dogs ....they are the devil incarnate with the appearance of a dog to fool their future victims. No more crap about they need to be properly trained and kept...just put them down and get a real dog.

could not agree more.

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Thailand is a model country in its attitude to dogs.

Dogs in Thailand are left to find their own space and when they do they are not a problem.

Pit Bulls, are bred to kill, but a well treated bull can be as soft as a kitten.

All dogs, however, can turn nasty, but most don't have the ability to cause the big big damage a bull can inflict and will back-off eventually.

However, a pit bull will not back-off once the red mist descends and it has the equipment and strength to kill.

Moreover, it will maintain the attack until it does so. The mind boggles at the damage 3 pit bulls can inflict.

A pit bull runs loose near where I live and if unprovoked is very friendly with PEOPLE.

His attitude to other dogs is a different matter and most of the neighbourhood dogs carry the scars of indiscretion, especially when it has involved competiton for females in heat.

He has and will despatch cats, in an instant, with total indifference.

It can only be imagined what his temperment would be if he were locked in a cage all day long.

People who lock dogs in cages are asking for trouble and it should not be allowed by law. Its cruel to the animal, eventually drives them crazy and consequently creates mortal danger for the owners, their families and everybody in the neighbourhood.

There are several pit bulls tied-up 24 hours a day, in the blazing heat, near where I live and in my opinion, are a ticking time bomb.

If a dog misbehaves, look to the owner.

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You should never lock dangerous dogs up in a cage like this. And it's so hot right now and Thai people never give enough water to animals, and often the water bowl is knocked over by the dogs. These dogs were probably suffering from all kinds of things, number One, suffering from acute dehydrated delirium where the dog simply won't know who it's owners are or what they're doing.

A pit bull needs to be kept in the house, close to its owners for as much of the time as possible, and got rid of as soon as there's babies or young children in the house. A pit bull will think the baby is nothing more than a dumb rabbit.

If you have dangerous dogs know how to take care of them. Even as guard dogs, they're a danger. What if the post man came, or a supplier? These dogs may have killed before, and the owners hidden the body somewhere. To have three of them is outlandish. I can't understand folks like this. Sorry.

Man, this topic is really getting to me, I apologize for ranting along...

My next door neighbors have a bull terrier in a tiny cage, it's about 1/2 of a cubic meter... sometimes they are gone all day and the dog is exposed to direct sunlight for hours (they forget to cover the cage). It makes my heart brake to see him there with the water bowl knocked over gasping for air. They put a fan next to it, but that doesn't really help much. It's friendly to me, so there has been several times where I jumped the fence gave it some water and put something up to give him some shade. My neighbors are college kids, they don't understand what this dog is going through, but at least they appreciate when I help it and don't get mad about it (lose face, whatever..). Is this treatment legal in Thailand, is there someone I can call to see what this dog is going through so they take it away from them?

Slighly off topic, i live on a small estate, all but one of the houses have at least one dog, to walk out of the estate is deafening,,and very uncomfortable, most are farang owned and i have NEVER seen one of the owners walking any of these dogs,.its quite pathetic,one in particular lunges at anyone walking by.and i have sworn that if it bites any of the kids ill personally serve it a last supper,.yes yes i know its the owners, but as i cant really poison him, so it will have to be the next best,.( he has been asked many times to keep the dog under control and it is ignored,..
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So many people who post on here that dont know what they are talking about. Have you been in consistent contact with one of this breed to make a fair opinion?? probably not.

Alot like people who post on things about Thais and their Thai culture but cant read or even speak Thai and hold a conversation.

Do you even know how Thais treat their fuc_kin dogs??? Beleive it or not, there are lots of pitties in Thailand and this is the first case I heard of. It could even be a case of Rabies, rampid in Thailand and highly contagious.

But an opinion is like an asshol_e,, everyone has one.

I agree. No one understands the first thing about the psycology of dogs here. I've grown up with pitties all my life and as long as they're treated with love and respect, they'll never hurt you.

Here's a thought for all of you geniuses:

Why don't we just have people out lawed as well, that way we don't have to constantly hear about how they maul people all the time.

Love, peace, and kindeness breeds good dogs AND people.

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Here's a thought for all of you geniuses:

Why don't we just have people out lawed as well, that way we don't have to constantly hear about how they maul people all the time.

Love, peace, and kindeness breeds good dogs AND people.

Is n't that what society does,locks up aggressive,violent people when they commit murder and brutality towards others? does love and kindness towards violent people change them?Pit bulls are aggressive by nature and are made more so by their owners.if people wanted a dog as a nice pet would they choose a pitball..................i dont think so.

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you are absolutely 100% correct... there are no such dogs, that are bred to kill or maim, they are taught those skills from humans...

Some dogs are easier to train for these activities, just as there are some dogs who are better adapted to hunting, herding, etc. But bred for killing, gimme a break...This is a human trait. Even wild wolves won't bother a human under most circumstances.. Dogs are almost always loyal to their owners and family unless trained other wise. which seems to be the case here..

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My next door neighbors have a bull terrier in a tiny cage, it's about 1/2 of a cubic meter... sometimes they are gone all day and the dog is exposed to direct sunlight for hours (they forget to cover the cage). It makes my heart brake to see him there with the water bowl knocked over gasping for air. They put a fan next to it, but that doesn't really help much. It's friendly to me, so there has been several times where I jumped the fence gave it some water and put something up to give him some shade. My neighbors are college kids, they don't understand what this dog is going through, but at least they appreciate when I help it and don't get mad about it (lose face, whatever..). Is this treatment legal in Thailand, is there someone I can call to see what this dog is going through so they take it away from them?

You are doing a great service to that poor animal jbhh. Unfortunately this scenario (locked up all day in a small cage without attention) is prevalent. You can talk politely with the owners and teach them about how to take better care of their dog - college kids might respond to that - but otherwise there's nobody you can call to stop the mistreatment. Even if a dog causes a disturbance (constant barking) and you complain to the police, they are unlikely to take any action beyond talking with the owners (if you are lucky even at that).

For anybody who loves dogs it is heartbreaking to see. The breed you mention, Bull Terrier, in particular craves human affection and company and can get desperately depressed when left alone for more than a few hours. As an EBT breeder, your story really touches my heart too.

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I agree that streets and public areas are no place for pit bulls. In fact, even though I own a pitbull, I can't see any reason to own one now.

But those suggesting eradicating pitbulls. Now that's just silly talk.

What I do find particularly disturbing about many of these people calling for bans and culling of pitbulls are the same people advocating and recommending that farangs in Thailand keep a gun in the home - even suggesting which gun has more "stopping power" and what ammunition to use to inflict more damage on a person.


I would much rather sleep with a pitbull and the end of my bed that a shotgun by my side. hel_l, I'd feel safer with a Jack Russell on my pillow that a Glock under it.

Drunk Somchai with a pitbull, or drunk Somchai with a gun?....hmmm. Tough call.

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Thailand is a model country in its attitude to dogs.

Dogs in Thailand are left to find their own space and when they do they are not a problem.

Pit Bulls, are bred to kill, but a well treated bull can be as soft as a kitten.

All dogs, however, can turn nasty, but most don't have the ability to cause the big big damage a bull can inflict and will back-off eventually.

However, a pit bull will not back-off once the red mist descends and it has the equipment and strength to kill.

Moreover, it will maintain the attack until it does so. The mind boggles at the damage 3 pit bulls can inflict.

A pit bull runs loose near where I live and if unprovoked is very friendly with PEOPLE.

His attitude to other dogs is a different matter and most of the neighbourhood dogs carry the scars of indiscretion, especially when it has involved competiton for females in heat.

He has and will despatch cats, in an instant, with total indifference.

It can only be imagined what his temperment would be if he were locked in a cage all day long.

People who lock dogs in cages are asking for trouble and it should not be allowed by law. Its cruel to the animal, eventually drives them crazy and consequently creates mortal danger for the owners, their families and everybody in the neighbourhood.

There are several pit bulls tied-up 24 hours a day, in the blazing heat, near where I live and in my opinion, are a ticking time bomb.

If a dog misbehaves, look to the owner.

:o You are joking aren't you?

Thailand's attitude towards dogs is disgusting. Obviously you haven't seen what these dogs that

are "left to find their own space and who aren't a problem" first hand are capable of.

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This is horrific news - worst still is in the UK such animals are now being used instead of knives on the street. "Ohh officer my dog just attacked". Dog put down, owner gets off Scott free. Walking in my home Hampstead London, a very peaceful place I watched one of these things on the end of a leash. It attempted to attack an innocuous person walking down the village high street - The owner said 'stop it's not playtime yet'. A child would have stood no chance whatsoever and the owners of of such 'pets' know so, sick.

Aren't Pit Bull Terriers banned in the UK under the Dangerous Dog Act?

Yes these dogs are banned in the UK. Maybe the original poster has been out of the UK too long and talking about something he saw years ago.


"Pitbull" has become something of a generic term - describing almost any of the bull terrier breed.

More recently, some bad people of (inderminate legitimacy) have cross-bred different breeds of bull terrier in order to focus on strength and aggresive temperament, thereafter making wads of cash from dog-fighting events.

The "pitbull" breed is, indeed, banned in the UK (but it's very difficult to prove a particular dog is an actual "pitbull" as most are crossed Staffordshire Bull Terriers and A.N.Other breed).

Pure-bred bull terriers (such as the Staffie) are not banned (and neither should they be) as the vast majority are gentle, loyal and adoring of kids.

Many people spying a Staffordshire Bull Terrier will automatically (and understandably, perhaps) label it a "pitbull".

Problem is, they are SO fkn STRONG and if one DOES get spooked or take umbrage with you, you're in trouble - kids &/or the elderly/frail especially, for obvious reasons.

Having been brought up with dogs of various breeds (including Alsatians, Border Collies, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Jack Russels and Heinz 57's) I've formed a reasonable, first-hand experience, opinion of their various temperaments. The most reliably aggressive of them all is (IMO) the Jack Russel - but they are also the smallest - although strong - and so can't quite do as much damage in so short a time as one of the bigger fellas. The most gentle is (IMO) the Staffie - yet the most feared (and fearsome when push comes to shove).

Since "pitbulls" became a banned breed in the UK, dog attacks have not decreased (neither has gun crime, since legal gun ownership was banned - SURbloodyPRISE).

Guns don't kill people.

People kill people.

Bad dogs aren't born.

Bad dogs are made.

I must confess that I, too, tend to give any unknown Bull Terrier a wide berth.

But that's because I know that a high percentage of the owners of such are complete knob-heads and the dog cannot be trusted as a consequence of its likely inappropriate upbringing.

If only we could ban unsuitable ownership of them.

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37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

-- The Nation 2009-04-05

This is all very sad but WHERE DID IT HAPPEN

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That is shocking news. RIP to the poor woman

Stereotypical for the breed.

Absolute PoppyCock your post should of said

Stereotypical for the owner

its not the dog but the owner that is at fault these are powerful dogs and most owners have NO IDEA how to handle dogs such as these normally its a macho reason for owning them with no idea what it takes to own one of these dogs

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Will these fools never learn. Pit bulls were bred to kill. Sure some can be nice but even the nice ones can have a bad hair day and severely injure or kill. The breed should be outlawed and those who own them should be required to carry LOTS of insurance and be held personally responsible. Ironic that it was the owner who was attacked. A good pit bull is a dead pit bull.


If you have NO IDEA what you are talking about you need to say nothing your post shows you have no idea about dogs

Bred to kill what poppycock

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