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I Committed The Cardinal Sin


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Thai people eat all day everyday but small amounts so there system burns it off easily, thats why my wife does not have an ounce of fat on her and believe me she can eat like the best of them. :o

I've never seen them do anything that would burn off food. It's more likely that the stuff they eat - grilled fish, boiled weeds and pot noodles - is so low in nutrition that they have to spend twelve hours eating and twelve hours digesting every day just to survive.

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boiled weeds


Yes,, when at National Park down Hat Yai way, 7 waterfalls or something ,, twice when driving back home,, the girls would bang the roof of the Pickup Truck and before i could even stop , there all jumping out the back and diving in to Ponds to gather some tuberous plant ,, when ask what there doing , give me that " Stupid Falang Look " then say " Make soup to eat when get home " :D

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many of them "act" like this!

the are conditioned that way, a meal means gathering together, sharing,

having "sanook".. if a medical condition isn't the base and I think in 99%

of these cases it isn't, otherwise Thailand would be in big trouble.

Some get out of control, if they are deprived of the feeding session.

They are conditioned like Pavlov's dog - at least many - sorry!

Anyone, at least any adult, except medical conditions, can handle to drop a meal or 2 and

wait till it's convenient, specially whilst traveling.

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I think, if eating was made an Olympic sport, Thailand would lead the medal tables by a country mile, lol !!!! :o


Indeed. They would also take the gold for sleeping and would give the American Indians a run for their money for drinking. lol

Firstly, most Thais, like their Asian cousins everywhere, like to graze. I am led to believe that this is a healthier way to eat, rather than the 3 full(excessive?) meals a day. Secondly, most people get a little cranky when their routine relalting to meals get disturbed...although you can be sensible about it by planning ahead like where is next eating stall instead of getting cranky at everyone else.

And allow me to counter: if eating was an Olympic sport, perhaps the Americans and Europeans will take gold, silver and bronze. Most farangs in Pattaya are overweight or obese compared to the Thais. So, who is overeating?

As for sleeping, if you grow up in the tropics you learn the most sensible way to deal with the heat is to have your kip or nap.."chai yen yen". Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun and proceed to have a farang fit over everything and a box up with Thais for being Thais.

As for drinking, I do not think Thais drink anymore than the farangs...in fact the Thais in Pattaya think a lot of farangs are drunkards: who can blame them when you see farangs staggering around at 12 noon. It's all a matter of perception.

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Thai people eat all day everyday but small amounts so there system burns it off easily, thats why my wife does not have an ounce of fat on her and believe me she can eat like the best of them. :o

I've never seen them do anything that would burn off food. It's more likely that the stuff they eat - grilled fish, boiled weeds and pot noodles - is so low in nutrition that they have to spend twelve hours eating and twelve hours digesting every day just to survive.

I think Spalpeen hit the nail on the head. Lots of the food looks interesting, but part of me has always thought that it was low in calories and nutritional value. Hence the ability to eat all day long and stay slender. My gut (and it is a big gut :D ) feeling is that if many of the locals were put on a balanced diet of about 2,000kcal per day, or whatever the recommended daily intake is... they would balloon.


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Went to a party in Surin last week. My girlfriend knew days in advance i planned to leave early. On the morning she's running late, so there was no time for breakfast. We had planned to stop at a restaurant after the National Park in the mountains approximately half there. It is a 6 hour drive depending on your speed. Unfortunately i overshot the restaurant and had traffic behind me. I explained to her never mind we will crack on and eat in Surin when we get there. I got a grunt back.

Less there an hour later girlfriend's mood deteriorates really quickly, and making sounds like a seal being clubbed to death because she hadn't eaten for a few hours. Eventually she insisted on stopping at 7-11 for a snack. Are all thai girls like this ? where is their backbone ??

How unfeeling of you............. the Thai Girls/Ladies relish their food, (it's number 1 most important pursuit) from buying, to cooking and eating. Mine has nearly eaten me out of house and home, I got around this gastronomic destruction by taking her on that other pursuit (number2) shopping.

The expression ''hel_l hath no fury, like a woman scorned'', should read in Thailand ''hel_l hath no fury, like a woman starving''. As to 'where is their backbone', I must say life is so cheap here, I hope we hear from you again........................ :o

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I remember coming back from Bulilum once on the bike....... tankin' along and I feel a rapid "taptaptaptaptapping" on my crash helmet..........

.......the wench has only got her hard boiled egg out and merrily cracking the shell on my bonce and eating it at 160 on a GPZ1000RX!!

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I remember coming back from Bulilum once on the bike....... tankin' along and I feel a rapid "taptaptaptaptapping" on my crash helmet..........

.......the wench has only got her hard boiled egg out and merrily cracking the shell on my bonce and eating it at 160 on a GPZ1000RX!!

Thats got to be hard to beat,,, And just to enlarge on my post , the reason i was driving the Pickup was that the driver had spent all the Fuel money on Whisky.. and we could not even get him to Stand up .. so he was dumped in the Back .. :o

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Great topic, and I love the OP.

I was in a 5 car convoy going to Laos in 1995, It was an easy drive, we were gonna stop at a village outside of Khon Kaen where two of the wifes were born, so easy peasy, 3-4 hours leasurely drive stop for the night and then on to the friendship bridge bright and early.................................. we made it to the back of Mabrachan puddle and had to stop because the Kuay Teaw was very good there, 1.5 hours later, off the road again for a quick fix-it. 30 mins before KK another stop for a feed, Ok mai mee pen ha, next day set off bright and early............after a big feed in the village, and stop ( I Timed it) every one hour and 42 minutes. All the bloody way to Nong Khai, So when we get there too late to cross the bridge and have to find accomodation, so next day.......after a big morning plate of whatever... get the picture, nothing wrong with it, thais eat sensibly, small meals whenever they are hungry, just dont plan an outing without remembering the golden rule, the only person angrier than your girlfriend when she finds you chatting up another girl..... is your girlfriend when you dont stop for food.



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I get grumpy when hungry too and I'm glad I wasn't on that trip with the OP. As soon as I get something to eat everything is OK again. Must have been torture for his gf. If I were her I would have been thinking, "gee, what a selfish control freak!".

What a load of cr@p!!!

She didn't plan ahead and he is the control freak?

He said he was going to stop for lunch but missed the turn off, perhaps she didn't give him enough warning of where to turn so he missed it and with too much traffic he couldn't U turn.

I blame her, the poor bloke is just trying to drive to a destination and he has some miserable woman next to him giving bad directions...and whinging that she can't feed after she stuffed up.

Just being the devils advocate :o

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It is a typical lack of understanding between Thais and falongs. Hopefully you learn your partners habits and take precautions for future events that might turn into problems. The list is a long one. If you can't adapt then the relationship is bound to fail. Some of the answers here have been funny and others were unrealistic.

I live by an old saying... Lack of preparation on your behalf does not create an emergency on mine. The alternative to that is... Lack of preparation on my behalf should not create an emergency for you.

If I know previously that someone is always late, then I make plans to deal with it. If I know someone is a constant eater then I will always have something on hand for them. I can go all day without drinking. Some folks need a water bottle constantly. I'm occasionally hypoglycemic, so I make sure I have something to eat before doing anything strenuous. It all comes down to forethought... which a lot of Thais do not understand. They only react to an immediate action. You must understand that and not get upset. Just compensate for their failings.

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